Listing ID#: 767312
Sale Location |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Apr 26, 10:00 am |
Sale Type |
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Company Information |
Mel White Contact: Mel White Phone: 517-394-3006 Email: mel@melwhiteauctioneer.com Website: www.melwhiteauctioneer.com EstateSale.com ID#: 6901 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3.96% used fee
All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. |
Listing Information |
Saturday, April 26, 10:00 AM
1820 Sunset Ave., Lansing, MI 48906
Directions: N. Waverly Rd to Willow St then east, or N. MLK Blvd to Willow St then west to Sunset Ave.
I have no further use for the following items and will sell all at public auction:
1993 “Dimmed By Time” by Robert Sealock 40”x48”
1982 Painting by Robert Sealock 55.6x4.7
1980 “Cinema X” by Ron Lukas (graphic artist) 3’.6”x6’.1”
Movie posters signed by Ed Asner, Burt Reynolds, Vincent Price
Game dice cage
Maytag oil can
Red Cross First Aid box
Beveled glass picture
Wood coffee box
Millinery mirror
Old crocks & jug
Plank bottom chair
Bailey wood plane
1776 & 1865 English documents
Wrist watches
Mahogany drop leaf stand
Oil paintings
Fruit box pictures
Cherub table lamp
1910 Stickley V back oak mission & rocking chairs
1955 Map of Ukraine
Copper bullet drawings by Ron Pedersen, Scottsville, MI
Winchester tin hand painted sign
“Junction Dam, Big Manistee River” picture
2 Mid-century folding chairs
Oak table top desk
Oak spice cabinet from Ludington, MI
1958 Morganton mid-century walnut coffee table
3 Fritz Hansen walnut contour chairs
Belding ice box
Chest of drawers
Wicker desk & chair
Red vinyl arm chair
Squier by Fender model 093-0300-021 guitar
Standard Oil axle grease pail
2 GE brass blade fans
Old pocket watch parts
B&H brass candle holders
Oil cans
Ship lantern
Tacklebox w/tackle
Electric Pinball game
Darn It darner collection
1911 Automobile Blue Book
F.E. Olds Ambassador trumpet
1943 Coca Cola tray
Hubley Bell Telephone truck
Pyrex baking dish
Beaded purse
1882 Lansing Fruit Co drying rack
1950-51 Wurlitzer Model 1400 juke box, needs restoring
Omni mid-century shelving unit
Pin backs
Griswold frying pan
Train engines etc
Black lacquer table
Wrought iron floor lamp
Akorn Char-Griller
Char Griller smoker
2 Counter stools
More items not listed
Terms: cash, check, credit cards
All items will be sold as is.
The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Sale held under a tent.
Mel White Auctioneer
Okemos, MI
Photo Gallery