Westphal Estate AUCTION! Sat Feb 3rd 10am Mio, MI
Listing ID#: 663500

Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Feb 3, 2024 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information

Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Email: info@letstalkauction.com
Website: www.LetsTalkAuction.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 6482
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Information

Westphal Estate AUCTION!


 Sat. Feb. 3, 2024 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Please Note:

At this time GoToAuction.com is having problems hosting our website correctly, as they work diligently to figure out the problem, please go to


Auction ID #1455

To see details and 100s of photos with descriptive captioning.

Sorry for any inconveinece, Greg, Donna & Staff


To Include:


New twin reclining sofa, loveseat sofa and matching reclining chair; leather dual rocking reclining loveseat; rocker recliners; mission style round oak table; claw foot secretary desk; oak recliner w/slide out footrest; marble top walnut hall tree umbrella stand; Habitant lamp table & arm chair w/ottoman; maple hutch; cedar chests; misc furniture; John Wayne Monument Valley oil painting; large ornate carved regulator clock; other wall & shelf clocks; upright freezer; mini frig; 1970s Philco Space Age Design yellow table top TV; Griffiths milk glass spice jar sets; Jadite & colored glassware; Munising wooden bowls; Hall kitchenware; cast iron cookware; costume jewelry; Model Gun Co. 7mm auto & other cap guns; Roy Rogers & Hop-along Cassidy collectibles; limited  edition 96/1000 dark face Sorcerer Mickey Mouse; Mickey Mouse watches, vintage rugs & collectibles; model planes, ships & car kits; Franklin Mint Star Trek pewter models; brass tipped wooden airplane propeller with center mounted clock; Tonka & other toy trucks; tin character lunchboxes; 1960-70s original Whizzer Motor Bike porcelain sign; 1939 Photo Market Wash. DC “Press” license plate set; 1950s bicycle license plates; Bodyguard Fitness stair climber exerciser;  Montgomery Wards Royal Blue cream separator; Galvanized Cowboy Sitz bath tub; A.T. Ferrell Clipper foot pedal Bean Picker; & other homestead primitives; baseball & sports cards; Rollicord & Ricohflex twin lens cameras; other vintage cameras & assorted lenses; Sanyo Pachinko pinball machine; postcards;

Special Mention:

Eugene Leclerc (1927-1968) Schooner Bluenose model boat w/coa; other vintage model sailboats; brass ships clock; framed nautical prints & art; antique cutter sleigh with jump seat – McLaughlin?; US. Army Collins R388/URR Ham Radio; Hallicrafter S-53A Ham Radio; Tektronix 5441 storage oscilloscope & other testing equipment; Forestry/CCC US log stamping axe; Hudson Bay wool blankets; Quantity of contemporary to vintage quilts plus quilting fabrics, books, Singer 5050C & 4452 sewing machines and sewing notions;

Special Interest:

Large collection of model railroading to include Ives 3243R standard gauge engine w/ passenger cars; 0 scale K-Line Virginia Trainmaster diesel engine, F Series engines, 2488 Locomotive, Heavyweight & Streamliners passenger cars, Millennium Club car & others; 0/027 scale Lionel engines 621,622, 6220, US Army 41, 2333 & 2343 Santa Fe, 2344 NYC & others; Tyco & Lionel HO scale engines & cars; wide assortment of cars, accessories too many to mention, repair parts/pieces, transformers, test station, track in all scales, books, catalogs and much more not mentioned; PLUS, railroad locks; railroad lanterns; Baltimore Ohio RR & Santa Fe Railway “Whites Only” reverse painted glass signs; uniform buttons;

Large collection of Hall Jewel Tea Autumn Leaf dishware to include limited edition NALCC club member only pieces;

Large collection of Boy Scouts of America 1920s-80s memorabilia to include Eagle Scout & other medals, Garrison hats & sashes w/merits, OA Order of the Arrow sashes & patches, D-bar-A wool shirt, neckerchiefs, sterling rings, knives, hatchet, Rexcraft bugle, manuals, merit badge cards & more;


Bear Kodiak Special, Wards Standard Hunter box set, Bear Polar LTD compound & other bows; Bear leather quiver with cedar arrows; Sawyer Woodworking & other canoe paddles; U.S. Lund wooden snowshoes; live traps; boxes of Molle II camouflage molded waist belts, magazine & hydration pouches;  Winchester Model 12 12ga shotgun sn/775556; Wards Western Field Model 39A 22cal. sn/na; assorted ammo; black powder revolver; Daisy models 25 & 155 (Plymouth), 86/70, 95, 99, 102, 111B, 880 & Red Ryder Saddle Ring carbines (Rogers), Crosman 101/102 var. (missing bolt) plus other air rifles and pistols;


