Listing ID#: 767367

Sale Location
676 W. Broadway Hwy.
Charlotte, MI 48813
Sale Dates and Times
Friday Mar 28, 10:00 am
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Stanton's Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Bleisch
Phone: 5172310868
Email: ID#: 6678
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of sale are cash or personal check with proper identification.

MasterCard and Visa are accepted with a 3% handling fee.

Not responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

10% buyer’s premium on all items sold at this sale.
Listing Information
Don & Donna Tirrell Estate Auction, Friday, March 28th at 10:00 am
An excellent complete estate auction including tractors, machinery, vehicles, home furnishings, tools, and antiques. Included is a Deutz DX110 Tractor with 4986 hours, S/N 76201315 and a Kubota M7040 MFWD Tractor with LA1153 Loader, S/N 85341; Farmall Super M tractor, 2011 Legend 12' Dump Trailer #1L9610DT1B1317644; 2009 Dodge Ram pickup, 2014 Chrysler van, Kawasaki 4 wheel drive Mule, Excellent Laredo Keystone 5th wheel trailer, Bad Boy Elite zero-turn mower w/60" mower deck, rototiller, lawn and garden, leaf collection system, excellent home furnishings, glass, a large group of oil & miniature oil lamps and parts, Wooden floor model churn, Farmall items and toys, antiques, excellent oak kitchen cupboard and dry sink, Spinet piano, living, Dining and Bedroom furniture, shop tools, welders, fuel tanks and gas boy pumps, hand tools, and more. Everything has been well cared for and ready to use. 300 pictures posted February 27th.
10% buyer's premium will be charged on all items sold.
676 W. Broadway Hwy., 2 Miles South of Charlotte or 1/2 Mile North of I-69 on Cochran to Broadway, then 1/2 Mile West, Charlotte, Michigan 48813
Stanton's will also be selling this excellent 226 acre farm and home:
Real Estate Auction, Don & Donna Tirrell, Friday Afternoon, March 28th at 4:00 PM
Selling this excellent 226-acre +/- agricultural farm with level tillable land, woods and frontage on the Battle Creek River at 676 W. Broadway, Charlotte. The property will be offered in 4 parcels, combinations and as a whole. There is an excellent like-new one-story home constructed in 2004 with 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths with 1860 square feet, 2-car attached garage, sun porch and full basement. The home is like-new. There are also excellent outbuildings including hip-roof basement barn and pole barns. This is an incredible offering. *See property aerial photo and division map under documents.
Parcel 1 - 135 (+/-) acres of vacant farm & recreational wooded land front on the Battle Creek River.
Parcel 2 - 65.7 (+/-) acres of vacant farm land
Parcel 3 - 4.8 (+/-) acres with home and outbuildings
Parcel 4 - 25.3 (+/-) acres of vacant land
The Real Estate portion of this sale will be held off-site at the Eaton Co. Fairgrounds in Kardell Hall at 1025 S. Cochran Ave., Charlotte.
10% buyer's premium charged on the sale of the real estate property.
Open Houses: Sunday, March 16 & 23 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm each day.
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Stanton's Auctioneers

