**Sammamish In Person Sale**
Listing ID#: 766014

Sale Location
Sammamish, WA, WA 98074
Full Address Available on Thursday, May 1
Sale Dates and Times
Friday May 2, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Saturday May 3, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Sale Type
 Estate Sale 
Company Information
Girlfriends Estate Sales INC

Contact: Becky Mehtala
Phone: 425.829.3848
Email: contact@girlfriendsestatesales.com
Website: www.GirlfriendsEstateSales.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 1012
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Girlfriends Presents.... More Details Coming Soon....

Please be mindeful of the neighbors when parking on the Street. Do not block others driveways or mailboxes. PARKING
Please do not block the driveway. Gate opens once staff is on site. Please park on the street, One way drive to be used for loading cars and anyone who can not walk the distance to the home from the street. Since it's a shared driveway, Please be mindful of neighbor & neighbors property, including his lawn.

Home is Alarmed and security will be at sale and overnight. Homeowner is living there, please do not disturb.

Sign up for our newsletter. Email: contact@girlfriendsestatesales.com
Listing Information

Girlfriends Presents.... More Details Coming Soon....


Please be mindeful of the neighbors when parking on the Street. Do not block others driveways or mailboxes. PARKING
Please do not block the driveway. Gate opens once staff is on site. Please park on the street, One way drive to be used for loading cars and anyone who can not walk the distance to the home from the street. Since it's a shared driveway, Please be mindful of neighbor & neighbors property, including his lawn.

Home is Alarmed and security will be at sale and overnight. Homeowner is living there, please do not disturb.

Sign up for our newsletter. Email: contact@girlfriendsestatesales.com

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**Sammamish In Person Sale**

Girlfriends Estate Sales INC

Girlfriends Estate Sales INC

Contact: Becky Mehtala
Phone: 425.829.3848
Sale Location
Sammamish, WA, WA 98074
Full Address Available after 9 am
on Thursday, May 1
Sale Dates and Times
Friday May 2, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Saturday May 3, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Sale Terms and Conditions
Girlfriends Presents.... More Details Coming Soon.... Please be mindeful of the neighbors when parking on the Street. Do not block others driveways or mailboxes. PARKING Please do not block the driveway. Gate opens once staff is on site. Please park on the street, One way drive to be used for loading cars and anyone who can not walk the distance to the home from the street. Since it's a shared driveway, Please be mindful of neighbor & neighbors property, including his lawn. Home is Alarmed and security will be at sale and overnight. Homeowner is living there, please do not disturb. Sign up for our newsletter. Email: contact@girlfriendsestatesales.com
Listing Details

Girlfriends Presents.... More Details Coming Soon....


Please be mindeful of the neighbors when parking on the Street. Do not block others driveways or mailboxes. PARKING
Please do not block the driveway. Gate opens once staff is on site. Please park on the street, One way drive to be used for loading cars and anyone who can not walk the distance to the home from the street. Since it's a shared driveway, Please be mindful of neighbor & neighbors property, including his lawn.

Home is Alarmed and security will be at sale and overnight. Homeowner is living there, please do not disturb.

Sign up for our newsletter. Email: contact@girlfriendsestatesales.com

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**Sammamish In Person Sale**
 Estate Sale
Sale Date(s)
Friday May 2, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Saturday May 3, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Sale Location
Sammamish, WA, WA 98074
Full Address Available on Thursday, May 1
Listing Terms and Conditions
Girlfriends Presents.... More Details Coming Soon.... Please be mindeful of the neighbors when parking on the Street. Do not block others driveways or mailboxes. PARKING Please do not block the driveway. Gate opens once staff is on site. Please park on the street, One way drive to be used for loading cars and anyone who can not walk the distance to the home from the street. Since it's a shared driveway, Please be mindful of neighbor & neighbors property, including his lawn. Home is Alarmed and security will be at sale and overnight. Homeowner is living there, please do not disturb. Sign up for our newsletter. Email: contact@girlfriendsestatesales.com

Girlfriends Presents.... More Details Coming Soon....


Please be mindeful of the neighbors when parking on the Street. Do not block others driveways or mailboxes. PARKING
Please do not block the driveway. Gate opens once staff is on site. Please park on the street, One way drive to be used for loading cars and anyone who can not walk the distance to the home from the street. Since it's a shared driveway, Please be mindful of neighbor & neighbors property, including his lawn.

Home is Alarmed and security will be at sale and overnight. Homeowner is living there, please do not disturb.

Sign up for our newsletter. Email: contact@girlfriendsestatesales.com