Lester & Judy Nimmo - Living Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 736202

Sale Location

Buffalo, MO 65622
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 23, 2024 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information


Living Estate Auction

“Lester & Judy Nimmo”

1510 North Ash, Buffalo Mo. 65622,  

As we have sold our business (A – Frame Antiques) & retiring, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 23rd 10:00am 2024

Directions: Right on 65 hwy across from “Maple Lawn” cemetery.


1980s GMC Z-71 4x4 pickup (needs transmission - no title),



1.      Westernfield .22cal model EJN 807 bolt action rifle, 

2.      Marlin .22cal model 25N bolt action rifle,

3.      Glenfield .22cal model 60 semi auto rifle w/scope,

4.      Ruger “Blackhawk” .177cal air rifle,

5.      Thompson Center Ams .50cal Black Powder rifle,

6.      Swiss K31 7.5 model 31601 bolt action rifle,

7.      H&R .22cal Reising model 65 semi auto rifle,

8.      BPI .50cal black powder rifle, 

9.      High Point 9mm model 995 semi auto rifle,

10. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Forest Green),

11.  Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Blue),

12. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Pink),

13. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Black),

14. New England Arms .22cal “Hornet” Handi-rifle (w/bull barrel),

15. Winchester 12ga. model 25 pump shotgun,

16. ZABALA 12ga. double barrel shotgun,

17. Mossburg “Patriot” 25-06 bolt action w/synthetic stock & scope,

18. Winchester XPR 30-06 bolt action rifle,

19. CVA .50cal black powder rifle w/octagon barrel,

20. CVA “Hawken” .50cal black powder rifle,

21. Knight .50cal black powder rifle (assembly required),

22. Marlin 30-30 model 336 lever action rifle,

23. Marlin 30-30 model 336CS lever action rifle

24. Winchester .32 Win Special model 94 lever action,

25. CVA RV630 black powder 1858 Remington Army revolver in box,

26. Smith & Wesson Stainless .38 special revolver,

27. Glock 9mm model 932 pistol,

28. High Point .45acp model JHP semi auto pistol w/extra clip,

29. High Point .45acp semi auto pistol,

30. High Point 9mm Luger pistol,

31. Smith & Wesson .22cal model 22A-1 semi auto pistol,

32. Thompson Center Arms .22cal single shot w/tasco scope

33. Sig Saur 1911 .45cal w/4 clips, 


Lot Ammo

Cobra & Jennings compound bows,

Coins – lg lot proof sets,


Antiques, Collectibles & Misc.

Large lot Kerosene lamps, many Gone with the Wind (13+ Alladin), RR lanterns, butter churns,

lot wooden boxes w/graphics,

Large lot cast iron (Griswold, Wagner, Lodge, USA), large lot Crocks & jugs, lot mantel & kitchen clocks,

Ice Tongs, shoe last, meat grinders, lg lot mason jars, lot tins, misc. hanging lights, lot sad irons,

old vintage radios & turn tables, lot vintage rolling pins & kitchen utensils, Large lot enamel ware,

Head vases, chicken décor & figurines, lot Denim Days figurines, lot home interior, lot planters & vases,

Lot milk glass, lot handiwork, galvanized cans, oil cans, double oxen yoke,


Glass & Misc.

lot depression glass (all colors), lot collector plates, fiesta ware, lot Shawnee Corn King pottery,

lot Amethyst carnival glass, lot steins, leaded glass vases, APG, peach luster, Corning ware, Pyrex,

misc. china, lot ruby red, Vaseline, porcelain bells, porcelain dolls, lot silver plate flatware, horse collars,           

Lot taxidermy mounts (deer, elk, pheasant, turkey), Miller beer light, numerous brass items,

Antique pictures & wall art, lot wash boards, assorted floor & table lamps, lot wooden pop crates,    

Lot advertising serving trays, lot Christmas décor, burlap gunny sacks w/graphics, 48 star American flag,   


Antique Furniture & misc.

