Michael & Joan Cook Estate Live Auction
Listing ID#: 748914

Sale Location
8403 Luce Ave.
Fremont, MI 49412
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 22, 12:00 AM to
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Art Smith Auctioneers

Contact: Noah Smith
Phone: 616-633-4254
Email: artsmithauctioneers@gmail.com
Website: www.artsmithauctions.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9333
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Listing Information


 Saturday, March 22nd 2025 @ 10:00AM

A Live Public Auction will be held to help settle the estate of the late Michael & Joan Cook

LOCATION: On the farm at 8403 Luce Ave. Fremont, MI 49412 (Newaygo Co.)

DIRECTIONS: South of Fremont 4 miles on Warner Ave/M-82 to 80th St, East 1 mile to Luce Ave, South ½ mile OR from Grand Rapids take M-37 North 26 miles to 112th St (just North of Grant), West 5 miles to Warner Ave (at Bridgton), North 3 ½ miles to 88th St, East 1 mile to Luce Ave, North ½ mile.

The Cook family would like to take this opportunity to invite you to their parent’s Estate Auction and thank you in advance for your time, consideration and support. 

NOTE: The Cooks farmed this place for many years and milked a small herd of cattle. Michael worked at Misco/Howmet for many years. Joan was a RN nurse in Fremont for many years. They enjoyed the country lifestyle, working in the large garden and canning vegetables for the family. Michael in his later years enjoyed working in his fully stocked woodworking shop building custom made ice sail boats. The large farmhouse is full of a lifetime of country living.

The workshop and barns are full of useful tools of every description, and all must and will be sold in this multi-ring Public Auction. Be sure to make plans to be just south of Fremont on Sat. March 22 at 10:00AM for the start of this large country Auction.

TERMS: Cash or good check day of auction. Master Card or VISA w/5% service fee.  All items sell in as-is condition. We subscribe to Pay-Tec, A NATIONAL CHECK COLLECTION COMPANY. 

For your convenience we will have a lunch trailer, port-a-jons and wash-up station.

INSPECTION: Friday, March 21st 3:00PM-5:00PM


10:00AM: 2-3 Rings with Shop, Collectibles & Household Items

11:00AM: Tractors & Equipment



Mid 1980’s Kubota Mod. M-F 950 DT diesel 4x4 3pt w/ 1840 front loader (rough condition, bad tires & rims, ran when parked 6 years ago)

Outdoor feed bin w/auger

Mueller Hi-Perform 1000 gal. stainless steel milk bulk tank

Milk vayor 


Tank cooling compressor

Vacuum pump

Stainless steel double sink

Stainless steel milk pipeline (to be removed)

LP milkhouse heater

(3) Cow kick restrainers 

7 bu. silage cart

Elect. fencing supplies & post

250 gal diesel fuel tank

2” Irrigation hose

(20) cattle panels 

Farm gates

(2) 1 sec. 4’ drags

(2) Grain aerators 

(12+) Cow stanchions 

(12+) Free stall pipes



DR Roto-Hog 36” 9HP pull behind rototiller

DR 42” gas powered pull type field & brush mower

DR 48” offset pull behind wheel disk w/crank lift

60” 14 ½ HP pull behind lawn mower

(2) 12V lawn sprayers

3pt plastic garden applicator w/plastic rolls

30” pull type double disc

Cub Cadet lawn tractor w/mower deck

Cub Cadet XT2 lawn mower w/deck, 23 HP 

Cub Cadet Z-Force 44” zero turn lawn mower

Storm 3090 2-stage self-propelled 30” snow blower w/cab, 13 ½ HP, elect. start 

Husqvarna gas leaf blower

Husqvarna walk behind line trimmer

Elect. leaf blower

Elect. Jaw-Saw w/extension handle 

Walk behind line trimmer/brush cutter

Mantis type rototiller

NEW 16HP elect start horz. shaft gas engine

8’ X 12’ metal framed greenhouse w/clear fiber windows

(10+) Pop-up 12” X 24” X 144” plant tents

Dual wheel wheelbarrow

4’X8’ yard/garden wagon

The Edger roller herbicide applicator 

10 cu. ft. lawn cart

Lawn fertilizer spreader

Tomato cages

Martin house

Bird baths

Earthway garden seeder

Tri-pod sprinklers

Plastic snow fence

Lg. garden hose reel on wheels

Dozens of garden hoses

2-wheel yard cart

Compost mixer

Garden seat on wheels

Reel mower

Kerosene greenhouse heater

Pole saw 

Rakes, hoes, shovels, pitchforks, post hole digger etc. etc. 



