LUCK OF THE IRISH Saturday Daytime Antiques Auction
Listing ID#: 768226

Sale Location
314 Legion Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
Sale Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Saturday Mar 22
Bidding Ends: Saturday Mar 29
Sale Type
Company Information
Blue Crab Auction

Contact: Michael Ernst
Phone: 4439497055
Website: ID#: 14973
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Condition-
THIS WILL BE A TIMED ONLINE ONLY AUCTION EVENT -One lot will be scheduled to end Approx. every 5 seconds.
TERMS OF SALE -We advise all prospective bidders to read the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale before bidding in a BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. Sale. By placing a bid the bidder is bound by those Terms and Conditions of the Sale, as amended by any oral announcement or posted notices, which together form the contract of the sale between the successful bidder (purchaser), BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. and the seller (consignor) of the lot(s).

1. All property is sold "As Is, Where Is", with no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied and All Sales are Final. There are no bid reversals or refunds.

2. INSPECTION: Prospective bidders have the opportunity to examine items of interest. Condition reports are offered as a courtesy but they are a matter of opinion and BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., is not liable for any omissions or errors. Property is open to thorough public inspection. The bidder is invited, urged and cautioned to inspect the property prior to bidding. Property will be available for inspection by appointment. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor prior to placing a bid on an item. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet, over the phone and at the auction but makes no representations. Persons in attendance during inspection, sale or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage or loss to persons, property, or merchandise and shall exercise proper precautions at all times for the protection of persons and property and shall comply with all safety and health requirements as directed by Auctioneer, and local, state and federal regulations. Auctioneer, its agents, its employees and representatives shall not be liable by reason of any defect in or about the condition of the premises on which the auction is held. Buyer specifically releases Auctioneer, its agents and representatives from all liability thereof. In no event shall BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

3. INQUIRIES are answered on a first come first serve basis as a courtesy to clients unable to attend preview and may be submitted by e-mail. Please do not contact the office by phone. Additional information provided in response to inquiries is offered as our opinion only and is not part of the description of the goods being sold.

4. BIDDER REGISTRATION: There is no cost register for an auction. Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and is required to register for each auction. To participate in this Auction prospective bidders must register & provide identification information to establish that you are a valid bidder: At the time of registration, we collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. Bidders must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. We collect credit card information to ensure that you are a qualified buyer. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if the Bidder believes his/her bid number, account and/or password have been compromised. There is no cost to register for an auction. BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate any registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidders from bidding. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable.

5. Bid Status: BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. may refuse your bid for any reason, especially if we feel it may be fraudulent activity. If you feel we have declined a bid or blocked you mistakenly you may reach out to us to explain your situation so that we can further evaluate its validity.

We recommend that when bidding place yours bids early so that you will know that your bid will be accepted. Don't wait until the final minute before the item closes to try to bid. bid per item and the bidding is already over that amount. If you know you will be bidding higher than the amount that you were approved for contact us prior to the item ending and we can make a manual change.

All items offered online will have a minimum starting bid as displayed on the online catalogue. Online bids lower than minimum will not be accepted.

6. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the photos take precedence. If you find an error please contact BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. and we will attempt to rectify it. All items are sold on an "as is, where is" basis, with all faults. In the event an item was listed in error or an item can't be located during pick up for any reason, the bidder agrees that their maximum recourse is a full refund of the item in question and that all other items bid on remain binding. By bidding you are acknowledging agreement with the terms above. Do not bid unless you agree to all of these terms. The Bidder is responsible for knowing which item is being bid on. If the Bidder is unsure, they should inquire or not bid. When becoming the winning bidder at auction you have effected a contract and will be expected to pay for items in which you were evidenced to be the successful bidder. Auctioneer will not honor "mistakes".

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8. PROGRESSION OF THE AUCTION: Auctions are typically uploaded to the HiBid Auction Platform 3-5 days before the auction is scheduled to end. Each Auction will have a scheduled time that each auction's items will begin closing. If an auction starts closing on a Friday night at 10 AM the first lot will be scheduled to close at that time. Depending on the quantity of items in the Auction lots may be scheduled to end anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds apart. Each lot will show a scheduled ending time. If no one bids in the final minute before a lot is scheduled to close that lot will close out. If someone bids within the final minute before that lot is scheduled to close, 2 Extra minute will be added to that lot and that lot only to allow additional time for people to bid. The remaining lots behind that lot will continue to close as scheduled unless someone bids in the last minute on that specific lot as well. This is done to prevent a bidder from 'sniping', all bids made in the last minute of the auction will force an item to stay open for an additional 2 minute. This gives the back bidder additional time to increase his/her bid if desired. This process will continue until all bidding has ceased on no one bids within the additional 2minutes that was added.

9. PAYING FOR YOUR PURCHASES: Upon closure of the auction, the bidder will receive an invoice including total items won, buyer's premium and applicable sales tax. This invoice can be paid with cash or credit card upon pickup only. CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. If an item needs to be shipped, PAYPAL is the only means of payment that is accepted. Upon the bidders notification to BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., that items require shipment, a PAYPAL invoice, which will include shipping costs, will be sent.

