Listing ID#: 766206

Sale Location
7340 Davenport Rd.
Woodland, MI 48897
Sale Dates and Times
Thursday Mar 27, 10:00 am
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Stanton's Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Bleisch
Phone: 5172310868
Email: ID#: 6678
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of sale are cash or personal check with proper identification.

MasterCard and Visa are accepted with a 3% handling fee.

Not responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.

10% buyer’s premium on all items sold at this sale.
Listing Information
Blocher Farms Equipment Auction, Thursday Morning, March 27, 2025 at 10:00 am
Tractors – 1994 J.D. 8970 4-wheel drive w/duals, full weights & 400 HP Cummins 855 engine (2023 new hydraulic pump and SEV’s rebuilt), 7300 hours use, SN-RW8970H002254; 1999 JD 7810 FWA tractor w/cab, duals, weights, 6000 hours, SN-RW7810H024351; 1980 JD 8640 4-wheel drive tractor w/duals, 8300 hours, engine w/overhaul at 6000 hours, SN-R004652; 1967 AC D10 Series III, high clearance; Combine & Heads – 2000 J.D. 9550 4-wheel drive combine, engine hours 5000, complete engine overhaul at 4500 hours and separator hours are 3300, SN-H09550W685361; J.D. 925F grain head with air reel; J.D. 963 6-row corn head; Underverth 25’ head cart; Semi-Tractor & Trailers – 2007 International Semi-tractor, VIN-1HSHXAHR971375968; 2012 Maurer Hopper Bottom Trailer (all new tires), VIN-NO1590X710856; Flatbed trailer with 3 tanks; Boom Truck; Planters – John Deere 1780 no till corn planter with 28% injection system, SN-HO1780R670223; John Deere 1590 grain drill, SN-NO1590X710856; Tillage Equipment & Rock Picker – J.D. #980 25 ft. field cultivator; DMI 25 ft. roller basket; Krause 25 ft. disk; Brillion 25 ft. cultipacker; Sunflower 32 ft. soil finisher; Underverth 33 ft. double roller basket; Bush Hog 11 shank chisel plow; Case IH 9 shank chisel plow; DMI 5 shank subsoiler w/disc blades; Haybuster rock picker; Tile plow; Landroller Ag Shield 8-20-1 20 ft.; JD 1600 chisel plow 15 ft.; Fertilizer tanks, etc. – Fertilizer spreader, Fertilizer tanks; GPS System - Greenstar 6000 with 2600 monitor; Stump Grinder 3 pt.; Gravity Wagons – 400 bu A&L Grain Cart, 1000 PTO; 300 bu Killbros, 180 bu Killbros; JD. 6 row stalk chopper; Miscellaneous - JD 3-pt ditching blade; 1 bottom AC plow; 3-pt post hole digger; 4” 20-foot auger; portable welder w/Wisconsin gas engine on trailer; JD 7’ 3-pt sicklemower; two large iron kettles, two wheelbarrows, JD lawn trailer
Inspection will be held Saturday, March 22 at the auction site from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
For additional information, contact Robert Blocher (616) 821-1774 or Tom Blocher (269) 420-4977.
7340 Davenport Rd., Woodland, Michigan 48897
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Stanton's Auctioneers

