683-Milton Warehouse Spring Lawn and Garden Auction
Listing ID#: 765459

Sale Location

Milton, PA 17847
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 12
Bidding Ends: Saturday Mar 22
Sale Type
Company Information
Rockey Auctions

Contact: Clint Rockey
Phone: 570-538-3245
Email: contact@rockeyauctions.com
Website: www.rockeyauctions.com

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These Bidder Terms and Conditions apply to auctions conducted by ROCKEY AUCTIONS INC. ("Auctioneer"), and constitute a legal, valid, binding, and enforceable contract between Auctioneer and each Bidder. These bidder terms and conditions also form the basis for the contract of sale between the Seller and the Buyer. For the purposes of these Bidder Terms and Conditions, the term "YOU" refers to each Bidder (as defined below).
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45. Attorneys' Fees. YOU breach YOUR obligations under these Bidder Terms and Conditions, Auctioneer and/or Seller will be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees incurred in enforcing their respective rights hereunder.
46. Acceptance of Bidder Terms and Conditions. YOU acknowledge and agree that YOU have had a full and fair opportunity to review these Bidder Terms and Conditions, and that you have read these Bidder Terms and Conditions, you understand these Bidder Terms and Conditions, and you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
47. All items must be paid for according tot he terms listed on the auction. Items not paid in full may be subjected to forfeit and can result in a permanent ban from future auctions
48.All items must be out of the warehouse within _____ONE____(___1___) business days.
49. If an item is shipped to you we as the seller are not resposible for any lost or stolen packages through fed-ex, ups or usps.
50. All shipped items will have insurance added if the item is valued over $20. Customer is responsible for the cost of insurance.
51. Items are to be picked up at 70 Race St Milton.
Listing Information
*** ONLINE ONLY AUCTION WITH PICKUP IN MILTON***** Home improvement Auction For your Yard and Patio. Patio furniture, umbrellas, rugs, grills and so much more. Get your yard Ready for spring. Auction closes March 22nd, 2025 AT 6PM PREVIEW available One Day Only MARCH 21st, 2025 Noon- 5 PM at 70 Race Street Milton Pa 17847, Please use entry door on Race St for preview. PICKUPS will be held during the hours listed below (No appointment is needed): PICKUP IS ONE DAY ONLY IF YOU CANNOT PICKUP - PLEASE DO NOT BID Pick ups are first come, first served **PICK UP LOCATION IS 70 Race Street Milton Pa 17847 Monday March 24, 2025 10am-6pm **ALL ITEMS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 6 PM NO EXCEPTIONS, NO ADDITIONAL PICKUP DAYS WILL BE PROVIDED** ***ALL ITEMS ON PALLETS MUST BE TAKEN BY THE WINNING BIDDER, ABSOLUTLEY NO ITEMS CAN BE LEFT BEHIND, INCLUDING CARDBOARD OR ANY OTHER ITEMS. VIOLATORS CAUGHT LEAVING UNWANTED ITEMS FROM PALLETS WILL BE RESTRICTED FROM BIDDING ON FUTURE AUCTIONS. **** ANY ITEMS REMAINING AFTER 6PM ON 3/24/2025 WILL BE FORFEITED WITH NO REFUND. THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. ALL PALLETS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 3/24/2025 AT 6PM NO EXCEPTION *Bidder is responsible for loading ALL winning items. No help from warehouse employees will be available. **Shipping is NOT offered for this auction. *****You (Bidder) are responsible to make sure you have received all of your items at pick up. We will not honor any missing items that are brought to our attention once you have left our warehouse. Please verify you have all of your items prior to leaving our premises. ****** *For Furniture/Oversized/Heavy Items: Please bring your own help to move them. You and your assistants must move the items to your vehicle. *We auction both new and used items There is a 6% tax and a 18% buyer's fee added to any item won. *ALL BIDS ARE FINAL; WE CAN NOT CHANGE BIDS AFTER THEY ARE PLACED SO PLEASE BE 100% SURE BEFORE PLACING YOUR BIDS. ALL BIDS ARE FINAL AS WELL AS QUANTITY ITEM BIDS THANK YOU Please bid accordingly. All items are sold "as-is" and "where-is" with no warranties expressed or implied. Many items may have damage or missing parts. *This auction will have a SOFT CLOSE. This means that if there are any new bids within in the last minute of an item's scheduled closing time, the bidding will be extended by 7 minutes to allow the previous bidder time to respond. No item will close for bidding until the scheduled close time has passed AND there has been no bidding during the last minute. *Buyer's Premium: There is a 18% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction. Full payment must be made before item pickup. This payment deadline is firm. All invoices must be paid in order of auction date, older invoices must be paid in full before payment is made on newer invoices. ALL items must be paid for in full before pickup. *All items must be picked up on the days and times listed above. Other dates will be given if a Holiday falls within the time period. If the allotted time has passed and the items are still unpaid or not picked up, the unpaid abandoned items will be relisted without a refund. If the allotted time has passed and the Invoice is paid and not picked up,** THE PAID INVOICE IS ABANDONED AND WILL BE RELISTED WITHOUT A REFUND. PLEASE BE AWARE THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED.** *WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND APPRECIATE YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT BOTH PAYMENT AND REMOVAL DEADLINES ARE FIRM. ITEMS NOT PAID FOR AND REMOVED BY THE DEADLINES LISTED WILL BE CONSIDERED ABANDONED AND DISPOSED OF. NO RETURNS FULL OR PARTIAL WILL BE GIVEN ON ABANDONED ITEMS.