(1) SKEETER ice sailboat, complete

(2) DN ice sailboats, complete

(1) RENEGADE ice sailboat, complete

(1) 2-seater, SKEETERS ice sailboats complete, (sell with matching trailer)

Custom built 4 place, ice sailboat trailer, single axle, soft side w/roof

Partially finished ice sailboat

Ice boat runners



Yardsport YS-400  4X4 side by side ATV, front winch, manual dump, (1-owner)



ACRA Mod. RF-31 Milling & Drilling Machine, floor model, 110V, single phase w/toolbox full of accessories

8500-watt Duro-Max generator

NEW QUICK-JACK total car lift & support system

Acetylene torch set, complete on cart

NEW acetylene torch set

Lincoln 225 arc welder

Century wire feed welder

Foley Bell Saw Sharp-All

Delta floor model drill press

Delta bench oscillating spindle sander

Delta compound miter saw

Rockwell bench scroll saw

Bench 8” disc/1” belt sander

Woodmaster 16” floor model wood planer 

Delta 18” X 36 drum sander

Horz. band saw

Craftsman radial arm saw

Craftsman 10” table saw

12 ½” wood planer 

12” disc, 7” belt sander

Qty. of 7” belt sandpaper

(2) 2HP dust collectors

Extra-large roll-a-round shop tool cabinet

(2) Pancake air compressors

2 gal air compressor 

32” barn floor fan

Shop built dust collector hopper, gravity unloading

40-unit bolt bin full of bolts etc. 

Elect pressure washer

Airless paint sprayer

800 watt, 2HP generator

Pedestal grinders

Roller conveyor 

Folding miter saw stand

ATD 10pc HVLP spray gun set

(2) Battery charger/starters

Dozens of C-clamps

Dozens of bar clamps

Dozens of wrench sets

Dozens of power tool, many NEW

Dozens of wood working tools

Dozens of NEW saw blades

Dozens of pneumatic tools

Dozens of hand clamps

45pc tap & die set

Organizers full of hardware

Disc grinders

Paint sprayers




Halogen lights on stand

Car ramps


12’ ladder system

Drill bit sets

Log chains

Misc. lumber

Bench scroll saw

Sev. work benches

Bench shaper/router

Router table

Pipe wrenches

Dozens of power hand tools


Tool chest

Lg. bolt cutters

Metal shop shelving

Work benches

Pipe cutter, reamer & pipe vise

Pipe wrenches

Machinist toolbox

7” tile wet saw

Elect. cords

Knee pads

Miter saw

Step ladders

Shop vac

Land measure wheel

Drill vise

(2) Carpet knee kickers

Dremel multitool 

Several roll-a-bout toolboxes

Organizers full of hardware

Socket sets

Drill bits

Cordless drills

Elect. Brad nailer

Remington power fastener


Air finish nailer

Air framing nailer

Air impact wrench

Air tool set

12V automotive winch

Jack stands

Handy man jack

Cordless tool set

Power miter saw

Mortising machine

Heavy bench vise

Roller stands

Shop built generator

Hyd. bumper jack

(2) Hyd. floor jacks

Heavy duty hand truck

Regular hand truck

24’ Werner fiberglass extension ladder

Aluminum ladder

NEW air hose

Ready heaters

Screw jacks

Heavy block & tackle


Stock tank heater

Nylon rope

Gas cans

PVC pipe


Plus much more!



Dillon Precision Automatic reloader

NEW MEC 650 20ga shot shell reloader

(3) MEC shot shell reloaders

RCBS reloaders

A-5 reloader

Reloading dies including: 223 Rem, 222 Rem Mag, 25-06, 35 Whelen, 9mm, 40 S&W, 45 Colt & more

Shotshell reloading supplies

Smokeless powder


Quantity of reloading supplies

Reloading & Gunsmithing books

Gun parts

(2) Case tumblers

2000+ 9MM bullets, (not ammo)

