Bennie & Dorthy Latham Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 649434

Sale Location

Willard, MO 65781
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Dec 9, 2023 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Website: ID#: 8448
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Listing Information

Estate Auction

10:00 A.M. * Saturday, December 9th * 10:00 A.M.     (2023)
 Location: 1207 E. 567th. Rd., Willard, Mo. 65781
  Directions: From Willard take Hwy. Z north 9 mi then right on Farm Rd. 2 1/2 mi.              then left on S. 120th Rd. to Auction. Breakfast & Lunch Available

Rain or Shine most of Auction will be held under cover in case of rain.

30+ Stationary Engines - Old Vehicles & Tractors -  Antique Tools - Peter Wright Anvil - Primitives - Quilts - Farm Related -Furniture - Household & Lots Lots More

Vehicles - Trailer - Farm
2008 Kia Spectra EX, auto, (looks rough but runs & drives good);
1979 Chevy ½ ton Custom Deluxe Pickup, 2wd, 305 V8, Auto.,(been sitting but Runs & Drives);
1964 Ford F-100, 2wd. 6cyl, 3spd. (complete but not running);
1962 Studebaker Lark, 4door, V8, project (missing heads & intake);
Older 14ft. Flatbed Trailer (homemade);
Older 10ft. Flatbed Trailer (homemade);
(2) Poly Bunk Feed Troughs;
Windvane Mineral Feeder;
Covered Salt Trough;
Round Bale Feeder;
5ft Round Galvanized Stock Tank;
Oval Galvanized Stock Tank;
Rubbermaid 300 Gallon Stock Tank;
8ft. X 10ft. Portable Building;
8ft. X 16ft. Portable Building;
Hit & Miss - Stationary Engines  - Old Tractors
NOVO Bean Spray Pump 4hp. Upright Stationary Engine #79785;
Fuller & Johnson model NC 2hp. #171323;
Witte?? 8 hp.?? (no plate or markings);
Root & Van Dervoort 4hp.;
1 Unknown 1-2 hp.;
Hercules model E 1 ½ hp. #210483;
Lansing 2hp. #W68837;
I.H. 1hp. Tom Thumb Air Cooled;
Fairbanks Morse model Z 3hp;
John Deere type E 1 ½ hp. #280157;
Witte 3hp. # 54575;
Witte 1 ½ hp. #95588U;
International Harvester type LB  1 ½ -2 ½ hp. with Pump Jack;
I.H. type LB, 1 ½ -2 ½ hp.;
I.H. type LA 1 ½ -2 ½ hp.#LAA35206;

McCormick Deering model M, 1 ½ hp.;

McCormick Deering model M, 1 ½ hp.
Alpha DeLaval 1 ½ hp. #58033;
I.H. Hay Press/Baler Motor;
(4) Maytag Twin Cylinder Gas Motors;
(3) Maytag Single Cyl. Gas Motors;
Briggs & Stratton model Y Kick Start;
(Mr. Latham passed in 1981, All of the engines have been in the barn since then, all engines turn smoothly, These are some true Barn Finds that haven’t seen the sun in 40 years)
Myers Well Pump with Pump Jack;
International Harvester Corn Sheller, Hand Crank or Flat Belt;
Flat Belt Burr Mill/Feed Grinder;
Alpha DeLaval 2 ½ hp type F (parts);
Baker Moniter 1 ½ hp type VJ (parts);
1938 Case model RC Tractor (project or parts, motor stuck);
Old Farmall Wide Front Tractor (project or parts, motor stuck);
Keen Kutter Reel type Lawn Mower;
Push Plow;

Antique Tools - Primitives - Antiques - Collectibles
W.F. &J Barnes 1877 Hand Crank Rip/Table Saw;
Peter Wright Anvil, stamped II7 (147 lb);
Old Leg Vise;
Large 3 Legged Cast Iron Kettle with Stand marked XXXx (no cracks);
Grizwold #9 Self Basting Lid;
Few Cast Iron Skillets & Pots;
(2) Very Old Nellis Hay Harpoons;
Barn Loft Hay Lift Spear;
Mid Am Dairy Farm Sign & Holder;
10 Gallon Milk Can;
Milk Strainer;
License Plates;
Kerosene Lamps;
Old 5 Gallon Gas & Oil Cans;
10 Gallon Crock Jar (no chips or cracks);
Maytag model 32L Wringer Washer;
(3) Wringer Washing Machines;
Green Enamel Outside Barn Light;
Sunshine Coffee Jar;
Antique Wood 3 Door Ice Box;
(2) Enamel Wash Pans;
Old Watering Cans & Wash Tubs;
Old Wood Boxes;
Wood Whiskey Barrel;
1 Man Crosscut Saw;
Few Old Wood Planes;
Old Saw Box w/ Hand Saws;
Green Schwinn Stingray Bicycle with Banana Seat;
Metal Tricycle;
Nylint Colonial Bread Truck (M.I.B.);
Mid Am Dairy Tanker Truck;
Ertl McCormick Deering Toy Engine;
Misc. Metal Toy Trucks;
“The Double Deckers” Metal Lunch Box;
Old Rocking Wonder Horse;
(5) Paradise Toys Toy Horses;
Few Older Toy Items;
Old Donasco Coke Thermometer;
Coors Pool Table Light;
Treadle Sewing Machine;
Old McCoy Aunt Jemima Cookie Jar;
Captain Morgan Mirror Serving Trays;
Misc. Mid Century Household Items;
Misc. Older Kitchen Items;
Tubs full of mostly 70’s & 80’s Costume Jewelry Incl. Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces,

