Listing ID#: 761805

Sale Location
Fremont, CA 94538
Full Address Available on Monday, Mar 31
Sale Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Tuesday Apr 1
Bidding Ends: Thursday Apr 3
Sale Type
Company Information
Silicon Valley Disposition

Contact: Manuel Padilla
Phone: (650) 787-3384
Website: ID#: 9310
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Listing Information
Featuring Dozens of Battery Manufacturing Equipment, Research and Development Instruments, and Facility Support

T/Cs: All items sold as is, where is with no warranties/guarantees. All sales final. No refunds of any kind. Bidders shall examine or inspect items prior to the day of the auction. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NEITHER SE...

SAM offers small to large companies and individuals, a platform to help redirect surplus from landfills by maximizing an asset's lifespan. Our dedication to helping solve the current problems facing our planet proves to be effective and needed more n...

Denton Vacuum
Lot of (1) consisting of: Denton Vacuum Manufacturer: Denton, Model: Desk V, ;Parts only. Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United Stat...

Control Coater
Lot of (1) consisting of: Control Coater Manufacturer: RK, Model: K101, Serial Number: 85880; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 82e9b46d-b260-4115-...

Jeol Cross Section Polisher
Lot of (1) consisting of: Jeol Cross Section Polisher Manufacturer: Jeol , Model: IB-09010CP, Serial Number: IB4091000460046;The IB-09010CP can produce pristine cross sections of specimen that were difficult to handle using a mechanical grinding meth...

Centrifugal Mixer
Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifugal Mixer Manufacturer: Thinky, Model: ARE-310, ;Supports a wide range of materials, including high-viscosity materials and nano fillers �The 2 modes of mixing and deaeration achieve dispersion and deaeration of...

Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rolling Mill Manufacturer: Durston, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 621749d8-6659-40e6-8873-4d83199860b3

Jar Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Jar Rolling Mill Manufacturer: US Stoneware, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f4bbb95a-8819-415d-921f-5e5d102c1c50

Thermal Analysis System
Lot of (1) consisting of: Thermal Analysis System Manufacturer: Miller Toledo, Model: DSC 3, Serial Number: 3056; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID:...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Microscope ;(1) Vista Vision microscope, with Moticam A16. (1) Jenco microscope See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 846ff9...

Digital Force Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Digital Force Tester Manufacturer: Chatillon, Model: TCD225, Vintage: 2010, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 44a97be8-...

Electrode Cutting Pliers
Lot of (3) consisting of: Electrode Cutting Pliers Manufacturer: EL Cell, Model: EL CUT, Serial Number: HB21438;(1) 15mm. (1) 14mm. (1) 18mm.High precision cutting pliers to eliminate torn and chipped electrode edges. See photos for details. As is, w...

Digital Scales
Lot of (3) consisting of: Digital Scales ;(1)Ohaus Explore Pro. (1) AND HR-60. (1) Acculab ALC110. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 15726d69-578a-...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Microbalance Manufacturer: Miller Toledo, Model: XP6, Serial Number: B008013785;The METTLER TOLEDO XP6 is an innovative ultra-microbalance, providing optimal weighing performance, user friendliness and quality standards. The...

PH Bench-top Meter
Lot of (1) consisting of: PH Bench-top Meter Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific , Model: Orion 3 Star, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 0b301105-cb...

PH Meter
Lot of (1) consisting of: PH Meter Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Orion Star A121, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a5718ebd-7621-4710-...

Thermocoupler Thermometer
Lot of (1) consisting of: Thermocoupler Thermometer Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Traceable, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: b7156f80...

Fire Extiguisher
Lot of (1) consisting of: Fire Extiguisher Model: Class D, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4744e860-0d25-4289-9440-b38a7dc3880f

Lot of (1) consisting of: Press Manufacturer: Mader Pressen, Model: KP 2.1N, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 18acb719-3f68-49bb-a7e2-f63bc16b24...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Pump ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4cfbb4e3-812e-42a4-bb15-fc3df30be0b3

Vacuum Glove Box
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Glove Box Manufacturer: Vacuum Atmospheres , ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e766b702-5e7c-49f5-aa66-370fbfa79...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Table Model: 71.5�x33.5�x34�, ;Stainless steel top table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 9e4ce3f5-08d8-...

Pneumatic Sealing Machine
Lot of (1) consisting of: Pneumatic Sealing Machine Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-PN110-S, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ee7bab18-3dda-460b-9...

Super Dry Cabinet
Lot of (1) consisting of: Super Dry Cabinet Manufacturer: Totech, Model: 48�x26�x66�, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 47441527-d...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Chamber Manufacturer: Tenney, ;On stand with rollers. * PARTS ONLY See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 65e55628-691b-4b09-9...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: Therm Craft, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 264b6093-3060-44e5-8835-15b992f9307c

Barrel Dolly
Lot of (1) consisting of: Barrel Dolly ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 39f060e6-fbe9-43a7-98d8-d2907db60f4d

Lot of (1) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: Nabertherm, ;Rotary tube furnace. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a315aa7e-f519-40cf-b9b7-ca314e...

Rotary Evaporator
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rotary Evaporator Manufacturer: IKA, Model: RV8, ;Rotary Evaporator w/ Dry Ice Condenser See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID...

Vacuum Sealer
Lot of (2) consisting of: Vacuum Sealer Manufacturer: Food Saver, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5ca2869c-49c2-49c2-8bee-293b114a623c

Vacuum Sealer
Lot of (3) consisting of: Vacuum Sealer ;(2) Food Saver. (1) Impulse sealer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 97722692-0d3a-4890-b3a0-e7c6cbff2830

Pellet Press
Lot of (1) consisting of: Pellet Press ;MSE Pro Lab pellet press with safety shield. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 920a8601-e035-4884-9b5a-121...