Qty. of used 9MM brass

6’ high metal deer blind stand w/ladder on skids

5-gun glass door gun cabinet 

Wooden ribbed fiberglass canoe, 16’, needs attention

Precision shooting bench

Ammo boxes


Premos shooting sticks

Spotting scope

Folding camp chairs

Red dot scope

Hand crossbow

Coleman 2-mantle post lantern

Coleman Quickpack propane lantern

Coleman single burner LP stove

Hunting clothes

Duffel bag

Turkey calls

Box of clay pigeons 

Gun cleaning kit

Box traps




Lg. string of sleigh bells, 80” long

Leacock #05 gas lamp w/pump & shade

(2) Stanley # 55 wood planes in wood boxes w/accessories 

Kitchen cupboard

Pedestal lamp table

OAK commode

Knotty pine credenza 

Table lamps

(2) Military shell canisters, 46” long

Bucket, crank bread mixer

Lg. cattle dehorners

Handmade leather vest

Black desk phone

Royal portable typewriter

Misc. odd kitchen chairs

5-gal water jug 

Train set


Hard cover books

Wood planes 

Set of printers letters in wood case

Wooden trunk

Bbl. mounted hand corn sheller

Wooden framed windows

Milk can strainer

Cast iron kitchen sink 54” wide

JFK magazines

Apollo 15 collectibles 

Other items from past generations


Whirlpool side-by-side, stainless steel refrigerator w/bottom freezer

Whirlpool chest freezer, 47” wide

23’ cubic ft chest freezer

OAK granite top kitchen islands

(2) Lg. wardrobes 46” W, 82” H, 19 ½” deep

Sofa recliner

King size bed

End tables

3’X8’ OAK conference table

4-drawer dresser

5-drawer dresser

Drop leaf pedestal table


Stacking chairs

(2) Padded benches

Computer desk

Office chair

NEW fruit press

Quantity of Ball & Kerr canning jars

Stainless steel elect. turkey fryer

(2) Della Instant Pots

(2) Nuwave ovens

(2) Nuwave cook tops

(2) Cast Iron Dutch ovens w/lids

Wolfgang Puck pressure oven

NEW kerosene cooking stove

Soda Stream w/supplies

Enamel ware roaster

Cutlery knife set

Elect. meat slicer

(2) Microwaves

Kitchen-Aid mixer

Food processer 

Food dehydrators

Pasta maker

Extra lg. quantity of GOOD small kitchen appliances

Pots & pans

Everyday dishes

Hewlett Packard Design Jet 450 printer

Lg. format plotter 

Shark vacuum


47” flat screen TV

Sound bar


Eden Pure heaters

Other elec. heaters

Card tables

Carpet runners

Upright vacuums


Kenmore sewing machine in cabinet

Floor fans

Might Pro rug doctor


Desk lamp

Wall décor 

Christmas decorations

Farm kitchen full of useful items



(10) Totes of freeze-dried survival fool (Food-4-Patriots) etc. 

5 gal buckets of survival food

Food grade 5 gal. buckets w/lids

Light bulbs

Walkie Talkies 


Misc. model airplane parts

Pet cage

NEW sump pump

Lowrey elect. organ     

Sewing cabinet

Up-Walker & others

Hospital bed

(2) Aluminum wheelchair ramps

(2) Power chair Reese hitch carriers

NEW Thunderbolt 100-watt solar panel 

(6) Solar panels 

Back and knee braces 

VHS movies

Air purifier

Garden supplies

Mop bucket 

Walking canes

Exercise bike

(2) Doctors scales

(4) Organizer drawer units

Sentry floor safe, 18” high

Space bag

Heated massager

Hair clippers

Lawn chairs

Keys Fitness treadmill

Ladies coats

(2) 8’ wooden benches, makes into picnic table

Dog cage

Power chairs

LP tanks

Snap & tap flooring

Stair Master

Shepard’s hooks 

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Michael & Joan Cook Estate Live Auction

Art Smith Auctioneers

Art Smith Auctioneers

Contact: Noah Smith
Phone: 616-633-4254
Sale Location
8403 Luce Ave.
Fremont, MI 49412
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 22, 12:00 AM to
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details


 Saturday, March 22nd 2025 @ 10:00AM

A Live Public Auction will be held to help settle the estate of the late Michael & Joan Cook

LOCATION: On the farm at 8403 Luce Ave. Fremont, MI 49412 (Newaygo Co.)

DIRECTIONS: South of Fremont 4 miles on Warner Ave/M-82 to 80th St, East 1 mile to Luce Ave, South ½ mile OR from Grand Rapids take M-37 North 26 miles to 112th St (just North of Grant), West 5 miles to Warner Ave (at Bridgton), North 3 ½ miles to 88th St, East 1 mile to Luce Ave, North ½ mile.

The Cook family would like to take this opportunity to invite you to their parent’s Estate Auction and thank you in advance for your time, consideration and support. 

NOTE: The Cooks farmed this place for many years and milked a small herd of cattle. Michael worked at Misco/Howmet for many years. Joan was a RN nurse in Fremont for many years. They enjoyed the country lifestyle, working in the large garden and canning vegetables for the family. Michael in his later years enjoyed working in his fully stocked woodworking shop building custom made ice sail boats. The large farmhouse is full of a lifetime of country living.