Queen Anne mahogany lowboy (Circa 1750), Vieforian Etagere Victorian display,

Wooden ice box w/top access, 5 - bent glass china hutchs, 3 - mirrored dressers, 6 - chest of drawers,

bow front dresser w/columns, 9 - glass front china hutches, two door lit china cabinet,

corner curio cabinet, washstands & stools, 2 - glass front display cases, grandmother clock,

Mirrored dresser w/marble insert & beach nut pulls, ornate mirrored dresser, waterfall vanity,

vanity w/round mirror, Edison victrola, treadle sewing machine, metal hamper, Mirrored wardrobe,

oak wardrobe, Birds Eye Maple wardrobe w/mirror, Wardrobe w/hide away secretary, jewelry armoire,

washstand, kitchen cabinet, cedar trunk, lot OCC tables, corner cabinet from Windyville store,  

Bent glass secretary w/mirror, lot sitting & rocking chairs, Sideboard, Tiger Oak mirrored buffet,

entry tables, glass front gun cabinet, display cases, spindle back rockers, antique school desk,

lot formal sitting chairs w/wood accents, 2 – metal storage cabinets, glass front display cabinets,

wood, metal & plastic shelves, Phillips 66 metal fuel can, lot coolers, water jugs, King wood stove, fans,

2 – horse drawn plows, 4 – sulky rakes (2 w/seats), lot mallard duck decoys, double tree,

double stall out house,  


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteLester & Judy have been at this location for 25+ yrs, There have been NO going out of business sales. Good quality Antiques (a true ANTIQUE store)

Auction begins at 10:00am we will go to TWO RINGs at 12:00 (Noon) guns & ammo in one and continuing on with Antiques in the other.

Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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Lester & Judy Nimmo - Living Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
1510 North Ash, 1510 North Ash
Buffalo, MO 65622
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 23, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details


Living Estate Auction

“Lester & Judy Nimmo”

1510 North Ash, Buffalo Mo. 65622,  

As we have sold our business (A – Frame Antiques) & retiring, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 23rd 10:00am 2024

Directions: Right on 65 hwy across from “Maple Lawn” cemetery.


1980s GMC Z-71 4x4 pickup (needs transmission - no title),



1.      Westernfield .22cal model EJN 807 bolt action rifle, 

2.      Marlin .22cal model 25N bolt action rifle,

3.      Glenfield .22cal model 60 semi auto rifle w/scope,

4.      Ruger “Blackhawk” .177cal air rifle,

5.      Thompson Center Ams .50cal Black Powder rifle,

6.      Swiss K31 7.5 model 31601 bolt action rifle,

7.      H&R .22cal Reising model 65 semi auto rifle,

8.      BPI .50cal black powder rifle, 

9.      High Point 9mm model 995 semi auto rifle,

10. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Forest Green),

11.  Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Blue),

12. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Pink),

13. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Black),

14. New England Arms .22cal “Hornet” Handi-rifle (w/bull barrel),

15. Winchester 12ga. model 25 pump shotgun,

16. ZABALA 12ga. double barrel shotgun,

17. Mossburg “Patriot” 25-06 bolt action w/synthetic stock & scope,

18. Winchester XPR 30-06 bolt action rifle,

19. CVA .50cal black powder rifle w/octagon barrel,

20. CVA “Hawken” .50cal black powder rifle,

21. Knight .50cal black powder rifle (assembly required),

22. Marlin 30-30 model 336 lever action rifle,

23. Marlin 30-30 model 336CS lever action rifle

24. Winchester .32 Win Special model 94 lever action,

25. CVA RV630 black powder 1858 Remington Army revolver in box,

26. Smith & Wesson Stainless .38 special revolver,

27. Glock 9mm model 932 pistol,

28. High Point .45acp model JHP semi auto pistol w/extra clip,

29. High Point .45acp semi auto pistol,

30. High Point 9mm Luger pistol,

31. Smith & Wesson .22cal model 22A-1 semi auto pistol,

32. Thompson Center Arms .22cal single shot w/tasco scope

33. Sig Saur 1911 .45cal w/4 clips, 


Lot Ammo

Cobra & Jennings compound bows,

Coins – lg lot proof sets,


Antiques, Collectibles & Misc.

