June 25 2024 Equipment Auction
Listing ID#: 695986

Sale Location

LEOLA, PA 17602
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024 Completed
Sale Type
   Live with Online Auction 
Company Information
Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Email: wolgemuth-auct@juno.com
Website: www.wolgemuth-auction.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 5844
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Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
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Equipment Consignment Auction

Tuesday, JUNE 25, 2024, 8:30am


Currently accepting Consignments!  Selling from Two Auction Rings!


TRACTORS:  John Deere:  JD 7230 Premium Cab H/A 4WD Dsl; JD 6403 Cab 4WD w/JD 542 Ldr; JD 6300 Cab 4WD Dsl Power Quad; JD 5100E 4WD; JD 5093 E Cab w/Ldr 4WD, LHR; JD 5083E Cab 4WD Dsl; JD 5045 D 2WD Dsl w/Canopy; JD 4320 Cab H/A LHR 4WD w/Ldr; JD 3020; JD 2755 Cab, w/146 Ldr; JD 2640; JD 2520 w/Ldr/Mower Deck 4WD; JD L: JD L w/Cultivators;  International: CIH MXM120 Cab H/A LHR 4WD w/Duals; CIH MX100C Cab w/Ldr 4WD Dsl; Case IH 5250 Dsl Cab 4WD; CIH 265 Offset w/ Canopy & Cultivators Dsl; IH 1586; Farmall 656; Farmall 450 Dsl; Farmall 130 2WD Gas; Farmall Cub; IH Cub w/snowplow & chains; NH/Ford NH T6030 Delta; NH T5040  4WD Dual Remotes; NH TT60A w/Canopy; NH TC30 w/Ldr 4WD, HST ROPS; Ford 3430 Cab 2WD Dsl; Ford 3000 Gas; Ford 1300 Dsl; Ford 3600; NH TN90F Cab 2WD; Kubota: Kubota M4900 Dsl; Kubota L4400 4WD, showing 1194 hrs; Kubota LX3310 HSD 4WD; Kubota L3902 HST 4WD Utility Tractor HST w/ LA526 Ldr, QA 67” Bucket & 3pt 540 PTO; Kubota 9540: Kubota L2850 4WD w/Ldr; Kubota 105S Dsl; Massey Ferguson: MF 4610 Cab w/DL260 Ldr, 4WD; MF 1135 Dsl; MF 1105; MF 690 Cab 2WD Dsl; MF 165 Cab w/ldr Dsl; MF 255 Cab w/ldr Dsl; MF 204 w/Ldr; MF 165; MF 50 w/Ldr, Gas; Kioti: Kioti LB2614 4WD Dsl, ROPS; Kioti DS4510 4WD Dsl; Other: Challenger MT465B Cab 2WD; Ringo 5000; Zetor Proxima 85 4WD; Yanmar 336 w/Bucket & Backhoe 4WD Dsl; Zetor Proxima 85 4WD; Zetor Proxima 90 4WD; Oliver 55 w/cab; SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP Clearing 110 Ton OBI Press; CAT 908H Wheel Loader Dsl 4WD; JLG 3394RT Scissor Lift; Ingersoll Rand DD70 Black Top Roller; CAT IT18 Wheel Ldr, Dsl, Cab; Kubota L5412 Backhoe; Bobcat T550 SSL OROPS Dsl; Allis Fiat 76L Dsl Wheel Loader; Case 430 Dsl Skid Ldr, C/H/A; Manitou MVT1130L Telehandler; Ford 4500 TLB Dsl Canopy; Ford 786B 3pt Road Grading Attach.; Merlo P28.7EVT Telehandler; Sweepster PB60 QA Broom; Skyjack 4626 Scissor Lift; Skyjack 4626 Scissor Lift;  NH L190; Brush Bandit 250 Wood Chipper; Wood Chuck Hi-Roller 1200 12” Wood Chipper; Ditch Witch 1420 Trencher; Mustang 2044 Skid Ldr; Mighty Ox Wood Chipper; Bradco C11 SS Backhoe; Crafco Spray Injection Patcher; Handy HSG31 Stump Grinder; Handy HSSG27 Stump Grinder; AC Snap coupler Grader Blade; OMC 3pt Backhoe; Arps 3pt Backhoe w/Pump; Howard 5’ HR20 Rototiller; Toft Exc. Ripper; Toft Scrap Shear; MAC 800G Heater on Trailer; New: SS Reg & Grapple Buckets; Trencher; Sweepers; Angle Broom; Rototillers; Pallet Forks; Fork Extensions; Tree Shears; 4 in 1 Bucket; Landscape Rake; Brush Cutters; Tillers; QA Plates; SS Post Hole Digger; Chippers; Cement Mixers; Tool Chests; Mobile Bathroom Unit; Traffic Cones; Work Tool Benches; FARM EQUIPMENT: Balers/Wrappers: MF 46 Round Baler; Kubota BV4160 Round Baler w/net Wrap & Monitor; Case IH RB454 Round Baler; NH 450 Round Baler (Burnt); NH RF440 Round Baler; JD 336 w/Kicker; JD 582 Round Baler Silage Special; Vermeer 605 Super G Baler; NH 316; Misc Hay Equip: Miller Pro 7914 Hay Merger; NH 144 Hay Inverter; Tedders: Kuhn GF5001 Hyd Fold; Kuhn B2168; Kuhn 930056; NH 256 Side Delivery; NH 162; Hesston 3717 4 Star; Agco 4 Star; Fella TH 540 T Pull 4B; NH 163 4 Star; Rakes: NH 256: Morra Hyd Fold 4 Star Tedder; JD 660 Dolly Wheel; NH 255; JD 660; NH 258 w/Dolly Wheel; JD 660 Dolly Wheel; NH 256; NH 56; NH 256; Haybines/Discbines: Vermeer M8040 3pt 10’ Disc Mower; NH 499 Haybine; Bush Hog 2408 Disc Mower; MF2260 3pt Disc Mower; IH 