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Listing ID#: 767615
Sale Location |
London, OH 43140 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Thursday Mar 20, 2025 Completed |
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Cheri Gray Auctioneer LLC Contact: Cheri Gray Phone: 614-554-4252 Email: Website: ID#: 7027 View company information and listings |
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TERMS: All items sold AS IS. Cash, Visa, Discover, Master Card, American Express
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Antiques Household Collectibles Thursday 5:30pm
Every Thursday @ 5:30pm 1675 Cumberland St. London, Ohio 43140 In the Village of Lafayette On State Route 40 Across from The Red Brick Tavern Thursday at 5:30 PM (preview at 4:00 PM) FURNITURE SELLS AT APPROXIMATELY 6:30 - 7:00 PM! CLICK HERE TO VIEW UPDATED PHOTOS Experts in All Types of Auctions Estate Auctions, Onsite Auctions, Cataloged Auctions, Coin Cataloged Auctions, Online Auctions, and Consignment Auctions. Nice selection of furniture, glassware, case items, collectibles & great box lots! Federal Firearms Licensee FURNITURE SELLS AT APPROXIMATELY 6:30 - 7:00 PM!
Furniture: Nice leather sofa, Library table, older rocker, blue upholstered chair, plant stand & 2 matching beige upholstered chairs. Card table & chair set. Older piano stool with claw feet, oak one drawer stand, nice desk, 2 utility stools, floral upholstered chair with ottoman. Older wood folding school desk, office chair, good selection of framed artwork & more. Appliances: Like new Kenmore refrigerator, under the counter microwave, Lazarus sewing machine, new in the box KitchenAid Deluxe mixer & other small appliances. Collectibles: Good selection of copper items, crock, wood crate, Die cast cars in original boxes including NASCAR items. Various Action figures in original boxes & other toys. Train items, lanterns, brass items & some great vintage Christmas bulbs. Tractor prints, lanterns, Camel saddle, older hand painted lamp shade, hanging copper pot, bird houses & large framed White Castle oil on canvas (36" x 44") Artist signed Gregg Williard. Walking sick & canes. Pair of prisms lamps, novelty T-Shirts & more. Glassware: Fenton shoes, Crystal, Art glass, Toby mug & more. Case Items: Large amount of pocketknives, belt buckles, advertising items, miniatures, some sterling items, tokens & medals. 10k & 14k gold items, older watch fob, Masonic items, stamp holder, World's Fair pocketknife & more. Electronics: Flat screen TV's, Roku & Samsung. DVD player with remote, speakers, Sony turn table, Sony CD changer, Onkyo CD changer, Harmon Kardon receiver & CD's. Outdoor Items: Rain barrels, flowerpots, bicycles, yard cart, metal cooler & yard tools. Older 3 wheeled bicycle, metal shelving, metal storage cabinet & some hand tools. Tool boxes & more. Household items, home decor, books, boxes of towels, toys & great box lots.
TERMS: All items sold AS IS. Cash, AMX, Visa, Discover, & Master Card accepted, N0 Checks Catered By GrayFam Hot Dog Stand LOTS MORE TO UNCOVER SO CHECK BACK OFTEN. If you would like to consign some items to our Auction please call or email us. Cheri Gray, Auctioneer LLC 614 554-4252 740 490-7200 email: Auction will be both indoor and outdoor. Limited seating available.
If you would like to consign some of your items please call or email us. Thanks! Please be a responsible gun owner and buy and sell your guns thru a Federal Fire Arms Licensed dealer. Help to prevent guns from winding up in the wrong hands. Get educated in the proper care, use, and handling of firearms. Also we need to support our family and friends when there is need for mental health support. Help protect our family’s, protect our children thank you. Cheri Gray, Auctioneer LLC We will be updating information & photos daily so check back often for updates! Thanks Join us for our auction at this location. Large items can be picked up on Friday Check back for updates. Cheri Gray, Auctioneer LLC 614 554-4252 740 490-7200
Johanna Patrick, Auctioneer
All auctioneers licensed by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, bonded in favor of the state of Ohio or member of the Ohio recovery fund. Department of Agriculture 8995 E. Main St. Reynoldsburg Ohio 43068
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