David Poole Estate & Diane Poole Estate & Others Auction
Listing ID#: 675700

Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Mar 30, 2024 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Email: merv@priceleffler.com
Website: priceleffler.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 10444
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Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Information
David Poole & Diane Poole Estates & Others Auction
Saturday, March 30, 2024 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953

No Buyer's Premium!
Funeral Horse Drawn Hearse, Amish Buggy, Surrey, Trail Cart - 1929 Model A Ford, runs great! 1998 Cadillac Limo, 30K+ Miles! 2015 Thor Axis 24.1 Class A Motor Home, 4000 Watt Onan Generator, Awning, Slide Out,  only 20K miles! 2014 Work & Play Toy Hauler, 10' garage, none nicer! Trail Bay 29' Camper! 2003 Condor 28' Class A Motor Home, 2 Slide Outs, 5500 Watt Generator, Only 20K+ Miles, Loaded! 10 Guns & Rifles!

2002 Chevy 2500, 6.0 Vortec, only 153K miles! 1999 excellent condition horse trailer, 7.5W 7.5H 20' long, bumper pull; IH 666 WF, gas; IH 460 WF, gas; IH 706 gas; Ford 3000, WF, gas; IH 706, gas, NF; Allis Chalmers WD45s, WD, C, D15 Tractors; AC snap coupler implements; 3 Pt. Tiger hyd. ditch mower; Woods 3 pt. SB 74 snowblower; JD F687 Ztrak ZT Mower; Land Pride RCR3596, 8' pull type rotary mower, hard rubber trailing wheels; hundreds of shop tools; lots of 5/4 native lumber; wood working tools; scaffolding; horse equipment; chicken coop; this is only a sample of the hundreds of items in this auction! Just now starting to haul all the equipment to our lot! Will be running two rings at times! Keep checking for updates and hundreds more photos!


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David Poole Estate & Diane Poole Estate & Others Auction

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Sale Location
5243 S Adams Street
Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Mar 30, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Details
David Poole & Diane Poole Estates & Others Auction
Saturday, March 30, 2024 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953

No Buyer's Premium!
Funeral Horse Drawn Hearse, Amish Buggy, Surrey, Trail Cart - 1929 Model A Ford, runs great! 1998 Cadillac Limo, 30K+ Miles! 2015 Thor Axis 24.1 Class A Motor Home, 4000 Watt Onan Generator, Awning, Slide Out,  only 20K miles! 2014 Work & Play Toy Hauler, 10' garage, none nicer! Trail Bay 29' Camper! 2003 Condor 28' Class A Motor Home, 2 Slide Outs, 5500 Watt Generator, Only 20K+ Miles, Loaded! 10 Guns & Rifles!

2002 Chevy 2500, 6.0 Vortec, only 153K miles! 1999 excellent condition horse trailer, 7.5W 7.5H 20' long, bumper pull; IH 666 WF, gas; IH 460 WF, gas; IH 706 gas; Ford 3000, WF, gas; IH 706, gas, NF; Allis Chalmers WD45s, WD, C, D15 Tractors; AC snap coupler implements; 3 Pt. Tiger hyd. ditch mower; Woods 3 pt. SB 74 snowblower; JD F687 Ztrak ZT Mower; Land Pride RCR3596, 8' pull type rotary mower, hard rubber trailing wheels; hundreds of shop tools; lots of 5/4 native lumber; wood working tools; scaffolding; horse equipment; chicken coop; this is only a sample of the hundreds of items in this auction! Just now starting to haul all the equipment to our lot! Will be running two rings at times! Keep checking for updates and hundreds more photos!


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David Poole Estate & Diane Poole Estate & Others Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Mar 30, 2024 Completed
Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Email: merv@priceleffler.com
Website: priceleffler.com

Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
David Poole & Diane Poole Estates & Others Auction
Saturday, March 30, 2024 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953

No Buyer's Premium!
Funeral Horse Drawn Hearse, Amish Buggy, Surrey, Trail Cart - 1929 Model A Ford, runs great! 1998 Cadillac Limo, 30K+ Miles! 2015 Thor Axis 24.1 Class A Motor Home, 4000 Watt Onan Generator, Awning, Slide Out,  only 20K miles! 2014 Work & Play Toy Hauler, 10' garage, none nicer! Trail Bay 29' Camper! 2003 Condor 28' Class A Motor Home, 2 Slide Outs, 5500 Watt Generator, Only 20K+ Miles, Loaded! 10 Guns & Rifles!

2002 Chevy 2500, 6.0 Vortec, only 153K miles! 1999 excellent condition horse trailer, 7.5W 7.5H 20' long, bumper pull; IH 666 WF, gas; IH 460 WF, gas; IH 706 gas; Ford 3000, WF, gas; IH 706, gas, NF; Allis Chalmers WD45s, WD, C, D15 Tractors; AC snap coupler implements; 3 Pt. Tiger hyd. ditch mower; Woods 3 pt. SB 74 snowblower; JD F687 Ztrak ZT Mower; Land Pride RCR3596, 8' pull type rotary mower, hard rubber trailing wheels; hundreds of shop tools; lots of 5/4 native lumber; wood working tools; scaffolding; horse equipment; chicken coop; this is only a sample of the hundreds of items in this auction! Just now starting to haul all the equipment to our lot! Will be running two rings at times! Keep checking for updates and hundreds more photos!