Electric Rolling Press
Lot of (1) consisting of: Electric Rolling Press Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-HRP MR100BDC, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 9b77a967-e37f-45cd...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: MTI, Model: KSL-1100X, ;Bench top furnace. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a27c1b76-8775-4901-a63...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 105d6bc8-459c-45d3-b8...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 0ce5646a-03f4-4863-b8...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e42d63a6-4adc-4806-ac...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Digital micrometers. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3b2663e0-3dfe-438c-9a3b-900f6...

Coin Cell Crimper
Lot of (1) consisting of: Coin Cell Crimper Model: HSACC-11, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3affa12a-4694-46c9-a08b-e504452a89bc

Digital Scale
Lot of (2) consisting of: Digital Scale ;(1) 22Adam. (1) AND. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f0e9fb4f-7322-434d-af82-c3fa4bb13db7

Digital Scale
Lot of (2) consisting of: Digital Scale ;(1) AND. (1) Unknown brand. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: b8f91a21-3129-4080-b585-f430f3c69743

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Pump Manufacturer: Welch, Model: 1402B-01, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3e866b49-e4d6-4c3a-a3bb-55f17bc1c2d...

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Pump Manufacturer: Welch, Model: 1402B-01, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 50dbcb8c-cfb2-40c8-908a-a7dd4ec5b77...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Electromantle Manufacturer: Electrothermal, Model: EMA0250, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 19eaea7c-0a16-4294-9e97-3...

Temperature Controller
Lot of (1) consisting of: Temperature Controller Manufacturer: Glas-Col, Model: Digitrol II, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 275e4638-3b92-4fa8...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Oven Manufacturer: Boekel, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ffab3503-341f-4bda-a226-4728c36ab92b

Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rolling Mill Manufacturer: Pepe, Model: 189.00, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ea8f46e3-ff4a-443e-8375-b5a98966c...

Coin Cell Crimper
Lot of (1) consisting of: Coin Cell Crimper Manufacturer: Hohsen, Model: CR2432, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5c95fd0c-a1ad-4ab6-8970-85c67d...

Electric Crimper Machine
Lot of (1) consisting of: Electric Crimper Machine Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-160D, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5c231b7e-7fbd-4b49-bee3-...

Metal Cabinets
Lot of (15+) consisting of: Metal Cabinets ;Various metal cabinets. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: fc4ad400-f9e3-41dd-9362-234ec824e1f2

Metal Cabinets
Lot of (15+) consisting of: Metal Cabinets ;Various metal cabinets. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: d4c6c56c-4f1c-4ac3-8b96-0434bf65c330

Flammable Cabinet
Lot of (3) consisting of: Flammable Cabinet ;24�x22�x35� See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: c561be90-6a53-4d73-94f8-b4bafb81461e

15 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Reactor
Lot of (1) consisting of: 15 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Reactor ;With mixer See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a691df41-d6a3-4cc7-a36b-7176d9...

Electromechanical Work Station
Lot of (2) consisting of: Electromechanical Work Station Manufacturer: CH Instruments, Model: CH1660C, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 23955efd...

Battery Tester
Lot of (14) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 56844c0a...

Battery Tester
Lot of (6) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3cef1794-...

Battery Tester
Lot of (12) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f734bf5d...

Battery Tester
Lot of (18) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3de8a5e6...

Arbin Battery Tester
Lot of (4) consisting of: Arbin Battery Tester Manufacturer: Arbin, Model: LBT21084HC, Serial Number: 223039-A / 223039-B;(2) Arbin, LBT21084HC. (1) Dell, Optiplex 5050. (1)Dell, Optiplex 7090. 96 Channel 60amp current See photos for details. As is, ...

Arbin Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Arbin Battery Tester Manufacturer: Arbin, Model: LBT21084HC, Serial Number: 224047;24 Channel 60amp current See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United...

Heavy Duty Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: Heavy Duty Cabinet Manufacturer: Strong Hold, Model: 48�x24�x78�, ;No contents. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 ...

Battery Tester
Lot of (14) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: eb0e4b71...

Gas Management System
Lot of (2) consisting of: Gas Management System Manufacturer: Concoa, Model: 539 Series, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: cf87be76-b5f1-43fe-bd7...

Gas Management System
Lot of (2) consisting of: Gas Management System Manufacturer: Concoa, Model: 539 Series, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f36f27cc-611d-48c5-935...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 67ecabf2-375f-4d54-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1740e711-0e9a-4886-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 493b1c96-817f-444c-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5b1d5a50-654a-4798-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 89229a1b-caba-4c20-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1aeb18b7-69ba-4a0f-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: cfe96117-15a6-4d94-...

Gamry Parts
Lot of (12+) consisting of: Gamry Parts ;(9) Gamry calibration shield boxes. (3) Interface 1010 calibration cells. And cables. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States ...

Testing equipment
Lot of (1) consisting of: Testing equipment Manufacturer: Agilent, Model: 4338B, ;Milliohmmeter See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4361deed-eff1-4b...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Meter ;(1) Fisher Scientic, Conductivity meter. (2) Multimeters. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5b5ad7cb-cc81-4065-8ab...

Power Supply
Lot of (1) consisting of: Power Supply Manufacturer: BK Precision, Model: 1902B, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 430e7a67-8acc-4118-b938-67983b...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Thermometer ;(2) VWR, Thermocouple. (1) Fluke, 51 k/j thermometer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a73a0b66-f3d8-45dc-9...