10. BIDDING NOTIFICATIONS: You can choose to be notified by email during the auction if you have been outbid. Please note that outbid notifications are NOT sent out during the last two hours of the sale. You can watch each item end. If you are the high bidder on an item the item will be highlighted in Green in the Live Auction area. If the lot changes from green to red it means that you have been outbid and would need to bid again At a higher bid. The item will not change back to green until you have surpassed the high bid that the back bidder placed.

11. RESERVE: Seldom are items sold with Reserve. If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item.

12. REMOVAL OF ITEMS: All items are sold in place. Buyers are responsible to remove items in a good workmanlike manner. Any plumbing must be shut off before being disconnected and any electrical that is disconnected must be capped. You must bring any and all tools, equipment required to disconnect and remove any items you purchase. You must bring any required labor to assist in carrying your items from the site to your vehicle. We will have staff onsite to assist buyers in finding their items but they will likely not be available to assist in any way with removal of your items. Please plan ahead and come prepared. You are expected to bring boxes, packing materials, tape, tools, wheel carts, dollies or anything else needed to remove your items in a timely manner. Any items not removed by the times shown will be deemed abandoned regardless of the price. If you can't pick your items up during the time scheduled, you are responsible for designating someone to pick your items up during the time that we are scheduled to be there. You have been advised of the preview and pickup dates prior to the auction. If you are unable or unwilling to pick up your items during the scheduled time please don't bid on the items unless you provide someone to pick your items up for you.

13. STORAGE: If items are left beyond the pickup windows for each auction we have implemented a storage fee for all items. Each item not picked up by end of day Monday after an auction will be subject to a $5.00 fee for storage up to 30 days. Fee is PER item, meaning 5 items will equate to a $25.00 storage charge. Your credit card on file will be billed the Wednesday following an auction for any storage fees accrued. Items still in our possession at the end of 30 days will be automatically re-consigned by the buyer. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.

14. RISK TO PERSON AND PROPERTY: BY REGISTERING AS A BUYER, YOU AGREE THAT BLUE CRAB AUCTION & THE SELLER/CONSIGNOR ARE NOT LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGE TO THE ITEMS YOU PURCHASED, YOUR OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY, OR FOR INJURY OR DEATH. Please take care of yourself and your items as you have released us from liability. We will not be liable for damage or injury to individuals or their property. Purchaser assumes all risk and liability whatsoever resulting from the use of the item(s) sold hereunder; and shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless Auctioneer and Seller from any liability.

15. AUCTION RECORDS: In the unlikely event of a dispute, you agree to accept as true the information that we have in our records.

16. ADDITIONS & DELETIONS: We reserve the right to remove and/or add lots and/or items to the sale at any point during the auction. The Auctioneer reserves the right to accept bids in any increment he feels is in the best interest of his client, the Seller. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject the bidding of any person whose conduct, actions, or adverse comments he feels are not in the best interest of the Seller.

17. SALES TAX: Sales tax will be added to the purchase of all taxable items. Dealers who purchase for resale must file their resale permit numbers. If you are a Maryland Dealer you are required to have a Valid Sales & Use Tax License with the State of Maryland. We are required to verify that the license is Valid before deducting Sales Tax. We will verify the Tax # that you provide and print a Blanket Resale form for your to sign. This needs to be completed before the billing process is initiated. You can't use someone else's Sales & Use License. For Bidders from another state we are required by the State of Maryland to have a copy of your State Business License/Tax License on file in order not to charge Tax. ALL REQUESTS FOR REFUND/EXEMPTION OF SALES TAX MUST SUBMIT PAPERWORK WITHIN 15 DAYS (NON-BUSINESS) OF CLOSE OF AUCTION OR THE AMOUNT WILL BE FORFEIT. TAXES ARE SUBMITTED MONTHLY SO THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.

18. BUYER'S PREMIUM: A premium of 16% of the bid price will be added to the price of each item purchased. Taxes are calculated AFTER the buyer's premium. The Bidders Payment Type will not affect the Buyer Premium at an Online Only Auction. The buyer's premium includes commissions and/or fee's retained by the Online Bidding Platform company.

19. If the foregoing conditions or any other applicable conditions are not complied with, in addition to other remedies available to Auctioneer and Seller by law, including without limitation, the right to hold the purchaser liable for the bid price, the Auctioneer, at their option may (1) resell the property publicly or privately, with purchaser being liable for the payment of any deficiency plus all costs incurred, or (2) cancel the sale, retaining liquidated damages on all payments made by purchaser, Auctioneer commission and all other incidental damages will be charged. Information in brochures, catalogs and other advertisements are from sources believed to be reliable; however prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the inventory or property to satisfy themselves as to condition, model, manufacturer, year, features, mileage, survey, acres, etc. Neither the Auctioneer nor our client make any guarantees and are not responsible for listing or advertising inaccuracies or discrepancies.

20. All statements made by the Auctioneer the day of the auction take precedence over oral statements and/or printed materials.

21. Local Pickup is recommended: Buyer is responsible for bringing all Tools, Manpower, Boxes & Packing materials to remove the items in a timely manner.

