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(Merle Reaves) Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 720563
Sale Location |
Warsaw , MO 65355 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Sep 21, 2024 Completed |
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Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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Estate Auction “Merle Reaves” 905 Elm Drive Warsaw Mo. 65355 we will sell the following at public Auction on: Saturday September 21st 10:00am 2024
Directions: From East Main & Elm St. intersection (Maples Ford) go North on Elm St to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on Sale Day.
Westernfield 12ga pump shotgun model XNH-560-8A Crosman 760 Pumpmaster air rifle, DeMoulin Bros & Co. officers sword, 3 – original “Slave Tags” (must see, real history) LARGE coin collection (detailed list below)
Household & Misc. Kenmore washer & dryer, 5pc. queen size bedroom set, antique secretary, 4pc. Queen size French provincial bedroom set, upholstered wing back chair, Cherry china hutch w/drop front secretary drawer, dual reclining upholstered sofa, barrister style bookcase, upholstered recliner, mid-century modern love seat w/wicker inserts, coffee & end table set, Rolling kitchen island, mirrored buffet, sofa table, lit curio cabinet, Early American wooden love seat, camel back trunk, lot misc. occ tables, 50” TV, microwave, misc. floor & table lamps, kerosene lamps, lot misc. cut & pressed clear glass, misc. antique plates & glass, lg set Haviland china, Moon & stars, punch bowl set, pitcher & glass sets, lot assorted vases, 6gal “Blue Ribbon” crock w/lid, 3gal. “Crown” crock w/lid, lot misc. mirrors & wall art, hand painted “Gone with the Wind” lamp, blue cut to clear vase, lot glass paper weights, antique hanging lamp w/hand painted shade & prisms, lg wicker sewing basket, Garrett metal detector, lot fabric & sewing notions, lot cookbooks, lot vintage playboy magazines, antique kitchen clock, two old beam scales, regulator wall clock, lot walking sticks & canes, misc. long handled tools, misc. hand tools, bench top drill press, lot misc. fishing poles & tackle, bird bath & yard décor, 4pc. cast patio set, glass top patio table w/4 chairs & cushions, 4 – expanded metal spring chairs,
List of Coins 1878 Morgan Silver Dollar, 2pc book set, 1898 Silver Barber quarter, 1909 first yr of issue (Lincoln Wheat pennies), 1912 Liberty nickel 1pc card set, 1912 Liberty Nickel 1935 Buffalo Nickel – Black diamond, 1943 Lincoln Steel penny nitmar collection: D,P,S, 1943 Steel penny card 3pc set, 1987 JFK half dollar set, scarce key dates, 19th & 20th century Indian head pennies, 1899 & 1907, 2014 JFK half-dollar card, 2017 last coin set half-dollar, 1 dollar, 2017 last coin set 2 half-dollar, 2 dollar, 2018 last coin set, 1 half-dollar, 1 dollar, 2018 lost coins never released – Native American & JFK half-dollar (X2), 2018 silver eagles (2), 2019 JFK half-dollar card, AACGS, 5 years Liberty Head nickels 1902-1906 (3), 5 yrs Buffalo Head Nickels 1934-1938, Bag of wheat pennies, Bicentennial collection, Buffalo Nickel collection, Coins of America, 4 Indian head 1 cent pcs, Complete 2019 US coin set, Complete set of US Liberty coins (box set), 11pc. half-dollar mini rolls (2), First decade Indian head 1 cent, Liberty head 5 cent, First New York penny (Dutch copper Duit), Four Centuries of American silver dollar set: 1794, 1889, 1922, 2016, Four decade set of uncirculated New Orleans Mint Morgan Silver Dollars box set, 25 - gold flake vials, Historic US coins 81 pc. set, JFK Bicentennial half-dollar 1776-1976, JFK half-dollar card, 2pc. set (2), JFK half-dollar card, 3pc set, JFK half dollar never released circulation (P,D) JFK inaugural address replica, 1961, KC Chiefs 12pc set, Last Buffalo card 3pc. set, Last Large silver certificate 1pc set, Mini box 1pc. half-dollar, Native American coin & stamp collection, New Orleans silver barber dime, Non-silver dollars (58), Non-silver half-dollars (11), One year rarities box set, 11pc set, One year rarities in Brilliant Uncerculated condition (box set), Quarter collection box set, Rare nickels of 20th century: 1910 & 11 liberty head, 1926 buffalo nickel (x2), Rare pennies collection, Rare silver Rosevelt dime – SF mint (x3), Rare US dimes: barber 1916, mercury 1912, Roaring 20s silver quarter 1pc set, Roll 2005 nickels, Roll copper Lincoln pennies (x3), Roll of buffalo nickels, Silver barber dime & quarter, 1912 & 08, Silver dollar rolls (7), Silver dollars (6), Silver standing art, 1 box, Single silver dollars (3) Ten 02 silver bars (2), The last US half-cent coin set (box), Three coin silver dollar set (2), Unique liberty coin & stamp collection: 1908 nickel, 1942 silver merc dime, Unique one year rarities coin collection: 1943 penny, 2004 nickel, 1975 quarter & half dollar, US mint proof set 1995, US proof sets – 1972, 74, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, & 87 US coins 19th 15pc set, Various individual packaged coins, Visible P mint mark collection (2017 Lincoln penny, Jefferson war time nickels),
Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention *Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.
Auctioneer Note: going to be a great Auction something for everyone, We will be selling coins in a second ring at 11:00am. Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal”
Johnson Auction Service “Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942” Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067 Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389
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