Mon Mar 17th RPG, D&D, Comics, & Board Games Online Auction
Listing ID#: 761477

Sale Location
2601 Lake Land Blvd
Mattoon, IL 61938
Sale Dates and Times
Bidding Starts: Friday Feb 21
Bidding Ends: Monday Mar 17
Sale Type
Company Information
Bauer Auction Service LLC

Contact: Jessie
Phone: 217-273-0274
Email: ID#: 9070
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Listing Information
Hello and welcome to the Monday, March 17th 730 Lot RPG, D&D, Comics, & Board Games Online Only Auction! 730 Lot Online Only Auction Bidding Begins Closing: Monday, March 17th - - 7:00PM RPG's - - Board & War Games - - Star Wars - - Comics - - MtG - - Pok�mon - - Books - - Dungeon & Dragons Role Playing Games Dungeons & Dragons White Box Set - - AD&D & D&D Advertures - - Trail Maps - - Mega Modules - - Forgotten Realms Box Sets - - Red Sonja & Corner modules - - Ravenloft - - D&D rules cyclopedia - - Spell Compendiums - - Planoscape - - Orange spine books - - Spell Jammer - - Ghost Busters II - - Warhammer fantasy - - MERP - - Boot Hill - - Dungeon magazines - - Dragon Magazines - - Marvel Super Hereos - - Role Master - - Space Master - - GURPs - - Traveller - -Lankhmar - - Role Aids - - Star Wars Game Books - - Battle Tech - - Al Qadim - - O.S.R. - - Dark Sun - - Goodman Games - - Paranoia - -Zweihander - - Twilight 2000 - - Pendragon - - Dragon Lance - - Hero Games Star Wars - - Toys - - Collectibles - - Video Games NIB Star Wars Black Series Figures - - Original Kenner Star Wars Action Figures - - Vintage Toys - - 6 Million Dollar Man - - NES Video games - - X BOX - - Play Station - - PSP - - Game Cube - - Movie Cards - - Collector Cards Comics - - Bowen Statues - - Books 10- Bowen Comic Statues in orig. boxes - - DC & Marvel comics - - Conan comics - - Ghost Rider comics - - Harvey, Golden Key, Whitman & Deadpool comics - - Conan novels - - Batman Graphic novels - - Sci-Fi & Fantasy novels MtG - - Card Games - - Board Games - - War Games - - Miniatures Sealed Magic the Gathering decks and boosters - - MtG singles - - TSR Knights at Camelot - - Betrayal Legacy - - Star Frontier & Dungeons & Dragons miniatures - - Yu-Gi-Oh & Pokemon cards - - FFG - - Avalon Hill - - GMT - - GDW War Games - - Zombicide - - Car Wars - - BattleTech - - Warhammer 40K Preview: Monday, March 17th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at 2601 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938. Buyer Premium: 15%, +3% for card payment Payment & Pick Up: Wednesday, March 19th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at 2601 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938 A cashier will be onsite during scheduled pick up to accept cash, check or card payment w/ an additional 3% fee. If you are sending someone other than yourself to pick up, you need to make sure your invoice is paid or that you send payment with them. We DO NOT charge credit cards automatically. We require email permission, confirmation of the card, and the CVC, 3-digit code on the back of the card, you're registered with. Invoices totaling $500.00 must be paid with cash, check or bank transfer. Invoices not paid at the end of scheduled pick up, stated by Bauer Auction Service, LLC., will be billed to the credit card on file and stored at our facility. A paid invoice will be emailed to you along with alternate dates and times available for pick up. If you do not show up for pick up at the scheduled date/time and you have not contacted us by phone or email at end of pickup time your invoice will incur a $10 non communication fee. This fee will be added regardless if you are a shipper or if your items are being brought back to our facility. Items not picked up within 7 days of original pickup date are forfeit and become property of Bauer Auction Service, LLC. Illinois residents must show their FOID card if ammunition is bought during pick up >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIPPING: THE FASTEST WAY TO GET THESE ITEMS SHIPPED IS TO FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW! --- Invoices totaling $500.00 must be paid with cash, check or bank transfer. All mailed in payments have a 10-business day hold before shipping out. --- After the auction closes, we send confirmation emails to the email address on your bidder registration. --- Be sure to check your spam box or set as an approved sender. --- Illinois residents must supply a copy of their FOID card if ammunition is bought prior to invoice being shipped out. --- Respond to that email with permission and the CVC, 3-digit code on the back of the card, you're registered with, however, invoices totaling over $500.00 must be paid with check or bank transfer. All mailed in payments have a 10-business day hold before shipping out. ---If paying by credit card, items are shipped to billing address on credit card. Payment can be made by card registered on file only. ---Buyer's requesting shipping assume all responsibility in the event that an insurance claim must be filed due to loss or damage. Bauer Auction Service, LLC. will provide whatever information we have available in order for the recipient to file said claim. >>>NOTHING SHIPS WITHOUT CONFIRMATION OF YOUR SHIPPING ADDRESS VIA EMAIL<<< See shipping tab for more information Make sure to check your spam/junk box. Set as a recognized sender to help eliminate missed emails.

D&D White Box Set
complete with reference sheets, box top very good, shows some dishing, box base has one taped corner and weak edge, reference sheets have math notations on back cover, some visible staining, Men & Magic Book excellent, very light staple rust, Book 2 ...

Dungeons & Dragons Moldvay Box Set
game is new, unplayed, in shrink, with dice, however, shrink is torn, box has been crushed and has large tear in upper left corner of box and bottom left center of box, it appears that something fell on or crushed the box, original shrink, contents b...