22. SHIPPING: BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. does in-house shipping on standard shippable items for a per box handling fee of $6 plus the total cost of the actual shipping. Most items can be combined to ship in one box. There can be exception to the one box combination, at BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., shipping departments discretion, multiple boxes may be necessary, ie. a glass framed painting will not becombined with a ship's compass, or 60 pieces china set cannot be combined into one box. In the event that an item is deemed shippable, but either oversized or over weight, an additional $10 handling fee will be accessed. Oversized or overweight shippable items will be clearly marked in the description of the item. *WE ONLY ACCEPT PAYPAL AS THE FORM OF PAYMENT FOR ANY AND ALL SHIPPED ITEMS.* There will be no refunds if you choose not to have your items shipped. Some items deemed unshippable, due size or extremely delicate nature, The buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging their own crating and freighting. These items will be clearly marked in the item description. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. Some examples of these services include: 1) UShip ( 2) Priority 1 ( 3) Uber Freight ( 4) NAVIS Pack & Ship ( 410-737-8020.

23. The BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. reserves the right to extend the bidding time if an error should occur with the online server.

24. By registering for the Auction you hereby agree to receive mail and/or email correspondence from BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. from time to time. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office at (443) 949-7055 and request removal from the email mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time.

25. Glossary of Terms:
"Manner of" - a work of art done in the style of the artist but which, in our opinion, is from a later date or by another hand
"After" - a copy of a work of art by the artist, which could be done during the artist's life time or thereafter.
"Attributed to" - a work of art which, in our opinion, is likely to be by the artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is. Artist's name in title - if we list an artist's name in the title without qualification, it is our opinion that the work of art was executed by that artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is.
"Style" - any item which is in the style of, but not created by or during the period of, the qualified term. "Style" could be used for a variety of items, for example a Chippendale-style dresser would be a dresser in the Chippendale style but created later, or a Picasso-style painting could be any painting created in the artist's style at any time.
"ozt" - troy ounces "ctw" - carats total weight

Listing Information
Top of the Morning to you, fortune hunters and collectors! Annapolis' pair of Leprechauns, Shelly O'Kelley and Patrick McMurphy are just a wee bit hung over after St. Patrick's Day. After spreading the cheer and gulping green beer, their gift of the gab does not seem so clear. Their hold on the pot of gold at the end of rainbow doesn't appear so bold. Some of that Shamrock treasure has become available for your bidding pleasure. This Irish auction of fine antiques and precious jewelry is a perfect opportunity for you to invest in our Leprechauns' over indulgence. This Saturday, don't miss out, DEAN FEIFIR (hurry up) and spend some green! Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable auction experience!

Charles Monginot Bronze CHILD DOZING ON BOOKS
Charles Monginot (French 1872-1962)

2- 1968 Val St Lambert Crystal OLD MASTER Plates
OLD MASTERS 1) Rembrandt 2) Rubens

Prince Albert Edward Prattware Fox Hunt Milk Jug
Prince Albert Edward Prattware is a type of pottery that commemorates the marriage of Prince Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales, and Princess Alexandra. The pottery is often decorated with a portrait of the couple or a fox hunting scene.

Art Deco Stained Glass Window
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Pressed Steel Sailboat Weathervane on Cupola
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Copper Goose Weathervane on Copper Clad Cupola
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

1955 Elgin West Bend 7 .5 HP Outboard Boat Motor
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Military Academy Steel Bugler Megaphone
Used for Playing TAPS or REVEILLE This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less ...

Vintage Hand Crafted Pond Yacht
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

1880 English Pond Yacht
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Sheet Music Cabinet
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Vienna Regulator Wall Clock
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Carved Wooden Galleon Ship Fire Screen
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Combination Fire Draft Screen & Folding Tea Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Eastlake Red Marbled Top Parlor Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Walnut Gentleman's Dressing Table Mirror
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Maitland Smith Chinoiserie Occasional Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Full Size Japanese Sliding Shoji Tea Screen
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Convertible Highchair Stroller Walker
Pressed Back Oak This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) f...

Victorian Mahogany Pie Crust Wine Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Marble Top Victorian Eastlake Occasional Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

ca. 1820 New York Federal Classical Work Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Edwardian Cherry Corner What-Not
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Oak Arts & Crafts Period Record Cabinet
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

OTIS READER Memoriam Stained Glass Window
Otis M Reader was from Crownsville MD This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (L...

Presbyterian Church Mantle Alter
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Presbyterian Church Niche Shrine
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Stick Built Ship Model of Schooner NANUK
built by Robert Gleason the Radio Operator of the Nanuk when it was stranded in ice in the Artic 1928-1929. This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arrang...

Bronze Michigan Dyna-Quad Nibral Ship's Propeller
In Original Box Extremely Heavy $10 handling fee will apply if shipping is needed

1863 Engraving MERRIMAC & MONITOR



LANDING OF THE TROOPS Johnson Fry & Co. Hand Colored

German NSDAP Party Member Brassard Armband
Embroidered This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

FIGHT AGAINST HARDSHIP, PROTECT MOTHER & CHILD This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII German NS-RKB Member's Lapel Eagle
National Socialist Imperial War Comrades' League This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

German NSDAP DVG Westmark Badge
This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII German Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge
This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII Germany WEST WALL Medal
In original packaging This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

Pair German Luftwaffe Feldwebel Shoulder Straps
Technical Sergeant This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

14kt Gold Judaica Chai Necklace
3.3 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt GOld Hebrew Kotel Name Ring "ELIOR"
5.5 Grams Size 10 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Judaica CHAI Necklace
17 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