Three Hummingbird Feeders 3xbid
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Four Navy Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vornado Personal Air Circulator
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Imperial 4" Solar Post Caps (5)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Two Blue Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Ryobi 40V String Trimmer, No Battery/Charger
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Hampton Bay Halogen Flood Lights (4 x bid)
Unopened by Rockey Staff. Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Veranda Solar Post Cap
Unopened by Rockey Staff. Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Everbilt 3'�5' Hardware Cloth
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Everbilt 3'�5' Hardware Cloth
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Red & Green Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird 4pk 32SA Rotors
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird Hose End Timer
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Ecosmart 16.4' Outdoor Strip Light
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Expanding Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

100' Expandable Burst Proof Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Husky 100' Garden Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Miscellaneous Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Bright Floral Patio Cushion
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird Automatic Sprinkler System
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro Vermiculite, 56.6 L
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Bloem Rail Planters (4)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Large Blue Plastic Planter
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 20' No-Dig Edging (2)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 50' Landscape Edging
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 50' Landscape Edging
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Out Sunny Gazebo
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 29in Charcoal Barrel Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 4 Burner Gas Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 4 Burner Gas Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Tierra Verde Planter Box
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Three Black Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Black Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Gorilla Cart
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

9Ft Auto Tilt Umbrella
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 10ftx12Ft Octagonal Gazebo
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Giant Purple Leaf Standing Umbrella
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay Metal Lantern with LWD Candles
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Small Mosaic Outdoor Table
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Out Sunny Brown Lounge Chair
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Umbrella Base Missing a Nut
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Umbrella (Center Pool Base is Broke)
Big whole. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Gray Outdoor Side Table
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Weber Propane Gas Grill
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Gray Outdoor Side Table
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Weber Grill Grill Replacement Grates
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Rescue Bee Trap
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pro-Woid 4inx4in Post Trim (8Boxes)
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Treager Folding Front Shelf
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Universal 4Ft Hose Adapter
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Universal Natural Gas Conversion Kit
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

4In Rubber Washer Fill Hose
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Case of Vigoro Anchoring Spikes
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill Pizza Grill Kit
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Tall Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Plastic Barell Planters (Misshapened &
Cracked); Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

