Michael Shook Estate & Others Auction
Listing ID#: 703975

Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Jul 13, 2024 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Email: merv@priceleffler.com
Website: priceleffler.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 10444
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Information
Michael Shook Estate  & Others Auction
Sat., July 13, 2024 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953
2002 Ford F-150XL, 5 Speed, 6 Cylinder, 154K miles, Runs & Drives Good - Furniture - Antique Furniture - Household - Gold Rings, Jewelry, Costume Jewelry - Silver Dollars, Other Silver Coins - Twenty Plus Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Revolvers - Gun Accessories - Ford Signs & Ford Model Photos - Singer Featherweight - Beatles, Elvis, Johnny Cash & Other Albums - Marion #11 Iron Skillet - Lots of Camping Equipment & Supplies - Lawn & Garden Equipment - Power & Hand Tools - More!

We have a room full of furniture as usual including a beautiful grandfather clock, bedroom suites, dining room suites, power recliner and other chairs, reversible top game table, tables, dressers, chests of drawers, fireplace, lots of household including small appliances, pictures, lots of 10K & 14K gold rings, jewelry and costume jewelry, silver dollars and other silver coins, twenty plus guns, rifles, pistols and revolvers, other gun accessories, Marion #11 iron skillet, Longaberger, Mary Gregory, quilts, Singer Featherweight sewing machine, 45s & long play records, Pepsi crates, hundreds of arrow heads & pieces, Indian artifacts, ceramic Christmas tree, large IU collection, scores of Ford signs, Ford clock, Ford auto photos, Beatles, Johnny Cash, Elvis and scores of other albums, lots of children's story books, nice croquet set, and tables full of collectibles and much more! Rankin Delux LP double burner commercial grill, Spacesaver drawing table, Lots of camping equipment, tent, Coleman firepit, JD power mower, rear tine tiller, trash pump w/discharge hoses, lots of storage bins with bolt inventory, tree trimmers, salamander, hand and power tools, wrenches, tool chests and hundreds of other items!
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Marion, IN

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Michael Shook Estate & Others Auction

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Sale Location
5243 S Adams Street
Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Jul 13, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Details
Michael Shook Estate  & Others Auction
Sat., July 13, 2024 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953
2002 Ford F-150XL, 5 Speed, 6 Cylinder, 154K miles, Runs & Drives Good - Furniture - Antique Furniture - Household - Gold Rings, Jewelry, Costume Jewelry - Silver Dollars, Other Silver Coins - Twenty Plus Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Revolvers - Gun Accessories - Ford Signs & Ford Model Photos - Singer Featherweight - Beatles, Elvis, Johnny Cash & Other Albums - Marion #11 Iron Skillet - Lots of Camping Equipment & Supplies - Lawn & Garden Equipment - Power & Hand Tools - More!

We have a room full of furniture as usual including a beautiful grandfather clock, bedroom suites, dining room suites, power recliner and other chairs, reversible top game table, tables, dressers, chests of drawers, fireplace, lots of household including small appliances, pictures, lots of 10K & 14K gold rings, jewelry and costume jewelry, silver dollars and other silver coins, twenty plus guns, rifles, pistols and revolvers, other gun accessories, Marion #11 iron skillet, Longaberger, Mary Gregory, quilts, Singer Featherweight sewing machine, 45s & long play records, Pepsi crates, hundreds of arrow heads & pieces, Indian artifacts, ceramic Christmas tree, large IU collection, scores of Ford signs, Ford clock, Ford auto photos, Beatles, Johnny Cash, Elvis and scores of other albums, lots of children's story books, nice croquet set, and tables full of collectibles and much more! Rankin Delux LP double burner commercial grill, Spacesaver drawing table, Lots of camping equipment, tent, Coleman firepit, JD power mower, rear tine tiller, trash pump w/discharge hoses, lots of storage bins with bolt inventory, tree trimmers, salamander, hand and power tools, wrenches, tool chests and hundreds of other items!
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Michael Shook Estate & Others Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Jul 13, 2024 Completed
Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Email: merv@priceleffler.com
Website: priceleffler.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
File Attachments
Michael Shook Estate  & Others Auction
Sat., July 13, 2024 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953
2002 Ford F-150XL, 5 Speed, 6 Cylinder, 154K miles, Runs & Drives Good - Furniture - Antique Furniture - Household - Gold Rings, Jewelry, Costume Jewelry - Silver Dollars, Other Silver Coins - Twenty Plus Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Revolvers - Gun Accessories - Ford Signs & Ford Model Photos - Singer Featherweight - Beatles, Elvis, Johnny Cash & Other Albums - Marion #11 Iron Skillet - Lots of Camping Equipment & Supplies - Lawn & Garden Equipment - Power & Hand Tools - More!

We have a room full of furniture as usual including a beautiful grandfather clock, bedroom suites, dining room suites, power recliner and other chairs, reversible top game table, tables, dressers, chests of drawers, fireplace, lots of household including small appliances, pictures, lots of 10K & 14K gold rings, jewelry and costume jewelry, silver dollars and other silver coins, twenty plus guns, rifles, pistols and revolvers, other gun accessories, Marion #11 iron skillet, Longaberger, Mary Gregory, quilts, Singer Featherweight sewing machine, 45s & long play records, Pepsi crates, hundreds of arrow heads & pieces, Indian artifacts, ceramic Christmas tree, large IU collection, scores of Ford signs, Ford clock, Ford auto photos, Beatles, Johnny Cash, Elvis and scores of other albums, lots of children's story books, nice croquet set, and tables full of collectibles and much more! Rankin Delux LP double burner commercial grill, Spacesaver drawing table, Lots of camping equipment, tent, Coleman firepit, JD power mower, rear tine tiller, trash pump w/discharge hoses, lots of storage bins with bolt inventory, tree trimmers, salamander, hand and power tools, wrenches, tool chests and hundreds of other items!