2025 Wyoming County Tax Foreclosure Auction
Listing ID#: 763488
Sale Location |
North Java Fire Hall
4274 NY-98 North Java, NY 14113 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Monday Mar 10, 2025 Completed Thursday Mar 27, |
Sale Type |
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Company Information |
Bid-N-Buy Realty & Auctions, Inc. Contact: Mark or Mike Phone: 585-233-2637 Email: bidnbuyny@yahoo.com Website: www.bidnbuyny.com EstateSale.com ID#: 7315 View company information and listings |
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Listing Terms and Conditions |
Auction Location: 4274 NY-98, North Java, NY 14113 Auction Date: Thursday March 27th, 2024, at 6 PM "TERMS & CONDITIONS" Wyoming County will sell at public auction various parcels of real property which have been conveyed to the County of Wyoming by Article 11 of the Real Property Tax Law. This sale is ordered by various resolutions of the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors and is in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Real Property Tax Law and section 215 of the County Law. 1. All properties are sold in "AS-IS" condition. Bid-N-Buy Realty & Auctions, Wyoming County, nor their respective agents make any expressed or implied warranties of any kind. The descriptions and conditions listed in this, and other advertising materials are to be used as a guideline only and are not guaranteed. All announcements made by the Auctioneer/Broker from the auction block at the time of the sale will take precedence over all printed material. Compliance with all government regulations and any required repairs is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. 2. Wyoming County reserves the right to set a minimum opening bid of $200.00 and/or withdraw any or all parcels from the bid process prior to the auction for any reason. Properties will be conveyed with Treasure Deed. 3. There is a Wyoming County Board of Supervisors Meeting Tuesday April 8th, at which time the board will review and accept appropriate bids. Deeds will be processed shortly after. Please call the Treasurer's Office to verify that your deed has been processed- 585-786-8812 before you arrive to complete the sale. 4. The Wyoming County Treasurer's Office will send one notice to the successful bidder notifying them of any balance owed and/or recording fees. The purchase price balance shall be paid on or before 30 days following the acceptance of the bid by the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors. The balance of each transaction must be paid by cash or certified check made payable to the Wyoming County Treasurer. Recording fees shall be payable to the Wyoming County Clerk. 5. If the purchaser fails to pay the balance of the purchase price within 30 days of the accepted bid by the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors on May 8th, 2025, their offer shall be considered canceled, the down payment forfeited, and the backup bidder may be notified. The backup bidder, if approved by the Board of Supervisors will then be eligible to complete the sale with the same terms and conditions. If the backup bidder is not interested in the parcel, Bid-N-Buy Realty & Auctions will have the option to resell the property at public auction. If So: All liens and taxes will be added back to the property. NOTE: If any purchaser fails to complete a transaction, Wyoming County reserves the right to reject any and all future bids from said purchaser. 6. The current assessed owner of any parcel offered for sale at the tax foreclosure auction may not bid in person, online or through an agent. If a purchaser owes any outstanding or delinquent taxes to Wyoming County, those delinquent taxes must be paid in full within 10 days after the auction or Wyoming County reserves the right to resell the property. The purchaser's deposit will be forfeited for liquidated damages. All bidders must disclose if they are acting as the agent for another party and the identity of the party they are acting as agent for. Failure to comply with this provision will be grounds for default and forfeiture of any deposits paid. PREVIOUSLY DEFAULTING PARTIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BID! 7. The Wyoming County Treasurer reserves the right to group one or more properties into one sale. 8. All deeds shall be executed in the name of the person or persons listed on the purchase contract. Bidders are responsible for providing accurate information for any person(s) to be recorded on deeds prior to approval by the Board of Supervisors at the next scheduled meeting. NOTE: Please note that the name and address provided to us will be used to complete the deed. If you are representing another party, please disclose purchaser information to the cashier. 