(Ervin Shull) Living Estate
Listing ID#: 652226

Sale Location

Cole Camp, MO 65325
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Dec 23, 2023 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Living Estate Auction

“Ervin Shull”

23579 Lange Road, Cole Camp Mo. 

As I am selling my home & moving to town, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 23rd 10:00am 2023

Directions: From Cole Camp Jct. (65 & 52hwy intersection) go East on 52 to Centerline Ave. turn Right (South) on Center Line Ave. go 1 mile to Lange Road turn Left (East) on Lange go 1 mile to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

International B-414 diesel utility tractor,  

John Deere 265 Lawn tractor 42” cut,

1997 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 diesel extended cab runs, has title, (Collision damage NOT road ready),

Yamaha “Grizzley” 660cc 4x4 four-wheeler,

Artic-Cat 400 4x4 four -wheeler w/after-market racks,

Gravely ZT2760HD zero-turn mower 2760” cut,

Cub Cadet SLTX 1054 V-twin hydrostatic 48” cut, Lawn Tractor,

Honda ATC-110cc three-wheeler,  

12’ tandem axle bumper hitch trailer (w/title),

10’ tandem disk, 3pt 5’ blade,

10’ International / Farmall grain drill,

Generac GP7500E 7500watt generator,





Remington nylon 66 .22cal semi-auto rifle,

Springfield Single shot 12ga shotgun,

Daisey BB gun vintage wooden stock,


Household & Misc.

Visio 70” flat screen TV, Kenmore apartment size gas oven-range, Iron full size bed,

3 - chest of drawers, antique glass front curio, 2 – retro living room stereos,

2 swivel rockers, 2 faux leather recliners & matching dual reclining sofa, La-Z-Boy leather recliner,

mid-century modern drop leaf dinette set w/4 chairs, Teeter inversion table, wire shelf,

Kirby vacuum w/attachments, 3 – iron swivel bar stools, Studebaker boom box,  

Oak retro office chair, glass front curio, lot misc. occ tables, lot misc. shelves, computer desk,  

Lot misc. board games, lg lot Star Trek figurines new in boxes, lot Star Wars collectibles, globe on stand,

Lg lot seasonal décor & decorations, pressure cooker, wash tub on stand, push plow,

lot costume jewelry & watches, Lawson gas heating stove, Stok ele. BBQ grill, Master built ele. smoker,     

Lot pictures mirrors & wall art, lot misc. glass, Kitchen ware & small appliances,

Lot 6+ push mowers, Legacy cordless grease gun, Lincoln AC-225 welder, Stihl BG-55 leaf blower,

G-Clean power washer 2600psi (used twice), Craftsman shop-vac, Stihl 031AV chainsaw,  

Craftsman walk behind string trimmer, Fimco ATV sprayer, 48” yard roller, wheel barrow,

oxy-acetylene torch & bottle set on dolly, lot parts chain saws, log chains, 48” lawn sweeper,

5’ pull type rotary mower (old & heavy), 2 – yard carts, lot used T-post, lot scrap metal,  

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Going to be an Auction with something for everyone, come on out for a fun filled day.

Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Ervin Shull) Living Estate

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
23579 Lange Road
Cole Camp, MO 65325
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Dec 23, 2023 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details




Living Estate Auction

“Ervin Shull”

23579 Lange Road, Cole Camp Mo. 

As I am selling my home & moving to town, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 23rd 10:00am 2023

Directions: From Cole Camp Jct. (65 & 52hwy intersection) go East on 52 to Centerline Ave. turn Right (South) on Center Line Ave. go 1 mile to Lange Road turn Left (East) on Lange go 1 mile to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

International B-414 diesel utility tractor,  

John Deere 265 Lawn tractor 42” cut,

1997 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 diesel extended cab runs, has title, (Collision damage NOT road ready),

Yamaha “Grizzley” 660cc 4x4 four-wheeler,

Artic-Cat 400 4x4 four -wheeler w/after-market racks,

Gravely ZT2760HD zero-turn mower 2760” cut,

Cub Cadet SLTX 1054 V-twin hydrostatic 48” cut, Lawn Tractor,

Honda ATC-110cc three-wheeler,  

12’ tandem axle bumper hitch trailer (w/title),

10’ tandem disk, 3pt 5’ blade,

10’ International / Farmall grain drill,

Generac GP7500E 7500watt generator,





Remington nylon 66 .22cal semi-auto rifle,

Springfield Single shot 12ga shotgun,

Daisey BB gun vintage wooden stock,


Household & Misc.

