Estates & Moving AUCTION! Sat. Nov. 23, 2024 Mio 10am
Listing ID#: 739763

Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 23, 2024 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information

Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Website: ID#: 6482
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.
Listing Information
Estates & Moving


Sat. Nov. 23, 2024 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.

To Include:

New recliners & reclining loveseat;1890s Davenport desk; flip top mahogany table; drop front desks; bunk & other bed frames; dressers & chests; cedar chests; dining table chair sets; china hutch and cabinets; rocking chairs; child size log table chair set & loveseat rocker; 70” Sharp TV; living room tables & lamps; clocks; area rugs; Heavy Duty Kitchen Aid mixer; Kitchenware; Pfaltzgraff dinnerware; flatware sets; cast iron cookware; elegant to everyday glassware; Singer 221 Featherweight, Imagine Baby Lock serger, Husqvarna 1+300 Anniversary embroidery w/reader, Pfaff 360 automatic, Janome My Excel 4018 & other sewing machines; quantity of buttons, threads, fabrics & sewing related; quilts; vintage postcards & photos; slate top pool table; beer mirrors; belt buckles; new mailboxes; pressed steel Mobo hobby horse; John Deere, Nascar & other toys; Christmas village & holiday décor; autographed baseballs & boxing photos; records; & more;

Special Interest: Pre 1910 leather, painted tin and 1910 porcelain matching number 1196 Michigan license plates; rare manufacturer size 1930 #1 and pair of #1 automobile license plates; 1976 Michigan #1 license plate; 1929 in trunk Chevy Coupe truck bed conversion; 1931 straight 6 Chevy engine w/transmission; other vintage auto parts;

Special Mention: Impressive 26” tall American Brilliant cut glass mushroom shade table lamp; lg 2 piece punch bowl; pitchers & unusual vase; 12 gal New England Malt & Hop Detroit advertising crock; Pool-ette coin operated pool table; 3’ concrete Indian Chief statue;

Pocket Watches: 1883 Elgin B.W. Raymond sz 18 15 jewel lever set railroad grade 70 sn/1091765 in 18kt gold hunt case inscribed Presented to Emment Sir Henry Stommel by the Officers and Members of Apollo Commandery Troy NY 1883;

1884 Elgin sz 16 lever set railroad grade 93 11 jewel with multicolor fancy dial, sn/1494172 in 14kt gold hunt case sn/7581C personalized Abner J. Teague;

1890 American Waltham sz 18 15 jewel with multicolor fancy dial lever set railroad grade 25 model 1883 sn/4338949 in 20yr gold hunt case sn/6221461;

1895 J.H. Washburn American Waltham sz 6s 16 jewel royal grade sn/6268019 in Essex C.W. Mfg C. gold hunt case sn/459317;

1908 Waltham model 1894 sz 12 15 jewel sn/16443492 in guaranteed permanently gold hunt case sn/1491514 inscribed 1913 from Father and Mother Lester Kono;

1905 South Bend sz 16 17 jewel lever set railroad grade with fancy dial sn/419911 in 20yr gold Panama hunt case sn/10728712; 

15” 27gram 10kt gold watch fob with Masonic Cross 10 & 14kt gold rings and estate jewelry;

Sportsman: Cabelas meat grinder; compound bows; deer feeders; fish rod reel sets; tackle boxes/full; boxes of new fishing tackle; cold weather wear; metal detector; ltd ed & other wildlife framed art; deer & antler mounts; gun cabinet; compound bows;

Guns; Colt Official Police 22LR 6 shot revolver 6” bar, sn/39666 mfg1954; Winchester 1897 slide action 12ga sn/396008 mfg1908; Remington Sportsman 48 semi auto 16ga sn/3525078; Remington model 1100 semi auto 12ga, engraved reciever, with extra slug barrel & extra pistol grip synthetic stock; Marlin 336 lever action carbine with scope; 1943 Lithgow Lee Enfield 303 british cal bolt action rifle;

Shop: sheet steel & other fabricating metal; metal storage rack; drill press; Bosch hammer drill; Milwaukee Porta-band saws; tool boxes; hand & power tools; shop carts; air compressors; drill press; generators; rolling stair case; power washer; shop vacs; torpedo heaters; ladders; Pacific clear water 2” gas powered pump; 55 gal drum 70% Isopropyl Alcohol; Powertran 3 phase transformer; 12 new industrial grinders; Darex drill sharpener;