8 White Square Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Round Plastic Planter
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Vigoro Max Weed Control Fabric
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor Gray Lounge Patio Cushion
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Artificial Turf
12' by unknown Length, sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Artificial Turf Unknown Size
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hose mobile hose reel
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Loco 22-in smart temp. Outdoor kettle grill model
2023060113; has bent leg and missing bolt to hold wheel on, sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor rolling ice chest
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor folding three-piece bistro set
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay meadow lantern with LED candles decor
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio chaise lounge with pillow
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio chaise lounge with pillow
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio umbrella base
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio umbrella base
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor suncast patio deck box
37" x 21" x 22", sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

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683-Milton Warehouse Spring Lawn and Garden Auction

Rockey Auctions

Rockey Auctions

Contact: Clint Rockey
Phone: 570-538-3245
Sale Location
70 Race Street
Milton, PA 17847
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
These Bidder Terms and Conditions apply to auctions conducted by ROCKEY AUCTIONS INC. ("Auctioneer"), and constitute a legal, valid, binding, and enforceable contract between Auctioneer and each Bidder. These bidder terms and conditions also form the basis for the contract of sale between the Seller and the Buyer. For the purposes of these Bidder Terms and Conditions, the term "YOU" refers to each Bidder (as defined below). 1. Bidder Terms and Conditions; Posted Terms; Announcements at the Time of the Auction; Agreement to Be Bound. The Auction is conducted under and in accordance with these Bidder Terms and Conditions and any and all other terms and conditions posted on the Auctioneer website(s) and on the websites of any Online Auction Platform Provider(s) used by Auctioneer. The Auction is subject to any announcements or corrections by Auctioneer. By participating in the Auction in any way, YOU agree to be bound by, and to abide by, these Bidder Terms and Conditions. 2. 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"Buyer's Premium" is an amount with respect to each Lot, calculated as a percentage of the Hammer Price, that is payable by the Buyer to Auctioneer for its own account. "Contract Price" means an amount equal to the Hammer Price plus the Buyer's Premium. "Delivery" means the transfer of possession a Lot or Lots to the Buyer. Unless otherwise stated in writing, Delivery of a Lot will occur where the Lot is physically located during the Auction or at such other address as indicated on Auctioneer's website. Delivery does not mean that Auctioneer will move or relocate any Lot from its physical location during the Auction, or as indicated on Auctioneer's website, to any other location directed by the Buyer. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, Auctioneer will not move or relocate any Lot(s) on behalf of the Buyer. 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"Private Sale" means an event in which a Lot is sold (or gifted) by the Seller, or on the Seller's behalf, other than at the Auction. "Private Sale Price" means the fair market purchase price of a Lot paid, or agreed to be paid, at a Private Sale in an arms-length transaction between the Seller and the purchaser. If a Lot is sold through a Private Sale for less than its fair market value, or in a transaction that is not an arms-length transaction, or is gifted by the Seller, the Private Sale Price will be an amount equal to the fair market value of the Lot in an arm's length transaction. "Winning Bid" means the highest bid received and accepted (and if Subject to Seller's Confirmation, confirmed by Seller). "Winning Bidder" means the Bidder who is recognized by Auctioneer as having made the Winning Bid. "Without Reserve" means Absolute. 3. Bidder Registration; Bidder Qualification. YOU must register to bid. 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Listing Details