990 7’ Haybine; NH 462 Disc Mower; Fella SM320 12’ Disc Mower; NH 499 Planters:  Ford 309 2R; JD 94 4R; JD 494A 4R; Ford 2R 3pt; JD 2R 3pt; IH 3pt 2R; JD 3pt; NH Transplanter w/Water (New); Manure Spreaders: Artex SB600 Vertical Beater; NI 17; Knight 8014; NI 3726; Better Built Tank Spreader; Mowers: JD MX8 Pull Type Rotary Mower; Bush Hog Ditch/Bank Mower; JD MX6 3pt 72” Mower; Alamo Batwing Rotary 15’; NH 451 3pt Sickle Bar; JD 1018 Rotary Mower; Bush Hog 3210 10’ Rotary Mower; NI 279 Flail Mower; JD 350 Sickle;   Grinders/Mixers: Jay Lor 525T Mixer; Jay Lor 4650 Mixer; Farmhand 822 Grinder Mixer; Wagons J&M Bin; 16’ Hay Wagon; Plows: JD 3pt 5B Disc Plow; IH 5B Spring Reset Plow; Deerborn 2B; IH 3B; White 3pt 3B Spring Reset; JD L Plows; Sprayers: IVA 300 Gal Sprayer Grain Drills:  JD 8200 Grain Drill; Ontario Double Disc Drill; IH 10 Grain Drill; Harvesting: NH 901 6R Corn Head; Tillage: Vicon 3pt Power Harrow; Krouse 2486 NR 24’ Disc; JD 400 3pt Rotary Hoe; King Disc 28 Blade w/Drag; Ford 6’ 3pt Disc; IH 2R 3pt Cultivator; IH 20’ Field Cultivator; JD Offset 16 Blade Disc; Bush Hog 3pt 8 shank Chisel Plow; 8’ Cultipacker; IH 3pt Chisel Plow; Johnson Bed Shaper; Ferguson 2R 3pt Cultivator; Brillion 12’ Cultipacker; Generators/Welders/Engines: JD Dsl Engine Power Unit w/Hyd Pump; Hobart Champion Welder; Perkins Dsl; JD Air compressor; KDE 6700T Dsl Generator; IR P185 Tow Behind Air Comp; Miller Matic 35 Welder Mig; Lombardini Dsl Engine; Welding Truck Rack; Farmall 450 Dsl Engine parts; Misc: LVI 8’ 3pt Litter Turner; Modified 40’ Container House (New); 24’ Corral Panels; Calf Hutch; Cattle Feeders; Woods 3pt 6’ Stone Rake; Mavon Lift Gate; Irrigation Nozzle Cart; Cosmo 500 3pt Fert Spreader; ATI 7’ Preseeder 805; ATI 7’ Level Best Grade Box; 10’ Cattle Feeder; Log Splitter; Land Honor Nut Crowder; NH 28 Silage Blower; Landpride FS700 3pt Spreader; IH Corn Binder; Harvest Handler Alum Elevator; 30 Gal County Line Sprayer; Gantry Crane; Hyd Loading Dock; Kiwi Post Driver; Snowco Grain Cleaner; 25’ Elevator; JD 146 Ldr w/7’ Bucket; CB 1750 Clean Burn Oil Heater w/pump; Dust collection System; Zimmerman Cattle Chute; 3pt 60” Box Blade; King Kutter 3pt 6’ Stone Rake; Gehl Long Hopper Blower; SS Shelves; SS Tables; AC 450 Ldr Forks; Galvanized Fence Set; 40’ Shipping Containers; 20’ Shipping Container; Misc Suitcase Weights; Misc Wheel Weights; Misc Farm Gates; MISC TRUCKS & TRAILERS:  2019 Gooseneck Trailer 14,000 GVW; 2011 Marathon Trailer GVW 3499; 2011 Finn Trailer w/800 Gal Hydro Seeder; GVW 9990; 2010 Ford F150 GVW 7000; 2007 IH 4300 Flatbed Truck GVW 25,500; 2006 Bison Gooseneck Horse Trailer 38’ w/Living Qtrs; 2004 Homesteader Hercules Enclosed 7’x16’ Trailer GVW 7000; 2002 Kauffman 18’ 12,000 Lb Trailer; 1999 Chevy Dump Truck; 1999 Monarch Livestock Trailer; 1999 Volkswagen Beetle; 1999 Chevy Tahoe; 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTX; 1995 Hart Horse Trailer GVW 9760; 1994 Hudson Trailer; 1992 Interstate Enclosed Trailer GVW 10,000; 1989 IH900 Flatbed; 1988 GMC 6000 Truck w/Flatbed; 1984 Zimmerman 3-Axle Trailer; 1971 Trail-rite Horse Trailer; 40’ Transmobile Trailer; Car Hoist 12,000 Lb; Truck Hoist; RTV’S & GATORS: Columbia Mega Cab Electric Buggy; Polaris 4000D Side by Side; Polaris Ranger 900HD XP UTV  Gas EROPS 2WD: EZ Go Electric Golf Cart; EZ Go Cart; Toro Golf Sprayer; Ez-Go Cart w/Truck Bed; 25 Gal county Line ATV Sprayer; Raccoon RC G2.0 Golf Cart w/Canopy; Snow Plows & Blowers & Salt Spreaders: Myers 8’ Snowplow; 3pt 6.5’ Snowblower; Curtis Hyd Angle Snow Plow; McKee 3pt 410 Snowblower RIDING MOWERS & LAWN & GARDEN: JD F935 Dsl w/ 72” Deck; Hustler 3400ZT Front Cut w/Cab; Power King 3pt W/snowplow; Simplicity ZT; Scag ZT; Toro Z Master 72” ZT; Simplicity Regent Hydro 14; Grasshopper 720K w/48” Deck; JD Z950 ZT; Ext Reach Pole Saw; Little Wonder Leaf Blower; Yardman 30” Snowblower; Craftsman 30” Snowblower; Big Hog Lawn Cart; Cub Cadet LT1042; Ariens w/42” Deck; David Bradley Tractor & Attachments; MY-17 NH Riding Mower; Troybilt Rototiller; Mighty Ox Wood 3pt Chipper;



