Gillespie Real Estate Auction - 44.5 Acres in 2 tracts
Listing ID#: 756203

Sale Location

Brookville, IN 47012
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Mar 8, 2025 Completed
Sale Type
Company Information
White's Auctions est. 1922

Phone: 765-265-3886
Website: ID#: 9614
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Real Estate Information Sheet for the

Auction will be held at Whites Realty Office at White�s Farm
6032 Holland Road, Brookville, IN

* Both parcels are zoned �Agricultural - A-2�.
* All parcels are subject to the regulations of the Franklin County Area Planning
Commission, located in the New Government Center (Room 107) at 1010 Franklin Ave. Brookville, Indiana. Director: Kaitlin Sterwerf. Tele # 765-647-5731
* Franklin County Water Association has a water main along Holland Road. Their office
is located at 9112 State Road 1, Brookville, Indiana 47012. Field Manager is
Steve Roemer - 765-647-6843.
* There is no municipal Sewer system available in this area.
* Any new structures built on these properties will need septic approval from the Franklin County Health Department, located in the Government Center (Room 210) at 1010 Franklin Avenue, Brookville, Indiana. The Environmental Officer is Dave Fehlinger - Tele # 765-647-4322. Director is Dr. David Welsch 812-212-1205.
* All tracts are in the Franklin County Community School District. Tele # 765-647-4128
* Electric is provided by Whitewater Valley REMC located at 1201 S State Road 101, Liberty, IN 47353, Telephone 765-458-5171.
* Any new driveway must obtain permission from the Franklin County Highway
* Closing will be handled by Amber McMillin Orosco at Mullin, McMillin & McMillin LLP, 814 Main Street, Brookville, IN 47012 Tele # 765-647-4105
* Survey will be provided Andy Murray, of Murray Land Surveyors, located at 420
Court Street, Brookville, IN 47012. Tele # 765-647-4725
* Any new driveway must obtain permission from the Franklin County Highway Department. To inquire as to the possibilities of entrances, contact the Franklin County Highway, on Fairfield Avenue, Brookville, Indiana Tele # 765-647-4271.
* No New Percolation Tests have been done on any of this Property. Any potential buyer may have these tests done at their own expense prior to the day of sale if they so choose.
* The Franklin County Area Planning Commission must approve any further division of these parcels.
* No Appraisal has been done on any of the parcels offered in this auction. Any potential buyer may have these appraisals done at their own expense prior to the day of sale if they feel the need for such appraisals.
* Property has a Brookville, Indiana (47012) mailing address and a Brookville Indiana telephone exchange (765-647-????).
* At the time of sale, the buyer will have the option of having the tracts transferred as one parcel (with one legal description) or as individual tracts as offered during the auction.

The buyers will agree and acknowledge:
To accept the property �AS-IS� in the condition that it exists on the day of sale. As was customary several years ago, ravines were used as dumps for agricultural items used on the farms. To our knowledge, this practice was not used on this property, but the possibility may exist that this practice may have been used on this property. The auction company wants all prospective buyers to know that if any such items are left on any of the tracts, (whatever and wherever they may be), the buyer will accept them without question or recourse. There is a very old developed spring with an old concrete tank along the creek which has not been used for many years.
2) Real Estate Taxes due in the spring of 2025 are to be paid by the seller, the buyer will
assume and agree to pay the taxes due in the fall of 2025 and all taxes thereafter.
3) To purchase the sale acreage on Both Parcels as an estimated acreage and agree to
pay the purchase price per acre multiplied by the final survey acreage to determine the final sales price.
4) This sale is not contingent upon any appraisals or subject to approval of any type of financing. The buyer will agree to purchase the real estate as is and if in any event chooses not to close this real estate transaction, they will forfeit the down payment to the sellers.

5) Any existing easements will remain in with the property. One known easement is for the overhead powerline, which is over both parcels. This powerline is maintained by Indiana � Michigan Power Company � Telephone # 800-311-4634
6) Seller will transfer title with a Warranty Deed. Any OWNERS TITLE INSURANCE POLICY necessary will be the financial responsibility of the buyer.
7) Flexible Payment Options are available to buyers:
Option # 1 - Owner Financing Available with the following terms. 15% down on the day of sale, 20% due in 45 days, balance to be paid in 3 yearly payments. Year one & Year 2 � 20% of the sales price plus 6% interest � Year 3 the balance of 25% plus of the sales price plus 6% interest. No penalty for early payment.
Option # 2 � 10% down on day of sale, Balance in 45 days.
8) Possession to be given at closing, upon final payment.