Stanton's Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Bleisch
Phone: 5172310868
Sale Location
676 W. Broadway Hwy.
Charlotte, MI 48813
Sale Dates and Times
Friday Mar 28, 10:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms of sale are cash or personal check with proper identification. MasterCard and Visa are accepted with a 3% handling fee. Not responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. 10% buyer’s premium on all items sold at this sale.
Listing Details
Don & Donna Tirrell Estate Auction, Friday, March 28th at 10:00 am
An excellent complete estate auction including tractors, machinery, vehicles, home furnishings, tools, and antiques. Included is a Deutz DX110 Tractor with 4986 hours, S/N 76201315 and a Kubota M7040 MFWD Tractor with LA1153 Loader, S/N 85341; Farmall Super M tractor, 2011 Legend 12' Dump Trailer #1L9610DT1B1317644; 2009 Dodge Ram pickup, 2014 Chrysler van, Kawasaki 4 wheel drive Mule, Excellent Laredo Keystone 5th wheel trailer, Bad Boy Elite zero-turn mower w/60" mower deck, rototiller, lawn and garden, leaf collection system, excellent home furnishings, glass, a large group of oil & miniature oil lamps and parts, Wooden floor model churn, Farmall items and toys, antiques, excellent oak kitchen cupboard and dry sink, Spinet piano, living, Dining and Bedroom furniture, shop tools, welders, fuel tanks and gas boy pumps, hand tools, and more. Everything has been well cared for and ready to use. 300 pictures posted February 27th.
10% buyer's premium will be charged on all items sold.
676 W. Broadway Hwy., 2 Miles South of Charlotte or 1/2 Mile North of I-69 on Cochran to Broadway, then 1/2 Mile West, Charlotte, Michigan 48813
Stanton's will also be selling this excellent 226 acre farm and home:
Real Estate Auction, Don & Donna Tirrell, Friday Afternoon, March 28th at 4:00 PM
Selling this excellent 226-acre +/- agricultural farm with level tillable land, woods and frontage on the Battle Creek River at 676 W. Broadway, Charlotte. The property will be offered in 4 parcels, combinations and as a whole. There is an excellent like-new one-story home constructed in 2004 with 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths with 1860 square feet, 2-car attached garage, sun porch and full basement. The home is like-new. There are also excellent outbuildings including hip-roof basement barn and pole barns. This is an incredible offering. *See property aerial photo and division map under documents.
Parcel 1 - 135 (+/-) acres of vacant farm & recreational wooded land front on the Battle Creek River.
Parcel 2 - 65.7 (+/-) acres of vacant farm land
Parcel 3 - 4.8 (+/-) acres with home and outbuildings
Parcel 4 - 25.3 (+/-) acres of vacant land
The Real Estate portion of this sale will be held off-site at the Eaton Co. Fairgrounds in Kardell Hall at 1025 S. Cochran Ave., Charlotte.
10% buyer's premium charged on the sale of the real estate property.
Open Houses: Sunday, March 16 & 23 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm each day.
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 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Friday Mar 28, 10:00 am
Sale Location
676 W. Broadway Hwy.
Charlotte, MI 48813
Stanton's Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Bleisch
Phone: 5172310868

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of sale are cash or personal check with proper identification. MasterCard and Visa are accepted with a 3% handling fee. Not responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. 10% buyer’s premium on all items sold at this sale.
Don & Donna Tirrell Estate Auction, Friday, March 28th at 10:00 am
An excellent complete estate auction including tractors, machinery, vehicles, home furnishings, tools, and antiques. Included is a Deutz DX110 Tractor with 4986 hours, S/N 76201315 and a Kubota M7040 MFWD Tractor with LA1153 Loader, S/N 85341; Farmall Super M tractor, 2011 Legend 12' Dump Trailer #1L9610DT1B1317644; 2009 Dodge Ram pickup, 2014 Chrysler van, Kawasaki 4 wheel drive Mule, Excellent Laredo Keystone 5th wheel trailer, Bad Boy Elite zero-turn mower w/60" mower deck, rototiller, lawn and garden, leaf collection system, excellent home furnishings, glass, a large group of oil & miniature oil lamps and parts, Wooden floor model churn, Farmall items and toys, antiques, excellent oak kitchen cupboard and dry sink, Spinet piano, living, Dining and Bedroom furniture, shop tools, welders, fuel tanks and gas boy pumps, hand tools, and more. Everything has been well cared for and ready to use. 300 pictures posted February 27th.
10% buyer's premium will be charged on all items sold.
676 W. Broadway Hwy., 2 Miles South of Charlotte or 1/2 Mile North of I-69 on Cochran to Broadway, then 1/2 Mile West, Charlotte, Michigan 48813
Stanton's will also be selling this excellent 226 acre farm and home:
Real Estate Auction, Don & Donna Tirrell, Friday Afternoon, March 28th at 4:00 PM
Selling this excellent 226-acre +/- agricultural farm with level tillable land, woods and frontage on the Battle Creek River at 676 W. Broadway, Charlotte. The property will be offered in 4 parcels, combinations and as a whole. There is an excellent like-new one-story home constructed in 2004 with 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths with 1860 square feet, 2-car attached garage, sun porch and full basement. The home is like-new. There are also excellent outbuildings including hip-roof basement barn and pole barns. This is an incredible offering. *See property aerial photo and division map under documents.
Parcel 1 - 135 (+/-) acres of vacant farm & recreational wooded land front on the Battle Creek River.
Parcel 2 - 65.7 (+/-) acres of vacant farm land
Parcel 3 - 4.8 (+/-) acres with home and outbuildings
Parcel 4 - 25.3 (+/-) acres of vacant land
The Real Estate portion of this sale will be held off-site at the Eaton Co. Fairgrounds in Kardell Hall at 1025 S. Cochran Ave., Charlotte.
10% buyer's premium charged on the sale of the real estate property.
Open Houses: Sunday, March 16 & 23 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm each day.
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