*ON SITE* Amish liquidation Auction
Listing ID#: 763702

Sale Location
1684 Sunset Road
Canton , PA 17724
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 9:00 am
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Pepper's Auction Service LLC

Contact: Ed Pepper
Phone: 5703647653
Email: pepperauctionservice@yahoo.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 11891
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Listing Information

Amish moving/liquidation Auction

Cast Iron/Antiques- Griswold @ 50pcs / Wagner 5pcs / Victor 1pc /flat irons/ Balsom fish lures/ lard press/ meat grinders/ milk glass/ carom board/ oil lamps Household/Misc.- Coffee grinder/ glassware/ magazines/ roll top desk/ hutch/ laminate table-benches/poultry feeder/2 singer leather sew machines/ older sew machine/ 5 beehives/ Grill/ Coleman cooker/ picnic table/ lawn chairs/ Camp stoves/ Glass top table/ misc furniture/ Grandmothers clock/ Mantle clocks/ blue carnival ware /2 maytag ringer washers/ 4 maytag ringers/ baby items/ house hold items Tools-  Drill press/ Craftsman 6” planer/ Champion generator/ Anvil/ Hand saws/ hand drills/ tool chest/ pipe scaffolding/ framing nailer/ table saw/ planer/ 10’ line shaft/ Milwaukee nailer/ roof brackets/ spackling-cement-tile tools/ bowl float/ Harness supplies/  Hunting/Firearms- 80 gun Cannon safe/ Buddy tree stand/ 12’ V bottom boats/ deer cart/ ladder stands/ Traditions flintlock/ long rifle flintlock/ deer stalker flintlock/ Winchester 32 special/ Equipment- 1 horse plow/ 1 horse cultivator/ gang mower/ spring harrow/ pioneer spike tooth harrow/ reel lawn mowers/ fanning mill/ barbwire/

Going to be a Full day with Amish food & goodies!


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*ON SITE* Amish liquidation Auction

Pepper's Auction Service LLC

Pepper's Auction Service LLC

Contact: Ed Pepper
Phone: 5703647653
Sale Location
1684 Sunset Road
Canton , PA 17724
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 9:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Amish moving/liquidation Auction

Cast Iron/Antiques- Griswold @ 50pcs / Wagner 5pcs / Victor 1pc /flat irons/ Balsom fish lures/ lard press/ meat grinders/ milk glass/ carom board/ oil lamps Household/Misc.- Coffee grinder/ glassware/ magazines/ roll top desk/ hutch/ laminate table-benches/poultry feeder/2 singer leather sew machines/ older sew machine/ 5 beehives/ Grill/ Coleman cooker/ picnic table/ lawn chairs/ Camp stoves/ Glass top table/ misc furniture/ Grandmothers clock/ Mantle clocks/ blue carnival ware /2 maytag ringer washers/ 4 maytag ringers/ baby items/ house hold items Tools-  Drill press/ Craftsman 6” planer/ Champion generator/ Anvil/ Hand saws/ hand drills/ tool chest/ pipe scaffolding/ framing nailer/ table saw/ planer/ 10’ line shaft/ Milwaukee nailer/ roof brackets/ spackling-cement-tile tools/ bowl float/ Harness supplies/  Hunting/Firearms- 80 gun Cannon safe/ Buddy tree stand/ 12’ V bottom boats/ deer cart/ ladder stands/ Traditions flintlock/ long rifle flintlock/ deer stalker flintlock/ Winchester 32 special/ Equipment- 1 horse plow/ 1 horse cultivator/ gang mower/ spring harrow/ pioneer spike tooth harrow/ reel lawn mowers/ fanning mill/ barbwire/

Going to be a Full day with Amish food & goodies!


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*ON SITE* Amish liquidation Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Mar 29, 9:00 am
Sale Location
1684 Sunset Road
Canton , PA 17724
Pepper's Auction Service LLC

Contact: Ed Pepper
Phone: 5703647653
Email: pepperauctionservice@yahoo.com

Amish moving/liquidation Auction

Cast Iron/Antiques- Griswold @ 50pcs / Wagner 5pcs / Victor 1pc /flat irons/ Balsom fish lures/ lard press/ meat grinders/ milk glass/ carom board/ oil lamps Household/Misc.- Coffee grinder/ glassware/ magazines/ roll top desk/ hutch/ laminate table-benches/poultry feeder/2 singer leather sew machines/ older sew machine/ 5 beehives/ Grill/ Coleman cooker/ picnic table/ lawn chairs/ Camp stoves/ Glass top table/ misc furniture/ Grandmothers clock/ Mantle clocks/ blue carnival ware /2 maytag ringer washers/ 4 maytag ringers/ baby items/ house hold items Tools-  Drill press/ Craftsman 6” planer/ Champion generator/ Anvil/ Hand saws/ hand drills/ tool chest/ pipe scaffolding/ framing nailer/ table saw/ planer/ 10’ line shaft/ Milwaukee nailer/ roof brackets/ spackling-cement-tile tools/ bowl float/ Harness supplies/  Hunting/Firearms- 80 gun Cannon safe/ Buddy tree stand/ 12’ V bottom boats/ deer cart/ ladder stands/ Traditions flintlock/ long rifle flintlock/ deer stalker flintlock/ Winchester 32 special/ Equipment- 1 horse plow/ 1 horse cultivator/ gang mower/ spring harrow/ pioneer spike tooth harrow/ reel lawn mowers/ fanning mill/ barbwire/

Going to be a Full day with Amish food & goodies!