If the buyer wishes to purchase the entire property, they must begin bidding when
first parcel is offered.

Order of Auction:
A) Both parcels will be sold BY THE ACRE. The bid price per acre will be multiplied by the estimated acreage to determine the estimated sales price.
B) The successful bidder may choose either parcel or both parcels. If only one is chosen, the other will be offered in the same manner.
C) After both tracts have been offered, the Owners will confirm (or reject) the sale of the property.
Joe Gillespie � OWNER

DAVE WHITE Brookville, In. 765-765-3883 - AUCTIONEER (In, AUO1015949, Oh, 57199772539, Ky. RP 07139) - & REAL ESTATE BROKER (In. IB51239082, & Oh, 20040001184)
Listing Information
Public Auction 2 Parcels of Vacant Wooded Recreational Land 44.5 Total Acres - Offered in 2 Parcels 4 Miles East of Brookville. Indiana From US 52 in Brookville, go East on SR 252 (4th Street) for 3 miles, then South on Holland Road 1 mile to property (located just south of 7148) Holland Road, Brookville, Indiana. Located in Section 35 (T9N, R2W), in Brookville Township � Franklin Co., IN Auction will be held at Whites Realty Office at White�s Farm 6032 Holland Road, Brookville, INSaturday, March 8 - 2025 10:00 AM Terms & Conditions listed on the information sheet listed online. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE Buyer may choose either of the following terms: Owner Financing - 15% down day of sale, 20 % in 45 days, balance to be paid in 3 yearly payments � year one & year two - 20 % of the sales price plus 6% interest � Year 3 the balance of 25% of sales price plus 6% interest. No penalty for early payment. or Traditional Purchase - 10% down on day of sale, balance in 45 days. * Deed will be delivered on receipt of final payment * Seller to pay taxes due in the spring of 2025 * Buyer to assume taxes due in the fall of 2025 & all taxes thereafter * Seller to provide survey & legal description * Possession of property given with 35% payment or Full payment (with option # 2) * South parcel �2� will be responsible for building or paying for � of the required south fence between Parcel �2� and the portion retained by Mr. Gillespie. * Land sold subject to owner�s confirmation Call Dave or Jonathan White for Property Inspection 765-265-3883 or 765-265-3886 Auctioneers Note: SMALL PARCELS IN THIS AREA ARE VERY SCARCE � This land is surrounded by hundreds of acres of wooded & cleared pastureland � It is a �Hunters Paradise� COME OUT & TAKE A LOOK! Joe Gillespie � OWNER

Tract 1 - Approx 24.43 Acres of wooded land
Tract 1 - 24.43 acres of vacant rolling wooded land with 75' deeded access to Holland Road and an easment given to Tract 2 for a shared roadway to access the western portion of both properties.

Tract 2 - Approx 20.05 Acres of wooded land
Tract 2 - 20.05 acres of vacant rolling wooded land with access to the property by an easment given through tract 1 and a shared roadway to access the western portion of this property.

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Gillespie Real Estate Auction - 44.5 Acres in 2 tracts