 Announcements made by Auctioneer on sale day take precedence over all advertisements.                        Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS!  Online bidding available through Equipmentfacts.com OR Proxibid.com TERMS: No buyer’s Premium buying in person, buyer’s premium for online bidding, CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID! CC w/3% Administration Fee

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) Call (717) 656-2947, Email: office@wolgemuth-auction.com


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June 25 2024 Equipment Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Sale Location
LEOLA, PA 17602
Sale Dates and Times
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
Listing Details



Equipment Consignment Auction

Tuesday, JUNE 25, 2024, 8:30am


Currently accepting Consignments!  Selling from Two Auction Rings!


TRACTORS:  John Deere:  JD 7230 Premium Cab H/A 4WD Dsl; JD 6403 Cab 4WD w/JD 542 Ldr; JD 6300 Cab 4WD Dsl Power Quad; JD 5100E 4WD; JD 5093 E Cab w/Ldr 4WD, LHR; JD 5083E Cab 4WD Dsl; JD 5045 D 2WD Dsl w/Canopy; JD 4320 Cab H/A LHR 4WD w/Ldr; JD 3020; JD 2755 Cab, w/146 Ldr; JD 2640; JD 2520 w/Ldr/Mower Deck 4WD; JD L: JD L w/Cultivators;  International: CIH MXM120 Cab H/A LHR 4WD w/Duals; CIH MX100C Cab w/Ldr 4WD Dsl; Case IH 5250 Dsl Cab 4WD; CIH 265 Offset w/ Canopy & Cultivators Dsl; IH 1586; Farmall 656; Farmall 450 Dsl; Farmall 130 2WD Gas; Farmall Cub; IH Cub w/snowplow & chains; NH/Ford NH T6030 Delta; NH T5040  4WD Dual Remotes; NH TT60A w/Canopy; NH TC30 w/Ldr 4WD, HST ROPS; Ford 3430 Cab 2WD Dsl; Ford 3000 Gas; Ford 1300 Dsl; Ford 3600; NH TN90F Cab 2WD; Kubota: Kubota M4900 Dsl; Kubota L4400 4WD, showing 1194 hrs; Kubota LX3310 HSD 4WD; Kubota L3902 HST 4WD Utility Tractor HST w/ LA526 Ldr, QA 67” Bucket & 3pt 540 PTO; Kubota 9540: Kubota L2850 4WD w/Ldr; Kubota 105S Dsl; Massey Ferguson: MF 4610 Cab w/DL260 Ldr, 4WD; MF 1135 Dsl; MF 1105; MF 690 Cab 2WD Dsl; MF 165 Cab w/ldr Dsl; MF 255 Cab w/ldr Dsl; MF 204 w/Ldr; MF 165; MF 50 w/Ldr, Gas; Kioti: Kioti LB2614 4WD Dsl, ROPS; Kioti DS4510 4WD Dsl; Other: Challenger MT465B Cab 2WD; Ringo 5000; Zetor Proxima 85 4WD; Yanmar 336 w/Bucket & Backhoe 4WD Dsl; Zetor Proxima 85 4WD; Zetor Proxima 90 4WD; Oliver 55 w/cab; SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP Clearing 110 Ton OBI Press; CAT 908H Wheel Loader Dsl 4WD; JLG 3394RT Scissor Lift; Ingersoll Rand DD70 Black Top Roller; CAT IT18 Wheel Ldr, Dsl, Cab; Kubota L5412 Backhoe; Bobcat T550 SSL OROPS Dsl; Allis Fiat 76L Dsl Wheel Loader; Case 430 Dsl Skid Ldr, C/H/A; Manitou MVT1130L Telehandler; Ford 4500 TLB Dsl Canopy; Ford 786B 3pt Road Grading Attach.; Merlo P28.7EVT Telehandler; Sweepster PB60 QA Broom; Skyjack 4626 Scissor Lift; Skyjack 