The workshop and barns are full of useful tools of every description, and all must and will be sold in this multi-ring Public Auction. Be sure to make plans to be just south of Fremont on Sat. March 22 at 10:00AM for the start of this large country Auction.

TERMS: Cash or good check day of auction. Master Card or VISA w/5% service fee.  All items sell in as-is condition. We subscribe to Pay-Tec, A NATIONAL CHECK COLLECTION COMPANY. 

For your convenience we will have a lunch trailer, port-a-jons and wash-up station.

INSPECTION: Friday, March 21st 3:00PM-5:00PM


10:00AM: 2-3 Rings with Shop, Collectibles & Household Items

11:00AM: Tractors & Equipment



Mid 1980’s Kubota Mod. M-F 950 DT diesel 4x4 3pt w/ 1840 front loader (rough condition, bad tires & rims, ran when parked 6 years ago)

Outdoor feed bin w/auger

Mueller Hi-Perform 1000 gal. stainless steel milk bulk tank

Milk vayor 


Tank cooling compressor

Vacuum pump

Stainless steel double sink

Stainless steel milk pipeline (to be removed)

LP milkhouse heater

(3) Cow kick restrainers 

7 bu. silage cart

Elect. fencing supplies & post

250 gal diesel fuel tank

2” Irrigation hose

(20) cattle panels 

Farm gates

(2) 1 sec. 4’ drags

(2) Grain aerators 

(12+) Cow stanchions 

(12+) Free stall pipes



DR Roto-Hog 36” 9HP pull behind rototiller

DR 42” gas powered pull type field & brush mower

DR 48” offset pull behind wheel disk w/crank lift

60” 14 ½ HP pull behind lawn mower

(2) 12V lawn sprayers

3pt plastic garden applicator w/plastic rolls

30” pull type double disc

Cub Cadet lawn tractor w/mower deck

Cub Cadet XT2 lawn mower w/deck, 23 HP 

Cub Cadet Z-Force 44” zero turn lawn mower

Storm 3090 2-stage self-propelled 30” snow blower w/cab, 13 ½ HP, elect. start 

Husqvarna gas leaf blower

Husqvarna walk behind line trimmer

Elect. leaf blower

Elect. Jaw-Saw w/extension handle 

Walk behind line trimmer/brush cutter

Mantis type rototiller

NEW 16HP elect start horz. shaft gas engine

8’ X 12’ metal framed greenhouse w/clear fiber windows

(10+) Pop-up 12” X 24” X 144” plant tents

Dual wheel wheelbarrow

4’X8’ yard/garden wagon

The Edger roller herbicide applicator 

10 cu. ft. lawn cart

Lawn fertilizer spreader

Tomato cages

Martin house

Bird baths

Earthway garden seeder

Tri-pod sprinklers

Plastic snow fence

Lg. garden hose reel on wheels

Dozens of garden hoses

2-wheel yard cart

Compost mixer

Garden seat on wheels

Reel mower

Kerosene greenhouse heater

Pole saw 

Rakes, hoes, shovels, pitchforks, post hole digger etc. etc. 



(1) SKEETER ice sailboat, complete

(2) DN ice sailboats, complete

(1) RENEGADE ice sailboat, complete

(1) 2-seater, SKEETERS ice sailboats complete, (sell with matching trailer)

Custom built 4 place, ice sailboat trailer, single axle, soft side w/roof

Partially finished ice sailboat

Ice boat runners



Yardsport YS-400  4X4 side by side ATV, front winch, manual dump, (1-owner)



ACRA Mod. RF-31 Milling & Drilling Machine, floor model, 110V, single phase w/toolbox full of accessories

8500-watt Duro-Max generator

NEW QUICK-JACK total car lift & support system

Acetylene torch set, complete on cart

NEW acetylene torch set

Lincoln 225 arc welder

Century wire feed welder

Foley Bell Saw Sharp-All

Delta floor model drill press

Delta bench oscillating spindle sander

Delta compound miter saw

Rockwell bench scroll saw

Bench 8” disc/1” belt sander

Woodmaster 16” floor model wood planer 

Delta 18” X 36 drum sander

Horz. band saw

Craftsman radial arm saw

Craftsman 10” table saw

12 ½” wood planer 

12” disc, 7” belt sander

Qty. of 7” belt sandpaper

(2) 2HP dust collectors

Extra-large roll-a-round shop tool cabinet

(2) Pancake air compressors

2 gal air compressor 

32” barn floor fan

Shop built dust collector hopper, gravity unloading

40-unit bolt bin full of bolts etc. 

