Antiques - Pottery - Art Glass - Auction
Listing ID#: 750080

Sale Location
Grand Ledge Masonic Hall 200 W. River Street
Grand Ledge, MI 48837
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 10:00 am
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Americana Auctions

Contact: Glen Rairigh
Phone: 517-243-9090
Website: ID#: 4646
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Listing Information

Antiques - Pottery- Art Glass Auction

with Movie Posters


Saturday, March 29th - 10am


Grand Ledge Masonic Hall


Grand Ledge, Michigan


                               Location: 200 W. River Street, Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837


The First of our “Big Three” Spring celebration auctions.


 Antiques & Art Glass: Signed Handel harp desk lamp; Steuben blue aurene lamp and gold aurene darner; Tiffany turtle-back tiles; Native American silver and turquoise jewelry including necklaces, brooches, pendants, men’s and ladies rings; Trade blankets; Antique woven baskets; Quilt; Royal Dux 22” figurine; Porcelain figurines; Orrefors crystal; Royal Doulton figurines; Hobbs cranberry center bowl; Richard cameo vase; Beswick porcelain horses; Two 18th century Japanese ceramics…


American Art Pottery: A vetted collection of over 100 examples of quality Roseville (featuring Jonquil, Iris, Baneda and scarce trial pcs.); Weller (Dickens Ware, Hudson, Chase, Hobart, Etna, Aurelian, Muskota nude and Kingfisher flower frogs, and trial pieces); Two rare hand-decorated RRP Co. 26” oil jars; Rookwood, Owen, and Loy-Nel-Art standard glaze; Plus: Wallace “Westward Ho”, Mid-century Royal Haeger, Moorcroft, Stangl, and Kay Finch pottery; Early Roseville and other jardinières and pitchers… Check out our catalog listings with photos on our website!


Art & Collectibles: Slant-front display cabinet; A&C leaded glass shade; Grand Ledge sewer tile lion/bank; Signed Saila Inuit bust, Autographs by Gordy Howe and others; Two mid-1800’s portraits; Original art by EM Hutcheson, Ruth Todd, Richter, Sterne etc.; Prints by Nutting, Ansil Adams, etc.; Large collection of vintage 1970’s movie posters...”Last Tango in Paris”, “Love Story”, “Carrie”, “Billy Jack” … (see our complete website catalog); Bianchi #99 holster set; Deco chrome podium;1800’s French plates; Emerson flute in original case; Patriotic carnival cane…


Terms: Cash or Credit card. Add 3% for Credit Card. Checks from established customers only. All items sold “as found” and subject to a 10% in-house (20% absentee) buyer’s premium. All sales are final. See website for additional terms.


Americana Auctions



Auction License: # AU19300051
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Antiques - Pottery - Art Glass - Auction

Americana Auctions

Americana Auctions

Contact: Glen Rairigh
Phone: 517-243-9090
Sale Location
Grand Ledge Masonic Hall 200 W. River Street
Grand Ledge, MI 48837
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 29, 10:00 am
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Antiques - Pottery- Art Glass Auction

with Movie Posters


Saturday, March 29th - 10am


Grand Ledge Masonic Hall


Grand Ledge, Michigan


                               Location: 200 W. River Street, Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837


The First of our “Big Three” Spring celebration auctions.


 Antiques & Art Glass: Signed Handel harp desk lamp; Steuben blue aurene lamp and gold aurene darner; Tiffany turtle-back tiles; Native American silver and turquoise jewelry including necklaces, brooches, pendants, men’s and ladies rings; Trade blankets; Antique woven baskets; Quilt; Royal Dux 22” figurine; Porcelain figurines; Orrefors crystal; Royal Doulton figurines; Hobbs cranberry center bowl; Richard cameo vase; Beswick porcelain horses; Two 18th century Japanese ceramics…


American Art Pottery: A vetted collection of over 100 examples of quality Roseville (featuring Jonquil, Iris, Baneda and scarce trial pcs.); Weller (Dickens Ware, Hudson, Chase, Hobart, Etna, Aurelian, Muskota nude and Kingfisher flower frogs, and trial pieces); Two rare hand-decorated RRP Co. 26” oil jars; Rookwood, Owen, and Loy-Nel-Art standard glaze; Plus: Wallace “Westward Ho”, Mid-century Royal Haeger, Moorcroft, Stangl, and Kay Finch pottery; Early Roseville and other jardinières and pitchers… Check out our catalog listings with photos on our website!