Betrayal Legacy Board Game
in factory shrink, Avalon Hill legacy game, new unplayed

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Kara-Tur Trail Map
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Ghostbusters II RPG Box Set
with rare ghost die, mint/near mint

Forgotten Realms The North Box Set
AD&D, mint/like new, complete with inserts, box excellent/near mint

Desert of Desolation Mega Module I3-5
complete with maps, very very strong play copy, good to very good overall

Dungeons & Dragons I6 Ravenloft
both module covers, very nice play copy

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Bad Batch, Tech Mercenary Gear, sealed in box

RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
complete with map, map cover folding edge getting weak, staple rust, very nice example

Forgotten Realms The Jungle of Chult
FRM1, AD&D, like new/near mint, with map

Forgotten Realms Netheril Empire Magic
box set, AD&D, complete, with Birthright and Forgotten Realms Conspectus inserts, contents and box like new/mint

TSR Knights of Camelot Boxed Game
completeness unknown, but has chits, cards, resolution and encounter card, instruction book, game map board, box solid with all corners intact, felt marker price written at top of box

AD&D Book of Lairs II REF4
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Encyclopedia Magica 4 Volume Set
excellent/near mint, unread, minimal corner wear

Bowen Phoenix Mini Statue
mint in box, 0393/1000

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

AD&D SpellJammer
appears complete, with stand ups, contents mint/new, box excellent with minimal shelf wear

Dungeons & Dragons I10 Ravenloft II
Adventure module, complete with uncut insert, back cover has 3/4" cut

Forgotten Realms Dwarves Deep
FR11, AD&D, excellent/near mint, with map

Priest's Spell Compendium Volumes 1-3
complete set, excellent, near mint, unread

Bowen The Invincible Iron Man Statues
mini statues, mint in box, 2305/5000

D&D Rules Cyclopedia - Not POD
very good, small chip on spine, nice corners

Warhammer Fantasy Character Pack
early Warhammer Fantasy role playing character sheets with original cover and character background book, appears complete, shows some handling marks, overall very nice

Nintendo NES Dragon Warrior III
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Forgotten Realms Lands of Intrique
box set, complete, contents excellent/mint, box excellent/near mint

City State of Invincible Overlord
by Mayfair Games, shrink-wrap, price sticker

Wizard's Spell Compendium Volumes 1-4
complete set, near mint, unread, excellent

Bowen The Mighty Thor Mini - Statue
painted, mint in box 1254/5500

Larry Elmore's Silver Steel Miniatures
Ral Partha, mint in box, with paint instructions, with 6 trading cards, mint in box

PlaneScape Box Set
complete, mint, unplayed, contents mint/near mint, box excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons D3 Adventure Module
very clean copy, with some minimal age and handling marks

2 Magic the Gathering Mind Twist Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Van Richten's Monster Compendiums
volumes 1-3, complete, near mint/like new, unread

Yggdrasil Board Game
new in shrink, Zman games, Shrink torn in lower left corner

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
A New Hope, Darth Vader, sealed in box, with price sticker residue on front plastic

Forgotten Realms Empires of Shining Sea
box set, AD&D, complete, mint/near mint, with inserts and maps, box excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons XL-1 Adventure
Quest for the Heart Stone, excellent solid copy

Star Wars Rancor Keeper
new in blister pack

Mertwig's Maze Gamefolio - Tom Wham
near mint, unpunched, complete

Bowen Wolverine Painted Statue
mint in box, 1382/3500

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Forgotten Realms Oriental Adventures OA6
AD&D, near mint with map, Ronin Challenge

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
L1 & L2, L1 Secret of Bone Hill, complete play copy, heavy spine wear; L2 the assassins knot, both map covers present, clean copy

Boromir Pewter Miniature
#3 in series of 4, second series, 1992 Tolkein Enterprise, 4" figure

Forgotten Realms Old Empires
FR10, AD&D, with map, excellent/near mint

Curse of the Weaver Queen RPG
Kickstarter deluxe edition with dice

Conan Horrors of the Hyborian Age RPG
factory shrink wrapped, new, Modiphus

Forgotten Realms Haunted Halls FRQ1
AD&D, Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, very good

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
EX1 & EX2, EX1 Dungeonland by Gary Gygax, excellent; EX2 The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, very good, owners name inside cover page

Conan The Scout RPG
Modiphus, factory shrink wrapped, new

Magic Card "Invoke Prejudice" Damaged
water damaged with mildew

Nintendo NES Dragon Warrior IV
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
A1, A2, A3, A4, A1 rough spine, colored art,; A2 very solid copy, shows normal use, but very clean; A3 taped cover; A4 very nice play copy

6 Magic the Gathering Green Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

AD&D Monstrous Compendium
I, II and Forgotten Realms, appendix, appears complete, very clean, excellent

Magic the Gathering "Acid Rain" Card
card is water damaged, single card

Larry Elmore Fantasy Trading Cards
94 cards, plus 2 checklist cards, in binder

Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium
Appendix Volume III, appears complete & mint

2 Dungeons & Dragons Modules
I3 & C1, I3 Farrow complete with both module covers, outer module cover heavily worn spine; C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamochan complete with both booklets, name written on inside of module in ink pen

2 Wrath of the Immortals Books
Dugeons & Dragons, both very good to excellent, books only no box

Fiend Folio Monstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Imperial Death Trooper, sealed in box

Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
X11, Saga of Shadow lord, Book of Ruins insert preset, cover page separation, map present but removed

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Weatherlight, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Catacomb Campaign Sourcebook AD&D
price sticker on cover, very good+

Outer Planes Mounstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
UK1 & UK3; UK1 Beyond the Crystal Cave, very clean module with heavy staple rust; UK3 The Gauntlet, solid play copy, no staple rust

City of WaterDeep Trail Map
map excellent, cover good, shows some creasing, blemishes and handling

Yu-Gi-Oh! Binder Full - Collector Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
S2, White Plume Mountain, solid play copy with spine wear