Elect pressure washer

Airless paint sprayer

800 watt, 2HP generator

Pedestal grinders

Roller conveyor 

Folding miter saw stand

ATD 10pc HVLP spray gun set

(2) Battery charger/starters

Dozens of C-clamps

Dozens of bar clamps

Dozens of wrench sets

Dozens of power tool, many NEW

Dozens of wood working tools

Dozens of NEW saw blades

Dozens of pneumatic tools

Dozens of hand clamps

45pc tap & die set

Organizers full of hardware

Disc grinders

Paint sprayers




Halogen lights on stand

Car ramps


12’ ladder system

Drill bit sets

Log chains

Misc. lumber

Bench scroll saw

Sev. work benches

Bench shaper/router

Router table

Pipe wrenches

Dozens of power hand tools


Tool chest

Lg. bolt cutters

Metal shop shelving

Work benches

Pipe cutter, reamer & pipe vise

Pipe wrenches

Machinist toolbox

7” tile wet saw

Elect. cords

Knee pads

Miter saw

Step ladders

Shop vac

Land measure wheel

Drill vise

(2) Carpet knee kickers

Dremel multitool 

Several roll-a-bout toolboxes

Organizers full of hardware

Socket sets

Drill bits

Cordless drills

Elect. Brad nailer

Remington power fastener


Air finish nailer

Air framing nailer

Air impact wrench

Air tool set

12V automotive winch

Jack stands

Handy man jack

Cordless tool set

Power miter saw

Mortising machine

Heavy bench vise

Roller stands

Shop built generator

Hyd. bumper jack

(2) Hyd. floor jacks

Heavy duty hand truck

Regular hand truck

24’ Werner fiberglass extension ladder

Aluminum ladder

NEW air hose

Ready heaters

Screw jacks

Heavy block & tackle


Stock tank heater

Nylon rope

Gas cans

PVC pipe


Plus much more!



Dillon Precision Automatic reloader

NEW MEC 650 20ga shot shell reloader

(3) MEC shot shell reloaders

RCBS reloaders

A-5 reloader

Reloading dies including: 223 Rem, 222 Rem Mag, 25-06, 35 Whelen, 9mm, 40 S&W, 45 Colt & more

Shotshell reloading supplies

Smokeless powder


Quantity of reloading supplies

Reloading & Gunsmithing books

Gun parts

(2) Case tumblers

2000+ 9MM bullets, (not ammo)