10kt Gold "40 Years of Service" Pin
1.6 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Chain
3.1 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Chain
1.7 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Scrap Chain
1.4 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

Pair of 14kt Gold Cameo Earrings
4.4 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt White Gold Wedding Band
3.6 Grams Size 8 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt White Gold CHALET 17 Jewel Lady's Wrist Watch
Both Watch and Band tested positive for 14kt Gold 32 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Pearl Necklace
4.1 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

Authentic Double Strand Pearl Necklace 14kt Clasp
ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold, Ruby & Sapphire HAPPY BIRTHDAY Necklace
14 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold TREE OF LIFE Charm
Turquoise, Peridot, Amethyst & Pearl 5.6 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Double Loop Charm Bracelet
25.8 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Lady's Wedding Band
3.6 grams Size 6 1/2 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Men's Wedding Band
5.2 Grams Size 11 3/4 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

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LUCK OF THE IRISH Saturday Daytime Antiques Auction

Blue Crab Auction

Blue Crab Auction

Contact: Michael Ernst
Phone: 4439497055
Sale Location
314 Legion Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Condition- THIS WILL BE A TIMED ONLINE ONLY AUCTION EVENT -One lot will be scheduled to end Approx. every 5 seconds. TERMS OF SALE -We advise all prospective bidders to read the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale before bidding in a BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. Sale. By placing a bid the bidder is bound by those Terms and Conditions of the Sale, as amended by any oral announcement or posted notices, which together form the contract of the sale between the successful bidder (purchaser), BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. and the seller (consignor) of the lot(s). 1. All property is sold "As Is, Where Is", with no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied and All Sales are Final. There are no bid reversals or refunds. 2. INSPECTION: Prospective bidders have the opportunity to examine items of interest. Condition reports are offered as a courtesy but they are a matter of opinion and BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., is not liable for any omissions or errors. Property is open to thorough public inspection. The bidder is invited, urged and cautioned to inspect the property prior to bidding. Property will be available for inspection by appointment. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor prior to placing a bid on an item. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet, over the phone and at the auction but makes no representations. Persons in attendance during inspection, sale or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage or loss to persons, property, or merchandise and shall exercise proper precautions at all times for the protection of persons and property and shall comply with all safety and health requirements as directed by Auctioneer, and local, state and federal regulations. Auctioneer, its agents, its employees and representatives shall not be liable by reason of any defect in or about the condition of the premises on which the auction is held. Buyer specifically releases Auctioneer, its agents and representatives from all liability thereof. In no event shall BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 3. INQUIRIES are answered on a first come first serve basis as a courtesy to clients unable to attend preview and may be submitted by e-mail. Please do not contact the office by phone. Additional information provided in response to inquiries is offered as our opinion only and is not part of the description of the goods being sold. 4. BIDDER REGISTRATION: There is no cost register for an auction. Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and is required to register for each auction. To participate in this Auction prospective bidders must register & provide identification information to establish that you are a valid bidder: At the time of registration, we collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. Bidders must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. We collect credit card information to ensure that you are a qualified buyer. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if the Bidder believes his/her bid number, account and/or password have been compromised. There is no cost to register for an auction. BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate any registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidders from bidding. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable. 5. Bid Status: BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. may refuse your bid for any reason, especially if we feel it may be fraudulent activity. If you feel we have declined a bid or blocked you mistakenly you may reach out to us to explain your situation so that we can further evaluate its validity. We recommend that when bidding place yours bids early so that you will know that your bid will be accepted. Don't wait until the final minute before the item closes to try to bid. bid per item and the bidding is already over that amount. If you know you will be bidding higher than the amount that you were approved for contact us prior to the item ending and we can make a manual change. All items offered online will have a minimum starting bid as displayed on the online catalogue. Online bids lower than minimum will not be accepted. 6. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the photos take precedence. If you find an error please contact BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. and we will attempt to rectify it. All items are sold on an "as is, where is" basis, with all faults. In the event an item was listed in error or an item can't be located during pick up for any reason, the bidder agrees that their maximum recourse is a full refund of the item in question and that all other items bid on remain binding. 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If you make an error the BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. can attempt to correct it but it has to be in a timely manner before the item closes. In order to make a correction you must contact the BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. at 443-949-7055. You are responsible for the bids that you place. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. 8. PROGRESSION OF THE AUCTION: Auctions are typically uploaded to the HiBid Auction Platform 3-5 days before the auction is scheduled to end. Each Auction will have a scheduled time that each auction's items will begin closing. If an auction starts closing on a Friday night at 10 AM the first lot will be scheduled to close at that time. Depending on the quantity of items in the Auction lots may be scheduled to end anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds apart. Each lot will show a scheduled ending time. If no one bids in the final minute before a lot is scheduled to close that lot will close out. If someone bids within the final minute before that lot is scheduled to close, 2 Extra minute will be added to that lot and that lot only to allow additional time for people to bid. The remaining lots behind that lot will continue to close as scheduled unless someone bids in the last minute on that specific lot as well. This is done to prevent a bidder from 'sniping', all bids made in the last minute of the auction will force an item to stay open for an additional 2 minute. This gives the back bidder additional time to increase his/her bid if desired. This process will continue until all bidding has ceased on no one bids within the additional 2minutes that was added. 