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Fuller Estate AUCTION! Sat. Sept. 28, 2024 10am Rose City, MI
Listing ID#: 724984
Sale Location |
Rose City, MI 48654 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Sep 28, 2024 Completed |
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LETS TALK AUCTION COMPANY Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle Phone: 989-848-5158 Email: Website: ID#: 6482 View company information and listings |
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Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.
Listing Information |
Fuller Estate AUCTION! Sat. Sept. 28, 2024 10AM Rose City, MI. 48654
Preview 9:00AM Day of Sale To Include: Round oak claw foot dining table w/4 chairs; Corelle & assorted kitchenware; Reed & Barton stainless flatware set; cookware; cookbooks; canning jars; tall “S” oak roll top desks; oak file cabinets; bookcases; books; records; sofa & loveseat sofa; living room tables & lamps; oak curio cabinets; beds, dressers & linens; cedar wardrobe; upright freezer; frig; vacuums; general household; holiday décor; cold weather wear; Singerland snare drum; utility shelves & cabinets; 1986 Knight Ryder “K.I.T.T.” car w/original box; Tonka Turbine semi-trucks; Cat RC loader & dump truck; misc toys; BB & air rifles; US M5 bayonet w/M8A1 scabbard; fish rods & tackle boxes; CB radios; John Deere mailbox & collectibles;
Special Interest: Leslie #25s 360 degree 4 train/locomotive horns early warning set-up; other air & auto horns; Bevin Bells 10” boxing ring bell; Ice King fan powered ice/snow one person 3 ski sled w/custom trailer; 1968 & 1971 Ski-Doo snowmobiles; 1988 Yamaha Razz moped scooter; 1950s Porter Cable reartine tiller; 1800’s large hand dovetailed immigrant/settler’s trunk;
Shop: Campbell 220v upright & other air compressors; pneumatic tools; rolling tool chests; Too Many hand tools to list!; Hobart T-300 welder; Chicago MG-100 & Uno Mig welders; cutting torch w/tanks & cart; fiber wheel cut-off saw; lg A frame rolling engine hoist; Black Hawk pneumatic one end auto lift; floor & hi-lift jacks; stands & car ramps; rolling shop carts; workbench w/vise; bench grinders; 55lb anvil; pipe wrenches & Ridgid portable pipe vise stand; sandblast cabinet; portable sandblaster; shop vac; nut/bolt cabinets – full; 6K lb pallet dolly; appliance cart; table, compound miter, scroll & other saws; generators; fluids, oils & shop supplies; electrical wire & related; well pumps; old license plates; hub caps; misc car parts; tarps;
Outside:1988 gas powered Club Car golf cart; Exmark Lazer Z zero turn 23hp mower w/60” deck & Ultra Vac bag system; Massey Ferguson 10hp garden tractor w/snowblower; pull behind lawn wheel rake de-thatcher; Brinly pull behind lawn trailer, sweeper & broadcast spreaders; 5hp Junior & 8hp Horse Troy Bilt tillers; Toro push mower; MTD & Craftsman chipper/vacs; lawn rollers; North Star 12v orchard sprayer; lawn edger & line trimmers; Craftsman 9hp 2 stage & other snow blowers; Hotsy model 100 hot water power washer; Simpson power washer; garden hose reels & outdoor sink station; 2) single axle open trailers; misc lumber & building related; lawn décor; lawn/garden tools; gas cans; wrought iron patio table w/chairs; modern porch loveseat glider w/chairs; BBQ; Martin & other birdhouses; Zon LP bird cannons; bicycles; steel runner sleds; toboggan; ladders; live traps;
Tractors/Implements: 2021 Mahindra 3016HST 4WD compact diesel tractor w/front loader, only 90hrs-like new!; 1962 John Deere 2010 tractor; Ford N Series tractor w/4 sp transmission; Horst 56” stone fork rock bucket; CO-OP Black Hawk 2 row corn planter;
3 Point Items - MK Martin Ent Meteor 6’ two stage snow thrower; Ford 105 48” rototiller; Ford Special 951 5’ brush hog; 6’ Flail mower; 7’ back blade; Taylor Way 6’ landscape rake; hay spear; boom; log chains; Plus More! Expect Surprises!
Auctioneer’s Note: The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned by Geraldine (Geri) Fuller to sell no longer needed items of her late husband, Ken Fuller, as she prepares to move closer to family. Check website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction! Running 2 rings w/Aden Yoder, assisting auctioneer.
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 5% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.
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