Wayne (Digger) Davis Retirement / Relocation Real Estate
Listing ID#: 757652

Sale Location

Litchfield, IL 62056
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Wednesday Feb 5, 2025 Completed
Saturday Mar 8, 2025 Completed
Sale Type
   Live with Online Auction  VIEW ONLINE CATALOG
Company Information
Wayne A. Mollett Auction Service

Contact: Wayne A. Mollett
Phone: 618-920-6694
Email: wamollettauctions@yahoo.com
Website: www.wamollettauctions.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9116
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Open House for Real Estate Sunday Feb 23rd 12-2 PM
Registered bidder must be the signer on Real Estate contract.
" Real Estate sold As Is Where Is. With no warrantee or guarantees expressed, written or implied.
" This sale is not contingent on financing, so please have your financing in order. Perspective buyer can have inspections done, at their expense prior to the last bidding day of auction, however as stated earlier, the property is sold as is, where is. Currently boundary line encroachment with portable shed
" Earnst money of 10% (non-refundable) in the amount of the purchase price to be delivered to Seven Oaks Realty at 989 E. Beaumont Ave Greenville, IL 62246 with 24 hours after notification that you are the winning bidder, Balance due and possession given at closing (approx.30-45 days)
" Real Estate taxes for all of 2024 and though closing date of 2025 will be will be prorated at closing. and given to the buyer as credit at closing. 2024 taxes will then be the responsibility of the buyer.
" Buyer will enter into a Real Estate purchase agreement within 24 hours following the notification that you are the winning bidder at the auction with Seven Oaks Realty, 989 E. Beaumont Ave Greenville, IL. Earnest monies will be deposited into Certified Title and Escrow LLC Greenville, IL 62246 account within 24 hours.
" Seller will furnish title commitment policy in the amount of the purchase price to the buyer.
" Buyer and Seller will share closing cost. If Lender policy is required it will be the responsibility of the buyer.
" Seller has the right to reject or refuse any and all bids.
Listing Information
The home on 4 +/- acres of Wayne (Digger) Davis was built in 1977 on a crawl space with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Later there was an addition added to make to add 1 bedroom, large family and living room combo with a nice wood burning fireplace later tuned into a natural gas fireplace. The master bedroom has an adjoining bath and good closet space. The other two bedrooms are nice sized and also have plenty of closet space. The eat in kitchen was finished with all new appliances in 2019 along with a new forced air natural gas furnace with new duct work run to the family room. The washer and natural gas dryer were also new in 2019 and will be sold with the home with all other appliances. The enclosed back porch has a working hot tub that will also stay with the sale of the home. 200-amp service with natural gas water heater. In 1984 a 54 X 64 pole building w 2-12' x 14' and 1-10' x 10' overhead doors were installed. A partial concrete and gravel floor throughout. In 2010 a used commercial steel building 60' x 103' was erected with 4-14' x 14' overhead doors of which 2 are drive thru located in the shop area. The shop is 50' x 60" with half having a 10" concrete floor and a service pit. The other half is a 6" concrete floor with office, shop and bathroom hot water in-floor heat throughout. The property will be offered for sale at 9:30 am, live in person and on line thru mollettauctions.com, we will start with tools at 9:00 and then break at 9:30 for the real estate. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FEB 23RD FROM 12-2:00 PM

4 Bedroom Home,Shop and Outbuildings on 4+/- Ac
The home on 4 +/- acres of Wayne (Digger) Davis was built in 1977 on a crawl space with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Later there was an addition added to make 4th bedroom a large family and living room combo with a nice wood burning fireplace later tuned i...

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Wayne (Digger) Davis Retirement / Relocation Real Estate

Wayne A. Mollett Auction Service

Wayne A. Mollett Auction Service

Contact: Wayne A. Mollett
Phone: 618-920-6694
Sale Location
10305 Old Rt 66 South
Litchfield, IL 62056
Sale Dates and Times
Wednesday Feb 5, 2025 Completed
Saturday Mar 8, 2025 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Open House for Real Estate Sunday Feb 23rd 12-2 PM Registered bidder must be the signer on Real Estate contract. " NO BUYER'S PREMIUM " Real Estate sold As Is Where Is. With no warrantee or guarantees expressed, written or implied. " This sale is not contingent on financing, so please have your financing in order. Perspective buyer can have inspections done, at their expense prior to the last bidding day of auction, however as stated earlier, the property is sold as is, where is. Currently boundary line encroachment with portable shed " Earnst money of 10% (non-refundable) in the amount of the purchase price to be delivered to Seven Oaks Realty at 989 E. Beaumont Ave Greenville, IL 62246 with 24 hours after notification that you are the winning bidder, Balance due and possession given at closing (approx.30-45 days) " Real Estate taxes for all of 2024 and though closing date of 2025 will be will be prorated at closing. and given to the buyer as credit at closing. 2024 taxes will then be the responsibility of the buyer. " Buyer will enter into a Real Estate purchase agreement within 24 hours following the notification that you are the winning bidder at the auction with Seven Oaks Realty, 989 E. Beaumont Ave Greenville, IL. Earnest monies will be deposited into Certified Title and Escrow LLC Greenville, IL 62246 account within 24 hours. " Seller will furnish title commitment policy in the amount of the purchase price to the buyer. " Buyer and Seller will share closing cost. If Lender policy is required it will be the responsibility of the buyer. " Seller has the right to reject or refuse any and all bids.
Listing Details
The home on 4 +/- acres of Wayne (Digger) Davis was built in 1977 on a crawl space with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Later there was an addition added to make to add 1 bedroom, large family and living room combo with a nice wood burning fireplace later tuned into a natural gas fireplace. The master bedroom has an adjoining bath and good closet space. The other two bedrooms are nice sized and also have plenty of closet space. The eat in kitchen was finished with all new appliances in 2019 along with a new forced air natural gas furnace with new duct work run to the family room. The washer and natural gas dryer were also new in 2019 and will be sold with the home with all other appliances. The enclosed back porch has a working hot tub that will also stay with the sale of the home. 200-amp service with natural gas water heater. In 1984 a 54 X 64 pole building w 2-12' x 14' and 1-10' x 10' overhead doors were installed. A partial concrete and gravel floor throughout. In 2010 a used commercial steel building 60' x 103' was erected with 4-14' x 14' overhead doors of which 2 are drive thru located in the shop area. The shop is 50' x 60" with half having a 10" concrete floor and a service pit. The other half is a 6" concrete floor with office, shop and bathroom hot water in-floor heat throughout. The property will be offered for sale at 9:30 am, live in person and on line thru mollettauctions.com, we will start with tools at 9:00 and then break at 9:30 for the real estate. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FEB 23RD FROM 12-2:00 PM