White's Auctions est. 1922

White's Auctions est. 1922

Phone: 765-265-3886
Sale Location
6032 Holland Rd P.O. Box 53
Brookville, IN 47012
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 8, 2025 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Real Estate Information Sheet for the Auction will be held at Whites Realty Office at White�s Farm 6032 Holland Road, Brookville, IN * Both parcels are zoned �Agricultural - A-2�. * All parcels are subject to the regulations of the Franklin County Area Planning Commission, located in the New Government Center (Room 107) at 1010 Franklin Ave. Brookville, Indiana. Director: Kaitlin Sterwerf. Tele # 765-647-5731 * Franklin County Water Association has a water main along Holland Road. Their office is located at 9112 State Road 1, Brookville, Indiana 47012. Field Manager is Steve Roemer - 765-647-6843. * There is no municipal Sewer system available in this area. * Any new structures built on these properties will need septic approval from the Franklin County Health Department, located in the Government Center (Room 210) at 1010 Franklin Avenue, Brookville, Indiana. The Environmental Officer is Dave Fehlinger - Tele # 765-647-4322. Director is Dr. David Welsch 812-212-1205. * All tracts are in the Franklin County Community School District. Tele # 765-647-4128 * Electric is provided by Whitewater Valley REMC located at 1201 S State Road 101, Liberty, IN 47353, Telephone 765-458-5171. * Any new driveway must obtain permission from the Franklin County Highway * Closing will be handled by Amber McMillin Orosco at Mullin, McMillin & McMillin LLP, 814 Main Street, Brookville, IN 47012 Tele # 765-647-4105 * Survey will be provided Andy Murray, of Murray Land Surveyors, located at 420 Court Street, Brookville, IN 47012. Tele # 765-647-4725 * Any new driveway must obtain permission from the Franklin County Highway Department. To inquire as to the possibilities of entrances, contact the Franklin County Highway, on Fairfield Avenue, Brookville, Indiana Tele # 765-647-4271. * No New Percolation Tests have been done on any of this Property. Any potential buyer may have these tests done at their own expense prior to the day of sale if they so choose. * The Franklin County Area Planning Commission must approve any further division of these parcels. * No Appraisal has been done on any of the parcels offered in this auction. Any potential buyer may have these appraisals done at their own expense prior to the day of sale if they feel the need for such appraisals. * Property has a Brookville, Indiana (47012) mailing address and a Brookville Indiana telephone exchange (765-647-????). * At the time of sale, the buyer will have the option of having the tracts transferred as one parcel (with one legal description) or as individual tracts as offered during the auction. The buyers will agree and acknowledge: To accept the property �AS-IS� in the condition that it exists on the day of sale. As was customary several years ago, ravines were used as dumps for agricultural items used on the farms. To our knowledge, this practice was not used on this property, but the possibility may exist that this practice may have been used on this property. The auction company wants all prospective buyers to know that if any such items are left on any of the tracts, (whatever and wherever they may be), the buyer will accept them without question or recourse. There is a very old developed spring with an old concrete tank along the creek which has not been used for many years. 2) Real Estate Taxes due in the spring of 2025 are to be paid by the seller, the buyer will assume and agree to pay the taxes due in the fall of 2025 and all taxes thereafter. 3) To purchase the sale acreage on Both Parcels as an estimated acreage and agree to pay the purchase price per acre multiplied by the final survey acreage to determine the final sales price. 4) This sale is not contingent upon any appraisals or subject to approval of any type of financing. The buyer will agree to purchase the real estate as is and if in any event chooses not to close this real estate transaction, they will forfeit the down payment to the sellers. 5) Any existing easements will remain in with the property. One known easement is for the overhead powerline, which is over both parcels. This powerline is maintained by Indiana � Michigan Power Company � Telephone # 800-311-4634 6) Seller will transfer title with a Warranty Deed. Any OWNERS TITLE INSURANCE POLICY necessary will be the financial responsibility of the buyer. 7) Flexible Payment Options are available to buyers: Option # 1 - Owner Financing Available with the following terms. 15% down on the day of sale, 20% due in 45 days, balance to be paid in 3 yearly payments. Year one & Year 2 � 20% of the sales price plus 6% interest � Year 3 the balance of 25% plus of the sales price plus 6% interest. No penalty for early payment. Option # 2 � 10% down on day of sale, Balance in 45 days. 8) Possession to be given at closing, upon final payment. THE PARCELS WILL NOT BE COMBINED AND OFFERED AS A WHOLE. If the buyer wishes to purchase the entire property, they must begin bidding when first parcel is offered. Order of Auction: A) Both parcels will be sold BY THE ACRE. The bid price per acre will be multiplied by the estimated acreage to determine the estimated sales price. B) The successful bidder may choose either parcel or both parcels. If only one is chosen, the other will be offered in the same manner. C) After both tracts have been offered, the Owners will confirm (or reject) the sale of the property. Joe Gillespie � OWNER DAVE WHITE Brookville, In. 765-765-3883 - AUCTIONEER (In, AUO1015949, Oh, 57199772539, Ky. RP 07139) - & REAL ESTATE BROKER (In. IB51239082, & Oh, 20040001184)
Listing Details
Public Auction 2 Parcels of Vacant Wooded Recreational Land 44.5 Total Acres - Offered in 2 Parcels 4 Miles East of Brookville. Indiana From US 52 in Brookville, go East on SR 252 (4th Street) for 3 miles, then South on Holland Road 1 mile to property (located just south of 7148) Holland Road, Brookville, Indiana. Located in Section 35 (T9N, R2W), in Brookville Township � Franklin Co., IN Auction will be held at Whites Realty Office at White�s Farm 6032 Holland Road, Brookville, INSaturday, March 8 - 2025 10:00 AM Terms & Conditions listed on the information sheet listed online. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE Buyer may choose either of the following terms: Owner Financing - 15% down day of sale, 20 % in 45 days, balance to be paid in 3 yearly payments � year one & year two - 20 % of the sales price plus 6% interest � Year 3 the balance of 25% of sales price plus 6% interest. No penalty for early payment. or Traditional Purchase - 10% down on day of sale, balance in 45 days. * Deed will be delivered on receipt of final payment * Seller to pay taxes due in the spring of 2025 * Buyer to assume taxes due in the fall of 2025 & all taxes thereafter * Seller to provide survey & legal description * Possession of property given with 35% payment or Full payment (with option # 2) * South parcel �2� will be responsible for building or paying for � of the required south fence between Parcel �2� and the portion retained by Mr. Gillespie. * Land sold subject to owner�s confirmation Call Dave or Jonathan White for Property Inspection 765-265-3883 or 765-265-3886 Auctioneers Note: SMALL PARCELS IN THIS AREA ARE VERY SCARCE � This land is surrounded by hundreds of acres of wooded & cleared pastureland � It is a �Hunters Paradise� COME OUT & TAKE A LOOK! Joe Gillespie � OWNER

