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Delores & the Late Robert Dieckman
Listing ID#: 736188
Sale Location |
Cole Camp, MO 65325 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Nov 2, 2024 Completed |
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Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
Estate Auction “Delores & the Late Robert Dieckman” 17764 Hwy W, Cole Camp Mo. 65325 we will sell the following at public Auction on: Saturday November 2nd 10:00am 2024 Directions: From Cole Camp go East on 52 hwy 7 miles to Hwy W turn Right (South) 0n W go 1 Mile to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.
Vehicles 1999 Ford F-150 4x4 4spd manual regular cab 4.2 liter V6 38k miles, 2015 Chevrolet “Silverado” 4x4 4-door V8 39k miles, 2007 Chevrolet Silverado V8 2x4 4-door 149k miles, 1979 Chevrolet Caprise Classic (parts)
Firearms Springfield 12ga. 3” chamber pump shotgun, Mossberg 20ga pump shot gun, Mossberg model 46B 22cal semi auto rifle, Diamond Arms single shot - shot gun, Japanese bolt action 6.5cal war rifle
Tractors, Equipment Household & Misc. John Deere 5200 diesel tractor dual hyd. 3336hrs., John Deere 4230 w/cab & 148 loader dual remotes, 8,339hrs, Oliver 1850 gas tractor w/Oliver loader, 2 - Allis Chalmers WDs one w/AC loader (both w/good rubber), Allis Chalmers mounted cultivator for WD, Allis Chalmers WD 45 mounted Sycle bar mower, Allis Chalmers “All Crop” pull type combine (Barn kept MUST SEE) 3 - Allis Chalmers “All Crop” pull type combines (for parts), Kiawana 10’ pull type disk, Allis Chalmers round baler, bumper hitch trailer, 3pt. Servis HD 8’ blade, Herds 3pt seeder, John Deere 335 big round baler (kept in barn), John Deere 14T square baler, John Deere 973 grain wagon w/hoist & side racks, John Deere drag harrow 2 sections, Heston 3971 8 wheel rake, Adco 3710 Heston two basket Tedder, New Holland 56 Side delivery rake, John Deere LM manure spreader (must see), 4’x10’ trailer, 4’x8’ trailer, 5 - hay wagons w/factory running gears, 6’ 3pt rotary mower, 3pt. bale skid, 3pt. Danuser posthole digger w/12” auger, 3 – pull type sickle bar mowers, 2 - 3pt. John Deere No.8 sickle bar mowers, field cultivator, 3pt. two bottom plow, John Deere Van Brunt 10’ 13 hole grain drill w/small seed attachment, plastic bale ring, Lot metal bale rings all condition & styles, 12’ flatbed trailer, lg poly water tank, concrete mixer, numerous bale spikes all styles, dirt tumble bug, Metal slide in stock racks for pick-up, 3 – fuel tanks on stands, 6’ fiberglass step ladder, lot wire cattle panels, lot 45+ pipe cattle panels, lot SS electric fence wire, Stihl chain saws (MS 171, 211c, 390, 066, 290, 390), Generac 135 generator, AC Delco 22gal upright compressor, wooden wagon racks, lot cinder blocks, Peter Wright 125# anvil, heavy 6” bench vise, free standing Craftsman drill press, Ariens tiller, Hay rings, LARGE lot native lumber (many 2”x6”x12’), lg lot used barn tin, lot galvanized & plastic water tanks, lot steel cable, lot long handled tools, “The Clipper” seed & grain cleaner, lot vintage cans & tins many w/good graphics, chicken feeders, Lot Lg saw blades, air tools, air bubble, lg lot used T-post, lg lot new fence clips, HUGE lot scrap iron, squirrel cage fan, draw bars, ammo cans, old crosscut saws, lot metal fuel & oil cans, Kenmore side by side refrigerator, Kenmore cross top refrigerator, LG washer, Amana dryer, 2 – “Elk Pine” wood stoves (made in Cole Camp, Charter Oak wood stove, Sears parlor stove, Phillips 65” TV, 3 – upholstered lift chairs, oak display cabinet, chest of drawers, antique china cabinet, antique kitchen cabinet, antique dresser, iron bed, 2,3,5 & 6 gal Western crocks, lot canning jars, mirrored wardrobe, ornate curved glass drop front secretary, washstand, kitchen cabinets, library table, antique buffet, pie safe, cedar trunks, Maytag N2L wringer washer, Formica & Chrome table & chairs, lot misc. glass of all types (yet to be found), infrared heater, lot pots, pans and kitchen ware,
Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention *Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.
Auctioneer Note: This is a VERY LARGE auction. The farm has been in the Family for 100+ yrs so many treasures yet to unpack from 2 homes & 13 outbuildings. We will go to TWO rings at 12:00pm (Trucks will sell at this time) then one ring will take a walk & sell tractors, equipment scrap iron & misc. The other will continue selling Household, Misc. & antiques. Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal” Johnson Auction Service “Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942” Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067 Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389 |
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