2 MERP Supplements
Umbar Haven of the Corsairs in excellent condition with map and price sticker on cover; Combat screen with insert

3 Star Wars Original Figures w/ Cards
action figures have been removed from cards, cards are present

AD&D Manual of the Planes
good solid books, shows some use, name on inside cover

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Sith Trooper, sealed in box

Dungeons & Dragons I3 Adventure Module
Farrow, both covers, very nice

Sylvan Library Magic the Gathering Card
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

AD&D Miniatures
Magic Users and Illusionists, appears complete, original box

Dungeon Magazine
issue 10, nice solid copy with spine wear

Forgotten Realms Ruins of UnderMountain
box set, AD&D, box and contents near mint/ like new, with original inserts and advertising, contents mint, all books and maps present, missing Monstrous Compendium cards

2 - Forgotten Realms Adventure Modules
Dungeon Crawl Under Mountain Lost Level excellent/near mint, Kidnapped excellent/near mint

Merchant of Venus Board Game
complete, played very little

Forgotten Realms Ruins UnderMountain II
box set, complete, contents and box like new/mint

2 Forgotten Realms Dungeon Crawl Modules
Hellgate Keep excellent/near mint, Dungeon of Death excellent, minute crease at top of module

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
I8 Revenger of Time, complete

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
The Mandalorian, Din Djarin and The Child, sealed in box

Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes FR7
AD&D, excellent/near mint


Forgotten Realms Ruins of Zhentil Keep
box set, contents and box like new/mint, complete with advertising inserts, maps, cards and books

Forgotten Realms FRE3 Water Deep
AD&D, with map, excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
I1, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, appears complete, map insert has been removed but is present, owners name written on inside booklet

Magic the Gathering Deck & Booster
1 Fifth Edition 60 card sealed deck, 1 Fifth Edition 15 card sealed booster

Forgotten Realms The Atlas
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Conan The Brigand RPG
Modiphius, shrink wrapped, new

Elminster's Ecologies Box Set
Forgotten Realms, Dungeons & Dragons complete, all 9 booklets, like new, excellent, box and contents

Forgotten Realms Sea of Fallen Stars
AD&D Forgotten Realms, near mint

Dungeons & Dragons Lords of Darkness
Forgotten Realms, REF5, Solid play copy

Elminster's Ecologies I & II
Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, both excellent, like new with maps and inserts

Forgotten Realms Faith & Avatars
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Conan the Barbarian
like new, unplayed, no shrink, Modiphius

Dungeons & Dragons Castles Box Set
appears complete, unpunched with a few loose pieces, all 3 books present and in excellent shape, with maps and assembly instructions

Yu-Gi-Oh! Binder Full - Collector Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons EX2 Adventure Module
Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, Excellent solid copy

Dragon Mountain Box Set
Contents like new, never played, box in good condition, very little shelf ware, complete

3 Star Wars Original Figures w/ Cards
action figures have been removed from cards, cards are present

6 Magic the Gathering White Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
Monks, Bards & Theives, appears complete , box excellent

Dungeons & Dragons Incomplete Module
books 1 and 3, nice solid cover

Complete Rangers Handbook
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, excellent

Marvel Gamer's Handbook
1992 Character Updates, writing inside front cover, excellent

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Mon Mar 17th RPG, D&D, Comics, & Board Games Online Auction