4626 Scissor Lift;  NH L190; Brush Bandit 250 Wood Chipper; Wood Chuck Hi-Roller 1200 12” Wood Chipper; Ditch Witch 1420 Trencher; Mustang 2044 Skid Ldr; Mighty Ox Wood Chipper; Bradco C11 SS Backhoe; Crafco Spray Injection Patcher; Handy HSG31 Stump Grinder; Handy HSSG27 Stump Grinder; AC Snap coupler Grader Blade; OMC 3pt Backhoe; Arps 3pt Backhoe w/Pump; Howard 5’ HR20 Rototiller; Toft Exc. Ripper; Toft Scrap Shear; MAC 800G Heater on Trailer; New: SS Reg & Grapple Buckets; Trencher; Sweepers; Angle Broom; Rototillers; Pallet Forks; Fork Extensions; Tree Shears; 4 in 1 Bucket; Landscape Rake; Brush Cutters; Tillers; QA Plates; SS Post Hole Digger; Chippers; Cement Mixers; Tool Chests; Mobile Bathroom Unit; Traffic Cones; Work Tool Benches; FARM EQUIPMENT: Balers/Wrappers: MF 46 Round Baler; Kubota BV4160 Round Baler w/net Wrap & Monitor; Case IH RB454 Round Baler; NH 450 Round Baler (Burnt); NH RF440 Round Baler; JD 336 w/Kicker; JD 582 Round Baler Silage Special; Vermeer 605 Super G Baler; NH 316; Misc Hay Equip: Miller Pro 7914 Hay Merger; NH 144 Hay Inverter; Tedders: Kuhn GF5001 Hyd Fold; Kuhn B2168; Kuhn 930056; NH 256 Side Delivery; NH 162; Hesston 3717 4 Star; Agco 4 Star; Fella TH 540 T Pull 4B; NH 163 4 Star; Rakes: NH 256: Morra Hyd Fold 4 Star Tedder; JD 660 Dolly Wheel; NH 255; JD 660; NH 258 w/Dolly Wheel; JD 660 Dolly Wheel; NH 256; NH 56; NH 256; Haybines/Discbines: Vermeer M8040 3pt 10’ Disc Mower; NH 499 Haybine; Bush Hog 2408 Disc Mower; MF2260 3pt Disc Mower; IH 990 7’ Haybine; NH 462 Disc Mower; Fella SM320 12’ Disc Mower; NH 499 Planters:  Ford 309 2R; JD 94 4R; JD 494A 4R; Ford 2R 3pt; JD 2R 3pt; IH 3pt 2R; JD 3pt; NH Transplanter w/Water (New); Manure Spreaders: Artex SB600 Vertical Beater; NI 17; Knight 8014; NI 3726; Better Built Tank Spreader; Mowers: JD MX8 Pull Type Rotary Mower; Bush Hog Ditch/Bank Mower; JD MX6 3pt 72” Mower; Alamo Batwing Rotary 15’; NH 451 3pt Sickle Bar; JD 1018 Rotary Mower; Bush Hog 3210 10’ Rotary Mower; NI 279 Flail Mower; JD 350 Sickle;   Grinders/Mixers: Jay Lor 525T Mixer; Jay Lor 4650 Mixer; Farmhand 822 Grinder Mixer; Wagons J&M Bin; 16’ Hay Wagon; Plows: JD 3pt 5B Disc Plow; IH 5B Spring Reset Plow; Deerborn 2B; IH 3B; White 3pt 3B Spring Reset; JD L Plows; Sprayers: IVA 300 Gal Sprayer Grain Drills:  JD 8200 Grain Drill; Ontario Double Disc Drill; IH 10 Grain Drill; Harvesting: NH 901 6R Corn Head; Tillage: Vicon 3pt Power Harrow; Krouse 2486 NR 24’ Disc; JD 400 3pt Rotary Hoe; King Disc 28 Blade w/Drag; Ford 6’ 3pt Disc; IH 2R 3pt Cultivator; IH 20’ Field Cultivator; JD Offset 16 Blade Disc; Bush Hog 3pt 8 shank Chisel Plow; 8’ Cultipacker; IH 3pt Chisel Plow; Johnson Bed Shaper; Ferguson 2R 3pt Cultivator; Brillion 12’ Cultipacker; Generators/Welders/Engines: JD Dsl Engine Power