Visio 70” flat screen TV, Kenmore apartment size gas oven-range, Iron full size bed,

3 - chest of drawers, antique glass front curio, 2 – retro living room stereos,

2 swivel rockers, 2 faux leather recliners & matching dual reclining sofa, La-Z-Boy leather recliner,

mid-century modern drop leaf dinette set w/4 chairs, Teeter inversion table, wire shelf,

Kirby vacuum w/attachments, 3 – iron swivel bar stools, Studebaker boom box,  

Oak retro office chair, glass front curio, lot misc. occ tables, lot misc. shelves, computer desk,  

Lot misc. board games, lg lot Star Trek figurines new in boxes, lot Star Wars collectibles, globe on stand,

Lg lot seasonal décor & decorations, pressure cooker, wash tub on stand, push plow,

lot costume jewelry & watches, Lawson gas heating stove, Stok ele. BBQ grill, Master built ele. smoker,     

Lot pictures mirrors & wall art, lot misc. glass, Kitchen ware & small appliances,

Lot 6+ push mowers, Legacy cordless grease gun, Lincoln AC-225 welder, Stihl BG-55 leaf blower,

G-Clean power washer 2600psi (used twice), Craftsman shop-vac, Stihl 031AV chainsaw,  

Craftsman walk behind string trimmer, Fimco ATV sprayer, 48” yard roller, wheel barrow,

oxy-acetylene torch & bottle set on dolly, lot parts chain saws, log chains, 48” lawn sweeper,

5’ pull type rotary mower (old & heavy), 2 – yard carts, lot used T-post, lot scrap metal,  

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Going to be an Auction with something for everyone, come on out for a fun filled day.

Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Ervin Shull) Living Estate
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Dec 23, 2023 Completed
Sale Location

Cole Camp, MO 65325
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com




Living Estate Auction

“Ervin Shull”

23579 Lange Road, Cole Camp Mo. 

As I am selling my home & moving to town, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 23rd 10:00am 2023

Directions: From Cole Camp Jct. (65 & 52hwy intersection) go East on 52 to Centerline Ave. turn Right (South) on Center Line Ave. go 1 mile to Lange Road turn Left (East) on Lange go 1 mile to Auction on Left. Watch for signs on sale day.

International B-414 diesel utility tractor,  

John Deere 265 Lawn tractor 42” cut,

1997 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 diesel extended cab runs, has title, (Collision damage NOT road ready),

Yamaha “Grizzley” 660cc 4x4 four-wheeler,

Artic-Cat 400 4x4 four -wheeler w/after-market racks,

Gravely ZT2760HD zero-turn mower 2760” cut,

Cub Cadet SLTX 1054 V-twin hydrostatic 48” cut, Lawn Tractor,

Honda ATC-110cc three-wheeler,  

12’ tandem axle bumper hitch trailer (w/title),

10’ tandem disk, 3pt 5’ blade,

10’ International / Farmall grain drill,

Generac GP7500E 7500watt generator,





Remington nylon 66 .22cal semi-auto rifle,

Springfield Single shot 12ga shotgun,

Daisey BB gun vintage wooden stock,


Household & Misc.

Visio 70” flat screen TV, Kenmore apartment size gas oven-range, Iron full size bed,

3 - chest of drawers, antique glass front curio, 2 – retro living room stereos,

2 swivel rockers, 2 faux leather recliners & matching dual reclining sofa, La-Z-Boy leather recliner,

mid-century modern drop leaf dinette set w/4 chairs, Teeter inversion table, wire shelf,

Kirby vacuum w/attachments, 3 – iron swivel bar stools, Studebaker boom box,  

Oak retro office chair, glass front curio, lot misc. occ tables, lot misc. shelves, computer desk,  

Lot misc. board games, lg lot Star Trek figurines new in boxes, lot Star Wars collectibles, globe on stand,

Lg lot seasonal décor & decorations, pressure cooker, wash tub on stand, push plow,

lot costume jewelry & watches, Lawson gas heating stove, Stok ele. BBQ grill, Master built ele. smoker,     

Lot pictures mirrors & wall art, lot misc. glass, Kitchen ware & small appliances,

Lot 6+ push mowers, Legacy cordless grease gun, Lincoln AC-225 welder, Stihl BG-55 leaf blower,

G-Clean power washer 2600psi (used twice), Craftsman shop-vac, Stihl 031AV chainsaw,  

Craftsman walk behind string trimmer, Fimco ATV sprayer, 48” yard roller, wheel barrow,

oxy-acetylene torch & bottle set on dolly, lot parts chain saws, log chains, 48” lawn sweeper,

5’ pull type rotary mower (old & heavy), 2 – yard carts, lot used T-post, lot scrap metal,  

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Going to be an Auction with something for everyone, come on out for a fun filled day.

Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gal”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389