Taxidermy Sportsman Ham Radio Estate AUCTION!
Listing ID#: 98870

Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Oct 1, 2016 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information

Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Website: ID#: 6482
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Information


Taxidermy Sportsman Ham Radio

Estate  AUCTION!


October 1, 2016 10AM Mio 48647.


Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale



Location:  Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. 48647. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.


 To Include:


Sofa; hide a bed sofa; wicker sofa chair set; living room tables & lamps; glass top chicken crate coffee table; dough box table; oak hall tree, roll top desk, rocker & high chair; oak dining table w/6 chairs; teacart; Martha Washington sewing cabinet; floor model Zenith radio; flip top foyer table; oak highboy w/swing mirror; children’s furniture;




70+ Longaberger basket collection; nickel plated Miller & cast iron Bradley Hubbard hanging oil lamps; PRR wall sconce oil lamp; NYCS RR lantern; other oil lamps; match safes; 22qt pressure cooker; kitchen & housewares; Amana washer & nat. gas dryer; treadmill; 1920s Baseball team champ photo; 10’ lighted Motel sign; 8’Standard Oil plastic sign face;


Special Interest:


Galaxy Saturn, Super MC-9, Golden Eagle, Tram, Hellicrafters, Dak, Demco, & other CB, Ham & Radio telephone equipment; Astatic Silver Eagle & D-104 lollipop & other microphones; Dosy & Eico test equipment; outside antenna;




Ten Point & Barnett crossbows; vintage Bear takedown recurve sn/2-1343; long bows; 8 compound bows; tree stands; safety harness; hunt blinds; Lund, Zink, DU & other custom made animal calls; trail camera; Randall, Blackjack & other sheath knives; Coleman portable LP grill; deep water to fly rod/reel sets; travel rod cases; tackle boxes-full; nets; bait boxes; Whitefish cart; spears; ice shanties & sleds; canoe paddles; lanterns; Johnson folding goose decoys; wooden duck decoys; turkey, duck & deer decoys; walkie talkies; binoculars; coolers;


30+ Mounts:


66” plaque mounted moose antlers; Bison; Whitetail deer; Pronghorn antelope; plaque mounted Caribou antlers; Wild Boar rug & head mounts; standing cub Black Bear; standing & wall mounted Wild Turkeys; standing Fox; Northern Pike, Alligator Gar, Walleye, Bass, Bowfin, Brown trout, Steelhead & other fish; taxidermy forms, work stands, supplies & glass display cabinets;




1. Mauser 7.65/.32ACP model 1914 Pocket Pistol, 8 shot, 3 ¼” bar. Sn/ 3392xx


2. Taurus 357mag. 7 shot revolver, 4” barrel, sn/VF9520xx


3. Remington model 1100 semi auto 12ga, 2 ¾” chamber, sn/12259xx


4. Savage model 220L single shot 12ga, 3” chamber, sn/ na


5. Winchester model 77 semi auto 22L sn/na


6. H&R model SB2 Ultra 223rem. w/6x Redfield scope sn/HR3174xx


7. Husqvarna Vapenfabriks AB Nitro mod. A S&W243win. w/Bushnell Elite 3200 scope sn/35856xx


8. Remington model 721 300 H&H mag. w/Redfield scope sn/4134xx


9. Savage model 243-A O/U 22mag/20ga w/Deerfield 4x32 scope sn/na


10. Marlin model 60G single shot 410ga. sn/na


11. Browning BAR Belgium made 30-06 w/Bushnell 45 wide angle scope sn/137PT124xx


12. Winchester model 100 cal.308 Deluxe Checkered Stock, Tasco 3-9x32, mfg’r date 1967, sn/1859xx


13. Davis Deluxe side by side 20ga. double barrel sn/85x


14. Remington US. Model 03-A3 30-06. Sn/41386xx


15. H&R Pardner single shot 20 ga. 3” chamber sn/4804xx


16. H&R Pardner single shot 410ga. full choke sn/2299xx


17. Winchester Ranger model 120 semi auto 12ga. 2 ¾ & 3” chamber, vent rib bar. Sn/L15533xx


18. Marlin model 88 cal.22LR only semi-auto stock fed sn/NA


19. High Standard Sport King Special model A1041 cal.22L,LR, or High speed shorts semi-auto sn/NA


20. CVA Hawken 50 cal. black powder muzzle loader, sn/4816xx


21. Winchester model 190 semi auto 22L sn/B18645xx


22. Charter Arms AR-7 Explorer take down 22cal. sn/A575xx

Special Mention:


70’s Leslie model 16 rotating cabinet speaker w/foot pedal; Cordovox CG amplifier, tone generator, foot pedal & Super V electronic accordion; Heligonka & button box accordions; Hammond Auto-Vari 64 electronic drum machine; clarinet; trumpet; violin;


Garage & Shop:


workbench w/vise; lg swivel vise; Jawhorse jobsite work stand; bandsaw; scroll saw; miter saw; Paslode nail gun; air compressor; Craftsman rolling tool chest; hand & power tools; nut/bolt bins; power washer; rolling scaffold; ladders;




Hyde Guide model Drift boat w/trailer; Sea Nymph 16’ Fishing Machine alum. boat on trailer w/40hp o/b; 16’ alum. Canoe; 1950 Case VAC model tractor; Sears 18hp garden tractor w/mower deck & 3pt implements; alum folding ATV ramp; push mower; mini tiller; wheelbarrows; sm. utility trailer; chainsaws; bicycles; unicycles; RC boats; milk cans; & More.


Auctioneer's Note:


The Lets Talk Auction Co has been commissioned to sell the Gerald Pytlik’s taxidermy shop & sportsman related estate items of Tawas MI. Also included in this auction will be items from the moving household of Rod & Carol Minkley of Harrisville MI as they downsize to move nearer to family. Large auction with a diversity of items too long to mention. Check website for updates & 100's of pictures. Running 2 Auction rings part of the day, bring a bidding partner. Hope to see you at the Auction!! Greg, Donna, Matthew & Staff.




Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.



Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158


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Taxidermy Sportsman Ham Radio Estate AUCTION!



Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Sale Location
1491 N. Perry Creek Rd P.O. Box 131
Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Oct 1, 2016 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Details


Taxidermy Sportsman Ham Radio

Estate  AUCTION!


October 1, 2016 10AM Mio 48647.


Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale



Location:  Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. 48647. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.


 To Include:


Sofa; hide a bed sofa; wicker sofa chair set; living room tables & lamps; glass top chicken crate coffee table; dough box table; oak hall tree, roll top desk, rocker & high chair; oak dining table w/6 chairs; teacart; Martha Washington sewing cabinet; floor model Zenith radio; flip top foyer table; oak highboy w/swing mirror; children’s furniture;




70+ Longaberger basket collection; nickel plated Miller & cast iron Bradley Hubbard hanging oil lamps; PRR wall sconce oil lamp; NYCS RR lantern; other oil lamps; match safes; 22qt pressure cooker; kitchen & housewares; Amana washer & nat. gas dryer; treadmill; 1920s Baseball team champ photo; 10’ lighted Motel sign; 8’Standard Oil plastic sign face;


Special Interest:


Galaxy Saturn, Super MC-9, Golden Eagle, Tram, Hellicrafters, Dak, Demco, & other CB, Ham & Radio telephone equipment; Astatic Silver Eagle & D-104 lollipop & other microphones; Dosy & Eico test equipment; outside antenna;




Ten Point & Barnett crossbows; vintage Bear takedown recurve sn/2-1343; long bows; 8 compound bows; tree stands; safety harness; hunt blinds; Lund, Zink, DU & other custom made animal calls; trail camera; Randall, Blackjack & other sheath knives; Coleman portable LP grill; deep water to fly rod/reel sets; travel rod cases; tackle boxes-full; nets; bait boxes; Whitefish cart; spears; ice shanties & sleds; canoe paddles; lanterns; Johnson folding goose decoys; wooden duck decoys; turkey, duck & deer decoys; walkie talkies; binoculars; coolers;


30+ Mounts:


66” plaque mounted moose antlers; Bison; Whitetail deer; Pronghorn antelope; plaque mounted Caribou antlers; Wild Boar rug & head mounts; standing cub Black Bear; standing & wall mounted Wild Turkeys; standing Fox; Northern Pike, Alligator Gar, Walleye, Bass, Bowfin, Brown trout, Steelhead & other fish; taxidermy forms, work stands, supplies & glass display cabinets;