Bauer Auction Service LLC

Bauer Auction Service LLC

Contact: Jessie
Phone: 217-273-0274
Sale Location
2601 Lake Land Blvd
Mattoon, IL 61938
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Online Personal Property Auction Please review this document carefully. This document creates certain legally binding contractual obligations. In order to register and receive access to the interactive online bidding platform, a Bidder must accept and acknowledge these Terms and Conditions. 1. Any bid placed shall constitute a legally binding and enforceable offer to purchase the subject personal property. All bids therefore constitute an irrevocable offer to purchase and shall remain valid and enforceable until the Seller declares the property "Sold" and the auction has concluded. 2. Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid placed. For Online Bidding: Early registration is encouraged, accounts are reviewed by the auctioneer prior to bids being approved. Account registrations are reviewed on a daily basis. a. Account owners requiring more information to meet approval are emailed and/or called stating what information is needed. 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Listing Details
Hello and welcome to the Monday, March 17th 730 Lot RPG, D&D, Comics, & Board Games Online Only Auction! 730 Lot Online Only Auction Bidding Begins Closing: Monday, March 17th - - 7:00PM RPG's - - Board & War Games - - Star Wars - - Comics - - MtG - - Pok�mon - - Books - - Dungeon & Dragons Role Playing Games Dungeons & Dragons White Box Set - - AD&D & D&D Advertures - - Trail Maps - - Mega Modules - - Forgotten Realms Box Sets - - Red Sonja & Corner modules - - Ravenloft - - D&D rules cyclopedia - - Spell Compendiums - - Planoscape - - Orange spine books - - Spell Jammer - - Ghost Busters II - - Warhammer fantasy - - MERP - - Boot Hill - - Dungeon magazines - - Dragon Magazines - - Marvel Super Hereos - - Role Master - - Space Master - - GURPs - - Traveller - -Lankhmar - - Role Aids - - Star Wars Game Books - - Battle Tech - - Al Qadim - - O.S.R. - - Dark Sun - - Goodman Games - - Paranoia - -Zweihander - - Twilight 2000 - - Pendragon - - Dragon Lance - - Hero Games Star Wars - - Toys - - Collectibles - - Video Games NIB Star Wars Black Series Figures - - Original Kenner Star Wars Action Figures - - Vintage Toys - - 6 Million Dollar Man - - NES Video games - - X BOX - - Play Station - - PSP - - Game Cube - - Movie Cards - - Collector Cards Comics - - Bowen Statues - - Books 10- Bowen Comic Statues in orig. boxes - - DC & Marvel comics - - Conan comics - - Ghost Rider comics - - Harvey, Golden Key, Whitman & Deadpool comics - - Conan novels - - Batman Graphic novels - - Sci-Fi & Fantasy novels MtG - - Card Games - - Board Games - - War Games - - Miniatures Sealed Magic the Gathering decks and boosters - - MtG singles - - TSR Knights at Camelot - - Betrayal Legacy - - Star Frontier & Dungeons & Dragons miniatures - - Yu-Gi-Oh & Pokemon cards - - FFG - - Avalon Hill - - GMT - - GDW War Games - - Zombicide - - Car Wars - - BattleTech - - Warhammer 40K Preview: Monday, March 17th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at 2601 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938. Buyer Premium: 15%, +3% for card payment Payment & Pick Up: Wednesday, March 19th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at 2601 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938 A cashier will be onsite during scheduled pick up to accept cash, check or card payment w/ an additional 3% fee. If you are sending someone other than yourself to pick up, you need to make sure your invoice is paid or that you send payment with them. We DO NOT charge credit cards automatically. We require email permission, confirmation of the card, and the CVC, 3-digit code on the back of the card, you're registered with. Invoices totaling $500.00 must be paid with cash, check or bank transfer. Invoices not paid at the end of scheduled pick up, stated by Bauer Auction Service, LLC., will be billed to the credit card on file and stored at our facility. A paid invoice will be emailed to you along with alternate dates and times available for pick up. If you do not show up for pick up at the scheduled date/time and you have not contacted us by phone or email at end of pickup time your invoice will incur a $10 non communication fee. This fee will be added regardless if you are a shipper or if your items are being brought back to our facility. Items not picked up within 7 days of original pickup date are forfeit and become property of Bauer Auction Service, LLC. Illinois residents must show their FOID card if ammunition is bought during pick up >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIPPING: THE FASTEST WAY TO GET THESE ITEMS SHIPPED IS TO FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW! --- Invoices totaling $500.00 must be paid with cash, check or bank transfer. All mailed in payments have a 10-business day hold before shipping out. --- After the auction closes, we send confirmation emails to the email address on your bidder registration. --- Be sure to check your spam box or set as an approved sender. --- Illinois residents must supply a copy of their FOID card if ammunition is bought prior to invoice being shipped out. --- Respond to that email with permission and the CVC, 3-digit code on the back of the card, you're registered with, however, invoices totaling over $500.00 must be paid with check or bank transfer. All mailed in payments have a 10-business day hold before shipping out. ---If paying by credit card, items are shipped to billing address on credit card. Payment can be made by card registered on file only. ---Buyer's requesting shipping assume all responsibility in the event that an insurance claim must be filed due to loss or damage. Bauer Auction Service, LLC. will provide whatever information we have available in order for the recipient to file said claim. >>>NOTHING SHIPS WITHOUT CONFIRMATION OF YOUR SHIPPING ADDRESS VIA EMAIL<<< See shipping tab for more information Make sure to check your spam/junk box. Set as a recognized sender to help eliminate missed emails.

D&D White Box Set
complete with reference sheets, box top very good, shows some dishing, box base has one taped corner and weak edge, reference sheets have math notations on back cover, some visible staining, Men & Magic Book excellent, very light staple rust, Book 2 ...

Dungeons & Dragons Moldvay Box Set
game is new, unplayed, in shrink, with dice, however, shrink is torn, box has been crushed and has large tear in upper left corner of box and bottom left center of box, it appears that something fell on or crushed the box, original shrink, contents b...

Betrayal Legacy Board Game
in factory shrink, Avalon Hill legacy game, new unplayed

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Kara-Tur Trail Map
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Ghostbusters II RPG Box Set
with rare ghost die, mint/near mint

Forgotten Realms The North Box Set
AD&D, mint/like new, complete with inserts, box excellent/near mint

Desert of Desolation Mega Module I3-5
complete with maps, very very strong play copy, good to very good overall

Dungeons & Dragons I6 Ravenloft
both module covers, very nice play copy

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Bad Batch, Tech Mercenary Gear, sealed in box

RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
complete with map, map cover folding edge getting weak, staple rust, very nice example

Forgotten Realms The Jungle of Chult
FRM1, AD&D, like new/near mint, with map

Forgotten Realms Netheril Empire Magic
box set, AD&D, complete, with Birthright and Forgotten Realms Conspectus inserts, contents and box like new/mint

TSR Knights of Camelot Boxed Game
completeness unknown, but has chits, cards, resolution and encounter card, instruction book, game map board, box solid with all corners intact, felt marker price written at top of box

AD&D Book of Lairs II REF4
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Encyclopedia Magica 4 Volume Set
excellent/near mint, unread, minimal corner wear

Bowen Phoenix Mini Statue
mint in box, 0393/1000

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

AD&D SpellJammer
appears complete, with stand ups, contents mint/new, box excellent with minimal shelf wear

Dungeons & Dragons I10 Ravenloft II
Adventure module, complete with uncut insert, back cover has 3/4" cut

Forgotten Realms Dwarves Deep
FR11, AD&D, excellent/near mint, with map

Priest's Spell Compendium Volumes 1-3
complete set, excellent, near mint, unread

Bowen The Invincible Iron Man Statues
mini statues, mint in box, 2305/5000

D&D Rules Cyclopedia - Not POD
very good, small chip on spine, nice corners

Warhammer Fantasy Character Pack
early Warhammer Fantasy role playing character sheets with original cover and character background book, appears complete, shows some handling marks, overall very nice

Nintendo NES Dragon Warrior III
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Forgotten Realms Lands of Intrique
box set, complete, contents excellent/mint, box excellent/near mint

