Listing ID#: 764825
Sale Location |
1265 FINLEY RD ALBION, MI 49224 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Apr 19, 10:00 am |
Sale Type |
![]() |

Company Information |
Mel White Contact: Mel White Phone: 517-394-3006 Email: mel@melwhiteauctioneer.com Website: www.melwhiteauctioneer.com EstateSale.com ID#: 6901 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms: cash, check, credit cards w/3.96% used fee
All items will be sold as is. The seller nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold. |
Listing Information |
Saturday, April 19, 10:00 AM
1265 Finley Rd, Albion, MI 49224
Directions: I94 to the Albion exit #124, south on Eaton Rapids Rd ½ mile to the sale.
The following items are surplus to my needs and I will sell them at public auction:
Reid No 2-3 surface grinder 3ph 208-220
Drake Elec-Draulic 50T arbor press
Assorted old parts & repair manuals
Assorted New Old Stock engine parts 1940-50’s & up (brake master cylinders, gaskets, brake pads, rings, many others)
Hyd. cylinders
Iron castors
Assorted pails of hardware
Assorted reamers, drills, collets
Lincoln wire feed attachment LN-7
Lincoln electric WeldandPower 130 gas welder/generator
1½” Steel plate steel (3x5)
Antique potato planter
8 Pc’s old farm equipment
7’ Rear blade
Several fabrication tables on casters
Industrial air compressor
Exterior cage welding clamps
DeVilbis WA-TC5000 air compressor 230 3ph
Trailer frame w/2 HD axles
Wire mesh panels
Plate steel welding table
Metal shelving
2 HD welders
Lincon industrial engine (needs work)
Other items too numerous to list
Terms: cash, check credit cards
All items will be sold as is.
The seller nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents day of sale or items after sold.
Mel White Auctioneer
Okemos, MI
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