Unit w/Hyd Pump; Hobart Champion Welder; Perkins Dsl; JD Air compressor; KDE 6700T Dsl Generator; IR P185 Tow Behind Air Comp; Miller Matic 35 Welder Mig; Lombardini Dsl Engine; Welding Truck Rack; Farmall 450 Dsl Engine parts; Misc: LVI 8’ 3pt Litter Turner; Modified 40’ Container House (New); 24’ Corral Panels; Calf Hutch; Cattle Feeders; Woods 3pt 6’ Stone Rake; Mavon Lift Gate; Irrigation Nozzle Cart; Cosmo 500 3pt Fert Spreader; ATI 7’ Preseeder 805; ATI 7’ Level Best Grade Box; 10’ Cattle Feeder; Log Splitter; Land Honor Nut Crowder; NH 28 Silage Blower; Landpride FS700 3pt Spreader; IH Corn Binder; Harvest Handler Alum Elevator; 30 Gal County Line Sprayer; Gantry Crane; Hyd Loading Dock; Kiwi Post Driver; Snowco Grain Cleaner; 25’ Elevator; JD 146 Ldr w/7’ Bucket; CB 1750 Clean Burn Oil Heater w/pump; Dust collection System; Zimmerman Cattle Chute; 3pt 60” Box Blade; King Kutter 3pt 6’ Stone Rake; Gehl Long Hopper Blower; SS Shelves; SS Tables; AC 450 Ldr Forks; Galvanized Fence Set; 40’ Shipping Containers; 20’ Shipping Container; Misc Suitcase Weights; Misc Wheel Weights; Misc Farm Gates; MISC TRUCKS & TRAILERS:  2019 Gooseneck Trailer 14,000 GVW; 2011 Marathon Trailer GVW 3499; 2011 Finn Trailer w/800 Gal Hydro Seeder; GVW 9990; 2010 Ford F150 GVW 7000; 2007 IH 4300 Flatbed Truck GVW 25,500; 2006 Bison Gooseneck Horse Trailer 38’ w/Living Qtrs; 2004 Homesteader Hercules Enclosed 7’x16’ Trailer GVW 7000; 2002 Kauffman 18’ 12,000 Lb Trailer; 1999 Chevy Dump Truck; 1999 Monarch Livestock Trailer; 1999 Volkswagen Beetle; 1999 Chevy Tahoe; 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTX; 1995 Hart Horse Trailer GVW 9760; 1994 Hudson Trailer; 1992 Interstate Enclosed Trailer GVW 10,000; 1989 IH900 Flatbed; 1988 GMC 6000 Truck w/Flatbed; 1984 Zimmerman 3-Axle Trailer; 1971 Trail-rite Horse Trailer; 40’ Transmobile Trailer; Car Hoist 12,000 Lb; Truck Hoist; RTV’S & GATORS: Columbia Mega Cab Electric Buggy; Polaris 4000D Side by Side; Polaris Ranger 900HD XP UTV  Gas EROPS 2WD: EZ Go Electric Golf Cart; EZ Go Cart; Toro Golf Sprayer; Ez-Go Cart w/Truck Bed; 25 Gal county Line ATV Sprayer; Raccoon RC G2.0 Golf Cart w/Canopy; Snow Plows & Blowers & Salt Spreaders: Myers 8’ Snowplow; 3pt 6.5’ Snowblower; Curtis Hyd Angle Snow Plow; McKee 3pt 410 Snowblower RIDING MOWERS & LAWN & GARDEN: JD F935 Dsl w/ 72” Deck; Hustler 3400ZT Front Cut w/Cab; Power King 3pt W/snowplow; Simplicity ZT; Scag ZT; Toro Z Master 72” ZT; Simplicity Regent Hydro 14; Grasshopper 720K w/48” Deck; JD Z950 ZT; Ext Reach Pole Saw; Little Wonder Leaf Blower; Yardman 30” Snowblower; Craftsman 30” Snowblower; Big Hog Lawn Cart; Cub Cadet LT1042; Ariens w/42” Deck; David Bradley Tractor & Attachments; MY-17 NH Riding Mower; Troybilt Rototiller; Mighty Ox Wood 3pt Chipper;



