Listing ID#: 763499

Sale Location
on site estate auction on site estate auction
florence, NJ 08518
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 12, 10:00 am
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
21st Century Antiques

Contact: Chris Doerner
Phone: 609-877-6843
Email: dolltoy@hotmail.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 5103
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Live bid auction. ID required to bid. Cash, Check, Credit card. 3% processing fee for CC transactions. 10% buyer's premium. No sales tax. Food by Rock's Dogs. Porta john on site. Bring a chair.
Listing Information

10,000 + silver coins, some obsolete, some bullion. Graded gold coins, gold & sterling jewelry, antique games, vintage toys & dolls including Popeye, Buck Rogers, banks, compo dolls, cap guns, Tootsietoy, pressed steel & metalcraft vehicles, kid's valentines, Raggedy Ann dolls, ad banks,  antique marbles, Flintstones play cash, loads of pharmacy & other advertising, gorgeous seed box, Diamond dye cabinet with dyes, Bug Pack items, vintage car meet t shirts, binoculars, sterling candlesticks, mercury glass kerosene lantern reflectors, counter top display cabinet w/ wavy glass, 1950's car registration plate tags, tokens, ad flour & sugar sacks, Hershey's "Story of Cocoa" educational kit, WWII pilot's leather helmet, Civil War belt buckle, ladies & kid's hankies, baskets, crocks, jugs, character lunch boxes, native stone tools, 1880 Knights of the Golden Eagle Kepi, Nabisco & Ivins metal & glass tins lids,  hardware, straight & safety razors, hat pins, spool cabinet, 64 World's Fair ephemera, perfumes & powders, sewing notions, vintage photos including minstrel shows, vintage car photos, ad calendars, 1950's-70's Popular Science, Hot Rod, Mechanix Illustrated, Motor Trend, etc. Art glass & pottery, mid century glass, costume jewelry including bakelite, fountain pens, folk art Civil War memory box, antique pistols, vintage Christmas & Halloween, ladies leather gloves, vintage fancy hats, stockings, needle books, tins & boxes, and more. Stay tuned for more details.

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21st Century Antiques

21st Century Antiques

Contact: Chris Doerner
Phone: 609-877-6843
Sale Location
on site estate auction on site estate auction
florence, NJ 08518
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Apr 12, 10:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions
Live bid auction. ID required to bid. Cash, Check, Credit card. 3% processing fee for CC transactions. 10% buyer's premium. No sales tax. Food by Rock's Dogs. Porta john on site. Bring a chair.
Listing Details

10,000 + silver coins, some obsolete, some bullion. Graded gold coins, gold & sterling jewelry, antique games, vintage toys & dolls including Popeye, Buck Rogers, banks, compo dolls, cap guns, Tootsietoy, pressed steel & metalcraft vehicles, kid's valentines, Raggedy Ann dolls, ad banks,  antique marbles, Flintstones play cash, loads of pharmacy & other advertising, gorgeous seed box, Diamond dye cabinet with dyes, Bug Pack items, vintage car meet t shirts, binoculars, sterling candlesticks, mercury glass kerosene lantern reflectors, counter top display cabinet w/ wavy glass, 1950's car registration plate tags, tokens, ad flour & sugar sacks, Hershey's "Story of Cocoa" educational kit, WWII pilot's leather helmet, Civil War belt buckle, ladies & kid's hankies, baskets, crocks, jugs, character lunch boxes, native stone tools, 1880 Knights of the Golden Eagle Kepi, Nabisco & Ivins metal & glass tins lids,  hardware, straight & safety razors, hat pins, spool cabinet, 64 World's Fair ephemera, perfumes & powders, sewing notions, vintage photos including minstrel shows, vintage car photos, ad calendars, 1950's-70's Popular Science, Hot Rod, Mechanix Illustrated, Motor Trend, etc. Art glass & pottery, mid century glass, costume jewelry including bakelite, fountain pens, folk art Civil War memory box, antique pistols, vintage Christmas & Halloween, ladies leather gloves, vintage fancy hats, stockings, needle books, tins & boxes, and more. Stay tuned for more details.

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 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Apr 12, 10:00 am
Sale Location
on site estate auction on site estate auction
florence, NJ 08518
21st Century Antiques

Contact: Chris Doerner
Phone: 609-877-6843
Email: dolltoy@hotmail.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Live bid auction. ID required to bid. Cash, Check, Credit card. 3% processing fee for CC transactions. 10% buyer's premium. No sales tax. Food by Rock's Dogs. Porta john on site. Bring a chair.

10,000 + silver coins, some obsolete, some bullion. Graded gold coins, gold & sterling jewelry, antique games, vintage toys & dolls including Popeye, Buck Rogers, banks, compo dolls, cap guns, Tootsietoy, pressed steel & metalcraft vehicles, kid's valentines, Raggedy Ann dolls, ad banks,  antique marbles, Flintstones play cash, loads of pharmacy & other advertising, gorgeous seed box, Diamond dye cabinet with dyes, Bug Pack items, vintage car meet t shirts, binoculars, sterling candlesticks, mercury glass kerosene lantern reflectors, counter top display cabinet w/ wavy glass, 1950's car registration plate tags, tokens, ad flour & sugar sacks, Hershey's "Story of Cocoa" educational kit, WWII pilot's leather helmet, Civil War belt buckle, ladies & kid's hankies, baskets, crocks, jugs, character lunch boxes, native stone tools, 1880 Knights of the Golden Eagle Kepi, Nabisco & Ivins metal & glass tins lids,  hardware, straight & safety razors, hat pins, spool cabinet, 64 World's Fair ephemera, perfumes & powders, sewing notions, vintage photos including minstrel shows, vintage car photos, ad calendars, 1950's-70's Popular Science, Hot Rod, Mechanix Illustrated, Motor Trend, etc. Art glass & pottery, mid century glass, costume jewelry including bakelite, fountain pens, folk art Civil War memory box, antique pistols, vintage Christmas & Halloween, ladies leather gloves, vintage fancy hats, stockings, needle books, tins & boxes, and more. Stay tuned for more details.