9. Purchaser will be responsible for 2025 town taxes, 2025 county taxes. That may or may not include 2024 School and/or Village relevy's on them. If those do include village and/or school tax relevy, the buyer will be responsible for paying those along with any water bills. 10. The successful and confirmed purchaser shall take possession of the parcel in as is condition with a Treasurer's Deed and subject to tenants' rights Upon delivery of the above stated deed, in such condition as exists at that date and subject to all claims and covenants, easements and restrictions on record. The County makes no representation, expressed or implied, as to the condition of any property, warranty of title, or as to the suitability of any particular use of occupancy. Purchasers shall be responsible for investigating and ascertaining from the appropriate Building Inspector's records the legal permitted use of any property prior to purchase. Property will not be sold with a survey or an abstract of title. 11. The successful bidder shall allow access to the property for inspection by the Wyoming County Fire and/or Building Codes Enforcement Officer if necessary. The property must be brought into conformity with all building codes, fire codes, and any code requirements within such time frame as directed by the appropriate enforcement officer. All codes must be met within one year of the auction date. 12. The purchaser shall NOT take possession of the property NOR enter upon the purchased parcel until the deed has been executed and recorded by Wyoming County. 13. Risk of loss or damage by fire, vandalism, or any other cause (except taking under the power of eminent domain) between the time of approval by the Board of Supervisors and the delivery of a deed is assumed by the purchaser. 14. No personal property is included in the sale of any of the parcels. The disposition of any personal property located on any parcel sold shall be the sole responsibility of the successful purchaser following the closing of sale. Evictions, if necessary, are solely the responsibility of the successful bidder after closing and recording of the deed. 15. A 6% Buyer Premium will be added to the final bid to determine the final purchase price. The minimum buyer's premium will be $200.00 per parcel. The buyer's premium for each parcel must be paid in full on the day of the auction. (Good check Payable to Bid-N-Buy Realty & Auctions or cash) 16. A Deposit of 6% (minimum of $200.00 per parcel) of the final purchase price payable to Wyoming County will be required for each parcel of property purchased at the auction and is due at conclusion of the auction. ***Two checks will be needed for each parcel purchased*** ***Check #1 or Cash for the 6% buyer's premium (min. $200 per parcel) made out to: Bid-N-Buy Realty & Auctions ***Check #2 or Cash for the 6% (min. $200 per parcel) deposit made out to: The County of Wyoming NOTE: Buyers Premium and deposit are due the day of the auction. NOTE: Any parcel purchased for $2500.00 or less must be paid in full the day of the auction. Have your financing arranged prior to bidding at the auction! 17. Upon full payment the County of Wyoming will deliver a transfer deed, which will describe the parcel and convey all the rights, title, and interest of the County of Wyoming into the parcel. The County of Wyoming will execute no warranties concerning the parcel or the title and will not deliver or be responsible for abstracts, title searches, surveys, maps, or other documents concerning the parcel whatsoever. The deed shall contain a condition that Wyoming County shall in no event be or become liable for any defect in the title for any cause whatsoever, or that no claim shall ever be made against Wyoming County arising from the sale. Closing to take place in approximately 30 days. All sales are subject to the approval of the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors. 18. All Properties are sold subject to the right of redemption of the United State of America. 