Dewalt miter saw; Ridgid & Delta surface planers; joiner planer; table saw; mortising drill press with bits; bandsaw; belt disc sander; drill press;  scroll saws; rolling and carry tool boxes with tools; air compressor; pneumatic staple guns; hand & power tools; clamps; nut bolt bins-full; Foley Belsaw sharpen all machine; vise; Forstner & drill bit sets; plunge router & bits; heavy extension cords; multi-purpose Gorilla ladder; other ladders; Volcano potbelly woodstove; 4) small safes;     


Grand Traverse Crane forklift boom attachment; 2) 15hp 3Ph Hi-Output industrial pumps; Stihl MS260 Pro & other chainsaws; Stihl HS56C hedge trimmer; 17’ aluminum canoe; toboggan; steel runner sleds; bikes; Power Wheels ATV; wheel barrow; lawn garden tools; helmets; trailer hitches; hitch mount platform; aluminum folding ramps; ropes & pulleys; gas cans; canopy lawn swing;

Coins & More!

Auctioneer’s Note:

The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned by Dr. Westphal, of Roscommon MI, to sell off collections & tools of her late husband, Kenneth Westphal, plus other no longer needed items from her home, as she has moved to warmer climate to be near family. There will also be some other quality locally consigned items. Check website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!



Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.




~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~


Greg & Donna Tuttle


Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158



Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.


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Westphal Estate AUCTION! Sat Feb 3rd 10am Mio, MI



Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Sale Location
1491 N Perry Creek Rd P.O. Box 131
Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Feb 3, 2024 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Details

Westphal Estate AUCTION!


 Sat. Feb. 3, 2024 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Please Note:

At this time GoToAuction.com is having problems hosting our website correctly, as they work diligently to figure out the problem, please go to


Auction ID #1455

To see details and 100s of photos with descriptive captioning.

Sorry for any inconveinece, Greg, Donna & Staff


To Include:


New twin reclining sofa, loveseat sofa and matching reclining chair; leather dual rocking reclining loveseat; rocker recliners; mission style round oak table; claw foot secretary desk; oak recliner w/slide out footrest; marble top walnut hall tree umbrella stand; Habitant lamp table & arm chair w/ottoman; maple hutch; cedar chests; misc furniture; John Wayne Monument Valley oil painting; large ornate carved regulator clock; other wall & shelf clocks; upright freezer; mini frig; 1970s Philco Space Age Design yellow table top TV; Griffiths milk glass spice jar sets; Jadite & colored glassware; Munising wooden bowls; Hall kitchenware; cast iron cookware; costume jewelry; Model Gun Co. 7mm auto & other cap guns; Roy Rogers & Hop-along Cassidy collectibles; limited  edition 96/1000 dark face Sorcerer Mickey Mouse; Mickey Mouse watches, vintage rugs & collectibles; model planes, ships & car kits; Franklin Mint Star Trek pewter models; brass tipped wooden airplane propeller with center mounted clock; Tonka & other toy trucks; tin character lunchboxes; 1960-70s original Whizzer Motor Bike porcelain sign; 1939 Photo Market Wash. DC “Press” license plate set; 1950s bicycle license plates; Bodyguard Fitness stair climber exerciser;  Montgomery Wards Royal Blue cream separator; Galvanized Cowboy Sitz bath tub; A.T. Ferrell Clipper foot pedal Bean Picker; & other homestead primitives; baseball & sports cards; Rollicord & Ricohflex twin lens cameras; other vintage cameras & assorted lenses; Sanyo Pachinko pinball machine; postcards;

Special Mention:

Eugene Leclerc (1927-1968) Schooner Bluenose model boat w/coa; other vintage model sailboats; brass ships clock; framed nautical prints & art; antique cutter sleigh with jump seat – McLaughlin?; US. Army Collins R388/URR Ham Radio; Hallicrafter S-53A Ham Radio; Tektronix 5441 storage oscilloscope & other testing equipment; Forestry/CCC US log stamping axe; Hudson Bay wool blankets; Quantity of contemporary to vintage quilts plus quilting fabrics, books, Singer 5050C & 4452 sewing machines and sewing notions;

Special Interest:

Large collection of model railroading to include Ives 3243R standard gauge engine w/ passenger cars; 0 scale K-Line Virginia Trainmaster diesel engine, F Series engines, 2488 Locomotive, Heavyweight & Streamliners passenger cars, Millennium Club car & others; 0/027 scale Lionel engines 621,622, 6220, US Army 41, 2333 & 2343 Santa Fe, 2344 NYC & others; Tyco & Lionel HO scale engines & cars; wide assortment of cars, accessories too many to mention, repair parts/pieces, transformers, test station, track in all scales, books, catalogs and much more not mentioned; PLUS, railroad locks; railroad lanterns; Baltimore Ohio RR & Santa Fe Railway “Whites Only” reverse painted glass signs; uniform buttons;

Large collection of Hall Jewel Tea Autumn Leaf dishware to include limited edition NALCC club member only pieces;

Large collection of Boy Scouts of America 1920s-80s memorabilia to include Eagle Scout & other medals, Garrison hats & sashes w/merits, OA Order of the Arrow sashes & patches, D-bar-A wool shirt, neckerchiefs, sterling rings, knives, hatchet, Rexcraft bugle, manuals, merit badge cards & more;


Bear Kodiak Special, Wards Standard Hunter box set, Bear Polar LTD compound & other bows; Bear leather quiver with cedar arrows; Sawyer Woodworking & other canoe paddles; U.S. Lund wooden snowshoes; live traps; boxes of Molle II camouflage molded waist belts, magazine & hydration pouches;  Winchester Model 12 12ga shotgun sn/775556; Wards Western Field Model 39A 22cal. sn/na; assorted ammo; black powder revolver; Daisy models 25 & 155 (Plymouth), 86/70, 95, 99, 102, 111B, 880 & Red Ryder Saddle Ring carbines (Rogers), Crosman 101/102 var. (missing bolt) plus other air rifles and pistols;


Dewalt miter saw; Ridgid & Delta surface planers; joiner planer; table saw; mortising drill press with bits; bandsaw; belt disc sander; drill press;  scroll saws; rolling and carry tool boxes with tools; air compressor; pneumatic staple guns; hand & power tools; clamps; nut bolt bins-full; Foley Belsaw sharpen all machine; vise; Forstner & drill bit sets; plunge router & bits; heavy extension cords; multi-purpose Gorilla ladder; other ladders; Volcano potbelly woodstove; 4) small safes;     


Grand Traverse Crane forklift boom attachment; 2) 15hp 3Ph Hi-Output industrial pumps; Stihl MS260 Pro & other chainsaws; Stihl HS56C hedge trimmer; 17’ aluminum canoe; toboggan; steel runner sleds; bikes; Power Wheels ATV; wheel barrow; lawn garden tools; helmets; trailer hitches; hitch mount platform; aluminum folding ramps; ropes & pulleys; gas cans; canopy lawn swing;

Coins & More!

Auctioneer’s Note:

The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned by Dr. Westphal, of Roscommon MI, to sell off collections & tools of her late husband, Kenneth Westphal, plus other no longer needed items from her home, as she has moved to warmer climate to be near family. There will also be some other quality locally consigned items. Check website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!



Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.




~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~


Greg & Donna Tuttle


Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158



Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.


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Westphal Estate AUCTION! Sat Feb 3rd 10am Mio, MI
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Feb 3, 2024 Completed
Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
File Attachments

Westphal Estate AUCTION!


 Sat. Feb. 3, 2024 10AM Mio, MI.

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Please Note:

At this time GoToAuction.com is having problems hosting our website correctly, as they work diligently to figure out the problem, please go to


Auction ID #1455

To see details and 100s of photos with descriptive captioning.

Sorry for any inconveinece, Greg, Donna & Staff


To Include:


New twin reclining sofa, loveseat sofa and matching reclining chair; leather dual rocking reclining loveseat; rocker recliners; mission style round oak table; claw foot secretary desk; oak recliner w/slide out footrest; marble top walnut hall tree umbrella stand; Habitant lamp table & arm chair w/ottoman; maple hutch; cedar chests; misc furniture; John Wayne Monument Valley oil painting; large ornate carved regulator clock; other wall & shelf clocks; upright freezer; mini frig; 1970s Philco Space Age Design yellow table top TV; Griffiths milk glass spice jar sets; Jadite & colored glassware; Munising wooden bowls; Hall kitchenware; cast iron cookware; costume jewelry; Model Gun Co. 7mm auto & other cap guns; Roy Rogers & Hop-along Cassidy collectibles; limited  edition 96/1000 dark face Sorcerer Mickey Mouse; Mickey Mouse watches, vintage rugs & collectibles; model planes, ships & car kits; Franklin Mint Star Trek pewter models; brass tipped wooden airplane propeller with center mounted clock; Tonka & other toy trucks; tin character lunchboxes; 1960-70s original Whizzer Motor Bike porcelain sign; 1939 Photo Market Wash. DC “Press” license plate set; 1950s bicycle license plates; Bodyguard Fitness stair climber exerciser;  Montgomery Wards Royal Blue cream separator; Galvanized Cowboy Sitz bath tub; A.T. Ferrell Clipper foot pedal Bean Picker; & other homestead primitives; baseball & sports cards; Rollicord & Ricohflex twin lens cameras; other vintage cameras & assorted lenses; Sanyo Pachinko pinball machine; postcards;