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Madgetech, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e850af8c-317c-48b0-807e-a9df6af522b8

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 43708b76-9698-41ae-830f-4219665...

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 2dcc796e-7c7d-4c61-96e9-0681dc9...

Data Logger
Lot of (2) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: fe179f1b-4f3a-4f01-84ed-161...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Tool ;(1) Power Whitney, 5 JR hand punch. (1) Westward, digital torque wrench. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3d57baf2...

Air Compressor
Lot of (1) consisting of: Air Compressor Manufacturer: McGraw, ;Portable, pancake compressor, 3 Gal. 110 PSI. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 253...

Conference Room
Lot of (19+) consisting of: Conference Room ;(1) Conference table, 14�x5�. (2-piece). (15) Chairs. (1) Credenza, 5�x2�. (1) Table, 4�x2�. (2) Whiteboards. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located...

Yealink Meeting Bar
Lot of (1) consisting of: Yealink Meeting Bar ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: bd119f52-14e6-4204-b5bb-a9a6069a39a2

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: Sony, Model: KD-85X80K, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: c0a363b1-9ae3-418f-8c14-e8369a2e6c1a

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: LG, Model: 75UJ657A, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e7acf2df-3c2f-4d84-88d6-3be491786978

Office Furniture
Lot of (5) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (1) File cabinet table. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) Coat rack. (1) Rolling file cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (8+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(2) Desk with chairs. (1) File cabinet table. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Rolling file cabinet. (1) HP printer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont,...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Conference Room
Lot of (11) consisting of: Conference Room ;(1) Conference table, 8�x4�. (10) Chairs. (1) Credenza, 72�x22�. (3) Whiteboards. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Califor...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: Samsung, Model: UN65MU6290F, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5d669814-c29e-49f1-a9ec-7b7f149...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Panaboard Manufacturer: panasonic, Model: UB-7325, ;62" digital whiteboard designed for a wide variety of instructional applications. The board is based on a color scanning system that allows the user to store images on a SD...

Storage Cabinet
Lot of (4) consisting of: Storage Cabinet Model: 48�x24�x78�, ;Contents not included. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5fd79e90-6c...

Office Supply Station
Lot of (1) consisting of: Office Supply Station Manufacturer: Kuocera, Model: 2553CI, ;With contents. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 548fc5b6-05...

Greeting Desk
Lot of (7+) consisting of: Greeting Desk ;(1) Geeting desk, 47�x31�x39�. (4) Chairs. (1) Display shelf. (1) Cup table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United...

File Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: File Cabinet ;(1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x19�x53�. (1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x18�51�. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Cali...

File Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: File Cabinet ;(1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x19�x53�. (1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x18�51�. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Cali...

Fume Hood
Lot of (1) consisting of: Fume Hood Manufacturer: Hanson, ;70�, Contents not included See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1f983f57-163d-462d...

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: d44c06e9-1a7e-4e91-a185-c1d59684d539

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Silicon Valley Disposition

Silicon Valley Disposition

Contact: Manuel Padilla
Phone: (650) 787-3384
Sale Location
Fremont, CA 94538
Full Address Available after 9 am
on Monday, Mar 31
Sale Dates and Times
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Auctioneer's Terms and Conditions of Sale TERMS OF SALE Set forth below are the terms and conditions (the "Terms") that shall apply to any purchase by any party (a "Buyer") either directly from Silicon Valley Disposition, Inc. ("SVD") or in a transaction (a "Transaction") in which SVD serves as broker, agent, liquidator or auctioneer for any third party owner ("Consignor"). The Terms apply to all Transactions, including without limitation, public auctions conducted by SVD and direct purchases by Buyer of any item either before, after or independent of any public auction. By using or accessing any and all SVD Services and or Websites you agree you have read and understand the Terms and Conditions stated herein and are bound to these Terms and Conditions. You may not use or access any and all SVD Services if you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions stated herein. 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Assets are intended to be sold without software, if any is applicable. In the event that a Seller's software is included in an asset sale, notwithstanding the disclaimers set forth above, Auctioneer makes no representations or warranties regarding the Buyer's right to use such software, as to the performance of the software, its non-infringement or otherwise. In such circumstances, Auctioneer recommends that Buyer contact the software manufacturer directly to resolve any such issues. Auctioneer relies on information about assets in the auction provided by the seller. Auctioneer undertakes no investigation of that information, and makes no representation or warranty concerning the truth or completeness of that information. Photographs are provided solely for the bidders' convenience and shall not be construed to create representations or warranties of any kind pertaining to the assets. 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Listing Details
Featuring Dozens of Battery Manufacturing Equipment, Research and Development Instruments, and Facility Support

T/Cs: All items sold as is, where is with no warranties/guarantees. All sales final. No refunds of any kind. Bidders shall examine or inspect items prior to the day of the auction. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NEITHER SE...

SAM offers small to large companies and individuals, a platform to help redirect surplus from landfills by maximizing an asset's lifespan. Our dedication to helping solve the current problems facing our planet proves to be effective and needed more n...

Denton Vacuum
Lot of (1) consisting of: Denton Vacuum Manufacturer: Denton, Model: Desk V, ;Parts only. Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United Stat...

Control Coater
Lot of (1) consisting of: Control Coater Manufacturer: RK, Model: K101, Serial Number: 85880; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 82e9b46d-b260-4115-...