City State of Invincible Overlord
by Mayfair Games, shrink-wrap, price sticker

Wizard's Spell Compendium Volumes 1-4
complete set, near mint, unread, excellent

Bowen The Mighty Thor Mini - Statue
painted, mint in box 1254/5500

Larry Elmore's Silver Steel Miniatures
Ral Partha, mint in box, with paint instructions, with 6 trading cards, mint in box

PlaneScape Box Set
complete, mint, unplayed, contents mint/near mint, box excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons D3 Adventure Module
very clean copy, with some minimal age and handling marks

2 Magic the Gathering Mind Twist Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Van Richten's Monster Compendiums
volumes 1-3, complete, near mint/like new, unread

Yggdrasil Board Game
new in shrink, Zman games, Shrink torn in lower left corner

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
A New Hope, Darth Vader, sealed in box, with price sticker residue on front plastic

Forgotten Realms Empires of Shining Sea
box set, AD&D, complete, mint/near mint, with inserts and maps, box excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons XL-1 Adventure
Quest for the Heart Stone, excellent solid copy

Star Wars Rancor Keeper
new in blister pack

Mertwig's Maze Gamefolio - Tom Wham
near mint, unpunched, complete

Bowen Wolverine Painted Statue
mint in box, 1382/3500

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Forgotten Realms Oriental Adventures OA6
AD&D, near mint with map, Ronin Challenge

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
L1 & L2, L1 Secret of Bone Hill, complete play copy, heavy spine wear; L2 the assassins knot, both map covers present, clean copy

Boromir Pewter Miniature
#3 in series of 4, second series, 1992 Tolkein Enterprise, 4" figure

Forgotten Realms Old Empires
FR10, AD&D, with map, excellent/near mint

Curse of the Weaver Queen RPG
Kickstarter deluxe edition with dice

Conan Horrors of the Hyborian Age RPG
factory shrink wrapped, new, Modiphus

Forgotten Realms Haunted Halls FRQ1
AD&D, Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, very good

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
EX1 & EX2, EX1 Dungeonland by Gary Gygax, excellent; EX2 The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, very good, owners name inside cover page

Conan The Scout RPG
Modiphus, factory shrink wrapped, new

Magic Card "Invoke Prejudice" Damaged
water damaged with mildew

Nintendo NES Dragon Warrior IV
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
A1, A2, A3, A4, A1 rough spine, colored art,; A2 very solid copy, shows normal use, but very clean; A3 taped cover; A4 very nice play copy

6 Magic the Gathering Green Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

AD&D Monstrous Compendium
I, II and Forgotten Realms, appendix, appears complete, very clean, excellent

Magic the Gathering "Acid Rain" Card
card is water damaged, single card

Larry Elmore Fantasy Trading Cards
94 cards, plus 2 checklist cards, in binder

Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium
Appendix Volume III, appears complete & mint

2 Dungeons & Dragons Modules
I3 & C1, I3 Farrow complete with both module covers, outer module cover heavily worn spine; C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamochan complete with both booklets, name written on inside of module in ink pen

2 Wrath of the Immortals Books
Dugeons & Dragons, both very good to excellent, books only no box

Fiend Folio Monstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Imperial Death Trooper, sealed in box

Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
X11, Saga of Shadow lord, Book of Ruins insert preset, cover page separation, map present but removed

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Weatherlight, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Catacomb Campaign Sourcebook AD&D
price sticker on cover, very good+

Outer Planes Mounstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
UK1 & UK3; UK1 Beyond the Crystal Cave, very clean module with heavy staple rust; UK3 The Gauntlet, solid play copy, no staple rust

City of WaterDeep Trail Map
map excellent, cover good, shows some creasing, blemishes and handling

Yu-Gi-Oh! Binder Full - Collector Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
S2, White Plume Mountain, solid play copy with spine wear

2 MERP Supplements
Umbar Haven of the Corsairs in excellent condition with map and price sticker on cover; Combat screen with insert

3 Star Wars Original Figures w/ Cards
action figures have been removed from cards, cards are present

AD&D Manual of the Planes
good solid books, shows some use, name on inside cover

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Sith Trooper, sealed in box

Dungeons & Dragons I3 Adventure Module
Farrow, both covers, very nice

Sylvan Library Magic the Gathering Card
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

AD&D Miniatures
Magic Users and Illusionists, appears complete, original box

Dungeon Magazine
issue 10, nice solid copy with spine wear

Forgotten Realms Ruins of UnderMountain
box set, AD&D, box and contents near mint/ like new, with original inserts and advertising, contents mint, all books and maps present, missing Monstrous Compendium cards

2 - Forgotten Realms Adventure Modules
Dungeon Crawl Under Mountain Lost Level excellent/near mint, Kidnapped excellent/near mint

Merchant of Venus Board Game
complete, played very little

Forgotten Realms Ruins UnderMountain II
box set, complete, contents and box like new/mint

2 Forgotten Realms Dungeon Crawl Modules
Hellgate Keep excellent/near mint, Dungeon of Death excellent, minute crease at top of module

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
I8 Revenger of Time, complete

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
The Mandalorian, Din Djarin and The Child, sealed in box

Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes FR7
AD&D, excellent/near mint


Forgotten Realms Ruins of Zhentil Keep
box set, contents and box like new/mint, complete with advertising inserts, maps, cards and books

Forgotten Realms FRE3 Water Deep
AD&D, with map, excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
I1, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, appears complete, map insert has been removed but is present, owners name written on inside booklet

Magic the Gathering Deck & Booster
1 Fifth Edition 60 card sealed deck, 1 Fifth Edition 15 card sealed booster

Forgotten Realms The Atlas
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Conan The Brigand RPG
Modiphius, shrink wrapped, new