9. PAYING FOR YOUR PURCHASES: Upon closure of the auction, the bidder will receive an invoice including total items won, buyer's premium and applicable sales tax. 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If an item is being sold with a reserve, it will be clearly marked and identified. For items sold with a 'reserve', you will be required to pay a minimum amount in order to win the item. 12. REMOVAL OF ITEMS: All items are sold in place. Buyers are responsible to remove items in a good workmanlike manner. Any plumbing must be shut off before being disconnected and any electrical that is disconnected must be capped. You must bring any and all tools, equipment required to disconnect and remove any items you purchase. You must bring any required labor to assist in carrying your items from the site to your vehicle. We will have staff onsite to assist buyers in finding their items but they will likely not be available to assist in any way with removal of your items. Please plan ahead and come prepared. You are expected to bring boxes, packing materials, tape, tools, wheel carts, dollies or anything else needed to remove your items in a timely manner. 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If the foregoing conditions or any other applicable conditions are not complied with, in addition to other remedies available to Auctioneer and Seller by law, including without limitation, the right to hold the purchaser liable for the bid price, the Auctioneer, at their option may (1) resell the property publicly or privately, with purchaser being liable for the payment of any deficiency plus all costs incurred, or (2) cancel the sale, retaining liquidated damages on all payments made by purchaser, Auctioneer commission and all other incidental damages will be charged. Information in brochures, catalogs and other advertisements are from sources believed to be reliable; however prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the inventory or property to satisfy themselves as to condition, model, manufacturer, year, features, mileage, survey, acres, etc. Neither the Auctioneer nor our client make any guarantees and are not responsible for listing or advertising inaccuracies or discrepancies. 20. All statements made by the Auctioneer the day of the auction take precedence over oral statements and/or printed materials. 21. Local Pickup is recommended: Buyer is responsible for bringing all Tools, Manpower, Boxes & Packing materials to remove the items in a timely manner. 22. SHIPPING: BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. does in-house shipping on standard shippable items for a per box handling fee of $6 plus the total cost of the actual shipping. Most items can be combined to ship in one box. There can be exception to the one box combination, at BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., shipping departments discretion, multiple boxes may be necessary, ie. a glass framed painting will not becombined with a ship's compass, or 60 pieces china set cannot be combined into one box. In the event that an item is deemed shippable, but either oversized or over weight, an additional $10 handling fee will be accessed. Oversized or overweight shippable items will be clearly marked in the description of the item. *WE ONLY ACCEPT PAYPAL AS THE FORM OF PAYMENT FOR ANY AND ALL SHIPPED ITEMS.* There will be no refunds if you choose not to have your items shipped. Some items deemed unshippable, due size or extremely delicate nature, The buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging their own crating and freighting. These items will be clearly marked in the item description. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. Some examples of these services include: 1) UShip ( 2) Priority 1 ( 3) Uber Freight ( 4) NAVIS Pack & Ship ( 410-737-8020. 23. The BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. reserves the right to extend the bidding time if an error should occur with the online server. 24. By registering for the Auction you hereby agree to receive mail and/or email correspondence from BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. from time to time. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office at (443) 949-7055 and request removal from the email mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. 25. Glossary of Terms: "Manner of" - a work of art done in the style of the artist but which, in our opinion, is from a later date or by another hand "After" - a copy of a work of art by the artist, which could be done during the artist's life time or thereafter. "Attributed to" - a work of art which, in our opinion, is likely to be by the artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is. Artist's name in title - if we list an artist's name in the title without qualification, it is our opinion that the work of art was executed by that artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is. "Style" - any item which is in the style of, but not created by or during the period of, the qualified term. "Style" could be used for a variety of items, for example a Chippendale-style dresser would be a dresser in the Chippendale style but created later, or a Picasso-style painting could be any painting created in the artist's style at any time. "ozt" - troy ounces "ctw" - carats total weight
Listing Details
Top of the Morning to you, fortune hunters and collectors! Annapolis' pair of Leprechauns, Shelly O'Kelley and Patrick McMurphy are just a wee bit hung over after St. Patrick's Day. After spreading the cheer and gulping green beer, their gift of the gab does not seem so clear. Their hold on the pot of gold at the end of rainbow doesn't appear so bold. Some of that Shamrock treasure has become available for your bidding pleasure. This Irish auction of fine antiques and precious jewelry is a perfect opportunity for you to invest in our Leprechauns' over indulgence. This Saturday, don't miss out, DEAN FEIFIR (hurry up) and spend some green! Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable auction experience!

Charles Monginot Bronze CHILD DOZING ON BOOKS
Charles Monginot (French 1872-1962)

2- 1968 Val St Lambert Crystal OLD MASTER Plates
OLD MASTERS 1) Rembrandt 2) Rubens

Prince Albert Edward Prattware Fox Hunt Milk Jug
Prince Albert Edward Prattware is a type of pottery that commemorates the marriage of Prince Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales, and Princess Alexandra. The pottery is often decorated with a portrait of the couple or a fox hunting scene.

Art Deco Stained Glass Window
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Pressed Steel Sailboat Weathervane on Cupola
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Copper Goose Weathervane on Copper Clad Cupola
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

1955 Elgin West Bend 7 .5 HP Outboard Boat Motor
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Military Academy Steel Bugler Megaphone
Used for Playing TAPS or REVEILLE This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less ...