Jeol Cross Section Polisher
Lot of (1) consisting of: Jeol Cross Section Polisher Manufacturer: Jeol , Model: IB-09010CP, Serial Number: IB4091000460046;The IB-09010CP can produce pristine cross sections of specimen that were difficult to handle using a mechanical grinding meth...

Centrifugal Mixer
Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifugal Mixer Manufacturer: Thinky, Model: ARE-310, ;Supports a wide range of materials, including high-viscosity materials and nano fillers �The 2 modes of mixing and deaeration achieve dispersion and deaeration of...

Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rolling Mill Manufacturer: Durston, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 621749d8-6659-40e6-8873-4d83199860b3

Jar Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Jar Rolling Mill Manufacturer: US Stoneware, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f4bbb95a-8819-415d-921f-5e5d102c1c50

Thermal Analysis System
Lot of (1) consisting of: Thermal Analysis System Manufacturer: Miller Toledo, Model: DSC 3, Serial Number: 3056; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID:...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Microscope ;(1) Vista Vision microscope, with Moticam A16. (1) Jenco microscope See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 846ff9...

Digital Force Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Digital Force Tester Manufacturer: Chatillon, Model: TCD225, Vintage: 2010, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 44a97be8-...

Electrode Cutting Pliers
Lot of (3) consisting of: Electrode Cutting Pliers Manufacturer: EL Cell, Model: EL CUT, Serial Number: HB21438;(1) 15mm. (1) 14mm. (1) 18mm.High precision cutting pliers to eliminate torn and chipped electrode edges. See photos for details. As is, w...

Digital Scales
Lot of (3) consisting of: Digital Scales ;(1)Ohaus Explore Pro. (1) AND HR-60. (1) Acculab ALC110. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 15726d69-578a-...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Microbalance Manufacturer: Miller Toledo, Model: XP6, Serial Number: B008013785;The METTLER TOLEDO XP6 is an innovative ultra-microbalance, providing optimal weighing performance, user friendliness and quality standards. The...

PH Bench-top Meter
Lot of (1) consisting of: PH Bench-top Meter Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific , Model: Orion 3 Star, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 0b301105-cb...

PH Meter
Lot of (1) consisting of: PH Meter Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Orion Star A121, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a5718ebd-7621-4710-...

Thermocoupler Thermometer
Lot of (1) consisting of: Thermocoupler Thermometer Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Traceable, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: b7156f80...

Fire Extiguisher
Lot of (1) consisting of: Fire Extiguisher Model: Class D, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4744e860-0d25-4289-9440-b38a7dc3880f

Lot of (1) consisting of: Press Manufacturer: Mader Pressen, Model: KP 2.1N, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 18acb719-3f68-49bb-a7e2-f63bc16b24...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Pump ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4cfbb4e3-812e-42a4-bb15-fc3df30be0b3

Vacuum Glove Box
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Glove Box Manufacturer: Vacuum Atmospheres , ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e766b702-5e7c-49f5-aa66-370fbfa79...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Table Model: 71.5�x33.5�x34�, ;Stainless steel top table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 9e4ce3f5-08d8-...

Pneumatic Sealing Machine
Lot of (1) consisting of: Pneumatic Sealing Machine Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-PN110-S, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ee7bab18-3dda-460b-9...

Super Dry Cabinet
Lot of (1) consisting of: Super Dry Cabinet Manufacturer: Totech, Model: 48�x26�x66�, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 47441527-d...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Chamber Manufacturer: Tenney, ;On stand with rollers. * PARTS ONLY See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 65e55628-691b-4b09-9...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: Therm Craft, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 264b6093-3060-44e5-8835-15b992f9307c

Barrel Dolly
Lot of (1) consisting of: Barrel Dolly ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 39f060e6-fbe9-43a7-98d8-d2907db60f4d

Lot of (1) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: Nabertherm, ;Rotary tube furnace. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a315aa7e-f519-40cf-b9b7-ca314e...

Rotary Evaporator
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rotary Evaporator Manufacturer: IKA, Model: RV8, ;Rotary Evaporator w/ Dry Ice Condenser See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID...

Vacuum Sealer
Lot of (2) consisting of: Vacuum Sealer Manufacturer: Food Saver, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5ca2869c-49c2-49c2-8bee-293b114a623c

Vacuum Sealer
Lot of (3) consisting of: Vacuum Sealer ;(2) Food Saver. (1) Impulse sealer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 97722692-0d3a-4890-b3a0-e7c6cbff2830

Pellet Press
Lot of (1) consisting of: Pellet Press ;MSE Pro Lab pellet press with safety shield. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 920a8601-e035-4884-9b5a-121...

Electric Rolling Press
Lot of (1) consisting of: Electric Rolling Press Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-HRP MR100BDC, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 9b77a967-e37f-45cd...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: MTI, Model: KSL-1100X, ;Bench top furnace. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a27c1b76-8775-4901-a63...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 105d6bc8-459c-45d3-b8...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 0ce5646a-03f4-4863-b8...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e42d63a6-4adc-4806-ac...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Digital micrometers. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3b2663e0-3dfe-438c-9a3b-900f6...

Coin Cell Crimper
Lot of (1) consisting of: Coin Cell Crimper Model: HSACC-11, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3affa12a-4694-46c9-a08b-e504452a89bc

Digital Scale
Lot of (2) consisting of: Digital Scale ;(1) 22Adam. (1) AND. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f0e9fb4f-7322-434d-af82-c3fa4bb13db7

Digital Scale
Lot of (2) consisting of: Digital Scale ;(1) AND. (1) Unknown brand. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: b8f91a21-3129-4080-b585-f430f3c69743

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Pump Manufacturer: Welch, Model: 1402B-01, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3e866b49-e4d6-4c3a-a3bb-55f17bc1c2d...