*** ONLINE ONLY AUCTION WITH PICKUP IN MILTON***** Home improvement Auction For your Yard and Patio. Patio furniture, umbrellas, rugs, grills and so much more. Get your yard Ready for spring. Auction closes March 22nd, 2025 AT 6PM PREVIEW available One Day Only MARCH 21st, 2025 Noon- 5 PM at 70 Race Street Milton Pa 17847, Please use entry door on Race St for preview. PICKUPS will be held during the hours listed below (No appointment is needed): PICKUP IS ONE DAY ONLY IF YOU CANNOT PICKUP - PLEASE DO NOT BID Pick ups are first come, first served **PICK UP LOCATION IS 70 Race Street Milton Pa 17847 Monday March 24, 2025 10am-6pm **ALL ITEMS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 6 PM NO EXCEPTIONS, NO ADDITIONAL PICKUP DAYS WILL BE PROVIDED** ***ALL ITEMS ON PALLETS MUST BE TAKEN BY THE WINNING BIDDER, ABSOLUTLEY NO ITEMS CAN BE LEFT BEHIND, INCLUDING CARDBOARD OR ANY OTHER ITEMS. VIOLATORS CAUGHT LEAVING UNWANTED ITEMS FROM PALLETS WILL BE RESTRICTED FROM BIDDING ON FUTURE AUCTIONS. **** ANY ITEMS REMAINING AFTER 6PM ON 3/24/2025 WILL BE FORFEITED WITH NO REFUND. THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. ALL PALLETS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 3/24/2025 AT 6PM NO EXCEPTION *Bidder is responsible for loading ALL winning items. No help from warehouse employees will be available. **Shipping is NOT offered for this auction. *****You (Bidder) are responsible to make sure you have received all of your items at pick up. We will not honor any missing items that are brought to our attention once you have left our warehouse. Please verify you have all of your items prior to leaving our premises. ****** *For Furniture/Oversized/Heavy Items: Please bring your own help to move them. You and your assistants must move the items to your vehicle. *We auction both new and used items There is a 6% tax and a 18% buyer's fee added to any item won. *ALL BIDS ARE FINAL; WE CAN NOT CHANGE BIDS AFTER THEY ARE PLACED SO PLEASE BE 100% SURE BEFORE PLACING YOUR BIDS. ALL BIDS ARE FINAL AS WELL AS QUANTITY ITEM BIDS THANK YOU Please bid accordingly. All items are sold "as-is" and "where-is" with no warranties expressed or implied. Many items may have damage or missing parts. *This auction will have a SOFT CLOSE. This means that if there are any new bids within in the last minute of an item's scheduled closing time, the bidding will be extended by 7 minutes to allow the previous bidder time to respond. No item will close for bidding until the scheduled close time has passed AND there has been no bidding during the last minute. *Buyer's Premium: There is a 18% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction. Full payment must be made before item pickup. This payment deadline is firm. All invoices must be paid in order of auction date, older invoices must be paid in full before payment is made on newer invoices. ALL items must be paid for in full before pickup. *All items must be picked up on the days and times listed above. Other dates will be given if a Holiday falls within the time period. If the allotted time has passed and the items are still unpaid or not picked up, the unpaid abandoned items will be relisted without a refund. If the allotted time has passed and the Invoice is paid and not picked up,** THE PAID INVOICE IS ABANDONED AND WILL BE RELISTED WITHOUT A REFUND. PLEASE BE AWARE THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED.** *WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND APPRECIATE YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT BOTH PAYMENT AND REMOVAL DEADLINES ARE FIRM. ITEMS NOT PAID FOR AND REMOVED BY THE DEADLINES LISTED WILL BE CONSIDERED ABANDONED AND DISPOSED OF. NO RETURNS FULL OR PARTIAL WILL BE GIVEN ON ABANDONED ITEMS.

