HUGE Estate! Furn, LPs, kitchen & MORE!
Listing ID#: 767357

Sale Location

Fresno, CA 93703
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Friday Mar 21, 2025 Completed
Saturday Mar 22, 2025 Completed
Sunday Mar 23, 2025 Completed
Sale Type
 Estate Sale 
Company Information
Basements and Beyond

Contact: Barbara Gunner-Mazman
Phone: (559)906-5112
Website: ID#: 1236
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Listing Terms and Conditions
All items sold as-is, where is. No refunds or exchanges. Sales tax IS collected.
We provide bags and paper. Please bring your own box if you need one (or two).
Please bring help to load large/heavy items.
Listing Information
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
March 21 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
March 22 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
March 23 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1837 N Sierra Vista, Fresno 93703
north of McKinley
between Maple & Chestnut
Home, garage & yard FULL!
Antique oak buffet, vintage sectional sofa,
maple platform rocker, rocking chair,
recliners, chair & ottoman,
large cup & saucer collection, piano & bench,
floor lamps, table, lamps, tension lamp,
end tables, coffee table, mirrors,
crystal, depression glass & 50s glassware,
carnival glass, milk glass,
lots of Pyrex - colors & clear, Corning Ware,
lots of silver plate & stainless flatware,
newer GE microwave and other small appliances,
pots & pans, cast iron,
utensils & knives,
vintage kitchen items, cookbooks, refrigerator,
Nikko Blue Peony dishes, Noritake Whitehall,
Noritake Dignatio, pottery, collector plates, table top radio,
Plymouth camelback mantle clock,
Maple hutch, fireplace screen,
kitchen table with four leaves & six chairs,
kitchen table with one leaf (no chairs),
linens & doilies, vanity with mirror,
antique oak dresser, small dresser,
Epson printer, Sony CD changer,
LOTS of LPs, books & Bibles, a few CDs and DVDs,
vacuum, maple dresser with mirror,
3 cedar chests, king bed, futon,
electric keyboard, prints, jewelry boxes, jewelry,
working console stereo, 2 Maple desks,
cabinets and shelves,
Coca Cola trays, plush toys, blankets & bedding, barstools,
LOTS of tablecloths,
women’s clothing, wedding dress and some vintage clothing,
Dooney & Bourke purses,
working vintage refrigerator, washer and dryer,
lots of Christmas décor - some vintage,
patio wood glider & swing, birdcages, patio chairs and tables,
bicycles, garden & yard items,
tools, wheel barrows, plants & rose bushes,
We accept cash and all major credit cards.
We provide bags & paper.
PLEASE bring your own box(es)
AND help to load furniture and heavy items.
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HUGE Estate! Furn, LPs, kitchen & MORE!

Basements and Beyond

Basements and Beyond

Contact: Barbara Gunner-Mazman
Phone: (559)906-5112
Sale Location
1837 N Sierra Vista
Fresno, CA 93703
Sale Dates and Times
Friday Mar 21, 2025 Completed
Saturday Mar 22, 2025 Completed
Sunday Mar 23, 2025 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
All items sold as-is, where is. No refunds or exchanges. Sales tax IS collected. We provide bags and paper. Please bring your own box if you need one (or two). Please bring help to load large/heavy items.
Listing Details
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
March 21 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
March 22 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
March 23 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1837 N Sierra Vista, Fresno 93703
north of McKinley
between Maple & Chestnut
Home, garage & yard FULL!
Antique oak buffet, vintage sectional sofa,
maple platform rocker, rocking chair,
recliners, chair & ottoman,
large cup & saucer collection, piano & bench,
floor lamps, table, lamps, tension lamp,
end tables, coffee table, mirrors,
crystal, depression glass & 50s glassware,
carnival glass, milk glass,
lots of Pyrex - colors & clear, Corning Ware,
lots of silver plate & stainless flatware,
newer GE microwave and other small appliances,
pots & pans, cast iron,
utensils & knives,
vintage kitchen items, cookbooks, refrigerator,
Nikko Blue Peony dishes, Noritake Whitehall,
Noritake Dignatio, pottery, collector plates, table top radio,
Plymouth camelback mantle clock,
Maple hutch, fireplace screen,
kitchen table with four leaves & six chairs,
kitchen table with one leaf (no chairs),
linens & doilies, vanity with mirror,
antique oak dresser, small dresser,
Epson printer, Sony CD changer,
LOTS of LPs, books & Bibles, a few CDs and DVDs,
vacuum, maple dresser with mirror,
3 cedar chests, king bed, futon,
electric keyboard, prints, jewelry boxes, jewelry,
working console stereo, 2 Maple desks,
cabinets and shelves,
Coca Cola trays, plush toys, blankets & bedding, barstools,
LOTS of tablecloths,
women’s clothing, wedding dress and some vintage clothing,
Dooney & Bourke purses,
working vintage refrigerator, washer and dryer,
lots of Christmas décor - some vintage,
patio wood glider & swing, birdcages, patio chairs and tables,
bicycles, garden & yard items,
tools, wheel barrows, plants & rose bushes,
We accept cash and all major credit cards.
We provide bags & paper.
PLEASE bring your own box(es)
AND help to load furniture and heavy items.
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HUGE Estate! Furn, LPs, kitchen & MORE!
 Estate Sale
Sale Date(s)
Friday Mar 21, 2025 Completed
Saturday Mar 22, 2025 Completed
Sunday Mar 23, 2025 Completed
Sale Location

Fresno, CA 93703
Listing Terms and Conditions
All items sold as-is, where is. No refunds or exchanges. Sales tax IS collected. We provide bags and paper. Please bring your own box if you need one (or two). Please bring help to load large/heavy items.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
March 21 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
March 22 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
March 23 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
1837 N Sierra Vista, Fresno 93703
north of McKinley
between Maple & Chestnut
Home, garage & yard FULL!
Antique oak buffet, vintage sectional sofa,
maple platform rocker, rocking chair,
recliners, chair & ottoman,
large cup & saucer collection, piano & bench,
floor lamps, table, lamps, tension lamp,
end tables, coffee table, mirrors,
crystal, depression glass & 50s glassware,
carnival glass, milk glass,
lots of Pyrex - colors & clear, Corning Ware,
lots of silver plate & stainless flatware,
newer GE microwave and other small appliances,
pots & pans, cast iron,
utensils & knives,
vintage kitchen items, cookbooks, refrigerator,
Nikko Blue Peony dishes, Noritake Whitehall,
Noritake Dignatio, pottery, collector plates, table top radio,
Plymouth camelback mantle clock,
Maple hutch, fireplace screen,
kitchen table with four leaves & six chairs,
kitchen table with one leaf (no chairs),
linens & doilies, vanity with mirror,
antique oak dresser, small dresser,
Epson printer, Sony CD changer,
LOTS of LPs, books & Bibles, a few CDs and DVDs,
vacuum, maple dresser with mirror,
3 cedar chests, king bed, futon,
electric keyboard, prints, jewelry boxes, jewelry,
working console stereo, 2 Maple desks,
cabinets and shelves,
Coca Cola trays, plush toys, blankets & bedding, barstools,
LOTS of tablecloths,
women’s clothing, wedding dress and some vintage clothing,
Dooney & Bourke purses,
working vintage refrigerator, washer and dryer,
lots of Christmas décor - some vintage,
patio wood glider & swing, birdcages, patio chairs and tables,
bicycles, garden & yard items,
tools, wheel barrows, plants & rose bushes,
We accept cash and all major credit cards.
We provide bags & paper.
PLEASE bring your own box(es)
AND help to load furniture and heavy items.