Outside: Ford 1520 4x4 compact diesel tractor sn/27510, with 7108 front loader, 1085hrs; 3pt double bottom plow & slip scoop; 27 & 22 ton log splitters; Curtis V snow plow w/mount; skid steer track set & grapple; lg stainless steel tanks; 8.5x24ft Power Line Cargo enclosed V-Nose trailer with rear ramp door – sells w/reserve; 3pt chipper shredder; belt driven 3pt buzz saw; chainsaws; iron tractor & implement wheels; snow blowers; leaf blowers; JD 110 garden tractor w/snowblade & mow deck; JD 140 garden tractor w/snowblower, snowblade, belly grader blade & mow deck; bikes; auto body rotisserie stand; Everlast Storm Gray vinyl siding;

Boats:  07 Slyvan 12ft alum boat w/15hp Yamaha o/b, trolling motor, fish finder & trailer; 02 Montgomery 14ft alum boat with trailer; 98 Starcraft 14ft alum boat w/9.9 Mercury 4 stroke o/b, fish finder & trailer; square back canoe; other outboards;

Coins Plus More!

Watch website for updates & 100’s pictures. Hope to see you at the Auction! 

Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not  responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.


~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~
Greg & Donna Tuttle
Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.


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Estates & Moving AUCTION! Sat. Nov. 23, 2024 Mio 10am



Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Sale Location
1491 N Perry Creek Rd PO Box 131
Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 23, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.
Listing Details
Estates & Moving


Sat. Nov. 23, 2024 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.

To Include:

New recliners & reclining loveseat;1890s Davenport desk; flip top mahogany table; drop front desks; bunk & other bed frames; dressers & chests; cedar chests; dining table chair sets; china hutch and cabinets; rocking chairs; child size log table chair set & loveseat rocker; 70” Sharp TV; living room tables & lamps; clocks; area rugs; Heavy Duty Kitchen Aid mixer; Kitchenware; Pfaltzgraff dinnerware; flatware sets; cast iron cookware; elegant to everyday glassware; Singer 221 Featherweight, Imagine Baby Lock serger, Husqvarna 1+300 Anniversary embroidery w/reader, Pfaff 360 automatic, Janome My Excel 4018 & other sewing machines; quantity of buttons, threads, fabrics & sewing related; quilts; vintage postcards & photos; slate top pool table; beer mirrors; belt buckles; new mailboxes; pressed steel Mobo hobby horse; John Deere, Nascar & other toys; Christmas village & holiday décor; autographed baseballs & boxing photos; records; & more;

Special Interest: Pre 1910 leather, painted tin and 1910 porcelain matching number 1196 Michigan license plates; rare manufacturer size 1930 #1 and pair of #1 automobile license plates; 1976 Michigan #1 license plate; 1929 in trunk Chevy Coupe truck bed conversion; 1931 straight 6 Chevy engine w/transmission; other vintage auto parts;

Special Mention: Impressive 26” tall American Brilliant cut glass mushroom shade table lamp; lg 2 piece punch bowl; pitchers & unusual vase; 12 gal New England Malt & Hop Detroit advertising crock; Pool-ette coin operated pool table; 3’ concrete Indian Chief statue;

Pocket Watches: 1883 Elgin B.W. Raymond sz 18 15 jewel lever set railroad grade 70 sn/1091765 in 18kt gold hunt case inscribed Presented to Emment Sir Henry Stommel by the Officers and Members of Apollo Commandery Troy NY 1883;

1884 Elgin sz 16 lever set railroad grade 93 11 jewel with multicolor fancy dial, sn/1494172 in 14kt gold hunt case sn/7581C personalized Abner J. Teague;

1890 American Waltham sz 18 15 jewel with multicolor fancy dial lever set railroad grade 25 model 1883 sn/4338949 in 20yr gold hunt case sn/6221461;

1895 J.H. Washburn American Waltham sz 6s 16 jewel royal grade sn/6268019 in Essex C.W. Mfg C. gold hunt case sn/459317;

1908 Waltham model 1894 sz 12 15 jewel sn/16443492 in guaranteed permanently gold hunt case sn/1491514 inscribed 1913 from Father and Mother Lester Kono;