Three Hummingbird Feeders 3xbid
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Four Navy Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vornado Personal Air Circulator
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Imperial 4" Solar Post Caps (5)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Two Blue Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Ryobi 40V String Trimmer, No Battery/Charger
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Hampton Bay Halogen Flood Lights (4 x bid)
Unopened by Rockey Staff. Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Veranda Solar Post Cap
Unopened by Rockey Staff. Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Everbilt 3'�5' Hardware Cloth
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Everbilt 3'�5' Hardware Cloth
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Red & Green Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird 4pk 32SA Rotors
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird Hose End Timer
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Ecosmart 16.4' Outdoor Strip Light
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Expanding Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

100' Expandable Burst Proof Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Husky 100' Garden Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Miscellaneous Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Bright Floral Patio Cushion
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird Automatic Sprinkler System
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro Vermiculite, 56.6 L
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Bloem Rail Planters (4)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Large Blue Plastic Planter
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 20' No-Dig Edging (2)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 50' Landscape Edging
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 50' Landscape Edging
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Out Sunny Gazebo
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 29in Charcoal Barrel Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 4 Burner Gas Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 4 Burner Gas Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Tierra Verde Planter Box
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Three Black Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Black Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Gorilla Cart
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

9Ft Auto Tilt Umbrella
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 10ftx12Ft Octagonal Gazebo
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Giant Purple Leaf Standing Umbrella
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay Metal Lantern with LWD Candles
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Small Mosaic Outdoor Table
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Out Sunny Brown Lounge Chair
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Umbrella Base Missing a Nut
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Umbrella (Center Pool Base is Broke)
Big whole. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Gray Outdoor Side Table
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Weber Propane Gas Grill
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Gray Outdoor Side Table
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Weber Grill Grill Replacement Grates
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Rescue Bee Trap
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pro-Woid 4inx4in Post Trim (8Boxes)
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Treager Folding Front Shelf
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Universal 4Ft Hose Adapter
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Universal Natural Gas Conversion Kit
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

4In Rubber Washer Fill Hose
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Case of Vigoro Anchoring Spikes
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill Pizza Grill Kit
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Tall Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Plastic Barell Planters (Misshapened &
Cracked); Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

8 White Square Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Round Plastic Planter
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Vigoro Max Weed Control Fabric
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor Gray Lounge Patio Cushion
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Artificial Turf
12' by unknown Length, sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Artificial Turf Unknown Size
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hose mobile hose reel
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Loco 22-in smart temp. Outdoor kettle grill model
2023060113; has bent leg and missing bolt to hold wheel on, sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor rolling ice chest
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor folding three-piece bistro set
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay meadow lantern with LED candles decor
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio chaise lounge with pillow
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio chaise lounge with pillow
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio umbrella base
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio umbrella base
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor suncast patio deck box
37" x 21" x 22", sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

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683-Milton Warehouse Spring Lawn and Garden Auction
 Online Only Auction
Sale Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Wednesday Mar 12
Bidding Ends: Saturday Mar 22
Sale Location