Qty. of used 9MM brass

6’ high metal deer blind stand w/ladder on skids

5-gun glass door gun cabinet 

Wooden ribbed fiberglass canoe, 16’, needs attention

Precision shooting bench

Ammo boxes


Premos shooting sticks

Spotting scope

Folding camp chairs

Red dot scope

Hand crossbow

Coleman 2-mantle post lantern

Coleman Quickpack propane lantern

Coleman single burner LP stove

Hunting clothes

Duffel bag

Turkey calls

Box of clay pigeons 

Gun cleaning kit

Box traps




Lg. string of sleigh bells, 80” long

Leacock #05 gas lamp w/pump & shade

(2) Stanley # 55 wood planes in wood boxes w/accessories 

Kitchen cupboard

Pedestal lamp table

OAK commode

Knotty pine credenza 

Table lamps

(2) Military shell canisters, 46” long

Bucket, crank bread mixer

Lg. cattle dehorners

Handmade leather vest

Black desk phone

Royal portable typewriter

Misc. odd kitchen chairs

5-gal water jug 

Train set


Hard cover books

Wood planes 

Set of printers letters in wood case

Wooden trunk

Bbl. mounted hand corn sheller

Wooden framed windows

Milk can strainer

Cast iron kitchen sink 54” wide

JFK magazines

Apollo 15 collectibles 

Other items from past generations


Whirlpool side-by-side, stainless steel refrigerator w/bottom freezer

Whirlpool chest freezer, 47” wide

23’ cubic ft chest freezer

OAK granite top kitchen islands

(2) Lg. wardrobes 46” W, 82” H, 19 ½” deep

Sofa recliner

King size bed

End tables

3’X8’ OAK conference table

4-drawer dresser

5-drawer dresser

Drop leaf pedestal table


Stacking chairs

(2) Padded benches

Computer desk

Office chair

NEW fruit press

Quantity of Ball & Kerr canning jars

Stainless steel elect. turkey fryer

(2) Della Instant Pots

(2) Nuwave ovens

(2) Nuwave cook tops

(2) Cast Iron Dutch ovens w/lids

Wolfgang Puck pressure oven

NEW kerosene cooking stove

Soda Stream w/supplies

Enamel ware roaster

Cutlery knife set

Elect. meat slicer

(2) Microwaves

Kitchen-Aid mixer

Food processer 

Food dehydrators

Pasta maker

Extra lg. quantity of GOOD small kitchen appliances

Pots & pans

Everyday dishes

Hewlett Packard Design Jet 450 printer

Lg. format plotter 

Shark vacuum


47” flat screen TV

Sound bar


Eden Pure heaters

Other elec. heaters

Card tables

Carpet runners

Upright vacuums


Kenmore sewing machine in cabinet

Floor fans

Might Pro rug doctor


Desk lamp

Wall décor 

Christmas decorations

Farm kitchen full of useful items



(10) Totes of freeze-dried survival fool (Food-4-Patriots) etc. 

5 gal buckets of survival food

Food grade 5 gal. buckets w/lids

Light bulbs

Walkie Talkies 


Misc. model airplane parts

Pet cage

NEW sump pump

Lowrey elect. organ     

Sewing cabinet

Up-Walker & others

Hospital bed

(2) Aluminum wheelchair ramps

(2) Power chair Reese hitch carriers

NEW Thunderbolt 100-watt solar panel 

(6) Solar panels 

Back and knee braces 

VHS movies

Air purifier

Garden supplies

Mop bucket 

Walking canes

Exercise bike

(2) Doctors scales

(4) Organizer drawer units

Sentry floor safe, 18” high

Space bag

Heated massager

Hair clippers

Lawn chairs

Keys Fitness treadmill

Ladies coats

(2) 8’ wooden benches, makes into picnic table

Dog cage

Power chairs

LP tanks

Snap & tap flooring

Stair Master

Shepard’s hooks 

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Michael & Joan Cook Estate Live Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Mar 22, 12:00 AM to
Sale Location
8403 Luce Ave.
Fremont, MI 49412


 Saturday, March 22nd 2025 @ 10:00AM

A Live Public Auction will be held to help settle the estate of the late Michael & Joan Cook

LOCATION: On the farm at 8403 Luce Ave. Fremont, MI 49412 (Newaygo Co.)

DIRECTIONS: South of Fremont 4 miles on Warner Ave/M-82 to 80th St, East 1 mile to Luce Ave, South ½ mile OR from Grand Rapids take M-37 North 26 miles to 112th St (just North of Grant), West 5 miles to Warner Ave (at Bridgton), North 3 ½ miles to 88th St, East 1 mile to Luce Ave, North ½ mile.

The Cook family would like to take this opportunity to invite you to their parent’s Estate Auction and thank you in advance for your time, consideration and support. 

NOTE: The Cooks farmed this place for many years and milked a small herd of cattle. Michael worked at Misco/Howmet for many years. Joan was a RN nurse in Fremont for many years. They enjoyed the country lifestyle, working in the large garden and canning vegetables for the family. Michael in his later years enjoyed working in his fully stocked woodworking shop building custom made ice sail boats. The large farmhouse is full of a lifetime of country living.

The workshop and barns are full of useful tools of every description, and all must and will be sold in this multi-ring Public Auction. Be sure to make plans to be just south of Fremont on Sat. March 22 at 10:00AM for the start of this large country Auction.

TERMS: Cash or good check day of auction. Master Card or VISA w/5% service fee.  All items sell in as-is condition. We subscribe to Pay-Tec, A NATIONAL CHECK COLLECTION COMPANY. 

For your convenience we will have a lunch trailer, port-a-jons and wash-up station.

INSPECTION: Friday, March 21st 3:00PM-5:00PM


10:00AM: 2-3 Rings with Shop, Collectibles & Household Items

11:00AM: Tractors & Equipment



Mid 1980’s Kubota Mod. M-F 950 DT diesel 4x4 3pt w/ 1840 front loader (rough condition, bad tires & rims, ran when parked 6 years ago)

Outdoor feed bin w/auger

Mueller Hi-Perform 1000 gal. stainless steel milk bulk tank

Milk vayor 


Tank cooling compressor

Vacuum pump

Stainless steel double sink

Stainless steel milk pipeline (to be removed)