Art & Collectibles: Slant-front display cabinet; A&C leaded glass shade; Grand Ledge sewer tile lion/bank; Signed Saila Inuit bust, Autographs by Gordy Howe and others; Two mid-1800’s portraits; Original art by EM Hutcheson, Ruth Todd, Richter, Sterne etc.; Prints by Nutting, Ansil Adams, etc.; Large collection of vintage 1970’s movie posters...”Last Tango in Paris”, “Love Story”, “Carrie”, “Billy Jack” … (see our complete website catalog); Bianchi #99 holster set; Deco chrome podium;1800’s French plates; Emerson flute in original case; Patriotic carnival cane…


Terms: Cash or Credit card. Add 3% for Credit Card. Checks from established customers only. All items sold “as found” and subject to a 10% in-house (20% absentee) buyer’s premium. All sales are final. See website for additional terms.


Americana Auctions



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Antiques - Pottery - Art Glass - Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Mar 29, 10:00 am
Sale Location
Grand Ledge Masonic Hall 200 W. River Street
Grand Ledge, MI 48837

Antiques - Pottery- Art Glass Auction

with Movie Posters


Saturday, March 29th - 10am


Grand Ledge Masonic Hall


Grand Ledge, Michigan


                               Location: 200 W. River Street, Grand Ledge, Michigan 48837


The First of our “Big Three” Spring celebration auctions.


 Antiques & Art Glass: Signed Handel harp desk lamp; Steuben blue aurene lamp and gold aurene darner; Tiffany turtle-back tiles; Native American silver and turquoise jewelry including necklaces, brooches, pendants, men’s and ladies rings; Trade blankets; Antique woven baskets; Quilt; Royal Dux 22” figurine; Porcelain figurines; Orrefors crystal; Royal Doulton figurines; Hobbs cranberry center bowl; Richard cameo vase; Beswick porcelain horses; Two 18th century Japanese ceramics…


American Art Pottery: A vetted collection of over 100 examples of quality Roseville (featuring Jonquil, Iris, Baneda and scarce trial pcs.); Weller (Dickens Ware, Hudson, Chase, Hobart, Etna, Aurelian, Muskota nude and Kingfisher flower frogs, and trial pieces); Two rare hand-decorated RRP Co. 26” oil jars; Rookwood, Owen, and Loy-Nel-Art standard glaze; Plus: Wallace “Westward Ho”, Mid-century Royal Haeger, Moorcroft, Stangl, and Kay Finch pottery; Early Roseville and other jardinières and pitchers… Check out our catalog listings with photos on our website!


Art & Collectibles: Slant-front display cabinet; A&C leaded glass shade; Grand Ledge sewer tile lion/bank; Signed Saila Inuit bust, Autographs by Gordy Howe and others; Two mid-1800’s portraits; Original art by EM Hutcheson, Ruth Todd, Richter, Sterne etc.; Prints by Nutting, Ansil Adams, etc.; Large collection of vintage 1970’s movie posters...”Last Tango in Paris”, “Love Story”, “Carrie”, “Billy Jack” … (see our complete website catalog); Bianchi #99 holster set; Deco chrome podium;1800’s French plates; Emerson flute in original case; Patriotic carnival cane…


Terms: Cash or Credit card. Add 3% for Credit Card. Checks from established customers only. All items sold “as found” and subject to a 10% in-house (20% absentee) buyer’s premium. All sales are final. See website for additional terms.


Americana Auctions