Elminster's Ecologies Box Set
Forgotten Realms, Dungeons & Dragons complete, all 9 booklets, like new, excellent, box and contents

Forgotten Realms Sea of Fallen Stars
AD&D Forgotten Realms, near mint

Dungeons & Dragons Lords of Darkness
Forgotten Realms, REF5, Solid play copy

Elminster's Ecologies I & II
Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, both excellent, like new with maps and inserts

Forgotten Realms Faith & Avatars
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Conan the Barbarian
like new, unplayed, no shrink, Modiphius

Dungeons & Dragons Castles Box Set
appears complete, unpunched with a few loose pieces, all 3 books present and in excellent shape, with maps and assembly instructions

Yu-Gi-Oh! Binder Full - Collector Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons EX2 Adventure Module
Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, Excellent solid copy

Dragon Mountain Box Set
Contents like new, never played, box in good condition, very little shelf ware, complete

3 Star Wars Original Figures w/ Cards
action figures have been removed from cards, cards are present

6 Magic the Gathering White Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
Monks, Bards & Theives, appears complete , box excellent

Dungeons & Dragons Incomplete Module
books 1 and 3, nice solid cover

Complete Rangers Handbook
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, excellent

Marvel Gamer's Handbook
1992 Character Updates, writing inside front cover, excellent

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Mon Mar 17th RPG, D&D, Comics, & Board Games Online Auction
 Online Only Auction
Sale Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Friday Feb 21
Bidding Ends: Monday Mar 17
Sale Location
2601 Lake Land Blvd
Mattoon, IL 61938
Bauer Auction Service LLC

Contact: Jessie
Phone: 217-273-0274

Listing Terms and Conditions
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Online Personal Property Auction Please review this document carefully. This document creates certain legally binding contractual obligations. In order to register and receive access to the interactive online bidding platform, a Bidder must accept and acknowledge these Terms and Conditions. 1. Any bid placed shall constitute a legally binding and enforceable offer to purchase the subject personal property. All bids therefore constitute an irrevocable offer to purchase and shall remain valid and enforceable until the Seller declares the property "Sold" and the auction has concluded. 2. Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid placed. For Online Bidding: Early registration is encouraged, accounts are reviewed by the auctioneer prior to bids being approved. Account registrations are reviewed on a daily basis. a. Account owners requiring more information to meet approval are emailed and/or called stating what information is needed. 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Hello and welcome to the Monday, March 17th 730 Lot RPG, D&D, Comics, & Board Games Online Only Auction! 730 Lot Online Only Auction Bidding Begins Closing: Monday, March 17th - - 7:00PM RPG's - - Board & War Games - - Star Wars - - Comics - - MtG - - Pok�mon - - Books - - Dungeon & Dragons Role Playing Games Dungeons & Dragons White Box Set - - AD&D & D&D Advertures - - Trail Maps - - Mega Modules - - Forgotten Realms Box Sets - - Red Sonja & Corner modules - - Ravenloft - - D&D rules cyclopedia - - Spell Compendiums - - Planoscape - - Orange spine books - - Spell Jammer - - Ghost Busters II - - Warhammer fantasy - - MERP - - Boot Hill - - Dungeon magazines - - Dragon Magazines - - Marvel Super Hereos - - Role Master - - Space Master - - GURPs - - Traveller - -Lankhmar - - Role Aids - - Star Wars Game Books - - Battle Tech - - Al Qadim - - O.S.R. - - Dark Sun - - Goodman Games - - Paranoia - -Zweihander - - Twilight 2000 - - Pendragon - - Dragon Lance - - Hero Games Star Wars - - Toys - - Collectibles - - Video Games NIB Star Wars Black Series Figures - - Original Kenner Star Wars Action Figures - - Vintage Toys - - 6 Million Dollar Man - - NES Video games - - X BOX - - Play Station - - PSP - - Game Cube - - Movie Cards - - Collector Cards Comics - - Bowen Statues - - Books 10- Bowen Comic Statues in orig. boxes - - DC & Marvel comics - - Conan comics - - Ghost Rider comics - - Harvey, Golden Key, Whitman & Deadpool comics - - Conan novels - - Batman Graphic novels - - Sci-Fi & Fantasy novels MtG - - Card Games - - Board Games - - War Games - - Miniatures Sealed Magic the Gathering decks and boosters - - MtG singles - - TSR Knights at Camelot - - Betrayal Legacy - - Star Frontier & Dungeons & Dragons miniatures - - Yu-Gi-Oh & Pokemon cards - - FFG - - Avalon Hill - - GMT - - GDW War Games - - Zombicide - - Car Wars - - BattleTech - - Warhammer 40K Preview: Monday, March 17th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at 2601 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938. Buyer Premium: 15%, +3% for card payment Payment & Pick Up: Wednesday, March 19th from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at 2601 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938 A cashier will be onsite during scheduled pick up to accept cash, check or card payment w/ an additional 3% fee. If you are sending someone other than yourself to pick up, you need to make sure your invoice is paid or that you send payment with them. We DO NOT charge credit cards automatically. We require email permission, confirmation of the card, and the CVC, 3-digit code on the back of the card, you're registered with. Invoices totaling $500.00 must be paid with cash, check or bank transfer. Invoices not paid at the end of scheduled pick up, stated by Bauer Auction Service, LLC., will be billed to the credit card on file and stored at our facility. A paid invoice will be emailed to you along with alternate dates and times available for pick up. If you do not show up for pick up at the scheduled date/time and you have not contacted us by phone or email at end of pickup time your invoice will incur a $10 non communication fee. This fee will be added regardless if you are a shipper or if your items are being brought back to our facility. Items not picked up within 7 days of original pickup date are forfeit and become property of Bauer Auction Service, LLC. Illinois residents must show their FOID card if ammunition is bought during pick up >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHIPPING: THE FASTEST WAY TO GET THESE ITEMS SHIPPED IS TO FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW! --- Invoices totaling $500.00 must be paid with cash, check or bank transfer. All mailed in payments have a 10-business day hold before shipping out. --- After the auction closes, we send confirmation emails to the email address on your bidder registration. --- Be sure to check your spam box or set as an approved sender. --- Illinois residents must supply a copy of their FOID card if ammunition is bought prior to invoice being shipped out. --- Respond to that email with permission and the CVC, 3-digit code on the back of the card, you're registered with, however, invoices totaling over $500.00 must be paid with check or bank transfer. All mailed in payments have a 10-business day hold before shipping out. ---If paying by credit card, items are shipped to billing address on credit card. Payment can be made by card registered on file only. ---Buyer's requesting shipping assume all responsibility in the event that an insurance claim must be filed due to loss or damage. Bauer Auction Service, LLC. will provide whatever information we have available in order for the recipient to file said claim. >>>NOTHING SHIPS WITHOUT CONFIRMATION OF YOUR SHIPPING ADDRESS VIA EMAIL<<< See shipping tab for more information Make sure to check your spam/junk box. Set as a recognized sender to help eliminate missed emails.

