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Ashland Implement Auction
Listing ID#: 155854
Sale Location |
Ashland, OH 44805 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Jan 27, 2018 Completed |
Sale Type |
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Company Information |
RES Auction Services Contact: Andy White Phone: 419-651-2152 Email: Website: ID#: 7384 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
Ashland Implement Auction Saturday January 27th @ 10 AM Trucks – Trailer -Equipment- Mowers -Tools- Signs Auction will be held on site at 1145 Cleveland Ave, Ashland, OH 44805 Trucks & Trailer: ’09 GMC Sierra ext cab, Z71 4WD, red, 145,128 miles(clean); ’96 Ford F250 ext cab, 2wd, 460 engine, cap; ’90 International single axle 20’ rollback tilt bed truck, 360 IH diesel engine, 10F2R, 257,000 miles; ’02 Pequea 18’ bumper pull, tandem axle trailer, 6’ ramps, 10,000 lbs. GVW. Tractors & Implements: Farmall 400 NF gas tractor w/TA, fasthitch, loader and heavy duty hydraulic A frame boom; ’52 Ford 8N; ‘91 Ford 130 HST w/ Ford 914 60” mower, 2175 hrs.; Skid Steer: ’07 Gehl SL4240 skid loader, 9100 hours; Mowers: Kubota F3060 4wd, 30hp, 72” mower w/ 2672 hrs.; Kubota GF1800 4wd, 18hp, 60” mower w/ 2103 hrs.; Kubota T2380-48 w/ T2724 46” snowblower w/ 400 hrs.; N60KH Cub Cadet 27hp w/ 588 hrs.; Encore 61K28A zero turn 61” deck w/ 1100 hrs.; Cub Cadet LT1045 lawn tractor 20hp, 46” deck w/ 596 hrs.; Like new RT 75 Cub Cadet rotary tiller; 8’ Bush Hog 3pt mower; Woods RD7200 finish mower; New Cub Cadet 3000 series 60’ deck; assorted grass baggers; Signs & Displays: a few neat Ashland Truck and Implement signs including a vintage 10’x14’ Ashland Trucks & Implements Archway sign (Grace Sign Co. St. Louis); neat 2’x8’ Packard Ashland Implement wood painted sign by Al Morris; Ashland Truck & Imp. CO wood painted sign; Ashland Truck & Implements advertising raffle sign by Al Morris; 2’x12’ RCA Whirlpool Freezers & Refrigerators wood painted sign; Cub Cadet Sales Services Parts bubble sign; White Sales Service Parts light up sign; Cub Cadet Yanmar bubble sign; Gehl Bubble sign; Gehl neon sign; plexy Case IH sign; Cub Cadet Power Equipment tin sign; 3’x5’ Cub Cadet Power Equipment lighted sign; (3) 8’x 38” International Harvester Pylon Store Display signs; Case IH Flag; Tractor & Implement related posters and banners; and more. Tools: Lincoln Weldan Power generator/welder w/ 16p 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton, electric start (needs work); Miller Thunderbold AC/DC welder; large pneumatic jack; Assorted specialty tools and accessories for tractor and mower repair; engine stand w/ assorted adapting plates; splitting stands for IH 66 & 86 series tractors; assorted roll away splitting stands; Micrometers and calipers; Pulley rpm meter; 3 dial indicators; compression tester; bore gauge; assorted drill bits; reamers; vale seat tool; valve puller; hand tubing bender; easy out set; gasket punch set; drill bit blanks; thread file; thread cleaning tool; misc. parts; Van Dorn valve refacer; Hydraulic sleeve puller; cylinder hones; wedge lock clamp; pressure plated clutch tool; injection tester; LARGE assortment of service tools, parts & accessories; 10T hydraulic porta power; Rigid pipe threader & dies; ¾ “ socket set; gear pullers; Snap-On metric & standard tap & die sets; tubing cutter; bolt cutters; ATD 7pc Jumbo SAE combo wrenches 1 5/16” – 2 ½”; ; Rivet nut setters; Helicoil thread repair kits; Dewalt chop saw; Milwaukee sawzall; circular saw; drills; angle grinder; bottle jacks & jack stands; Jumper battery w/ cart; assorted chains & boomers; metal cabinets and racks; lockers; rolling US General toolbox; service bench; Robin Air refrigerant recovery & recycling system; Robin Air Cool Tech 34788 AC machine; small tractor dynameter; sickle bar knife sharpener; Foundry carts; scrap metal; and much more. Note: Having sold the business we will offer a good variety of items. Mark your calendar and bring a friend as there is a good chance we will sell with 2 crews. Pictures are available at
Auction by Order of Ashland Implement, Inc.
Auction Conducted by:
Andy White 419-651-2152 – Joseph Mast -Drew Turner-Brock Rader Mary Hartley & Jake White – Apprentice Auctioneers
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