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NEW PICS Bountiful Bungalow Clean Out Estate Sale
Listing ID#: 92034
Sale Location |
Willowick, OH 44095 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Jul 30, 2016 Completed |
Sale Type |
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Company Information |
The TimeFinders LLC Contact: Cindy Illig-Lum Phone: 440-361-0091 Email: Website: ID#: 3360 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Line up for entry, no sign in or numbers at this one.
Cash and Credit ($25 min) accepted. No presales or early birds. Bring your own moving help for large purchases. Park with respect to neighbors. Have a good time. |
Listing Information |
Bountiful Bungalow Clean Out Estate Sale One Day Only Saturday July 30th 10am to 4pm Come help us clean out this Willowick Bungalow, a one day only event with cool vintage finds, crazy prices on everyday household items you want, and all the things your college student needs. Great vintage finds like Tonka, a GI Joe Hovercraft, Viewmaster Junior Projector, Marksman Pellet Gun, and cool metal glider. How about that mini-fridge or a dinette for the co-ed house? Need a sofa with a pull out bed for that apartment or how about a twin bed for the small bedroom? Everyone needs a dresser and a desk, right? Maybe you are looking for a like-new sofa for your own living room or the perfect patio table for your porch? We will have the deals on these items and many more for ONE DAY only so spread the word. And don't miss our TimeFinders Special starting at 3:00pm, fill a bag for $5. The sale will include but is not limited to: Dinettes (two with 4 chairs each) Band Saw Bench Grinder
Huffy Bicycle Cabinet Stereo Cameras, Vintage Costume Jewelry Desks Dressers Drill Press File Cabinets Formica-Top Kitchen tables GI Joe Hovercraft plus (1984-5) Glassware Galore Glider, Black Wooden Kitchen goods, some new in box Lamps Lawn Chairs Linens Luggage Mini-Fridge Office Supplies Planer Printers Rocking Chair Samsung Crystal Surround Airtrack (wireless) Sofas Stereo in Cabinet Storage Cabinets, Vintage Tonka Trucks (Vintage) Tools Twin bed Vintage Metal Glider More.... |
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