 Announcements made by Auctioneer on sale day take precedence over all advertisements.                        Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS!  Online bidding available through Equipmentfacts.com OR Proxibid.com TERMS: No buyer’s Premium buying in person, buyer’s premium for online bidding, CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID! CC w/3% Administration Fee

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) Call (717) 656-2947, Email: office@wolgemuth-auction.com


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June 25 2024 Equipment Auction
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Sale Date(s)
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024 Completed
Sale Location

LEOLA, PA 17602
Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee



Equipment Consignment Auction

Tuesday, JUNE 25, 2024, 8:30am


Currently accepting Consignments!  Selling from Two Auction Rings!


TRACTORS:  John Deere:  JD 7230 Premium Cab H/A 4WD Dsl; JD 6403 Cab 4WD w/JD 542 Ldr; JD 6300 Cab 4WD Dsl Power Quad; JD 5100E 4WD; JD 5093 E Cab w/Ldr 4WD, LHR; JD 5083E Cab 4WD Dsl; JD 5045 D 2WD Dsl w/Canopy; JD 4320 Cab H/A LHR 4WD w/Ldr; JD 3020; JD 2755 Cab, w/146 Ldr; JD 2640; JD 2520 w/Ldr/Mower Deck 4WD; JD L: JD L w/Cultivators;  International: CIH MXM120 Cab H/A LHR 4WD w/Duals; CIH MX100C Cab w/Ldr 4WD Dsl; Case IH 5250 Dsl Cab 4WD; CIH 265 Offset w/ Canopy & Cultivators Dsl; IH 1586; Farmall 656; Farmall 450 Dsl; Farmall 130 2WD Gas; Farmall Cub; IH Cub w/snowplow & chains; NH/Ford NH T6030 Delta; NH T5040  4WD Dual Remotes; NH TT60A w/Canopy; NH TC30 w/Ldr 4WD, HST ROPS; Ford 3430 Cab 2WD Dsl; Ford 3000 Gas; Ford 1300 Dsl; Ford 3600; NH TN90F Cab 2WD; Kubota: Kubota M4900 Dsl; Kubota L4400 4WD, showing 1194 hrs; Kubota LX3310 HSD 4WD; Kubota L3902 HST 4WD Utility Tractor HST w/ LA526 Ldr, QA 67” Bucket & 3pt 540 PTO; Kubota 9540: Kubota L2850 4WD w/Ldr; Kubota 105S Dsl; Massey Ferguson: MF 4610 Cab w/DL260 Ldr, 4WD; MF 1135 Dsl; MF 1105; MF 690 Cab 2WD Dsl; MF 165 Cab w/ldr Dsl; MF 255 Cab w/ldr Dsl; MF 204 w/Ldr; MF 165; MF 50 w/Ldr, Gas; Kioti: Kioti LB2614 4WD Dsl, ROPS; Kioti DS4510 4WD Dsl; Other: Challenger MT465B Cab 2WD; Ringo 5000; Zetor Proxima 85 4WD; Yanmar 336 w/Bucket & Backhoe 4WD Dsl; Zetor Proxima 85 4WD; Zetor Proxima 90 4WD; Oliver 55 w/cab; SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP Clearing 110 Ton OBI Press; CAT 908H Wheel Loader Dsl 4WD; JLG 3394RT Scissor Lift; Ingersoll Rand DD70 Black Top Roller; CAT IT18 Wheel Ldr, Dsl, Cab; Kubota L5412 Backhoe; Bobcat T550 SSL OROPS Dsl; Allis Fiat 76L Dsl Wheel Loader; Case 430 Dsl Skid Ldr, C/H/A; Manitou MVT1130L Telehandler; Ford 4500 TLB Dsl Canopy; Ford 786B 3pt Road Grading Attach.; Merlo P28.7EVT Telehandler; Sweepster PB60 QA Broom; Skyjack 4626 Scissor Lift; Skyjack 4626 Scissor Lift;  NH L190; Brush Bandit 250 Wood Chipper; Wood Chuck Hi-Roller 1200 12” Wood Chipper; Ditch Witch 1420 Trencher; Mustang 