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Pump Manufacturer: Welch, Model: 1402B-01, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 50dbcb8c-cfb2-40c8-908a-a7dd4ec5b77...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Electromantle Manufacturer: Electrothermal, Model: EMA0250, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 19eaea7c-0a16-4294-9e97-3...

Temperature Controller
Lot of (1) consisting of: Temperature Controller Manufacturer: Glas-Col, Model: Digitrol II, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 275e4638-3b92-4fa8...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Oven Manufacturer: Boekel, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ffab3503-341f-4bda-a226-4728c36ab92b

Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rolling Mill Manufacturer: Pepe, Model: 189.00, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ea8f46e3-ff4a-443e-8375-b5a98966c...

Coin Cell Crimper
Lot of (1) consisting of: Coin Cell Crimper Manufacturer: Hohsen, Model: CR2432, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5c95fd0c-a1ad-4ab6-8970-85c67d...

Electric Crimper Machine
Lot of (1) consisting of: Electric Crimper Machine Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-160D, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5c231b7e-7fbd-4b49-bee3-...

Metal Cabinets
Lot of (15+) consisting of: Metal Cabinets ;Various metal cabinets. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: fc4ad400-f9e3-41dd-9362-234ec824e1f2

Metal Cabinets
Lot of (15+) consisting of: Metal Cabinets ;Various metal cabinets. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: d4c6c56c-4f1c-4ac3-8b96-0434bf65c330

Flammable Cabinet
Lot of (3) consisting of: Flammable Cabinet ;24�x22�x35� See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: c561be90-6a53-4d73-94f8-b4bafb81461e

15 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Reactor
Lot of (1) consisting of: 15 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Reactor ;With mixer See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a691df41-d6a3-4cc7-a36b-7176d9...

Electromechanical Work Station
Lot of (2) consisting of: Electromechanical Work Station Manufacturer: CH Instruments, Model: CH1660C, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 23955efd...

Battery Tester
Lot of (14) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 56844c0a...

Battery Tester
Lot of (6) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3cef1794-...

Battery Tester
Lot of (12) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f734bf5d...

Battery Tester
Lot of (18) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3de8a5e6...

Arbin Battery Tester
Lot of (4) consisting of: Arbin Battery Tester Manufacturer: Arbin, Model: LBT21084HC, Serial Number: 223039-A / 223039-B;(2) Arbin, LBT21084HC. (1) Dell, Optiplex 5050. (1)Dell, Optiplex 7090. 96 Channel 60amp current See photos for details. As is, ...

Arbin Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Arbin Battery Tester Manufacturer: Arbin, Model: LBT21084HC, Serial Number: 224047;24 Channel 60amp current See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United...

Heavy Duty Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: Heavy Duty Cabinet Manufacturer: Strong Hold, Model: 48�x24�x78�, ;No contents. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 ...

Battery Tester
Lot of (14) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: eb0e4b71...

Gas Management System
Lot of (2) consisting of: Gas Management System Manufacturer: Concoa, Model: 539 Series, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: cf87be76-b5f1-43fe-bd7...

Gas Management System
Lot of (2) consisting of: Gas Management System Manufacturer: Concoa, Model: 539 Series, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f36f27cc-611d-48c5-935...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 67ecabf2-375f-4d54-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1740e711-0e9a-4886-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 493b1c96-817f-444c-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5b1d5a50-654a-4798-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 89229a1b-caba-4c20-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1aeb18b7-69ba-4a0f-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: cfe96117-15a6-4d94-...

Gamry Parts
Lot of (12+) consisting of: Gamry Parts ;(9) Gamry calibration shield boxes. (3) Interface 1010 calibration cells. And cables. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States ...

Testing equipment
Lot of (1) consisting of: Testing equipment Manufacturer: Agilent, Model: 4338B, ;Milliohmmeter See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4361deed-eff1-4b...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Meter ;(1) Fisher Scientic, Conductivity meter. (2) Multimeters. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5b5ad7cb-cc81-4065-8ab...

Power Supply
Lot of (1) consisting of: Power Supply Manufacturer: BK Precision, Model: 1902B, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 430e7a67-8acc-4118-b938-67983b...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Thermometer ;(2) VWR, Thermocouple. (1) Fluke, 51 k/j thermometer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a73a0b66-f3d8-45dc-9...

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Madgetech, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e850af8c-317c-48b0-807e-a9df6af522b8

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 43708b76-9698-41ae-830f-4219665...

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 2dcc796e-7c7d-4c61-96e9-0681dc9...

Data Logger
Lot of (2) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: fe179f1b-4f3a-4f01-84ed-161...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Tool ;(1) Power Whitney, 5 JR hand punch. (1) Westward, digital torque wrench. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3d57baf2...

Air Compressor
Lot of (1) consisting of: Air Compressor Manufacturer: McGraw, ;Portable, pancake compressor, 3 Gal. 110 PSI. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 253...

Conference Room
Lot of (19+) consisting of: Conference Room ;(1) Conference table, 14�x5�. (2-piece). (15) Chairs. (1) Credenza, 5�x2�. (1) Table, 4�x2�. (2) Whiteboards. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located...