19. By receiving a bid number for this auction, whether online or at the auction location, you understand and agree to these terms and conditions. Once the top bid is received it will be binding until approval by the Wyoming County Board of Supervisors on April 8th, 2025. Bid Number______________________________________ Phone Number____________________________________ Driver's License Number or Government ID#________________________________ By accepting this bid number I _______________________________________agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of sale as set forth in the "Terms and Conditions" and hereby acknowledge that I have read (or have had read to me) and understand and agree to the terms and conditions, contracts and addenda related to the purchase of the above property. There are no additional agreements between the County and myself except that which is set forth in said "Terms and Conditions". Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Signature:____________________________________________________ Date___________________ Witness:_____________________________________________________ Date___________________ |
Listing Information |
Auction Location: 4274 NY-98, North Java, NY 14113
Auction Date: Thursday March 27th, 2024, at 6 PM 8 151 Park St, Arcade Single Family Residence; Building Sq Ft: 846; 2 Bed, 1 Bath; Lot Sq Ft: 64,033; Town of Arcade, Village of Arcade. Tax Map #:183.17-1-4 ; Lot ID #: 562001-183-017-0001-004-000-0000; 16 7356 Rt 98, Arcade Mobile Home Park; Building Sq Ft: 1,930; Lot Sq Ft: 97,139; 3 Bed, 1 Bath; Town of Arcade; Tax Map #: 183.-1-19; Lot ID #: 562089-183-000-0001-019-000-0000 29 Halls Corners Rd, Attica RES ACG; Lot Sq Ft: 48,787; Town of Attica; Tax Map #: 6.-1-13; Lot ID #: 562289-006-000-0001-013-000-0000 70 3711 Walker Rd, Perry Single Family Residence; Building Sq Ft: 1,556; Lot Sq Ft: 4,512 Town of Castile, Village of Perry; Tax Map #: 100.14-2-67; Lot ID #: 562603-100-014-0002-067-000-0000 86 1154 Perry Rd, Pavilion Mobile Home; Building Sq Ft: 636; Lot Sq Ft: 20,000; Town of Covington; Tax Map # 38.-1-9; Lot ID #: 562800-038-000-0001-009-000-0000 96 8 South Main St, Gainesville Single Family Residence; Building Sq Ft: 1,982; Lot Sq Ft: 21,780; Town of Gainesville, Village of Gainesville; Tax Map #: 133.15-1-27; Tax ID #: 563201-133-015-0001-027-000-0000 115 5845 Hardys Rd, Gainesville Single Family Residence; Building Sq Ft: 2,518; Lot Sq Ft: 81,457; Town of Gainesville; Tax Map #: 144.-2-21.21; Tax ID #: 563289-144-000-0002-021-021-0000 129 2114 Perry Rd, North Java RES LOT; Lot Sq Ft: 3,382; Town of Java; Tax Map #:105.3-2-8.1 ; Tax ID #: 563600-105-003-0002-008-001-0000 130 4724 Curriers Rd, Arcade-7.84 acres Single Family Residence; Building St Ft: 1,200; Lot Square Ft: 341,510; Town of Java; Tax Map #: 114.-1-26; Tax ID #: 563600-114-000-0001-026-000-0000 134 Sheehe Rd, Arcade RES ACG; Lot Sq Ft: 442,134; Town of Java; Tax Map #: 126.-1-1-.12; Tax ID #: 563600-126-000-0001-001-012-0000 This lot is being sold by the acre. 150 Grouse St, Arcade RES LOT; Lot Sq Ft: 7,948; Town of Java; Tax Map #: 140.8-8-16; Tax Map ID #: 563600-140-008-0008-016-000-0000 151 Route 98, Arcade ,RES-NEC LOT SQ FT: 1,987,207 TAX MAP: 151.-9.122 TAX ID #: 563600-151-000-0001-009-122-0000 This lot is being sold by the acre (45.62 ACRES). 165 15 Deer Pond Acres, Warsaw - 5.14 Acres RES ACG; Lot Square Ft: 223,898; Town of Orangeville; Tax Map #: 82.-2-43.2; Tax ID #: 564000-082-000-0002-043-002-0000 179 Tempest St, Perry RES LOT: Lot Sq Ft: 2,614; Town of Perry; Tax Map #: 100.6-2-27.2; Tax ID #: 564201-100-006-0002-027-002-0000 193 Removed RES-NEC: Building Sq Ft: 960; Lot Sq Ft: 84,942; Town of Perry; Tax Map #: 76.-1-55; Tax ID #: 564289-076-000-0001-055-000-0000 229 3337 Pee Dee Rd, Bliss RES-NEC; Lot Square Ft: 3,306,640; Town of Wethersfield; Tax Map #: 130.-1-1; Tax ID #: 565000-130-000-0001-001-000-0000 This item is sold by the acre 230 Pee Dee Rd, Bliss Single Family Residence; Lot Sq Ft: 44,867; Town of Wethersfield; Tax Map #: 130.-1-20; Tax ID #: 565000-130-000-0001-020-000-0000 223 Removed Single Family Residence; Building St Ft: 1,805; Lot Sq Ft: 7,590; Town of Warsaw, Village of Warsaw; Tax Map #: 85.8-2-15; Tax ID #: 564801-085-008-0002-015-000-0000 |
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