1905 South Bend sz 16 17 jewel lever set railroad grade with fancy dial sn/419911 in 20yr gold Panama hunt case sn/10728712; 

15” 27gram 10kt gold watch fob with Masonic Cross 10 & 14kt gold rings and estate jewelry;

Sportsman: Cabelas meat grinder; compound bows; deer feeders; fish rod reel sets; tackle boxes/full; boxes of new fishing tackle; cold weather wear; metal detector; ltd ed & other wildlife framed art; deer & antler mounts; gun cabinet; compound bows;

Guns; Colt Official Police 22LR 6 shot revolver 6” bar, sn/39666 mfg1954; Winchester 1897 slide action 12ga sn/396008 mfg1908; Remington Sportsman 48 semi auto 16ga sn/3525078; Remington model 1100 semi auto 12ga, engraved reciever, with extra slug barrel & extra pistol grip synthetic stock; Marlin 336 lever action carbine with scope; 1943 Lithgow Lee Enfield 303 british cal bolt action rifle;

Shop: sheet steel & other fabricating metal; metal storage rack; drill press; Bosch hammer drill; Milwaukee Porta-band saws; tool boxes; hand & power tools; shop carts; air compressors; drill press; generators; rolling stair case; power washer; shop vacs; torpedo heaters; ladders; Pacific clear water 2” gas powered pump; 55 gal drum 70% Isopropyl Alcohol; Powertran 3 phase transformer; 12 new industrial grinders; Darex drill sharpener;

Outside: Ford 1520 4x4 compact diesel tractor sn/27510, with 7108 front loader, 1085hrs; 3pt double bottom plow & slip scoop; 27 & 22 ton log splitters; Curtis V snow plow w/mount; skid steer track set & grapple; lg stainless steel tanks; 8.5x24ft Power Line Cargo enclosed V-Nose trailer with rear ramp door – sells w/reserve; 3pt chipper shredder; belt driven 3pt buzz saw; chainsaws; iron tractor & implement wheels; snow blowers; leaf blowers; JD 110 garden tractor w/snowblade & mow deck; JD 140 garden tractor w/snowblower, snowblade, belly grader blade & mow deck; bikes; auto body rotisserie stand; Everlast Storm Gray vinyl siding;

Boats:  07 Slyvan 12ft alum boat w/15hp Yamaha o/b, trolling motor, fish finder & trailer; 02 Montgomery 14ft alum boat with trailer; 98 Starcraft 14ft alum boat w/9.9 Mercury 4 stroke o/b, fish finder & trailer; square back canoe; other outboards;

Coins Plus More!

Watch website for updates & 100’s pictures. Hope to see you at the Auction! 

Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not  responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.


~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~
Greg & Donna Tuttle
Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.


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Estates & Moving AUCTION! Sat. Nov. 23, 2024 Mio 10am
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 23, 2024 Completed
Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.
File Attachments
Estates & Moving


Sat. Nov. 23, 2024 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.

To Include:

New recliners & reclining loveseat;1890s Davenport desk; flip top mahogany table; drop front desks; bunk & other bed frames; dressers & chests; cedar chests; dining table chair sets; china hutch and cabinets; rocking chairs; child size log table chair set & loveseat rocker; 70” Sharp TV; living room tables & lamps; clocks; area rugs; Heavy Duty Kitchen Aid mixer; Kitchenware; Pfaltzgraff dinnerware; flatware sets; cast iron cookware; elegant to everyday glassware; Singer 221 Featherweight, Imagine Baby Lock serger, Husqvarna 1+300 Anniversary embroidery w/reader, Pfaff 360 automatic, Janome My Excel 4018 & other sewing machines; quantity of buttons, threads, fabrics & sewing related; quilts; vintage postcards & photos; slate top pool table; beer mirrors; belt buckles; new mailboxes; pressed steel Mobo hobby horse; John Deere, Nascar & other toys; Christmas village & holiday décor; autographed baseballs & boxing photos; records; & more;