Large lot Kerosene lamps, many Gone with the Wind (13+ Alladin), RR lanterns, butter churns,

lot wooden boxes w/graphics,

Large lot cast iron (Griswold, Wagner, Lodge, USA), large lot Crocks & jugs, lot mantel & kitchen clocks,

Ice Tongs, shoe last, meat grinders, lg lot mason jars, lot tins, misc. hanging lights, lot sad irons,

old vintage radios & turn tables, lot vintage rolling pins & kitchen utensils, Large lot enamel ware,

Head vases, chicken décor & figurines, lot Denim Days figurines, lot home interior, lot planters & vases,

Lot milk glass, lot handiwork, galvanized cans, oil cans, double oxen yoke,


Glass & Misc.

lot depression glass (all colors), lot collector plates, fiesta ware, lot Shawnee Corn King pottery,

lot Amethyst carnival glass, lot steins, leaded glass vases, APG, peach luster, Corning ware, Pyrex,

misc. china, lot ruby red, Vaseline, porcelain bells, porcelain dolls, lot silver plate flatware, horse collars,           

Lot taxidermy mounts (deer, elk, pheasant, turkey), Miller beer light, numerous brass items,

Antique pictures & wall art, lot wash boards, assorted floor & table lamps, lot wooden pop crates,    

Lot advertising serving trays, lot Christmas décor, burlap gunny sacks w/graphics, 48 star American flag,   


Antique Furniture & misc.

Queen Anne mahogany lowboy (Circa 1750), Vieforian Etagere Victorian display,

Wooden ice box w/top access, 5 - bent glass china hutchs, 3 - mirrored dressers, 6 - chest of drawers,

bow front dresser w/columns, 9 - glass front china hutches, two door lit china cabinet,

corner curio cabinet, washstands & stools, 2 - glass front display cases, grandmother clock,

Mirrored dresser w/marble insert & beach nut pulls, ornate mirrored dresser, waterfall vanity,

vanity w/round mirror, Edison victrola, treadle sewing machine, metal hamper, Mirrored wardrobe,

oak wardrobe, Birds Eye Maple wardrobe w/mirror, Wardrobe w/hide away secretary, jewelry armoire,

washstand, kitchen cabinet, cedar trunk, lot OCC tables, corner cabinet from Windyville store,  

Bent glass secretary w/mirror, lot sitting & rocking chairs, Sideboard, Tiger Oak mirrored buffet,

entry tables, glass front gun cabinet, display cases, spindle back rockers, antique school desk,

lot formal sitting chairs w/wood accents, 2 – metal storage cabinets, glass front display cabinets,

wood, metal & plastic shelves, Phillips 66 metal fuel can, lot coolers, water jugs, King wood stove, fans,

2 – horse drawn plows, 4 – sulky rakes (2 w/seats), lot mallard duck decoys, double tree,

double stall out house,  


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteLester & Judy have been at this location for 25+ yrs, There have been NO going out of business sales. Good quality Antiques (a true ANTIQUE store)

Auction begins at 10:00am we will go to TWO RINGs at 12:00 (Noon) guns & ammo in one and continuing on with Antiques in the other.

Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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Lester & Judy Nimmo - Living Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 23, 2024 Completed
Sale Location

Buffalo, MO 65622
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com


Living Estate Auction

“Lester & Judy Nimmo”

1510 North Ash, Buffalo Mo. 65622,  

As we have sold our business (A – Frame Antiques) & retiring, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 23rd 10:00am 2024

Directions: Right on 65 hwy across from “Maple Lawn” cemetery.


