Estate Auction of LeeRoy Spitzer
Listing ID#: 765767
Sale Location |
8931 Doe Hill Rd Port Republic, VA 24471 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday May 10, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm |
Sale Type |
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Mark W. Craig Auctions Contact: Teresa Craig Phone: 540-828-1270 Email: Website: ID#: 5330 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Terms: Cash, check, card (3%).10% Buyer's Premium. Food. Not responsible in case of accident. Announcements on day of sale take precedence over printed matter. All Items are offered “AS IS and WHERE IS.” We make no warranties or guarantees, at any time, on an offered Item or the description of that item. All bidders are encouraged to examine items before bidding. All sales are final. No refunds or credits will be issued.
Listing Information |
Estate Auction of LeeRoy Spitzer 8931 Doe Hill Rd., Port Republic, Va. Saturday, May 10, 2025 at 9 a.m.
Farm & Tools: bush hog, disc, hare, cart, sickle bar, Sperry/New Holland forks, cattle racks, dog kennel, bike, aerator, chicken wire, seeders, 3pt lift pole, Harvest King corn sheller, Honda Trail David Bradley garden tractor w/sickle & ripper, rear tine tillers, wheelbarrow, water trough, Compost tumbler, chipper/shredder, chicken coop, post hole digger, backpack sprayer, t-post puller, Snapper self-propelled mower, John Deere GTX38 mower (doesn’t run), Husqvarna 50 chainsaw, single-wire fence stretcher, chicken feeder, railroad grinder, pipe vise, wire, motor stand, toolbox for truck, ramps, walnut & other lumber, haynes, locks w/keys, shop vac, small kerosene cans, hand tools, garden tools, vise, battery boxes, license plates & Staunton toppers, metal detector, Coleman stove, electric motor, jigsaw, belt sander, washtubs, coal buckets, hoses, chains, metal milk crates, shepherd’s hooks, Craftsman air compressor, pressure washer, push mower, chains, ropes, bike, pulley, wheelbarrow, wood cart, road signs, wood barrels, Delta scroll & table saws, edger, chopsaw, garden tractor, push plow, come-alongs, wrought iron railing, bolt cutters, drill press, hand saws, Generac generator, winch, hand tools, air tank, drills, crosscut saws, shop organizers, grease guns, handyman jack, hay knife.
Butchering: kettles w/rings, scrapers, hooks, knives, scalding pan, pudding stirrers.
Firearms/Huntiing/Fishing: Stevens Mod. 15 22cal, H&R Topper M48 12ga, Connecticut Valley Arms 50cal, Webley ValueMax pellet w/scope, fishing poles & supplies, hunting clothes, gun rests, deer horns, deer mounts, tackle box, shotgun reloader, scopes, powder horns, compound & recurve bows, tree stands.
Household: oil lamps, bread box, cen, Massanutten Bank bank, costume jewelry, HEC trucks, Princess Diana doll, cookbiooks, linens, wall phone, prints, bottles, water jug, quilting hoop, fabric, clock, metal box, banjo, hunting picture, straight razor, lamp chimneys & oil, blue jar, insulators, White Mountain ice cream maker, fry maker, meat slicer, food scale, bowls, canning supplies, juicer, leather cup, #12 meat grinder w/motor, iron skillets & pot, crocks & crock jugs, china, dehydrators, smokers, infrared fryer, turkey fryer, Sierra stove, wire egg baskets, lye jar, walnut crackers, copper buckets, Radio Flyer wagon, wood advertising boxes, milk cans.
Furniture: treadle sewing machine, fireplaces, 4dr metal filing cabinet, victrola, corner cabinet, kitchen cabinet, floor lamps, gun cabinets, Shenandoah heating wood stove, parlor stove, radio.
Much more to be added.
Terms: Cash, check, card (3%). 10% Buyers Premium. Food. Not responsible in case of accident. Announcements on day of sale take precedence over printed matter. All Items are offered “AS IS and WHERE IS.” We make no warranties or guarantees, at any time, on any item or the description of that item. All bidders are encouraged to examine items before bidding. All sales are final. No refunds or credits will be issued. Please see full terms and pictures at
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