LP milkhouse heater

(3) Cow kick restrainers 

7 bu. silage cart

Elect. fencing supplies & post

250 gal diesel fuel tank

2” Irrigation hose

(20) cattle panels 

Farm gates

(2) 1 sec. 4’ drags

(2) Grain aerators 

(12+) Cow stanchions 

(12+) Free stall pipes



DR Roto-Hog 36” 9HP pull behind rototiller

DR 42” gas powered pull type field & brush mower

DR 48” offset pull behind wheel disk w/crank lift

60” 14 ½ HP pull behind lawn mower

(2) 12V lawn sprayers

3pt plastic garden applicator w/plastic rolls

30” pull type double disc

Cub Cadet lawn tractor w/mower deck

Cub Cadet XT2 lawn mower w/deck, 23 HP 

Cub Cadet Z-Force 44” zero turn lawn mower

Storm 3090 2-stage self-propelled 30” snow blower w/cab, 13 ½ HP, elect. start 

Husqvarna gas leaf blower

Husqvarna walk behind line trimmer

Elect. leaf blower

Elect. Jaw-Saw w/extension handle 

Walk behind line trimmer/brush cutter

Mantis type rototiller

NEW 16HP elect start horz. shaft gas engine

8’ X 12’ metal framed greenhouse w/clear fiber windows

(10+) Pop-up 12” X 24” X 144” plant tents

Dual wheel wheelbarrow

4’X8’ yard/garden wagon

The Edger roller herbicide applicator 

10 cu. ft. lawn cart

Lawn fertilizer spreader

Tomato cages

Martin house

Bird baths

Earthway garden seeder

Tri-pod sprinklers

Plastic snow fence

Lg. garden hose reel on wheels

Dozens of garden hoses

2-wheel yard cart

Compost mixer

Garden seat on wheels

Reel mower

Kerosene greenhouse heater

Pole saw 

Rakes, hoes, shovels, pitchforks, post hole digger etc. etc. 



(1) SKEETER ice sailboat, complete

(2) DN ice sailboats, complete

(1) RENEGADE ice sailboat, complete

(1) 2-seater, SKEETERS ice sailboats complete, (sell with matching trailer)

Custom built 4 place, ice sailboat trailer, single axle, soft side w/roof

Partially finished ice sailboat

Ice boat runners



Yardsport YS-400  4X4 side by side ATV, front winch, manual dump, (1-owner)



ACRA Mod. RF-31 Milling & Drilling Machine, floor model, 110V, single phase w/toolbox full of accessories

8500-watt Duro-Max generator

NEW QUICK-JACK total car lift & support system

Acetylene torch set, complete on cart

NEW acetylene torch set

Lincoln 225 arc welder

Century wire feed welder

Foley Bell Saw Sharp-All

Delta floor model drill press

Delta bench oscillating spindle sander

Delta compound miter saw

Rockwell bench scroll saw

Bench 8” disc/1” belt sander

Woodmaster 16” floor model wood planer 

Delta 18” X 36 drum sander

Horz. band saw

Craftsman radial arm saw

Craftsman 10” table saw

12 ½” wood planer 

12” disc, 7” belt sander

Qty. of 7” belt sandpaper

(2) 2HP dust collectors

Extra-large roll-a-round shop tool cabinet

(2) Pancake air compressors

2 gal air compressor 

32” barn floor fan

Shop built dust collector hopper, gravity unloading

40-unit bolt bin full of bolts etc. 

Elect pressure washer

Airless paint sprayer

800 watt, 2HP generator

Pedestal grinders

Roller conveyor 

Folding miter saw stand

ATD 10pc HVLP spray gun set

(2) Battery charger/starters

Dozens of C-clamps

Dozens of bar clamps

Dozens of wrench sets

Dozens of power tool, many NEW

Dozens of wood working tools

Dozens of NEW saw blades

Dozens of pneumatic tools

Dozens of hand clamps

45pc tap & die set

Organizers full of hardware

Disc grinders

Paint sprayers




Halogen lights on stand

Car ramps


12’ ladder system

Drill bit sets

Log chains

Misc. lumber

Bench scroll saw

Sev. work benches

Bench shaper/router

Router table

Pipe wrenches

Dozens of power hand tools


Tool chest

Lg. bolt cutters

Metal shop shelving

Work benches

Pipe cutter, reamer & pipe vise

Pipe wrenches

Machinist toolbox

7” tile wet saw

Elect. cords

Knee pads

Miter saw

Step ladders

Shop vac

Land measure wheel

Drill vise

(2) Carpet knee kickers

Dremel multitool 

Several roll-a-bout toolboxes

Organizers full of hardware

Socket sets

Drill bits

Cordless drills

Elect. Brad nailer

Remington power fastener


Air finish nailer

Air framing nailer

Air impact wrench

Air tool set

12V automotive winch

Jack stands

Handy man jack

Cordless tool set

Power miter saw

Mortising machine

Heavy bench vise

Roller stands

Shop built generator

Hyd. bumper jack

(2) Hyd. floor jacks

Heavy duty hand truck

Regular hand truck

24’ Werner fiberglass extension ladder

Aluminum ladder

NEW air hose

Ready heaters

Screw jacks

Heavy block & tackle


Stock tank heater

Nylon rope

Gas cans

PVC pipe


Plus much more!