1. Mauser 7.65/.32ACP model 1914 Pocket Pistol, 8 shot, 3 ¼” bar. Sn/ 3392xx


2. Taurus 357mag. 7 shot revolver, 4” barrel, sn/VF9520xx


3. Remington model 1100 semi auto 12ga, 2 ¾” chamber, sn/12259xx


4. Savage model 220L single shot 12ga, 3” chamber, sn/ na


5. Winchester model 77 semi auto 22L sn/na


6. H&R model SB2 Ultra 223rem. w/6x Redfield scope sn/HR3174xx


7. Husqvarna Vapenfabriks AB Nitro mod. A S&W243win. w/Bushnell Elite 3200 scope sn/35856xx


8. Remington model 721 300 H&H mag. w/Redfield scope sn/4134xx


9. Savage model 243-A O/U 22mag/20ga w/Deerfield 4x32 scope sn/na


10. Marlin model 60G single shot 410ga. sn/na


11. Browning BAR Belgium made 30-06 w/Bushnell 45 wide angle scope sn/137PT124xx


12. Winchester model 100 cal.308 Deluxe Checkered Stock, Tasco 3-9x32, mfg’r date 1967, sn/1859xx


13. Davis Deluxe side by side 20ga. double barrel sn/85x


14. Remington US. Model 03-A3 30-06. Sn/41386xx


15. H&R Pardner single shot 20 ga. 3” chamber sn/4804xx


16. H&R Pardner single shot 410ga. full choke sn/2299xx


17. Winchester Ranger model 120 semi auto 12ga. 2 ¾ & 3” chamber, vent rib bar. Sn/L15533xx


18. Marlin model 88 cal.22LR only semi-auto stock fed sn/NA


19. High Standard Sport King Special model A1041 cal.22L,LR, or High speed shorts semi-auto sn/NA


20. CVA Hawken 50 cal. black powder muzzle loader, sn/4816xx


21. Winchester model 190 semi auto 22L sn/B18645xx


22. Charter Arms AR-7 Explorer take down 22cal. sn/A575xx

Special Mention:


70’s Leslie model 16 rotating cabinet speaker w/foot pedal; Cordovox CG amplifier, tone generator, foot pedal & Super V electronic accordion; Heligonka & button box accordions; Hammond Auto-Vari 64 electronic drum machine; clarinet; trumpet; violin;


Garage & Shop:


workbench w/vise; lg swivel vise; Jawhorse jobsite work stand; bandsaw; scroll saw; miter saw; Paslode nail gun; air compressor; Craftsman rolling tool chest; hand & power tools; nut/bolt bins; power washer; rolling scaffold; ladders;




Hyde Guide model Drift boat w/trailer; Sea Nymph 16’ Fishing Machine alum. boat on trailer w/40hp o/b; 16’ alum. Canoe; 1950 Case VAC model tractor; Sears 18hp garden tractor w/mower deck & 3pt implements; alum folding ATV ramp; push mower; mini tiller; wheelbarrows; sm. utility trailer; chainsaws; bicycles; unicycles; RC boats; milk cans; & More.


Auctioneer's Note:


The Lets Talk Auction Co has been commissioned to sell the Gerald Pytlik’s taxidermy shop & sportsman related estate items of Tawas MI. Also included in this auction will be items from the moving household of Rod & Carol Minkley of Harrisville MI as they downsize to move nearer to family. Large auction with a diversity of items too long to mention. Check website for updates & 100's of pictures. Running 2 Auction rings part of the day, bring a bidding partner. Hope to see you at the Auction!! Greg, Donna, Matthew & Staff.




Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.



Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158


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Taxidermy Sportsman Ham Radio Estate AUCTION!
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Oct 1, 2016 Completed
Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material


Taxidermy Sportsman Ham Radio

Estate  AUCTION!


October 1, 2016 10AM Mio 48647.


Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale



Location:  Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. 48647. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.


 To Include:


Sofa; hide a bed sofa; wicker sofa chair set; living room tables & lamps; glass top chicken crate coffee table; dough box table; oak hall tree, roll top desk, rocker & high chair; oak dining table w/6 chairs; teacart; Martha Washington sewing cabinet; floor model Zenith radio; flip top foyer table; oak highboy w/swing mirror; children’s furniture;




70+ Longaberger basket collection; nickel plated Miller & cast iron Bradley Hubbard hanging oil lamps; PRR wall sconce oil lamp; NYCS RR lantern; other oil lamps; match safes; 22qt pressure cooker; kitchen & housewares; Amana washer & nat. gas dryer; treadmill; 1920s Baseball team champ photo; 10’ lighted Motel sign; 8’Standard Oil plastic sign face;


Special Interest:


Galaxy Saturn, Super MC-9, Golden Eagle, Tram, Hellicrafters, Dak, Demco, & other CB, Ham & Radio telephone equipment; Astatic Silver Eagle & D-104 lollipop & other microphones; Dosy & Eico test equipment; outside antenna;