Yealink Meeting Bar
Lot of (1) consisting of: Yealink Meeting Bar ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: bd119f52-14e6-4204-b5bb-a9a6069a39a2

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: Sony, Model: KD-85X80K, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: c0a363b1-9ae3-418f-8c14-e8369a2e6c1a

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: LG, Model: 75UJ657A, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e7acf2df-3c2f-4d84-88d6-3be491786978

Office Furniture
Lot of (5) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (1) File cabinet table. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) Coat rack. (1) Rolling file cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (8+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(2) Desk with chairs. (1) File cabinet table. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Rolling file cabinet. (1) HP printer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont,...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Conference Room
Lot of (11) consisting of: Conference Room ;(1) Conference table, 8�x4�. (10) Chairs. (1) Credenza, 72�x22�. (3) Whiteboards. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Califor...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: Samsung, Model: UN65MU6290F, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5d669814-c29e-49f1-a9ec-7b7f149...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Panaboard Manufacturer: panasonic, Model: UB-7325, ;62" digital whiteboard designed for a wide variety of instructional applications. The board is based on a color scanning system that allows the user to store images on a SD...

Storage Cabinet
Lot of (4) consisting of: Storage Cabinet Model: 48�x24�x78�, ;Contents not included. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5fd79e90-6c...

Office Supply Station
Lot of (1) consisting of: Office Supply Station Manufacturer: Kuocera, Model: 2553CI, ;With contents. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 548fc5b6-05...

Greeting Desk
Lot of (7+) consisting of: Greeting Desk ;(1) Geeting desk, 47�x31�x39�. (4) Chairs. (1) Display shelf. (1) Cup table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United...

File Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: File Cabinet ;(1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x19�x53�. (1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x18�51�. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Cali...

File Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: File Cabinet ;(1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x19�x53�. (1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x18�51�. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Cali...

Fume Hood
Lot of (1) consisting of: Fume Hood Manufacturer: Hanson, ;70�, Contents not included See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1f983f57-163d-462d...

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: d44c06e9-1a7e-4e91-a185-c1d59684d539

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 Online Only Auction
Sale Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Tuesday Apr 1
Bidding Ends: Thursday Apr 3
Sale Location
Fremont, CA 94538
Full Address Available on Monday, Mar 31
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Featuring Dozens of Battery Manufacturing Equipment, Research and Development Instruments, and Facility Support

T/Cs: All items sold as is, where is with no warranties/guarantees. All sales final. No refunds of any kind. Bidders shall examine or inspect items prior to the day of the auction. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NEITHER SE...

SAM offers small to large companies and individuals, a platform to help redirect surplus from landfills by maximizing an asset's lifespan. Our dedication to helping solve the current problems facing our planet proves to be effective and needed more n...

Denton Vacuum
Lot of (1) consisting of: Denton Vacuum Manufacturer: Denton, Model: Desk V, ;Parts only. Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United Stat...

Control Coater
Lot of (1) consisting of: Control Coater Manufacturer: RK, Model: K101, Serial Number: 85880; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 82e9b46d-b260-4115-...

Jeol Cross Section Polisher
Lot of (1) consisting of: Jeol Cross Section Polisher Manufacturer: Jeol , Model: IB-09010CP, Serial Number: IB4091000460046;The IB-09010CP can produce pristine cross sections of specimen that were difficult to handle using a mechanical grinding meth...

Centrifugal Mixer
Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifugal Mixer Manufacturer: Thinky, Model: ARE-310, ;Supports a wide range of materials, including high-viscosity materials and nano fillers �The 2 modes of mixing and deaeration achieve dispersion and deaeration of...

Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rolling Mill Manufacturer: Durston, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 621749d8-6659-40e6-8873-4d83199860b3

Jar Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Jar Rolling Mill Manufacturer: US Stoneware, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f4bbb95a-8819-415d-921f-5e5d102c1c50

Thermal Analysis System
Lot of (1) consisting of: Thermal Analysis System Manufacturer: Miller Toledo, Model: DSC 3, Serial Number: 3056; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID:...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Microscope ;(1) Vista Vision microscope, with Moticam A16. (1) Jenco microscope See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 846ff9...

Digital Force Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Digital Force Tester Manufacturer: Chatillon, Model: TCD225, Vintage: 2010, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 44a97be8-...

Electrode Cutting Pliers
Lot of (3) consisting of: Electrode Cutting Pliers Manufacturer: EL Cell, Model: EL CUT, Serial Number: HB21438;(1) 15mm. (1) 14mm. (1) 18mm.High precision cutting pliers to eliminate torn and chipped electrode edges. See photos for details. As is, w...

Digital Scales
Lot of (3) consisting of: Digital Scales ;(1)Ohaus Explore Pro. (1) AND HR-60. (1) Acculab ALC110. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 15726d69-578a-...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Microbalance Manufacturer: Miller Toledo, Model: XP6, Serial Number: B008013785;The METTLER TOLEDO XP6 is an innovative ultra-microbalance, providing optimal weighing performance, user friendliness and quality standards. The...

PH Bench-top Meter
Lot of (1) consisting of: PH Bench-top Meter Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific , Model: Orion 3 Star, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 0b301105-cb...

PH Meter
Lot of (1) consisting of: PH Meter Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Orion Star A121, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a5718ebd-7621-4710-...

Thermocoupler Thermometer
Lot of (1) consisting of: Thermocoupler Thermometer Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Traceable, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: b7156f80...

Fire Extiguisher
Lot of (1) consisting of: Fire Extiguisher Model: Class D, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4744e860-0d25-4289-9440-b38a7dc3880f

Lot of (1) consisting of: Press Manufacturer: Mader Pressen, Model: KP 2.1N, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 18acb719-3f68-49bb-a7e2-f63bc16b24...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Pump ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4cfbb4e3-812e-42a4-bb15-fc3df30be0b3

Vacuum Glove Box
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Glove Box Manufacturer: Vacuum Atmospheres , ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e766b702-5e7c-49f5-aa66-370fbfa79...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Table Model: 71.5�x33.5�x34�, ;Stainless steel top table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 9e4ce3f5-08d8-...