2044 Skid Ldr; Mighty Ox Wood Chipper; Bradco C11 SS Backhoe; Crafco Spray Injection Patcher; Handy HSG31 Stump Grinder; Handy HSSG27 Stump Grinder; AC Snap coupler Grader Blade; OMC 3pt Backhoe; Arps 3pt Backhoe w/Pump; Howard 5’ HR20 Rototiller; Toft Exc. Ripper; Toft Scrap Shear; MAC 800G Heater on Trailer; New: SS Reg & Grapple Buckets; Trencher; Sweepers; Angle Broom; Rototillers; Pallet Forks; Fork Extensions; Tree Shears; 4 in 1 Bucket; Landscape Rake; Brush Cutters; Tillers; QA Plates; SS Post Hole Digger; Chippers; Cement Mixers; Tool Chests; Mobile Bathroom Unit; Traffic Cones; Work Tool Benches; FARM EQUIPMENT: Balers/Wrappers: MF 46 Round Baler; Kubota BV4160 Round Baler w/net Wrap & Monitor; Case IH RB454 Round Baler; NH 450 Round Baler (Burnt); NH RF440 Round Baler; JD 336 w/Kicker; JD 582 Round Baler Silage Special; Vermeer 605 Super G Baler; NH 316; Misc Hay Equip: Miller Pro 7914 Hay Merger; NH 144 Hay Inverter; Tedders: Kuhn GF5001 Hyd Fold; Kuhn B2168; Kuhn 930056; NH 256 Side Delivery; NH 162; Hesston 3717 4 Star; Agco 4 Star; Fella TH 540 T Pull 4B; NH 163 4 Star; Rakes: NH 256: Morra Hyd Fold 4 Star Tedder; JD 660 Dolly Wheel; NH 255; JD 660; NH 258 w/Dolly Wheel; JD 660 Dolly Wheel; NH 256; NH 56; NH 256; Haybines/Discbines: Vermeer M8040 3pt 10’ Disc Mower; NH 499 Haybine; Bush Hog 2408 Disc Mower; MF2260 3pt Disc Mower; IH 990 7’ Haybine; NH 462 Disc Mower; Fella SM320 12’ Disc Mower; NH 499 Planters:  Ford 309 2R; JD 94 4R; JD 494A 4R; Ford 2R 3pt; JD 2R 3pt; IH 3pt 2R; JD 3pt; NH Transplanter w/Water (New); Manure Spreaders: Artex SB600 Vertical Beater; NI 17; Knight 8014; NI 3726; Better Built Tank Spreader; Mowers: JD MX8 Pull Type Rotary Mower; Bush Hog Ditch/Bank Mower; JD MX6 3pt 72” Mower; Alamo Batwing Rotary 15’; NH 451 3pt Sickle Bar; JD 1018 Rotary Mower; Bush Hog 3210 10’ Rotary Mower; NI 279 Flail Mower; JD 350 Sickle;   Grinders/Mixers: Jay Lor 525T Mixer; Jay Lor 4650 Mixer; Farmhand 822 Grinder Mixer; Wagons J&M Bin; 16’ Hay Wagon; Plows: JD 3pt 5B Disc Plow; IH 5B Spring Reset Plow; Deerborn 2B; IH 3B; White 3pt 3B Spring Reset; JD L Plows; Sprayers: IVA 300 Gal Sprayer Grain Drills:  JD 8200 Grain Drill; Ontario Double Disc Drill; IH 10 Grain Drill; Harvesting: NH 901 6R Corn Head; Tillage: Vicon 3pt Power Harrow; Krouse 2486 NR 24’ Disc; JD 400 3pt Rotary Hoe; King Disc 28 Blade w/Drag; Ford 6’ 3pt Disc; IH 2R 3pt Cultivator; IH 20’ Field Cultivator; JD Offset 16 Blade Disc; Bush Hog 3pt 8 shank Chisel Plow; 8’ Cultipacker; IH 3pt Chisel Plow; Johnson Bed Shaper; Ferguson 2R 3pt Cultivator; Brillion 12’ Cultipacker; Generators/Welders/Engines: JD Dsl Engine Power Unit w/Hyd Pump; Hobart Champion Welder; Perkins Dsl; JD Air compressor; KDE 6700T Dsl Generator; IR P185 Tow Behind Air Comp; Miller Matic 35 Welder Mig; Lombardini Dsl Engine; Welding Truck Rack; Farmall 450 Dsl Engine parts; Misc: LVI 8’ 3pt Litter Turner; Modified 40’ Container House (New); 24’ Corral Panels; Calf