Tract 1 - Approx 24.43 Acres of wooded land
Tract 1 - 24.43 acres of vacant rolling wooded land with 75' deeded access to Holland Road and an easment given to Tract 2 for a shared roadway to access the western portion of both properties.

Tract 2 - Approx 20.05 Acres of wooded land
Tract 2 - 20.05 acres of vacant rolling wooded land with access to the property by an easment given through tract 1 and a shared roadway to access the western portion of this property.

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Gillespie Real Estate Auction - 44.5 Acres in 2 tracts
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Mar 8, 2025 Completed
Sale Location

Brookville, IN 47012
Listing Terms and Conditions
Real Estate Information Sheet for the Auction will be held at Whites Realty Office at White�s Farm 6032 Holland Road, Brookville, IN * Both parcels are zoned �Agricultural - A-2�. * All parcels are subject to the regulations of the Franklin County Area Planning Commission, located in the New Government Center (Room 107) at 1010 Franklin Ave. Brookville, Indiana. Director: Kaitlin Sterwerf. Tele # 765-647-5731 * Franklin County Water Association has a water main along Holland Road. Their office is located at 9112 State Road 1, Brookville, Indiana 47012. Field Manager is Steve Roemer - 765-647-6843. * There is no municipal Sewer system available in this area. * Any new structures built on these properties will need septic approval from the Franklin County Health Department, located in the Government Center (Room 210) at 1010 Franklin Avenue, Brookville, Indiana. The Environmental Officer is Dave Fehlinger - Tele # 765-647-4322. Director is Dr. David Welsch 812-212-1205. * All tracts are in the Franklin County Community School District. Tele # 765-647-4128 * Electric is provided by Whitewater Valley REMC located at 1201 S State Road 101, Liberty, IN 47353, Telephone 765-458-5171. * Any new driveway must obtain permission from the Franklin County Highway * Closing will be handled by Amber McMillin Orosco at Mullin, McMillin & McMillin LLP, 814 Main Street, Brookville, IN 47012 Tele # 765-647-4105 * Survey will be provided Andy Murray, of Murray Land Surveyors, located at 420 Court Street, Brookville, IN 47012. Tele # 765-647-4725 * Any new driveway must obtain permission from the Franklin County Highway Department. To inquire as to the possibilities of entrances, contact the Franklin County Highway, on Fairfield Avenue, Brookville, Indiana Tele # 765-647-4271. * No New Percolation Tests have been done on any of this Property. Any potential buyer may have these tests done at their own expense prior to the day of sale if they so choose. * The Franklin County Area Planning Commission must approve any further division of these parcels. * No Appraisal has been done on any of the parcels offered in this auction. Any potential buyer may have these appraisals done at their own expense prior to the day of sale if they feel the need for such appraisals. * Property has a Brookville, Indiana (47012) mailing address and a Brookville Indiana telephone exchange (765-647-????). * At the time of sale, the buyer will have the option of having the tracts transferred as one parcel (with one legal description) or as individual tracts as offered during the auction. The buyers will agree and acknowledge: To accept the property �AS-IS� in the condition that it exists on the day of sale. As was customary several years ago, ravines were used as dumps for agricultural items used on the farms. To our knowledge, this practice was not used on this property, but the possibility may exist that this practice may have been used on this property. The auction company wants all prospective buyers to know that if any such items are left on any of the tracts, (whatever and wherever they may be), the buyer will accept them without question or recourse. There is a very old developed spring with an old concrete tank along the creek which has not been used for many years. 2) Real Estate Taxes due in the spring of 2025 are to be paid by the seller, the buyer will assume and agree to pay the taxes due in the fall of 2025 and all taxes thereafter. 