Special Mention:

Eugene Leclerc (1927-1968) Schooner Bluenose model boat w/coa; other vintage model sailboats; brass ships clock; framed nautical prints & art; antique cutter sleigh with jump seat – McLaughlin?; US. Army Collins R388/URR Ham Radio; Hallicrafter S-53A Ham Radio; Tektronix 5441 storage oscilloscope & other testing equipment; Forestry/CCC US log stamping axe; Hudson Bay wool blankets; Quantity of contemporary to vintage quilts plus quilting fabrics, books, Singer 5050C & 4452 sewing machines and sewing notions;

Special Interest:

Large collection of model railroading to include Ives 3243R standard gauge engine w/ passenger cars; 0 scale K-Line Virginia Trainmaster diesel engine, F Series engines, 2488 Locomotive, Heavyweight & Streamliners passenger cars, Millennium Club car & others; 0/027 scale Lionel engines 621,622, 6220, US Army 41, 2333 & 2343 Santa Fe, 2344 NYC & others; Tyco & Lionel HO scale engines & cars; wide assortment of cars, accessories too many to mention, repair parts/pieces, transformers, test station, track in all scales, books, catalogs and much more not mentioned; PLUS, railroad locks; railroad lanterns; Baltimore Ohio RR & Santa Fe Railway “Whites Only” reverse painted glass signs; uniform buttons;

Large collection of Hall Jewel Tea Autumn Leaf dishware to include limited edition NALCC club member only pieces;

Large collection of Boy Scouts of America 1920s-80s memorabilia to include Eagle Scout & other medals, Garrison hats & sashes w/merits, OA Order of the Arrow sashes & patches, D-bar-A wool shirt, neckerchiefs, sterling rings, knives, hatchet, Rexcraft bugle, manuals, merit badge cards & more;


Bear Kodiak Special, Wards Standard Hunter box set, Bear Polar LTD compound & other bows; Bear leather quiver with cedar arrows; Sawyer Woodworking & other canoe paddles; U.S. Lund wooden snowshoes; live traps; boxes of Molle II camouflage molded waist belts, magazine & hydration pouches;  Winchester Model 12 12ga shotgun sn/775556; Wards Western Field Model 39A 22cal. sn/na; assorted ammo; black powder revolver; Daisy models 25 & 155 (Plymouth), 86/70, 95, 99, 102, 111B, 880 & Red Ryder Saddle Ring carbines (Rogers), Crosman 101/102 var. (missing bolt) plus other air rifles and pistols;


Dewalt miter saw; Ridgid & Delta surface planers; joiner planer; table saw; mortising drill press with bits; bandsaw; belt disc sander; drill press;  scroll saws; rolling and carry tool boxes with tools; air compressor; pneumatic staple guns; hand & power tools; clamps; nut bolt bins-full; Foley Belsaw sharpen all machine; vise; Forstner & drill bit sets; plunge router & bits; heavy extension cords; multi-purpose Gorilla ladder; other ladders; Volcano potbelly woodstove; 4) small safes;     


Grand Traverse Crane forklift boom attachment; 2) 15hp 3Ph Hi-Output industrial pumps; Stihl MS260 Pro & other chainsaws; Stihl HS56C hedge trimmer; 17’ aluminum canoe; toboggan; steel runner sleds; bikes; Power Wheels ATV; wheel barrow; lawn garden tools; helmets; trailer hitches; hitch mount platform; aluminum folding ramps; ropes & pulleys; gas cans; canopy lawn swing;

Coins & More!

Auctioneer’s Note:

The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned by Dr. Westphal, of Roscommon MI, to sell off collections & tools of her late husband, Kenneth Westphal, plus other no longer needed items from her home, as she has moved to warmer climate to be near family. There will also be some other quality locally consigned items. Check website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!



Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.




~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~


Greg & Donna Tuttle


Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158



Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.