Special Interest: Pre 1910 leather, painted tin and 1910 porcelain matching number 1196 Michigan license plates; rare manufacturer size 1930 #1 and pair of #1 automobile license plates; 1976 Michigan #1 license plate; 1929 in trunk Chevy Coupe truck bed conversion; 1931 straight 6 Chevy engine w/transmission; other vintage auto parts;

Special Mention: Impressive 26” tall American Brilliant cut glass mushroom shade table lamp; lg 2 piece punch bowl; pitchers & unusual vase; 12 gal New England Malt & Hop Detroit advertising crock; Pool-ette coin operated pool table; 3’ concrete Indian Chief statue;

Pocket Watches: 1883 Elgin B.W. Raymond sz 18 15 jewel lever set railroad grade 70 sn/1091765 in 18kt gold hunt case inscribed Presented to Emment Sir Henry Stommel by the Officers and Members of Apollo Commandery Troy NY 1883;

1884 Elgin sz 16 lever set railroad grade 93 11 jewel with multicolor fancy dial, sn/1494172 in 14kt gold hunt case sn/7581C personalized Abner J. Teague;

1890 American Waltham sz 18 15 jewel with multicolor fancy dial lever set railroad grade 25 model 1883 sn/4338949 in 20yr gold hunt case sn/6221461;

1895 J.H. Washburn American Waltham sz 6s 16 jewel royal grade sn/6268019 in Essex C.W. Mfg C. gold hunt case sn/459317;

1908 Waltham model 1894 sz 12 15 jewel sn/16443492 in guaranteed permanently gold hunt case sn/1491514 inscribed 1913 from Father and Mother Lester Kono;

1905 South Bend sz 16 17 jewel lever set railroad grade with fancy dial sn/419911 in 20yr gold Panama hunt case sn/10728712; 

15” 27gram 10kt gold watch fob with Masonic Cross 10 & 14kt gold rings and estate jewelry;

Sportsman: Cabelas meat grinder; compound bows; deer feeders; fish rod reel sets; tackle boxes/full; boxes of new fishing tackle; cold weather wear; metal detector; ltd ed & other wildlife framed art; deer & antler mounts; gun cabinet; compound bows;

Guns; Colt Official Police 22LR 6 shot revolver 6” bar, sn/39666 mfg1954; Winchester 1897 slide action 12ga sn/396008 mfg1908; Remington Sportsman 48 semi auto 16ga sn/3525078; Remington model 1100 semi auto 12ga, engraved reciever, with extra slug barrel & extra pistol grip synthetic stock; Marlin 336 lever action carbine with scope; 1943 Lithgow Lee Enfield 303 british cal bolt action rifle;

Shop: sheet steel & other fabricating metal; metal storage rack; drill press; Bosch hammer drill; Milwaukee Porta-band saws; tool boxes; hand & power tools; shop carts; air compressors; drill press; generators; rolling stair case; power washer; shop vacs; torpedo heaters; ladders; Pacific clear water 2” gas powered pump; 55 gal drum 70% Isopropyl Alcohol; Powertran 3 phase transformer; 12 new industrial grinders; Darex drill sharpener;

Outside: Ford 1520 4x4 compact diesel tractor sn/27510, with 7108 front loader, 1085hrs; 3pt double bottom plow & slip scoop; 27 & 22 ton log splitters; Curtis V snow plow w/mount; skid steer track set & grapple; lg stainless steel tanks; 8.5x24ft Power Line Cargo enclosed V-Nose trailer with rear ramp door – sells w/reserve; 3pt chipper shredder; belt driven 3pt buzz saw; chainsaws; iron tractor & implement wheels; snow blowers; leaf blowers; JD 110 garden tractor w/snowblade & mow deck; JD 140 garden tractor w/snowblower, snowblade, belly grader blade & mow deck; bikes; auto body rotisserie stand; Everlast Storm Gray vinyl siding;

Boats:  07 Slyvan 12ft alum boat w/15hp Yamaha o/b, trolling motor, fish finder & trailer; 02 Montgomery 14ft alum boat with trailer; 98 Starcraft 14ft alum boat w/9.9 Mercury 4 stroke o/b, fish finder & trailer; square back canoe; other outboards;

Coins Plus More!

Watch website for updates & 100’s pictures. Hope to see you at the Auction! 

Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not  responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.


~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~
Greg & Donna Tuttle
Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.