Pneumatic Sealing Machine
Lot of (1) consisting of: Pneumatic Sealing Machine Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-PN110-S, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ee7bab18-3dda-460b-9...

Super Dry Cabinet
Lot of (1) consisting of: Super Dry Cabinet Manufacturer: Totech, Model: 48�x26�x66�, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 47441527-d...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Chamber Manufacturer: Tenney, ;On stand with rollers. * PARTS ONLY See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 65e55628-691b-4b09-9...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: Therm Craft, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 264b6093-3060-44e5-8835-15b992f9307c

Barrel Dolly
Lot of (1) consisting of: Barrel Dolly ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 39f060e6-fbe9-43a7-98d8-d2907db60f4d

Lot of (1) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: Nabertherm, ;Rotary tube furnace. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a315aa7e-f519-40cf-b9b7-ca314e...

Rotary Evaporator
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rotary Evaporator Manufacturer: IKA, Model: RV8, ;Rotary Evaporator w/ Dry Ice Condenser See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID...

Vacuum Sealer
Lot of (2) consisting of: Vacuum Sealer Manufacturer: Food Saver, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5ca2869c-49c2-49c2-8bee-293b114a623c

Vacuum Sealer
Lot of (3) consisting of: Vacuum Sealer ;(2) Food Saver. (1) Impulse sealer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 97722692-0d3a-4890-b3a0-e7c6cbff2830

Pellet Press
Lot of (1) consisting of: Pellet Press ;MSE Pro Lab pellet press with safety shield. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 920a8601-e035-4884-9b5a-121...

Electric Rolling Press
Lot of (1) consisting of: Electric Rolling Press Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-HRP MR100BDC, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 9b77a967-e37f-45cd...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Furnace Manufacturer: MTI, Model: KSL-1100X, ;Bench top furnace. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a27c1b76-8775-4901-a63...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 105d6bc8-459c-45d3-b8...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 0ce5646a-03f4-4863-b8...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Depth micrometers, with jig. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e42d63a6-4adc-4806-ac...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Micrometer Manufacturer: Mitutoyo, ;Digital micrometers. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3b2663e0-3dfe-438c-9a3b-900f6...

Coin Cell Crimper
Lot of (1) consisting of: Coin Cell Crimper Model: HSACC-11, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3affa12a-4694-46c9-a08b-e504452a89bc

Digital Scale
Lot of (2) consisting of: Digital Scale ;(1) 22Adam. (1) AND. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f0e9fb4f-7322-434d-af82-c3fa4bb13db7

Digital Scale
Lot of (2) consisting of: Digital Scale ;(1) AND. (1) Unknown brand. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: b8f91a21-3129-4080-b585-f430f3c69743

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Pump Manufacturer: Welch, Model: 1402B-01, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3e866b49-e4d6-4c3a-a3bb-55f17bc1c2d...

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Pump Manufacturer: Welch, Model: 1402B-01, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 50dbcb8c-cfb2-40c8-908a-a7dd4ec5b77...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Electromantle Manufacturer: Electrothermal, Model: EMA0250, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 19eaea7c-0a16-4294-9e97-3...

Temperature Controller
Lot of (1) consisting of: Temperature Controller Manufacturer: Glas-Col, Model: Digitrol II, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 275e4638-3b92-4fa8...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Oven Manufacturer: Boekel, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ffab3503-341f-4bda-a226-4728c36ab92b

Rolling Mill
Lot of (1) consisting of: Rolling Mill Manufacturer: Pepe, Model: 189.00, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: ea8f46e3-ff4a-443e-8375-b5a98966c...

Coin Cell Crimper
Lot of (1) consisting of: Coin Cell Crimper Manufacturer: Hohsen, Model: CR2432, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5c95fd0c-a1ad-4ab6-8970-85c67d...

Electric Crimper Machine
Lot of (1) consisting of: Electric Crimper Machine Manufacturer: MTI, Model: MSK-160D, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5c231b7e-7fbd-4b49-bee3-...

Metal Cabinets
Lot of (15+) consisting of: Metal Cabinets ;Various metal cabinets. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: fc4ad400-f9e3-41dd-9362-234ec824e1f2

Metal Cabinets
Lot of (15+) consisting of: Metal Cabinets ;Various metal cabinets. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: d4c6c56c-4f1c-4ac3-8b96-0434bf65c330

Flammable Cabinet
Lot of (3) consisting of: Flammable Cabinet ;24�x22�x35� See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: c561be90-6a53-4d73-94f8-b4bafb81461e

15 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Reactor
Lot of (1) consisting of: 15 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Reactor ;With mixer See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a691df41-d6a3-4cc7-a36b-7176d9...

Electromechanical Work Station
Lot of (2) consisting of: Electromechanical Work Station Manufacturer: CH Instruments, Model: CH1660C, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 23955efd...

Battery Tester
Lot of (14) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 56844c0a...

Battery Tester
Lot of (6) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3cef1794-...

Battery Tester
Lot of (12) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f734bf5d...

Battery Tester
Lot of (18) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3de8a5e6...

Arbin Battery Tester
Lot of (4) consisting of: Arbin Battery Tester Manufacturer: Arbin, Model: LBT21084HC, Serial Number: 223039-A / 223039-B;(2) Arbin, LBT21084HC. (1) Dell, Optiplex 5050. (1)Dell, Optiplex 7090. 96 Channel 60amp current See photos for details. As is, ...