Vintage Hand Crafted Pond Yacht
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

1880 English Pond Yacht
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Sheet Music Cabinet
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Vienna Regulator Wall Clock
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Carved Wooden Galleon Ship Fire Screen
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Combination Fire Draft Screen & Folding Tea Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Eastlake Red Marbled Top Parlor Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Walnut Gentleman's Dressing Table Mirror
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Maitland Smith Chinoiserie Occasional Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Full Size Japanese Sliding Shoji Tea Screen
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Convertible Highchair Stroller Walker
Pressed Back Oak This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) f...

Victorian Mahogany Pie Crust Wine Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Marble Top Victorian Eastlake Occasional Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

ca. 1820 New York Federal Classical Work Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Edwardian Cherry Corner What-Not
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Oak Arts & Crafts Period Record Cabinet
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

OTIS READER Memoriam Stained Glass Window
Otis M Reader was from Crownsville MD This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (L...

Presbyterian Church Mantle Alter
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Presbyterian Church Niche Shrine
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Stick Built Ship Model of Schooner NANUK
built by Robert Gleason the Radio Operator of the Nanuk when it was stranded in ice in the Artic 1928-1929. This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arrang...

Bronze Michigan Dyna-Quad Nibral Ship's Propeller
In Original Box Extremely Heavy $10 handling fee will apply if shipping is needed

1863 Engraving MERRIMAC & MONITOR



LANDING OF THE TROOPS Johnson Fry & Co. Hand Colored

German NSDAP Party Member Brassard Armband
Embroidered This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

FIGHT AGAINST HARDSHIP, PROTECT MOTHER & CHILD This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII German NS-RKB Member's Lapel Eagle
National Socialist Imperial War Comrades' League This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

German NSDAP DVG Westmark Badge
This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII German Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge
This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII Germany WEST WALL Medal
In original packaging This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

Pair German Luftwaffe Feldwebel Shoulder Straps
Technical Sergeant This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

14kt Gold Judaica Chai Necklace
3.3 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt GOld Hebrew Kotel Name Ring "ELIOR"
5.5 Grams Size 10 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Judaica CHAI Necklace
17 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

10kt Gold "40 Years of Service" Pin
1.6 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Chain
3.1 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Chain
1.7 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Scrap Chain
1.4 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

Pair of 14kt Gold Cameo Earrings
4.4 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt White Gold Wedding Band
3.6 Grams Size 8 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt White Gold CHALET 17 Jewel Lady's Wrist Watch
Both Watch and Band tested positive for 14kt Gold 32 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Pearl Necklace
4.1 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

Authentic Double Strand Pearl Necklace 14kt Clasp
ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold, Ruby & Sapphire HAPPY BIRTHDAY Necklace
14 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold TREE OF LIFE Charm
Turquoise, Peridot, Amethyst & Pearl 5.6 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Double Loop Charm Bracelet
25.8 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Lady's Wedding Band
3.6 grams Size 6 1/2 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Men's Wedding Band
5.2 Grams Size 11 3/4 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