Milton, PA 17847
Listing Terms and Conditions
These Bidder Terms and Conditions apply to auctions conducted by ROCKEY AUCTIONS INC. ("Auctioneer"), and constitute a legal, valid, binding, and enforceable contract between Auctioneer and each Bidder. These bidder terms and conditions also form the basis for the contract of sale between the Seller and the Buyer. For the purposes of these Bidder Terms and Conditions, the term "YOU" refers to each Bidder (as defined below). 1. Bidder Terms and Conditions; Posted Terms; Announcements at the Time of the Auction; Agreement to Be Bound. The Auction is conducted under and in accordance with these Bidder Terms and Conditions and any and all other terms and conditions posted on the Auctioneer website(s) and on the websites of any Online Auction Platform Provider(s) used by Auctioneer. The Auction is subject to any announcements or corrections by Auctioneer. By participating in the Auction in any way, YOU agree to be bound by, and to abide by, these Bidder Terms and Conditions. 2. 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YOU irrevocably and unconditionally (i) agree that any claim, suit or cause of action relating to the Auction, these Bidder Terms and Conditions, or the transactions contemplated hereby, will be brought in the state or federal courts sitting in and for Union County, Pennsylvania; (ii) consent to the jurisdiction of such courts for any such claim, suit or cause of action; (iii) waive any objection that such party may have to the laying of venue of any such claim, suit or cause of action in such courts; and (iv) waive any objection to the bringing of such claim, suit or cause of action in such courts on the grounds of an inconvenient forum. YOU waive the right to a jury trial. 45. Attorneys' Fees. YOU breach YOUR obligations under these Bidder Terms and Conditions, Auctioneer and/or Seller will be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees incurred in enforcing their respective rights hereunder. 46. Acceptance of Bidder Terms and Conditions. YOU acknowledge and agree that YOU have had a full and fair opportunity to review these Bidder Terms and Conditions, and that you have read these Bidder Terms and Conditions, you understand these Bidder Terms and Conditions, and you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. 47. All items must be paid for according tot he terms listed on the auction. Items not paid in full may be subjected to forfeit and can result in a permanent ban from future auctions 48.All items must be out of the warehouse within _____ONE____(___1___) business days. 49. If an item is shipped to you we as the seller are not resposible for any lost or stolen packages through fed-ex, ups or usps. 50. All shipped items will have insurance added if the item is valued over $20. Customer is responsible for the cost of insurance. 51. Items are to be picked up at 70 Race St Milton.
*** ONLINE ONLY AUCTION WITH PICKUP IN MILTON***** Home improvement Auction For your Yard and Patio. Patio furniture, umbrellas, rugs, grills and so much more. Get your yard Ready for spring. Auction closes March 22nd, 2025 AT 6PM PREVIEW available One Day Only MARCH 21st, 2025 Noon- 5 PM at 70 Race Street Milton Pa 17847, Please use entry door on Race St for preview. PICKUPS will be held during the hours listed below (No appointment is needed): PICKUP IS ONE DAY ONLY IF YOU CANNOT PICKUP - PLEASE DO NOT BID Pick ups are first come, first served **PICK UP LOCATION IS 70 Race Street Milton Pa 17847 Monday March 24, 2025 10am-6pm **ALL ITEMS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 6 PM NO EXCEPTIONS, NO ADDITIONAL PICKUP DAYS WILL BE PROVIDED** ***ALL ITEMS ON PALLETS MUST BE TAKEN BY THE WINNING BIDDER, ABSOLUTLEY NO ITEMS CAN BE LEFT BEHIND, INCLUDING CARDBOARD OR ANY OTHER ITEMS. VIOLATORS CAUGHT LEAVING UNWANTED ITEMS FROM PALLETS WILL BE RESTRICTED FROM BIDDING ON FUTURE AUCTIONS. **** ANY ITEMS REMAINING AFTER 6PM ON 3/24/2025 WILL BE FORFEITED WITH NO REFUND. THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. ALL PALLETS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 3/24/2025 AT 6PM NO EXCEPTION *Bidder is responsible for loading ALL winning items. No help from warehouse employees will be available. **Shipping is NOT offered for this auction. *****You (Bidder) are responsible to make sure you have received all of your items at pick up. We will not honor any missing items that are brought to our attention once you have left our warehouse. Please verify you have all of your items prior to leaving our premises. ****** *For Furniture/Oversized/Heavy Items: Please bring your own help to move them. You and your assistants must move the items to your vehicle. *We auction both new and used items There is a 6% tax and a 18% buyer's fee added to any item won. *ALL BIDS ARE FINAL; WE CAN NOT CHANGE BIDS AFTER THEY ARE PLACED SO PLEASE BE 100% SURE BEFORE PLACING YOUR BIDS. ALL BIDS ARE FINAL AS WELL AS QUANTITY ITEM BIDS THANK YOU Please bid accordingly. All items are sold "as-is" and "where-is" with no warranties expressed or implied. Many items may have damage or missing parts. *This auction will have a SOFT CLOSE. This means that if there are any new bids within in the last minute of an item's scheduled closing time, the bidding will be extended by 7 minutes to allow the previous bidder time to respond. No item will close for bidding until the scheduled close time has passed AND there has been no bidding during the last minute. *Buyer's Premium: There is a 18% Buyer's Premium in effect for this auction. Full payment must be made before item pickup. This payment deadline is firm. All invoices must be paid in order of auction date, older invoices must be paid in full before payment is made on newer invoices. ALL items must be paid for in full before pickup. *All items must be picked up on the days and times listed above. Other dates will be given if a Holiday falls within the time period. If the allotted time has passed and the items are still unpaid or not picked up, the unpaid abandoned items will be relisted without a refund. If the allotted time has passed and the Invoice is paid and not picked up,** THE PAID INVOICE IS ABANDONED AND WILL BE RELISTED WITHOUT A REFUND. PLEASE BE AWARE THIS POLICY IS STRICTLY ENFORCED.** *WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND APPRECIATE YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT BOTH PAYMENT AND REMOVAL DEADLINES ARE FIRM. ITEMS NOT PAID FOR AND REMOVED BY THE DEADLINES LISTED WILL BE CONSIDERED ABANDONED AND DISPOSED OF. NO RETURNS FULL OR PARTIAL WILL BE GIVEN ON ABANDONED ITEMS.