3) To purchase the sale acreage on Both Parcels as an estimated acreage and agree to pay the purchase price per acre multiplied by the final survey acreage to determine the final sales price. 4) This sale is not contingent upon any appraisals or subject to approval of any type of financing. The buyer will agree to purchase the real estate as is and if in any event chooses not to close this real estate transaction, they will forfeit the down payment to the sellers. 5) Any existing easements will remain in with the property. One known easement is for the overhead powerline, which is over both parcels. This powerline is maintained by Indiana � Michigan Power Company � Telephone # 800-311-4634 6) Seller will transfer title with a Warranty Deed. Any OWNERS TITLE INSURANCE POLICY necessary will be the financial responsibility of the buyer. 7) Flexible Payment Options are available to buyers: Option # 1 - Owner Financing Available with the following terms. 15% down on the day of sale, 20% due in 45 days, balance to be paid in 3 yearly payments. Year one & Year 2 � 20% of the sales price plus 6% interest � Year 3 the balance of 25% plus of the sales price plus 6% interest. No penalty for early payment. Option # 2 � 10% down on day of sale, Balance in 45 days. 8) Possession to be given at closing, upon final payment. THE PARCELS WILL NOT BE COMBINED AND OFFERED AS A WHOLE. If the buyer wishes to purchase the entire property, they must begin bidding when first parcel is offered. Order of Auction: A) Both parcels will be sold BY THE ACRE. The bid price per acre will be multiplied by the estimated acreage to determine the estimated sales price. B) The successful bidder may choose either parcel or both parcels. If only one is chosen, the other will be offered in the same manner. C) After both tracts have been offered, the Owners will confirm (or reject) the sale of the property. Joe Gillespie � OWNER DAVE WHITE Brookville, In. 765-765-3883 - AUCTIONEER (In, AUO1015949, Oh, 57199772539, Ky. RP 07139) - & REAL ESTATE BROKER (In. IB51239082, & Oh, 20040001184)
Public Auction 2 Parcels of Vacant Wooded Recreational Land 44.5 Total Acres - Offered in 2 Parcels 4 Miles East of Brookville. Indiana From US 52 in Brookville, go East on SR 252 (4th Street) for 3 miles, then South on Holland Road 1 mile to property (located just south of 7148) Holland Road, Brookville, Indiana. Located in Section 35 (T9N, R2W), in Brookville Township � Franklin Co., IN Auction will be held at Whites Realty Office at White�s Farm 6032 Holland Road, Brookville, INSaturday, March 8 - 2025 10:00 AM Terms & Conditions listed on the information sheet listed online. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE Buyer may choose either of the following terms: Owner Financing - 15% down day of sale, 20 % in 45 days, balance to be paid in 3 yearly payments � year one & year two - 20 % of the sales price plus 6% interest � Year 3 the balance of 25% of sales price plus 6% interest. No penalty for early payment. or Traditional Purchase - 10% down on day of sale, balance in 45 days. * Deed will be delivered on receipt of final payment * Seller to pay taxes due in the spring of 2025 * Buyer to assume taxes due in the fall of 2025 & all taxes thereafter * Seller to provide survey & legal description * Possession of property given with 35% payment or Full payment (with option # 2) * South parcel �2� will be responsible for building or paying for � of the required south fence between Parcel �2� and the portion retained by Mr. Gillespie. * Land sold subject to owner�s confirmation Call Dave or Jonathan White for Property Inspection 765-265-3883 or 765-265-3886 Auctioneers Note: SMALL PARCELS IN THIS AREA ARE VERY SCARCE � This land is surrounded by hundreds of acres of wooded & cleared pastureland � It is a �Hunters Paradise� COME OUT & TAKE A LOOK! Joe Gillespie � OWNER

Tract 1 - Approx 24.43 Acres of wooded land
Tract 1 - 24.43 acres of vacant rolling wooded land with 75' deeded access to Holland Road and an easment given to Tract 2 for a shared roadway to access the western portion of both properties.

Tract 2 - Approx 20.05 Acres of wooded land
Tract 2 - 20.05 acres of vacant rolling wooded land with access to the property by an easment given through tract 1 and a shared roadway to access the western portion of this property.