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LUCK OF THE IRISH Saturday Daytime Antiques Auction
 Online Only Auction
Sale Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Saturday Mar 22
Bidding Ends: Saturday Mar 29
Sale Location
314 Legion Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21401
Listing Terms and Conditions
Auction Terms & Condition- THIS WILL BE A TIMED ONLINE ONLY AUCTION EVENT -One lot will be scheduled to end Approx. every 5 seconds. TERMS OF SALE -We advise all prospective bidders to read the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale before bidding in a BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. Sale. By placing a bid the bidder is bound by those Terms and Conditions of the Sale, as amended by any oral announcement or posted notices, which together form the contract of the sale between the successful bidder (purchaser), BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. and the seller (consignor) of the lot(s). 1. All property is sold "As Is, Where Is", with no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied and All Sales are Final. There are no bid reversals or refunds. 2. INSPECTION: Prospective bidders have the opportunity to examine items of interest. Condition reports are offered as a courtesy but they are a matter of opinion and BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., is not liable for any omissions or errors. Property is open to thorough public inspection. The bidder is invited, urged and cautioned to inspect the property prior to bidding. Property will be available for inspection by appointment. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor prior to placing a bid on an item. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the internet, over the phone and at the auction but makes no representations. Persons in attendance during inspection, sale or removal of merchandise assume all risks of damage or loss to persons, property, or merchandise and shall exercise proper precautions at all times for the protection of persons and property and shall comply with all safety and health requirements as directed by Auctioneer, and local, state and federal regulations. Auctioneer, its agents, its employees and representatives shall not be liable by reason of any defect in or about the condition of the premises on which the auction is held. Buyer specifically releases Auctioneer, its agents and representatives from all liability thereof. In no event shall BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 3. INQUIRIES are answered on a first come first serve basis as a courtesy to clients unable to attend preview and may be submitted by e-mail. Please do not contact the office by phone. Additional information provided in response to inquiries is offered as our opinion only and is not part of the description of the goods being sold. 4. BIDDER REGISTRATION: There is no cost register for an auction. Bidder must be 18 years of age or older, and is required to register for each auction. To participate in this Auction prospective bidders must register & provide identification information to establish that you are a valid bidder: At the time of registration, we collect information about you to verify who you are before you can bid. Bidders must submit information found to be current, complete, and accurate for proper identification. We collect credit card information to ensure that you are a qualified buyer. Bidder is responsible for security of his/her bidding number/user name and password, and any and all bids placed under the assigned number/ID. Auctioneer should be notified immediately if the Bidder believes his/her bid number, account and/or password have been compromised. There is no cost to register for an auction. BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate any registration, deny any person for any reason permission or access to bid, to reject any and all bids, and to suspend or ban Bidders from bidding. Bidder registration is not transferable or assignable. 5. Bid Status: BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. may refuse your bid for any reason, especially if we feel it may be fraudulent activity. If you feel we have declined a bid or blocked you mistakenly you may reach out to us to explain your situation so that we can further evaluate its validity. We recommend that when bidding place yours bids early so that you will know that your bid will be accepted. Don't wait until the final minute before the item closes to try to bid. bid per item and the bidding is already over that amount. If you know you will be bidding higher than the amount that you were approved for contact us prior to the item ending and we can make a manual change. All items offered online will have a minimum starting bid as displayed on the online catalogue. Online bids lower than minimum will not be accepted. 6. CATALOGUE ERRORS & OMISSIONS: If a description does not match a picture in a lot, the photos take precedence. If you find an error please contact BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. and we will attempt to rectify it. All items are sold on an "as is, where is" basis, with all faults. In the event an item was listed in error or an item can't be located during pick up for any reason, the bidder agrees that their maximum recourse is a full refund of the item in question and that all other items bid on remain binding. 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If you make an error the BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. can attempt to correct it but it has to be in a timely manner before the item closes. In order to make a correction you must contact the BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. at 443-949-7055. You are responsible for the bids that you place. Note that no bids can be withdrawn after the auction for any reason. 8. PROGRESSION OF THE AUCTION: Auctions are typically uploaded to the HiBid Auction Platform 3-5 days before the auction is scheduled to end. Each Auction will have a scheduled time that each auction's items will begin closing. If an auction starts closing on a Friday night at 10 AM the first lot will be scheduled to close at that time. Depending on the quantity of items in the Auction lots may be scheduled to end anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds apart. Each lot will show a scheduled ending time. If no one bids in the final minute before a lot is scheduled to close that lot will close out. If someone bids within the final minute before that lot is scheduled to close, 2 Extra minute will be added to that lot and that lot only to allow additional time for people to bid. The remaining lots behind that lot will continue to close as scheduled unless someone bids in the last minute on that specific lot as well. This is done to prevent a bidder from 'sniping', all bids made in the last minute of the auction will force an item to stay open for an additional 2 minute. This gives the back bidder additional time to increase his/her bid if desired. This process will continue until all bidding has ceased on no one bids within the additional 2minutes that was added. 9. PAYING FOR YOUR PURCHASES: Upon closure of the auction, the bidder will receive an invoice including total items won, buyer's premium and applicable sales tax. 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Information in brochures, catalogs and other advertisements are from sources believed to be reliable; however prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the inventory or property to satisfy themselves as to condition, model, manufacturer, year, features, mileage, survey, acres, etc. Neither the Auctioneer nor our client make any guarantees and are not responsible for listing or advertising inaccuracies or discrepancies. 20. All statements made by the Auctioneer the day of the auction take precedence over oral statements and/or printed materials. 21. Local Pickup is recommended: Buyer is responsible for bringing all Tools, Manpower, Boxes & Packing materials to remove the items in a timely manner. 22. SHIPPING: BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. does in-house shipping on standard shippable items for a per box handling fee of $6 plus the total cost of the actual shipping. Most items can be combined to ship in one box. There can be exception to the one box combination, at BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc., shipping departments discretion, multiple boxes may be necessary, ie. a glass framed painting will not becombined with a ship's compass, or 60 pieces china set cannot be combined into one box. In the event that an item is deemed shippable, but either oversized or over weight, an additional $10 handling fee will be accessed. Oversized or overweight shippable items will be clearly marked in the description of the item. *WE ONLY ACCEPT PAYPAL AS THE FORM OF PAYMENT FOR ANY AND ALL SHIPPED ITEMS.* There will be no refunds if you choose not to have your items shipped. Some items deemed unshippable, due size or extremely delicate nature, The buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging their own crating and freighting. These items will be clearly marked in the item description. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. Some examples of these services include: 1) UShip ( 2) Priority 1 ( 3) Uber Freight ( 4) NAVIS Pack & Ship ( 410-737-8020. 23. The BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. reserves the right to extend the bidding time if an error should occur with the online server. 24. By registering for the Auction you hereby agree to receive mail and/or email correspondence from BLUE CRAB AUCTION, a division of Blue Crab Antiques Inc. from time to time. Auctioneer uses email mailing lists to notify customers about online and live auctions. Customers who do not wish to be notified should contact the office at (443) 949-7055 and request removal from the email mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. 25. Glossary of Terms: "Manner of" - a work of art done in the style of the artist but which, in our opinion, is from a later date or by another hand "After" - a copy of a work of art by the artist, which could be done during the artist's life time or thereafter. "Attributed to" - a work of art which, in our opinion, is likely to be by the artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is. Artist's name in title - if we list an artist's name in the title without qualification, it is our opinion that the work of art was executed by that artist. Note that this does not supersede the fact that all items are sold as-is. "Style" - any item which is in the style of, but not created by or during the period of, the qualified term. "Style" could be used for a variety of items, for example a Chippendale-style dresser would be a dresser in the Chippendale style but created later, or a Picasso-style painting could be any painting created in the artist's style at any time. "ozt" - troy ounces "ctw" - carats total weight
Top of the Morning to you, fortune hunters and collectors! Annapolis' pair of Leprechauns, Shelly O'Kelley and Patrick McMurphy are just a wee bit hung over after St. Patrick's Day. After spreading the cheer and gulping green beer, their gift of the gab does not seem so clear. Their hold on the pot of gold at the end of rainbow doesn't appear so bold. Some of that Shamrock treasure has become available for your bidding pleasure. This Irish auction of fine antiques and precious jewelry is a perfect opportunity for you to invest in our Leprechauns' over indulgence. This Saturday, don't miss out, DEAN FEIFIR (hurry up) and spend some green! Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable auction experience!