4 Bedroom Home,Shop and Outbuildings on 4+/- Ac
The home on 4 +/- acres of Wayne (Digger) Davis was built in 1977 on a crawl space with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Later there was an addition added to make 4th bedroom a large family and living room combo with a nice wood burning fireplace later tuned i...

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Wayne (Digger) Davis Retirement / Relocation Real Estate
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Sale Date(s)
Wednesday Feb 5, 2025 Completed
Saturday Mar 8, 2025 Completed
Sale Location

Litchfield, IL 62056
Wayne A. Mollett Auction Service

Contact: Wayne A. Mollett
Phone: 618-920-6694
Email: wamollettauctions@yahoo.com
Website: www.wamollettauctions.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Open House for Real Estate Sunday Feb 23rd 12-2 PM Registered bidder must be the signer on Real Estate contract. " NO BUYER'S PREMIUM " Real Estate sold As Is Where Is. With no warrantee or guarantees expressed, written or implied. " This sale is not contingent on financing, so please have your financing in order. Perspective buyer can have inspections done, at their expense prior to the last bidding day of auction, however as stated earlier, the property is sold as is, where is. Currently boundary line encroachment with portable shed " Earnst money of 10% (non-refundable) in the amount of the purchase price to be delivered to Seven Oaks Realty at 989 E. Beaumont Ave Greenville, IL 62246 with 24 hours after notification that you are the winning bidder, Balance due and possession given at closing (approx.30-45 days) " Real Estate taxes for all of 2024 and though closing date of 2025 will be will be prorated at closing. and given to the buyer as credit at closing. 2024 taxes will then be the responsibility of the buyer. " Buyer will enter into a Real Estate purchase agreement within 24 hours following the notification that you are the winning bidder at the auction with Seven Oaks Realty, 989 E. Beaumont Ave Greenville, IL. Earnest monies will be deposited into Certified Title and Escrow LLC Greenville, IL 62246 account within 24 hours. " Seller will furnish title commitment policy in the amount of the purchase price to the buyer. " Buyer and Seller will share closing cost. If Lender policy is required it will be the responsibility of the buyer. " Seller has the right to reject or refuse any and all bids.
The home on 4 +/- acres of Wayne (Digger) Davis was built in 1977 on a crawl space with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Later there was an addition added to make to add 1 bedroom, large family and living room combo with a nice wood burning fireplace later tuned into a natural gas fireplace. The master bedroom has an adjoining bath and good closet space. The other two bedrooms are nice sized and also have plenty of closet space. The eat in kitchen was finished with all new appliances in 2019 along with a new forced air natural gas furnace with new duct work run to the family room. The washer and natural gas dryer were also new in 2019 and will be sold with the home with all other appliances. The enclosed back porch has a working hot tub that will also stay with the sale of the home. 200-amp service with natural gas water heater. In 1984 a 54 X 64 pole building w 2-12' x 14' and 1-10' x 10' overhead doors were installed. A partial concrete and gravel floor throughout. In 2010 a used commercial steel building 60' x 103' was erected with 4-14' x 14' overhead doors of which 2 are drive thru located in the shop area. The shop is 50' x 60" with half having a 10" concrete floor and a service pit. The other half is a 6" concrete floor with office, shop and bathroom hot water in-floor heat throughout. The property will be offered for sale at 9:30 am, live in person and on line thru mollettauctions.com, we will start with tools at 9:00 and then break at 9:30 for the real estate. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FEB 23RD FROM 12-2:00 PM

4 Bedroom Home,Shop and Outbuildings on 4+/- Ac
The home on 4 +/- acres of Wayne (Digger) Davis was built in 1977 on a crawl space with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Later there was an addition added to make 4th bedroom a large family and living room combo with a nice wood burning fireplace later tuned i...