Stanton's Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Bleisch
Phone: 5172310868
Sale Location
7340 Davenport Rd.
Woodland, MI 48897
Sale Dates and Times
Thursday Mar 27, 10:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms of sale are cash or personal check with proper identification. MasterCard and Visa are accepted with a 3% handling fee. Not responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. 10% buyer’s premium on all items sold at this sale.
Listing Details
Blocher Farms Equipment Auction, Thursday Morning, March 27, 2025 at 10:00 am
Tractors – 1994 J.D. 8970 4-wheel drive w/duals, full weights & 400 HP Cummins 855 engine (2023 new hydraulic pump and SEV’s rebuilt), 7300 hours use, SN-RW8970H002254; 1999 JD 7810 FWA tractor w/cab, duals, weights, 6000 hours, SN-RW7810H024351; 1980 JD 8640 4-wheel drive tractor w/duals, 8300 hours, engine w/overhaul at 6000 hours, SN-R004652; 1967 AC D10 Series III, high clearance; Combine & Heads – 2000 J.D. 9550 4-wheel drive combine, engine hours 5000, complete engine overhaul at 4500 hours and separator hours are 3300, SN-H09550W685361; J.D. 925F grain head with air reel; J.D. 963 6-row corn head; Underverth 25’ head cart; Semi-Tractor & Trailers – 2007 International Semi-tractor, VIN-1HSHXAHR971375968; 2012 Maurer Hopper Bottom Trailer (all new tires), VIN-NO1590X710856; Flatbed trailer with 3 tanks; Boom Truck; Planters – John Deere 1780 no till corn planter with 28% injection system, SN-HO1780R670223; John Deere 1590 grain drill, SN-NO1590X710856; Tillage Equipment & Rock Picker – J.D. #980 25 ft. field cultivator; DMI 25 ft. roller basket; Krause 25 ft. disk; Brillion 25 ft. cultipacker; Sunflower 32 ft. soil finisher; Underverth 33 ft. double roller basket; Bush Hog 11 shank chisel plow; Case IH 9 shank chisel plow; DMI 5 shank subsoiler w/disc blades; Haybuster rock picker; Tile plow; Landroller Ag Shield 8-20-1 20 ft.; JD 1600 chisel plow 15 ft.; Fertilizer tanks, etc. – Fertilizer spreader, Fertilizer tanks; GPS System - Greenstar 6000 with 2600 monitor; Stump Grinder 3 pt.; Gravity Wagons – 400 bu A&L Grain Cart, 1000 PTO; 300 bu Killbros, 180 bu Killbros; JD. 6 row stalk chopper; Miscellaneous - JD 3-pt ditching blade; 1 bottom AC plow; 3-pt post hole digger; 4” 20-foot auger; portable welder w/Wisconsin gas engine on trailer; JD 7’ 3-pt sicklemower; two large iron kettles, two wheelbarrows, JD lawn trailer
Inspection will be held Saturday, March 22 at the auction site from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
For additional information, contact Robert Blocher (616) 821-1774 or Tom Blocher (269) 420-4977.
7340 Davenport Rd., Woodland, Michigan 48897
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 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Thursday Mar 27, 10:00 am
Sale Location
7340 Davenport Rd.
Woodland, MI 48897
Stanton's Auctioneers

Contact: Michael Bleisch
Phone: 5172310868

Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms of sale are cash or personal check with proper identification. MasterCard and Visa are accepted with a 3% handling fee. Not responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. 10% buyer’s premium on all items sold at this sale.
Blocher Farms Equipment Auction, Thursday Morning, March 27, 2025 at 10:00 am
Tractors – 1994 J.D. 8970 4-wheel drive w/duals, full weights & 400 HP Cummins 855 engine (2023 new hydraulic pump and SEV’s rebuilt), 7300 hours use, SN-RW8970H002254; 1999 JD 7810 FWA tractor w/cab, duals, weights, 6000 hours, SN-RW7810H024351; 1980 JD 8640 4-wheel drive tractor w/duals, 8300 hours, engine w/overhaul at 6000 hours, SN-R004652; 1967 AC D10 Series III, high clearance; Combine & Heads – 2000 J.D. 9550 4-wheel drive combine, engine hours 5000, complete engine overhaul at 4500 hours and separator hours are 3300, SN-H09550W685361; J.D. 925F grain head with air reel; J.D. 963 6-row corn head; Underverth 25’ head cart; Semi-Tractor & Trailers – 2007 International Semi-tractor, VIN-1HSHXAHR971375968; 2012 Maurer Hopper Bottom Trailer (all new tires), VIN-NO1590X710856; Flatbed trailer with 3 tanks; Boom Truck; Planters – John Deere 1780 no till corn planter with 28% injection system, SN-HO1780R670223; John Deere 1590 grain drill, SN-NO1590X710856; Tillage Equipment & Rock Picker – J.D. #980 25 ft. field cultivator; DMI 25 ft. roller basket; Krause 25 ft. disk; Brillion 25 ft. cultipacker; Sunflower 32 ft. soil finisher; Underverth 33 ft. double roller basket; Bush Hog 11 shank chisel plow; Case IH 9 shank chisel plow; DMI 5 shank subsoiler w/disc blades; Haybuster rock picker; Tile plow; Landroller Ag Shield 8-20-1 20 ft.; JD 1600 chisel plow 15 ft.; Fertilizer tanks, etc. – Fertilizer spreader, Fertilizer tanks; GPS System - Greenstar 6000 with 2600 monitor; Stump Grinder 3 pt.; Gravity Wagons – 400 bu A&L Grain Cart, 1000 PTO; 300 bu Killbros, 180 bu Killbros; JD. 6 row stalk chopper; Miscellaneous - JD 3-pt ditching blade; 1 bottom AC plow; 3-pt post hole digger; 4” 20-foot auger; portable welder w/Wisconsin gas engine on trailer; JD 7’ 3-pt sicklemower; two large iron kettles, two wheelbarrows, JD lawn trailer
Inspection will be held Saturday, March 22 at the auction site from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
For additional information, contact Robert Blocher (616) 821-1774 or Tom Blocher (269) 420-4977.
7340 Davenport Rd., Woodland, Michigan 48897