Dillon Precision Automatic reloader

NEW MEC 650 20ga shot shell reloader

(3) MEC shot shell reloaders

RCBS reloaders

A-5 reloader

Reloading dies including: 223 Rem, 222 Rem Mag, 25-06, 35 Whelen, 9mm, 40 S&W, 45 Colt & more

Shotshell reloading supplies

Smokeless powder


Quantity of reloading supplies

Reloading & Gunsmithing books

Gun parts

(2) Case tumblers

2000+ 9MM bullets, (not ammo)

Qty. of used 9MM brass

6’ high metal deer blind stand w/ladder on skids

5-gun glass door gun cabinet 

Wooden ribbed fiberglass canoe, 16’, needs attention

Precision shooting bench

Ammo boxes


Premos shooting sticks

Spotting scope

Folding camp chairs

Red dot scope

Hand crossbow

Coleman 2-mantle post lantern

Coleman Quickpack propane lantern

Coleman single burner LP stove

Hunting clothes

Duffel bag

Turkey calls

Box of clay pigeons 

Gun cleaning kit

Box traps




Lg. string of sleigh bells, 80” long

Leacock #05 gas lamp w/pump & shade

(2) Stanley # 55 wood planes in wood boxes w/accessories 

Kitchen cupboard

Pedestal lamp table

OAK commode

Knotty pine credenza 

Table lamps

(2) Military shell canisters, 46” long

Bucket, crank bread mixer

Lg. cattle dehorners

Handmade leather vest

Black desk phone

Royal portable typewriter

Misc. odd kitchen chairs

5-gal water jug 

Train set


Hard cover books

Wood planes 

Set of printers letters in wood case

Wooden trunk

Bbl. mounted hand corn sheller

Wooden framed windows

Milk can strainer

Cast iron kitchen sink 54” wide

JFK magazines

Apollo 15 collectibles 

Other items from past generations


Whirlpool side-by-side, stainless steel refrigerator w/bottom freezer

Whirlpool chest freezer, 47” wide

23’ cubic ft chest freezer

OAK granite top kitchen islands

(2) Lg. wardrobes 46” W, 82” H, 19 ½” deep

Sofa recliner

King size bed

End tables

3’X8’ OAK conference table

4-drawer dresser

5-drawer dresser

Drop leaf pedestal table


Stacking chairs

(2) Padded benches

Computer desk

Office chair

NEW fruit press

Quantity of Ball & Kerr canning jars

Stainless steel elect. turkey fryer

(2) Della Instant Pots

(2) Nuwave ovens

(2) Nuwave cook tops

(2) Cast Iron Dutch ovens w/lids

Wolfgang Puck pressure oven

NEW kerosene cooking stove

Soda Stream w/supplies

Enamel ware roaster

Cutlery knife set

Elect. meat slicer

(2) Microwaves

Kitchen-Aid mixer

Food processer 

Food dehydrators

Pasta maker

Extra lg. quantity of GOOD small kitchen appliances

Pots & pans

Everyday dishes

Hewlett Packard Design Jet 450 printer

Lg. format plotter 

Shark vacuum


47” flat screen TV

Sound bar


Eden Pure heaters

Other elec. heaters

Card tables

Carpet runners

Upright vacuums


Kenmore sewing machine in cabinet

Floor fans

Might Pro rug doctor


Desk lamp

Wall décor 

Christmas decorations

Farm kitchen full of useful items



(10) Totes of freeze-dried survival fool (Food-4-Patriots) etc. 

5 gal buckets of survival food

Food grade 5 gal. buckets w/lids

Light bulbs

Walkie Talkies 


Misc. model airplane parts

Pet cage

NEW sump pump

Lowrey elect. organ     

Sewing cabinet

Up-Walker & others

Hospital bed

(2) Aluminum wheelchair ramps

(2) Power chair Reese hitch carriers

NEW Thunderbolt 100-watt solar panel 

(6) Solar panels 

Back and knee braces 

VHS movies

Air purifier

Garden supplies

Mop bucket 

Walking canes

Exercise bike

(2) Doctors scales

(4) Organizer drawer units

Sentry floor safe, 18” high

Space bag

Heated massager

Hair clippers

Lawn chairs

Keys Fitness treadmill

Ladies coats

(2) 8’ wooden benches, makes into picnic table

Dog cage

Power chairs

LP tanks

Snap & tap flooring

Stair Master

Shepard’s hooks