DENTON/CORINTH/OAKMONT * Well known Denton(ite) family estate is also a decorator's dream sale!
Listing ID#: 766322
Sale Location |
Corinth, TX 76210 Full Address Available on Wednesday, Mar 26 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Thursday Mar 27, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday Mar 28, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday Mar 29, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm |
Sale Type |
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Company Information |
J & S ESTATE SALES of North Texas Contact: Stephanie Sprabeary Phone: 9406009123 Email: Website: ID#: 1477 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Thursday 10-4, Friday 10-3, Saturday 9-2
*** CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED on purchases of $100 or more ***No Children Please*** ***If we are not busy, we will be glad to help you load your items, but please be prepared to bring help, if needed. ***No Refunds or exchanges ***WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR INJURY WHILE YOU ARE VISITING THIS ESTATE SALE ***NEW RULE !!!*** You must use one of OUR tags (with your name on it) to tag larger items that you can not carry to your holding area. IF YOU TAG IT, YOU BUY IT !!!! It is not fair to the other customers or the Homeowner if somebody comes through and tags MANY items, then waits and "decides" which ones they are actually going to buy later. Others may have left thinking it was sold, and we could lose the sale for our Sweet Homeowner. ***J |
Listing Information |
Pictures and information are being added daily as we are prepping this great sale, so please check back often for updates.
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