D&D White Box Set
complete with reference sheets, box top very good, shows some dishing, box base has one taped corner and weak edge, reference sheets have math notations on back cover, some visible staining, Men & Magic Book excellent, very light staple rust, Book 2 ...

Dungeons & Dragons Moldvay Box Set
game is new, unplayed, in shrink, with dice, however, shrink is torn, box has been crushed and has large tear in upper left corner of box and bottom left center of box, it appears that something fell on or crushed the box, original shrink, contents b...

Betrayal Legacy Board Game
in factory shrink, Avalon Hill legacy game, new unplayed

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Kara-Tur Trail Map
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Ghostbusters II RPG Box Set
with rare ghost die, mint/near mint

Forgotten Realms The North Box Set
AD&D, mint/like new, complete with inserts, box excellent/near mint

Desert of Desolation Mega Module I3-5
complete with maps, very very strong play copy, good to very good overall

Dungeons & Dragons I6 Ravenloft
both module covers, very nice play copy

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Bad Batch, Tech Mercenary Gear, sealed in box

RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
complete with map, map cover folding edge getting weak, staple rust, very nice example


Forgotten Realms The Jungle of Chult
FRM1, AD&D, like new/near mint, with map

Forgotten Realms Netheril Empire Magic
box set, AD&D, complete, with Birthright and Forgotten Realms Conspectus inserts, contents and box like new/mint

TSR Knights of Camelot Boxed Game
completeness unknown, but has chits, cards, resolution and encounter card, instruction book, game map board, box solid with all corners intact, felt marker price written at top of box

AD&D Book of Lairs II REF4
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Encyclopedia Magica 4 Volume Set
excellent/near mint, unread, minimal corner wear

Bowen Phoenix Mini Statue
mint in box, 0393/1000

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

AD&D SpellJammer
appears complete, with stand ups, contents mint/new, box excellent with minimal shelf wear

Dungeons & Dragons I10 Ravenloft II
Adventure module, complete with uncut insert, back cover has 3/4" cut

Forgotten Realms Dwarves Deep
FR11, AD&D, excellent/near mint, with map

Priest's Spell Compendium Volumes 1-3
complete set, excellent, near mint, unread


Bowen The Invincible Iron Man Statues
mini statues, mint in box, 2305/5000

D&D Rules Cyclopedia - Not POD
very good, small chip on spine, nice corners

Warhammer Fantasy Character Pack
early Warhammer Fantasy role playing character sheets with original cover and character background book, appears complete, shows some handling marks, overall very nice

Nintendo NES Dragon Warrior III
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Forgotten Realms Lands of Intrique
box set, complete, contents excellent/mint, box excellent/near mint

City State of Invincible Overlord
by Mayfair Games, shrink-wrap, price sticker


Wizard's Spell Compendium Volumes 1-4
complete set, near mint, unread, excellent

Bowen The Mighty Thor Mini - Statue
painted, mint in box 1254/5500

Larry Elmore's Silver Steel Miniatures
Ral Partha, mint in box, with paint instructions, with 6 trading cards, mint in box

PlaneScape Box Set
complete, mint, unplayed, contents mint/near mint, box excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons D3 Adventure Module
very clean copy, with some minimal age and handling marks

2 Magic the Gathering Mind Twist Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Van Richten's Monster Compendiums
volumes 1-3, complete, near mint/like new, unread

Yggdrasil Board Game
new in shrink, Zman games, Shrink torn in lower left corner

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
A New Hope, Darth Vader, sealed in box, with price sticker residue on front plastic

Forgotten Realms Empires of Shining Sea
box set, AD&D, complete, mint/near mint, with inserts and maps, box excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons XL-1 Adventure
Quest for the Heart Stone, excellent solid copy

Star Wars Rancor Keeper
new in blister pack

Mertwig's Maze Gamefolio - Tom Wham
near mint, unpunched, complete

Bowen Wolverine Painted Statue
mint in box, 1382/3500

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Fifth Edition, 3 packages, new factory sealed

Forgotten Realms Oriental Adventures OA6
AD&D, near mint with map, Ronin Challenge

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
L1 & L2, L1 Secret of Bone Hill, complete play copy, heavy spine wear; L2 the assassins knot, both map covers present, clean copy

Boromir Pewter Miniature
#3 in series of 4, second series, 1992 Tolkein Enterprise, 4" figure

Forgotten Realms Old Empires
FR10, AD&D, with map, excellent/near mint

Curse of the Weaver Queen RPG
Kickstarter deluxe edition with dice

Conan Horrors of the Hyborian Age RPG
factory shrink wrapped, new, Modiphus

Forgotten Realms Haunted Halls FRQ1
AD&D, Haunted Halls of Eveningstar, very good

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
EX1 & EX2, EX1 Dungeonland by Gary Gygax, excellent; EX2 The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, very good, owners name inside cover page

Conan The Scout RPG
Modiphus, factory shrink wrapped, new


Magic Card "Invoke Prejudice" Damaged
water damaged with mildew

Nintendo NES Dragon Warrior IV
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.


Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
A1, A2, A3, A4, A1 rough spine, colored art,; A2 very solid copy, shows normal use, but very clean; A3 taped cover; A4 very nice play copy

6 Magic the Gathering Green Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

AD&D Monstrous Compendium
I, II and Forgotten Realms, appendix, appears complete, very clean, excellent

Magic the Gathering "Acid Rain" Card
card is water damaged, single card

Larry Elmore Fantasy Trading Cards
94 cards, plus 2 checklist cards, in binder

Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium
Appendix Volume III, appears complete & mint

2 Dungeons & Dragons Modules
I3 & C1, I3 Farrow complete with both module covers, outer module cover heavily worn spine; C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamochan complete with both booklets, name written on inside of module in ink pen

2 Wrath of the Immortals Books
Dugeons & Dragons, both very good to excellent, books only no box

Fiend Folio Monstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint


Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Imperial Death Trooper, sealed in box

Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
X11, Saga of Shadow lord, Book of Ruins insert preset, cover page separation, map present but removed

3 Sealed Magic the Gathering Boosters
Weatherlight, 3 packages, new factory sealed



Catacomb Campaign Sourcebook AD&D
price sticker on cover, very good+

Outer Planes Mounstrous Compendium
Appendix, appears complete & mint

2 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Modules
UK1 & UK3; UK1 Beyond the Crystal Cave, very clean module with heavy staple rust; UK3 The Gauntlet, solid play copy, no staple rust


City of WaterDeep Trail Map
map excellent, cover good, shows some creasing, blemishes and handling



Yu-Gi-Oh! Binder Full - Collector Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
S2, White Plume Mountain, solid play copy with spine wear

2 MERP Supplements
Umbar Haven of the Corsairs in excellent condition with map and price sticker on cover; Combat screen with insert

3 Star Wars Original Figures w/ Cards
action figures have been removed from cards, cards are present


AD&D Manual of the Planes
good solid books, shows some use, name on inside cover

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
Sith Trooper, sealed in box

Dungeons & Dragons I3 Adventure Module
Farrow, both covers, very nice

Sylvan Library Magic the Gathering Card
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

AD&D Miniatures
Magic Users and Illusionists, appears complete, original box

Dungeon Magazine
issue 10, nice solid copy with spine wear

Forgotten Realms Ruins of UnderMountain
box set, AD&D, box and contents near mint/ like new, with original inserts and advertising, contents mint, all books and maps present, missing Monstrous Compendium cards

2 - Forgotten Realms Adventure Modules
Dungeon Crawl Under Mountain Lost Level excellent/near mint, Kidnapped excellent/near mint

Merchant of Venus Board Game
complete, played very little

Forgotten Realms Ruins UnderMountain II
box set, complete, contents and box like new/mint

2 Forgotten Realms Dungeon Crawl Modules
Hellgate Keep excellent/near mint, Dungeon of Death excellent, minute crease at top of module

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
I8 Revenger of Time, complete

Star Wars Black Series Collectible
The Mandalorian, Din Djarin and The Child, sealed in box

Forgotten Realms Hall of Heroes FR7
AD&D, excellent/near mint


Forgotten Realms Ruins of Zhentil Keep
box set, contents and box like new/mint, complete with advertising inserts, maps, cards and books

Forgotten Realms FRE3 Water Deep
AD&D, with map, excellent/near mint

Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Module
I1, Dwellers of the Forbidden City, appears complete, map insert has been removed but is present, owners name written on inside booklet

Magic the Gathering Deck & Booster
1 Fifth Edition 60 card sealed deck, 1 Fifth Edition 15 card sealed booster

Forgotten Realms The Atlas
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Conan The Brigand RPG
Modiphius, shrink wrapped, new

Elminster's Ecologies Box Set
Forgotten Realms, Dungeons & Dragons complete, all 9 booklets, like new, excellent, box and contents

Forgotten Realms Sea of Fallen Stars
AD&D Forgotten Realms, near mint

Dungeons & Dragons Lords of Darkness
Forgotten Realms, REF5, Solid play copy

Elminster's Ecologies I & II
Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, both excellent, like new with maps and inserts

Forgotten Realms Faith & Avatars
AD&D, excellent/near mint

Conan the Barbarian
like new, unplayed, no shrink, Modiphius

Dungeons & Dragons Castles Box Set
appears complete, unpunched with a few loose pieces, all 3 books present and in excellent shape, with maps and assembly instructions

Yu-Gi-Oh! Binder Full - Collector Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons EX2 Adventure Module
Land Beyond the Magic Mirror, Excellent solid copy

Dragon Mountain Box Set
Contents like new, never played, box in good condition, very little shelf ware, complete

3 Star Wars Original Figures w/ Cards
action figures have been removed from cards, cards are present


6 Magic the Gathering White Cards
Invoices exceeding $500 must be paid for by cash, check, wire transfer, or in-person card payment. If shipping is required please look at our shipping policies.

Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
Monks, Bards & Theives, appears complete , box excellent

Dungeons & Dragons Incomplete Module
books 1 and 3, nice solid cover

Complete Rangers Handbook
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, excellent

Marvel Gamer's Handbook
1992 Character Updates, writing inside front cover, excellent