1980s GMC Z-71 4x4 pickup (needs transmission - no title),



1.      Westernfield .22cal model EJN 807 bolt action rifle, 

2.      Marlin .22cal model 25N bolt action rifle,

3.      Glenfield .22cal model 60 semi auto rifle w/scope,

4.      Ruger “Blackhawk” .177cal air rifle,

5.      Thompson Center Ams .50cal Black Powder rifle,

6.      Swiss K31 7.5 model 31601 bolt action rifle,

7.      H&R .22cal Reising model 65 semi auto rifle,

8.      BPI .50cal black powder rifle, 

9.      High Point 9mm model 995 semi auto rifle,

10. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Forest Green),

11.  Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Blue),

12. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Pink),

13. Savage .22cal “Rascal” bolt action rifle (Black),

14. New England Arms .22cal “Hornet” Handi-rifle (w/bull barrel),

15. Winchester 12ga. model 25 pump shotgun,

16. ZABALA 12ga. double barrel shotgun,

17. Mossburg “Patriot” 25-06 bolt action w/synthetic stock & scope,

18. Winchester XPR 30-06 bolt action rifle,

19. CVA .50cal black powder rifle w/octagon barrel,

20. CVA “Hawken” .50cal black powder rifle,

21. Knight .50cal black powder rifle (assembly required),

22. Marlin 30-30 model 336 lever action rifle,

23. Marlin 30-30 model 336CS lever action rifle

24. Winchester .32 Win Special model 94 lever action,

25. CVA RV630 black powder 1858 Remington Army revolver in box,

26. Smith & Wesson Stainless .38 special revolver,

27. Glock 9mm model 932 pistol,

28. High Point .45acp model JHP semi auto pistol w/extra clip,

29. High Point .45acp semi auto pistol,

30. High Point 9mm Luger pistol,

31. Smith & Wesson .22cal model 22A-1 semi auto pistol,

32. Thompson Center Arms .22cal single shot w/tasco scope

33. Sig Saur 1911 .45cal w/4 clips, 


Lot Ammo

Cobra & Jennings compound bows,

Coins – lg lot proof sets,


Antiques, Collectibles & Misc.

Large lot Kerosene lamps, many Gone with the Wind (13+ Alladin), RR lanterns, butter churns,

lot wooden boxes w/graphics,

Large lot cast iron (Griswold, Wagner, Lodge, USA), large lot Crocks & jugs, lot mantel & kitchen clocks,

Ice Tongs, shoe last, meat grinders, lg lot mason jars, lot tins, misc. hanging lights, lot sad irons,

old vintage radios & turn tables, lot vintage rolling pins & kitchen utensils, Large lot enamel ware,

Head vases, chicken décor & figurines, lot Denim Days figurines, lot home interior, lot planters & vases,

Lot milk glass, lot handiwork, galvanized cans, oil cans, double oxen yoke,


Glass & Misc.

lot depression glass (all colors), lot collector plates, fiesta ware, lot Shawnee Corn King pottery,

lot Amethyst carnival glass, lot steins, leaded glass vases, APG, peach luster, Corning ware, Pyrex,

misc. china, lot ruby red, Vaseline, porcelain bells, porcelain dolls, lot silver plate flatware, horse collars,           

Lot taxidermy mounts (deer, elk, pheasant, turkey), Miller beer light, numerous brass items,

Antique pictures & wall art, lot wash boards, assorted floor & table lamps, lot wooden pop crates,    

Lot advertising serving trays, lot Christmas décor, burlap gunny sacks w/graphics, 48 star American flag,   


Antique Furniture & misc.

Queen Anne mahogany lowboy (Circa 1750), Vieforian Etagere Victorian display,

Wooden ice box w/top access, 5 - bent glass china hutchs, 3 - mirrored dressers, 6 - chest of drawers,

bow front dresser w/columns, 9 - glass front china hutches, two door lit china cabinet,

corner curio cabinet, washstands & stools, 2 - glass front display cases, grandmother clock,

Mirrored dresser w/marble insert & beach nut pulls, ornate mirrored dresser, waterfall vanity,

vanity w/round mirror, Edison victrola, treadle sewing machine, metal hamper, Mirrored wardrobe,

oak wardrobe, Birds Eye Maple wardrobe w/mirror, Wardrobe w/hide away secretary, jewelry armoire,

washstand, kitchen cabinet, cedar trunk, lot OCC tables, corner cabinet from Windyville store,  

Bent glass secretary w/mirror, lot sitting & rocking chairs, Sideboard, Tiger Oak mirrored buffet,

entry tables, glass front gun cabinet, display cases, spindle back rockers, antique school desk,

lot formal sitting chairs w/wood accents, 2 – metal storage cabinets, glass front display cabinets,

wood, metal & plastic shelves, Phillips 66 metal fuel can, lot coolers, water jugs, King wood stove, fans,

2 – horse drawn plows, 4 – sulky rakes (2 w/seats), lot mallard duck decoys, double tree,

double stall out house,  


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer NoteLester & Judy have been at this location for 25+ yrs, There have been NO going out of business sales. Good quality Antiques (a true ANTIQUE store)

Auction begins at 10:00am we will go to TWO RINGs at 12:00 (Noon) guns & ammo in one and continuing on with Antiques in the other.

Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389