Arbin Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Arbin Battery Tester Manufacturer: Arbin, Model: LBT21084HC, Serial Number: 224047;24 Channel 60amp current See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United...

Heavy Duty Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: Heavy Duty Cabinet Manufacturer: Strong Hold, Model: 48�x24�x78�, ;No contents. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 ...

Battery Tester
Lot of (14) consisting of: Battery Tester Manufacturer: Land, Model: CT2001A, ;With Dell server cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: eb0e4b71...

Gas Management System
Lot of (2) consisting of: Gas Management System Manufacturer: Concoa, Model: 539 Series, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: cf87be76-b5f1-43fe-bd7...

Gas Management System
Lot of (2) consisting of: Gas Management System Manufacturer: Concoa, Model: 539 Series, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: f36f27cc-611d-48c5-935...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 67ecabf2-375f-4d54-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1740e711-0e9a-4886-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 493b1c96-817f-444c-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 1010E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5b1d5a50-654a-4798-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 89229a1b-caba-4c20-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1aeb18b7-69ba-4a0f-...

Gamry Battery Tester
Lot of (1) consisting of: Gamry Battery Tester Manufacturer: Gamry, Model: Interface 5000E, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: cfe96117-15a6-4d94-...

Gamry Parts
Lot of (12+) consisting of: Gamry Parts ;(9) Gamry calibration shield boxes. (3) Interface 1010 calibration cells. And cables. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States ...

Testing equipment
Lot of (1) consisting of: Testing equipment Manufacturer: Agilent, Model: 4338B, ;Milliohmmeter See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 4361deed-eff1-4b...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Meter ;(1) Fisher Scientic, Conductivity meter. (2) Multimeters. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5b5ad7cb-cc81-4065-8ab...

Power Supply
Lot of (1) consisting of: Power Supply Manufacturer: BK Precision, Model: 1902B, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 430e7a67-8acc-4118-b938-67983b...

Lot of (3) consisting of: Thermometer ;(2) VWR, Thermocouple. (1) Fluke, 51 k/j thermometer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: a73a0b66-f3d8-45dc-9...

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Madgetech, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e850af8c-317c-48b0-807e-a9df6af522b8

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 43708b76-9698-41ae-830f-4219665...

Data Logger
Lot of (1) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 2dcc796e-7c7d-4c61-96e9-0681dc9...

Data Logger
Lot of (2) consisting of: Data Logger Manufacturer: Omega, Model: OM-CP-OCTPRO, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: fe179f1b-4f3a-4f01-84ed-161...

Lot of (2) consisting of: Tool ;(1) Power Whitney, 5 JR hand punch. (1) Westward, digital torque wrench. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 3d57baf2...

Air Compressor
Lot of (1) consisting of: Air Compressor Manufacturer: McGraw, ;Portable, pancake compressor, 3 Gal. 110 PSI. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 253...

Conference Room
Lot of (19+) consisting of: Conference Room ;(1) Conference table, 14�x5�. (2-piece). (15) Chairs. (1) Credenza, 5�x2�. (1) Table, 4�x2�. (2) Whiteboards. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located...

Yealink Meeting Bar
Lot of (1) consisting of: Yealink Meeting Bar ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: bd119f52-14e6-4204-b5bb-a9a6069a39a2

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: Sony, Model: KD-85X80K, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: c0a363b1-9ae3-418f-8c14-e8369a2e6c1a

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: LG, Model: 75UJ657A, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: e7acf2df-3c2f-4d84-88d6-3be491786978

Office Furniture
Lot of (5) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (1) File cabinet table. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) Coat rack. (1) Rolling file cabinet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (8+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(2) Desk with chairs. (1) File cabinet table. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Rolling file cabinet. (1) HP printer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont,...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Office Furniture
Lot of (5+) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Desk and chair. (2) Sitting chairs. (1) Wall mount cabinet. (1) File cabinet table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United ...

Conference Room
Lot of (11) consisting of: Conference Room ;(1) Conference table, 8�x4�. (10) Chairs. (1) Credenza, 72�x22�. (3) Whiteboards. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Califor...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Television Manufacturer: Samsung, Model: UN65MU6290F, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5d669814-c29e-49f1-a9ec-7b7f149...

Lot of (1) consisting of: Panaboard Manufacturer: panasonic, Model: UB-7325, ;62" digital whiteboard designed for a wide variety of instructional applications. The board is based on a color scanning system that allows the user to store images on a SD...

Storage Cabinet
Lot of (4) consisting of: Storage Cabinet Model: 48�x24�x78�, ;Contents not included. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 5fd79e90-6c...

Office Supply Station
Lot of (1) consisting of: Office Supply Station Manufacturer: Kuocera, Model: 2553CI, ;With contents. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 548fc5b6-05...

Greeting Desk
Lot of (7+) consisting of: Greeting Desk ;(1) Geeting desk, 47�x31�x39�. (4) Chairs. (1) Display shelf. (1) Cup table. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United...

File Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: File Cabinet ;(1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x19�x53�. (1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x18�51�. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Cali...

File Cabinet
Lot of (2) consisting of: File Cabinet ;(1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x19�x53�. (1) 4-drawer file cabinet, 36�x18�51�. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, Cali...

Fume Hood
Lot of (1) consisting of: Fume Hood Manufacturer: Hanson, ;70�, Contents not included See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: 1f983f57-163d-462d...

Vacuum Pump
Lot of (1) Located at 3390 Gateway Blvd, Fremont, California, United States 94538 SAM ID: d44c06e9-1a7e-4e91-a185-c1d59684d539