Ten Point & Barnett crossbows; vintage Bear takedown recurve sn/2-1343; long bows; 8 compound bows; tree stands; safety harness; hunt blinds; Lund, Zink, DU & other custom made animal calls; trail camera; Randall, Blackjack & other sheath knives; Coleman portable LP grill; deep water to fly rod/reel sets; travel rod cases; tackle boxes-full; nets; bait boxes; Whitefish cart; spears; ice shanties & sleds; canoe paddles; lanterns; Johnson folding goose decoys; wooden duck decoys; turkey, duck & deer decoys; walkie talkies; binoculars; coolers;


30+ Mounts:


66” plaque mounted moose antlers; Bison; Whitetail deer; Pronghorn antelope; plaque mounted Caribou antlers; Wild Boar rug & head mounts; standing cub Black Bear; standing & wall mounted Wild Turkeys; standing Fox; Northern Pike, Alligator Gar, Walleye, Bass, Bowfin, Brown trout, Steelhead & other fish; taxidermy forms, work stands, supplies & glass display cabinets;




1. Mauser 7.65/.32ACP model 1914 Pocket Pistol, 8 shot, 3 ¼” bar. Sn/ 3392xx


2. Taurus 357mag. 7 shot revolver, 4” barrel, sn/VF9520xx


3. Remington model 1100 semi auto 12ga, 2 ¾” chamber, sn/12259xx


4. Savage model 220L single shot 12ga, 3” chamber, sn/ na


5. Winchester model 77 semi auto 22L sn/na


6. H&R model SB2 Ultra 223rem. w/6x Redfield scope sn/HR3174xx


7. Husqvarna Vapenfabriks AB Nitro mod. A S&W243win. w/Bushnell Elite 3200 scope sn/35856xx


8. Remington model 721 300 H&H mag. w/Redfield scope sn/4134xx


9. Savage model 243-A O/U 22mag/20ga w/Deerfield 4x32 scope sn/na


10. Marlin model 60G single shot 410ga. sn/na


11. Browning BAR Belgium made 30-06 w/Bushnell 45 wide angle scope sn/137PT124xx


12. Winchester model 100 cal.308 Deluxe Checkered Stock, Tasco 3-9x32, mfg’r date 1967, sn/1859xx


13. Davis Deluxe side by side 20ga. double barrel sn/85x


14. Remington US. Model 03-A3 30-06. Sn/41386xx


15. H&R Pardner single shot 20 ga. 3” chamber sn/4804xx


16. H&R Pardner single shot 410ga. full choke sn/2299xx


17. Winchester Ranger model 120 semi auto 12ga. 2 ¾ & 3” chamber, vent rib bar. Sn/L15533xx


18. Marlin model 88 cal.22LR only semi-auto stock fed sn/NA


19. High Standard Sport King Special model A1041 cal.22L,LR, or High speed shorts semi-auto sn/NA


20. CVA Hawken 50 cal. black powder muzzle loader, sn/4816xx


21. Winchester model 190 semi auto 22L sn/B18645xx


22. Charter Arms AR-7 Explorer take down 22cal. sn/A575xx

Special Mention:


70’s Leslie model 16 rotating cabinet speaker w/foot pedal; Cordovox CG amplifier, tone generator, foot pedal & Super V electronic accordion; Heligonka & button box accordions; Hammond Auto-Vari 64 electronic drum machine; clarinet; trumpet; violin;


Garage & Shop:


workbench w/vise; lg swivel vise; Jawhorse jobsite work stand; bandsaw; scroll saw; miter saw; Paslode nail gun; air compressor; Craftsman rolling tool chest; hand & power tools; nut/bolt bins; power washer; rolling scaffold; ladders;




Hyde Guide model Drift boat w/trailer; Sea Nymph 16’ Fishing Machine alum. boat on trailer w/40hp o/b; 16’ alum. Canoe; 1950 Case VAC model tractor; Sears 18hp garden tractor w/mower deck & 3pt implements; alum folding ATV ramp; push mower; mini tiller; wheelbarrows; sm. utility trailer; chainsaws; bicycles; unicycles; RC boats; milk cans; & More.


Auctioneer's Note:


The Lets Talk Auction Co has been commissioned to sell the Gerald Pytlik’s taxidermy shop & sportsman related estate items of Tawas MI. Also included in this auction will be items from the moving household of Rod & Carol Minkley of Harrisville MI as they downsize to move nearer to family. Large auction with a diversity of items too long to mention. Check website for updates & 100's of pictures. Running 2 Auction rings part of the day, bring a bidding partner. Hope to see you at the Auction!! Greg, Donna, Matthew & Staff.




Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.



Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158