Charles Monginot Bronze CHILD DOZING ON BOOKS
Charles Monginot (French 1872-1962)


2- 1968 Val St Lambert Crystal OLD MASTER Plates
OLD MASTERS 1) Rembrandt 2) Rubens


Prince Albert Edward Prattware Fox Hunt Milk Jug
Prince Albert Edward Prattware is a type of pottery that commemorates the marriage of Prince Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales, and Princess Alexandra. The pottery is often decorated with a portrait of the couple or a fox hunting scene.















Art Deco Stained Glass Window
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Pressed Steel Sailboat Weathervane on Cupola
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Copper Goose Weathervane on Copper Clad Cupola
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

1955 Elgin West Bend 7 .5 HP Outboard Boat Motor
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Military Academy Steel Bugler Megaphone
Used for Playing TAPS or REVEILLE This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less ...

Vintage Hand Crafted Pond Yacht
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

1880 English Pond Yacht
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Sheet Music Cabinet
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Vienna Regulator Wall Clock
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Carved Wooden Galleon Ship Fire Screen
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Combination Fire Draft Screen & Folding Tea Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Eastlake Red Marbled Top Parlor Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Victorian Walnut Gentleman's Dressing Table Mirror
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Maitland Smith Chinoiserie Occasional Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Full Size Japanese Sliding Shoji Tea Screen
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...


Victorian Convertible Highchair Stroller Walker
Pressed Back Oak This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) f...

Victorian Mahogany Pie Crust Wine Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Marble Top Victorian Eastlake Occasional Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

ca. 1820 New York Federal Classical Work Table
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Edwardian Cherry Corner What-Not
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...


Oak Arts & Crafts Period Record Cabinet
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

OTIS READER Memoriam Stained Glass Window
Otis M Reader was from Crownsville MD This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (L...

Presbyterian Church Mantle Alter
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...

Presbyterian Church Niche Shrine
This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arranging for their own crating and freighting. We recommend utilizing LTL (Less than truckload) freight services. ...




















Stick Built Ship Model of Schooner NANUK
built by Robert Gleason the Radio Operator of the Nanuk when it was stranded in ice in the Artic 1928-1929. This item is deemed unshippable due to its size or its extremely delicate nature; the buyer is solely responsible for either pickup or arrang...

Bronze Michigan Dyna-Quad Nibral Ship's Propeller
In Original Box Extremely Heavy $10 handling fee will apply if shipping is needed











1863 Engraving MERRIMAC & MONITOR







LANDING OF THE TROOPS Johnson Fry & Co. Hand Colored

German NSDAP Party Member Brassard Armband
Embroidered This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.


This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

FIGHT AGAINST HARDSHIP, PROTECT MOTHER & CHILD This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII German NS-RKB Member's Lapel Eagle
National Socialist Imperial War Comrades' League This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

German NSDAP DVG Westmark Badge
This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.


WWII German Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge
This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

WWII Germany WEST WALL Medal
In original packaging This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.

Pair German Luftwaffe Feldwebel Shoulder Straps
Technical Sergeant This was taken as a war trophy by a US Soldier during WWII. Part of the photograph has been obscured so that we could list this item, but the item is fully intact.














14kt Gold Judaica Chai Necklace
3.3 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt GOld Hebrew Kotel Name Ring "ELIOR"
5.5 Grams Size 10 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Judaica CHAI Necklace
17 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

10kt Gold "40 Years of Service" Pin
1.6 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Chain
3.1 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Chain
1.7 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Scrap Chain
1.4 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

Pair of 14kt Gold Cameo Earrings
4.4 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt White Gold Wedding Band
3.6 Grams Size 8 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt White Gold CHALET 17 Jewel Lady's Wrist Watch
Both Watch and Band tested positive for 14kt Gold 32 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Pearl Necklace
4.1 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked



Authentic Double Strand Pearl Necklace 14kt Clasp
ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked


14kt Gold, Ruby & Sapphire HAPPY BIRTHDAY Necklace
14 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold TREE OF LIFE Charm
Turquoise, Peridot, Amethyst & Pearl 5.6 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Double Loop Charm Bracelet
25.8 Grams ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Lady's Wedding Band
3.6 grams Size 6 1/2 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked

14kt Gold Men's Wedding Band
5.2 Grams Size 11 3/4 ALL GOLD IS ACID TESTED -even if it is marked