Estate of James W. Easley
Listing ID#: 691688

Sale Location

London, OH 43140
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Thursday Jun 27, 2024 Completed
Sale Type
   Live with Online Auction 
Company Information
Halderman Real Estate Services

Contact: Russell Harmeyer
Phone: 800-424-2324
Website: ID#: 6755
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Listing Information

General Information

Total Acres 106.64   Tillable Acres 91.510   Non-Tillable Acres 8.831

Wooded Acres 2.000  Home Acres 4.300

Farm Name Estate of James W. Easley

HLS Number EAE - 13007

Key Features Farmland, Residential Rental Properties and Vacant Lots available

Location Pleasant Township, Franklin County, OH
                                      Property Information

Type Of Operation Building Lot - Building Site - Development - Farm - Livestock - Potential Building Site - Residential

Current Zoning Agricultural - Residential

School System Madison Plains LSD

Annual Taxes Tract 1: $1,496.90 Tract 2: $198.18 Tract 3: $4,327.44 Tract 4: $6,265.78 Tract 5: $246.98

Topography Level To Gently Rolling

Soil Kokomo silty clay loam and Crosby silt loam

Building Description Tract 3: 1,668 Sq Ft older two-story rental home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Two of the bedrooms are on the upper floor. Rooms on the first floor include a bedroom, bathroom, entryway, living room, kitchen and laundry in kitchen. The basement (unfinished) is partial with a partial crawl space. The home has electric heat and central air conditioning. The exterior siding and shingle roof were believed to be replaced around 2013-2015. according to the executor. The detached garage was built around 1965 and is 25' x 50'. Tract 4: 32' x 70' pole barn and a 2,028 sq ft duplex dwelling at 6159 Biggert Road. The unit is rented to two separate tenants. East end is a manufactured home with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with electric heat. West side has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and 60' x 160' horse barn

Property Location

Property Address 6091 Biggert Road, London, Ohio 43140

General Location 12 miles southeast of London, Ohio; Tracts 1-2 are located north of Tracts 3-4; 6091 (Tract 3), 6159 (Tract 4), 6177 (Tract 5) on Biggert Road, London, OH 43140

Real Estate Auction Information

Start Auction Date June 27, 2024  Start Auction Time6:30 PM ET

Auction Location Coughlin Center at Madison County Fairgrounds: 205 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140

Open Houses

Date June 11, 2024  Time 6:00 PM ET - 8:00 PM ET

Date June 15, 2024  Time 10:00 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET


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Estate of James W. Easley

Halderman Real Estate Services

Halderman Real Estate Services

Contact: Russell Harmeyer
Phone: 800-424-2324
Sale Location
205 Ekm Street
London, OH 43140
Sale Dates and Times
Thursday Jun 27, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

General Information

Total Acres 106.64   Tillable Acres 91.510   Non-Tillable Acres 8.831

Wooded Acres 2.000  Home Acres 4.300

Farm Name Estate of James W. Easley

HLS Number EAE - 13007

Key Features Farmland, Residential Rental Properties and Vacant Lots available

Location Pleasant Township, Franklin County, OH
                                      Property Information

Type Of Operation Building Lot - Building Site - Development - Farm - Livestock - Potential Building Site - Residential

Current Zoning Agricultural - Residential

School System Madison Plains LSD

Annual Taxes Tract 1: $1,496.90 Tract 2: $198.18 Tract 3: $4,327.44 Tract 4: $6,265.78 Tract 5: $246.98

Topography Level To Gently Rolling

Soil Kokomo silty clay loam and Crosby silt loam

Building Description Tract 3: 1,668 Sq Ft older two-story rental home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Two of the bedrooms are on the upper floor. Rooms on the first floor include a bedroom, bathroom, entryway, living room, kitchen and laundry in kitchen. The basement (unfinished) is partial with a partial crawl space. The home has electric heat and central air conditioning. The exterior siding and shingle roof were believed to be replaced around 2013-2015. according to the executor. The detached garage was built around 1965 and is 25' x 50'. Tract 4: 32' x 70' pole barn and a 2,028 sq ft duplex dwelling at 6159 Biggert Road. The unit is rented to two separate tenants. East end is a manufactured home with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with electric heat. West side has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and 60' x 160' horse barn

Property Location

Property Address 6091 Biggert Road, London, Ohio 43140

General Location 12 miles southeast of London, Ohio; Tracts 1-2 are located north of Tracts 3-4; 6091 (Tract 3), 6159 (Tract 4), 6177 (Tract 5) on Biggert Road, London, OH 43140

Real Estate Auction Information

Start Auction Date June 27, 2024  Start Auction Time6:30 PM ET

Auction Location Coughlin Center at Madison County Fairgrounds: 205 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140

Open Houses

Date June 11, 2024  Time 6:00 PM ET - 8:00 PM ET

Date June 15, 2024  Time 10:00 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET


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Estate of James W. Easley
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Sale Date(s)
Thursday Jun 27, 2024 Completed
Sale Location

London, OH 43140
Halderman Real Estate Services

Contact: Russell Harmeyer
Phone: 800-424-2324

General Information

Total Acres 106.64   Tillable Acres 91.510   Non-Tillable Acres 8.831

Wooded Acres 2.000  Home Acres 4.300

Farm Name Estate of James W. Easley

HLS Number EAE - 13007

Key Features Farmland, Residential Rental Properties and Vacant Lots available

Location Pleasant Township, Franklin County, OH
                                      Property Information

Type Of Operation Building Lot - Building Site - Development - Farm - Livestock - Potential Building Site - Residential

Current Zoning Agricultural - Residential

School System Madison Plains LSD

Annual Taxes Tract 1: $1,496.90 Tract 2: $198.18 Tract 3: $4,327.44 Tract 4: $6,265.78 Tract 5: $246.98

Topography Level To Gently Rolling

Soil Kokomo silty clay loam and Crosby silt loam

Building Description Tract 3: 1,668 Sq Ft older two-story rental home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. Two of the bedrooms are on the upper floor. Rooms on the first floor include a bedroom, bathroom, entryway, living room, kitchen and laundry in kitchen. The basement (unfinished) is partial with a partial crawl space. The home has electric heat and central air conditioning. The exterior siding and shingle roof were believed to be replaced around 2013-2015. according to the executor. The detached garage was built around 1965 and is 25' x 50'. Tract 4: 32' x 70' pole barn and a 2,028 sq ft duplex dwelling at 6159 Biggert Road. The unit is rented to two separate tenants. East end is a manufactured home with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath with electric heat. West side has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and 60' x 160' horse barn

Property Location

Property Address 6091 Biggert Road, London, Ohio 43140

General Location 12 miles southeast of London, Ohio; Tracts 1-2 are located north of Tracts 3-4; 6091 (Tract 3), 6159 (Tract 4), 6177 (Tract 5) on Biggert Road, London, OH 43140

Real Estate Auction Information

Start Auction Date June 27, 2024  Start Auction Time6:30 PM ET

Auction Location Coughlin Center at Madison County Fairgrounds: 205 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140

Open Houses

Date June 11, 2024  Time 6:00 PM ET - 8:00 PM ET

Date June 15, 2024  Time 10:00 AM ET - 12:00 PM ET