Tools - Scrap
15 Drawer Craftsman Toolbox;
Older Gardner Denve 60 gallon  Air Compressor;
11hp. 5500 watt Generator
(Like New never had fuel in it);
Predator 4000 watt Generator;
Husqvarna 455 Rancher Chainsaw;
Stihl FS40C Gas Weedeater;
Swisher 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
2 Wheel Lawn & Garden Cart;
Hi-Lift Jack Car Ramps;
Krause Multimatic Adjustable Ladder
Old Craftsman Welder;
Misc. Hand Tools of All Kinds;
Misc. Lawn & Garden Tools;
Lots Misc. Shop Related Items;
1989 Nissan Car (Scrap, has title);
Scrap Riding Mowers & Appliances;
Furniture - Household
Old Mission Mirror Back Buffet;
Antique Mission Rocker;
Jenny Lind Bed;
Lift Chair;
Old Wood Rockers;
Lots & Lots  of Furniture from the 80’s & Older including Beds, Dressers, Chests, Tables, Stands, Chairs, Stools, Shelves, etc...;
Red Kitchen Step Stool;
(4) Flatscreen TV’s
Ashley Wood Heating Stove;
Misc. Outside Furniture;
Lots of good Kitchen Items incl. Pots, Pans, Cookware, Dishes, etc...;
Lot Bed & Bath Linen;
Several Quilts (some handsewn);
Material & Sewing Items;
Boxes & Boxes & Boxes Misc, Household Items;
Auctioneers Note
Mr & Mrs Latham lived here over 60 years, So there is a lot of stuff.
Expect surprises, lots still in boxes. Bring a Friend as we will be selling 2 Rings part of the day.


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Bennie & Dorthy Latham Estate Auction

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
1207 E. 567th. Rd.
Willard, MO 65781
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Dec 9, 2023 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Estate Auction

10:00 A.M. * Saturday, December 9th * 10:00 A.M.     (2023)
 Location: 1207 E. 567th. Rd., Willard, Mo. 65781
  Directions: From Willard take Hwy. Z north 9 mi then right on Farm Rd. 2 1/2 mi.              then left on S. 120th Rd. to Auction. Breakfast & Lunch Available

Rain or Shine most of Auction will be held under cover in case of rain.

30+ Stationary Engines - Old Vehicles & Tractors -  Antique Tools - Peter Wright Anvil - Primitives - Quilts - Farm Related -Furniture - Household & Lots Lots More

Vehicles - Trailer - Farm
2008 Kia Spectra EX, auto, (looks rough but runs & drives good);
1979 Chevy ½ ton Custom Deluxe Pickup, 2wd, 305 V8, Auto.,(been sitting but Runs & Drives);
1964 Ford F-100, 2wd. 6cyl, 3spd. (complete but not running);
1962 Studebaker Lark, 4door, V8, project (missing heads & intake);
Older 14ft. Flatbed Trailer (homemade);
Older 10ft. Flatbed Trailer (homemade);
(2) Poly Bunk Feed Troughs;
Windvane Mineral Feeder;
Covered Salt Trough;
Round Bale Feeder;
5ft Round Galvanized Stock Tank;
Oval Galvanized Stock Tank;
Rubbermaid 300 Gallon Stock Tank;
8ft. X 10ft. Portable Building;
8ft. X 16ft. Portable Building;
Hit & Miss - Stationary Engines  - Old Tractors
NOVO Bean Spray Pump 4hp. Upright Stationary Engine #79785;
Fuller & Johnson model NC 2hp. #171323;
Witte?? 8 hp.?? (no plate or markings);
Root & Van Dervoort 4hp.;
1 Unknown 1-2 hp.;
Hercules model E 1 ½ hp. #210483;
Lansing 2hp. #W68837;
I.H. 1hp. Tom Thumb Air Cooled;
Fairbanks Morse model Z 3hp;
John Deere type E 1 ½ hp. #280157;
Witte 3hp. # 54575;
Witte 1 ½ hp. #95588U;
International Harvester type LB  1 ½ -2 ½ hp. with Pump Jack;
I.H. type LB, 1 ½ -2 ½ hp.;
I.H. type LA 1 ½ -2 ½ hp.#LAA35206;

McCormick Deering model M, 1 ½ hp.;