Hutch; Cattle Feeders; Woods 3pt 6’ Stone Rake; Mavon Lift Gate; Irrigation Nozzle Cart; Cosmo 500 3pt Fert Spreader; ATI 7’ Preseeder 805; ATI 7’ Level Best Grade Box; 10’ Cattle Feeder; Log Splitter; Land Honor Nut Crowder; NH 28 Silage Blower; Landpride FS700 3pt Spreader; IH Corn Binder; Harvest Handler Alum Elevator; 30 Gal County Line Sprayer; Gantry Crane; Hyd Loading Dock; Kiwi Post Driver; Snowco Grain Cleaner; 25’ Elevator; JD 146 Ldr w/7’ Bucket; CB 1750 Clean Burn Oil Heater w/pump; Dust collection System; Zimmerman Cattle Chute; 3pt 60” Box Blade; King Kutter 3pt 6’ Stone Rake; Gehl Long Hopper Blower; SS Shelves; SS Tables; AC 450 Ldr Forks; Galvanized Fence Set; 40’ Shipping Containers; 20’ Shipping Container; Misc Suitcase Weights; Misc Wheel Weights; Misc Farm Gates; MISC TRUCKS & TRAILERS:  2019 Gooseneck Trailer 14,000 GVW; 2011 Marathon Trailer GVW 3499; 2011 Finn Trailer w/800 Gal Hydro Seeder; GVW 9990; 2010 Ford F150 GVW 7000; 2007 IH 4300 Flatbed Truck GVW 25,500; 2006 Bison Gooseneck Horse Trailer 38’ w/Living Qtrs; 2004 Homesteader Hercules Enclosed 7’x16’ Trailer GVW 7000; 2002 Kauffman 18’ 12,000 Lb Trailer; 1999 Chevy Dump Truck; 1999 Monarch Livestock Trailer; 1999 Volkswagen Beetle; 1999 Chevy Tahoe; 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GTX; 1995 Hart Horse Trailer GVW 9760; 1994 Hudson Trailer; 1992 Interstate Enclosed Trailer GVW 10,000; 1989 IH900 Flatbed; 1988 GMC 6000 Truck w/Flatbed; 1984 Zimmerman 3-Axle Trailer; 1971 Trail-rite Horse Trailer; 40’ Transmobile Trailer; Car Hoist 12,000 Lb; Truck Hoist; RTV’S & GATORS: Columbia Mega Cab Electric Buggy; Polaris 4000D Side by Side; Polaris Ranger 900HD XP UTV  Gas EROPS 2WD: EZ Go Electric Golf Cart; EZ Go Cart; Toro Golf Sprayer; Ez-Go Cart w/Truck Bed; 25 Gal county Line ATV Sprayer; Raccoon RC G2.0 Golf Cart w/Canopy; Snow Plows & Blowers & Salt Spreaders: Myers 8’ Snowplow; 3pt 6.5’ Snowblower; Curtis Hyd Angle Snow Plow; McKee 3pt 410 Snowblower RIDING MOWERS & LAWN & GARDEN: JD F935 Dsl w/ 72” Deck; Hustler 3400ZT Front Cut w/Cab; Power King 3pt W/snowplow; Simplicity ZT; Scag ZT; Toro Z Master 72” ZT; Simplicity Regent Hydro 14; Grasshopper 720K w/48” Deck; JD Z950 ZT; Ext Reach Pole Saw; Little Wonder Leaf Blower; Yardman 30” Snowblower; Craftsman 30” Snowblower; Big Hog Lawn Cart; Cub Cadet LT1042; Ariens w/42” Deck; David Bradley Tractor & Attachments; MY-17 NH Riding Mower; Troybilt Rototiller; Mighty Ox Wood 3pt Chipper;



 Announcements made by Auctioneer on sale day take precedence over all advertisements.                        Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS!  Online bidding available through Equipmentfacts.com OR Proxibid.com TERMS: No buyer’s Premium buying in person, buyer’s premium for online bidding, CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID! CC w/3% Administration Fee

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) Call (717) 656-2947, Email: office@wolgemuth-auction.com