Three Hummingbird Feeders 3xbid
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Four Navy Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vornado Personal Air Circulator
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Imperial 4" Solar Post Caps (5)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Two Blue Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Ryobi 40V String Trimmer, No Battery/Charger
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Hampton Bay Halogen Flood Lights (4 x bid)
Unopened by Rockey Staff. Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Veranda Solar Post Cap
Unopened by Rockey Staff. Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

TrafficMaster 24"�60" Utility Rug
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Everbilt 3'�5' Hardware Cloth
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Everbilt 3'�5' Hardware Cloth
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Red & Green Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird 4pk 32SA Rotors
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird Hose End Timer
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Ecosmart 16.4' Outdoor Strip Light
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Expanding Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

100' Expandable Burst Proof Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Husky 100' Garden Hose
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Miscellaneous Patio Furniture Cushions
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Bright Floral Patio Cushion
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Rain Bird Automatic Sprinkler System
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro Vermiculite, 56.6 L
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Bloem Rail Planters (4)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Large Blue Plastic Planter
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 20' No-Dig Edging (2)
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 50' Landscape Edging
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Vigoro 50' Landscape Edging
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Out Sunny Gazebo
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 29in Charcoal Barrel Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 4 Burner Gas Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill 4 Burner Gas Grill
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Tierra Verde Planter Box
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Three Black Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Black Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Gorilla Cart
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Jackson Wheel Barrow Unassembled
Get one top and set of wheels. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

9Ft Auto Tilt Umbrella
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 10ftx12Ft Octagonal Gazebo
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Flower Pot
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Giant Purple Leaf Standing Umbrella
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay Metal Lantern with LWD Candles
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Small Mosaic Outdoor Table
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Out Sunny Brown Lounge Chair
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Umbrella Base Missing a Nut
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Umbrella (Center Pool Base is Broke)
Big whole. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Gray Outdoor Side Table
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Weber Propane Gas Grill
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Gray Outdoor Side Table
Sold As Is, Where Is, No Guarantees, and No Returns. Items May Be Missing Pieces Or Damaged, Preview Is Available During Office Hours.

Weber Grill Grill Replacement Grates
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Rescue Bee Trap
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pro-Woid 4inx4in Post Trim (8Boxes)
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Treager Folding Front Shelf
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Universal 4Ft Hose Adapter
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Universal Natural Gas Conversion Kit
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

4In Rubber Washer Fill Hose
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Case of Vigoro Anchoring Spikes
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

NextGrill Pizza Grill Kit
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Tall Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Pair of Plastic Barell Planters (Misshapened &
Cracked); Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

8 White Square Planters
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Round Plastic Planter
Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Vigoro Max Weed Control Fabric
Unopened by Rockey Auction Staff. Sold as is where is. No guarantees. No returns. Items may be damaged or missing pieces. Preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9' indoor outdoor area rug
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay 7x9 royal blue anchor indoor outdoor
area rug; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor Gray Lounge Patio Cushion
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Artificial Turf
12' by unknown Length, sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Artificial Turf Unknown Size
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

American Craftsman gliding patio door insect
screen 29 and 1/2 in. X 77 and 7/8 in; sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hose mobile hose reel
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Loco 22-in smart temp. Outdoor kettle grill model
2023060113; has bent leg and missing bolt to hold wheel on, sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor rolling ice chest
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor folding three-piece bistro set
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Hampton Bay meadow lantern with LED candles decor
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio chaise lounge with pillow
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio chaise lounge with pillow
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio umbrella base
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor patio umbrella base
sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours

Outdoor suncast patio deck box
37" x 21" x 22", sold as is where is. no guarantees.no returns. items may be damaged or missing pieces. preview is available during office hours