McCormick Deering model M, 1 ½ hp.
Alpha DeLaval 1 ½ hp. #58033;
I.H. Hay Press/Baler Motor;
(4) Maytag Twin Cylinder Gas Motors;
(3) Maytag Single Cyl. Gas Motors;
Briggs & Stratton model Y Kick Start;
(Mr. Latham passed in 1981, All of the engines have been in the barn since then, all engines turn smoothly, These are some true Barn Finds that haven’t seen the sun in 40 years)
Myers Well Pump with Pump Jack;
International Harvester Corn Sheller, Hand Crank or Flat Belt;
Flat Belt Burr Mill/Feed Grinder;
Alpha DeLaval 2 ½ hp type F (parts);
Baker Moniter 1 ½ hp type VJ (parts);
1938 Case model RC Tractor (project or parts, motor stuck);
Old Farmall Wide Front Tractor (project or parts, motor stuck);
Keen Kutter Reel type Lawn Mower;
Push Plow;

Antique Tools - Primitives - Antiques - Collectibles
W.F. &J Barnes 1877 Hand Crank Rip/Table Saw;
Peter Wright Anvil, stamped II7 (147 lb);
Old Leg Vise;
Large 3 Legged Cast Iron Kettle with Stand marked XXXx (no cracks);
Grizwold #9 Self Basting Lid;
Few Cast Iron Skillets & Pots;
(2) Very Old Nellis Hay Harpoons;
Barn Loft Hay Lift Spear;
Mid Am Dairy Farm Sign & Holder;
10 Gallon Milk Can;
Milk Strainer;
License Plates;
Kerosene Lamps;
Old 5 Gallon Gas & Oil Cans;
10 Gallon Crock Jar (no chips or cracks);
Maytag model 32L Wringer Washer;
(3) Wringer Washing Machines;
Green Enamel Outside Barn Light;
Sunshine Coffee Jar;
Antique Wood 3 Door Ice Box;
(2) Enamel Wash Pans;
Old Watering Cans & Wash Tubs;
Old Wood Boxes;
Wood Whiskey Barrel;
1 Man Crosscut Saw;
Few Old Wood Planes;
Old Saw Box w/ Hand Saws;
Green Schwinn Stingray Bicycle with Banana Seat;
Metal Tricycle;
Nylint Colonial Bread Truck (M.I.B.);
Mid Am Dairy Tanker Truck;
Ertl McCormick Deering Toy Engine;
Misc. Metal Toy Trucks;
“The Double Deckers” Metal Lunch Box;
Old Rocking Wonder Horse;
(5) Paradise Toys Toy Horses;
Few Older Toy Items;
Old Donasco Coke Thermometer;
Coors Pool Table Light;
Treadle Sewing Machine;
Old McCoy Aunt Jemima Cookie Jar;
Captain Morgan Mirror Serving Trays;
Misc. Mid Century Household Items;
Misc. Older Kitchen Items;
Tubs full of mostly 70’s & 80’s Costume Jewelry Incl. Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces,

Tools - Scrap
15 Drawer Craftsman Toolbox;
Older Gardner Denve 60 gallon  Air Compressor;
11hp. 5500 watt Generator
(Like New never had fuel in it);
Predator 4000 watt Generator;
Husqvarna 455 Rancher Chainsaw;
Stihl FS40C Gas Weedeater;
Swisher 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
2 Wheel Lawn & Garden Cart;
Hi-Lift Jack Car Ramps;
Krause Multimatic Adjustable Ladder
Old Craftsman Welder;
Misc. Hand Tools of All Kinds;
Misc. Lawn & Garden Tools;
Lots Misc. Shop Related Items;
1989 Nissan Car (Scrap, has title);
Scrap Riding Mowers & Appliances;
Furniture - Household
Old Mission Mirror Back Buffet;
Antique Mission Rocker;
Jenny Lind Bed;
Lift Chair;
Old Wood Rockers;
Lots & Lots  of Furniture from the 80’s & Older including Beds, Dressers, Chests, Tables, Stands, Chairs, Stools, Shelves, etc...;
Red Kitchen Step Stool;
(4) Flatscreen TV’s
Ashley Wood Heating Stove;
Misc. Outside Furniture;
Lots of good Kitchen Items incl. Pots, Pans, Cookware, Dishes, etc...;
Lot Bed & Bath Linen;
Several Quilts (some handsewn);
Material & Sewing Items;
Boxes & Boxes & Boxes Misc, Household Items;
Auctioneers Note
Mr & Mrs Latham lived here over 60 years, So there is a lot of stuff.
Expect surprises, lots still in boxes. Bring a Friend as we will be selling 2 Rings part of the day.


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Bennie & Dorthy Latham Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Dec 9, 2023 Completed
Sale Location

Willard, MO 65781
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329

Estate Auction

10:00 A.M. * Saturday, December 9th * 10:00 A.M.     (2023)
 Location: 1207 E. 567th. Rd., Willard, Mo. 65781
  Directions: From Willard take Hwy. Z north 9 mi then right on Farm Rd. 2 1/2 mi.              then left on S. 120th Rd. to Auction. Breakfast & Lunch Available

Rain or Shine most of Auction will be held under cover in case of rain.

30+ Stationary Engines - Old Vehicles & Tractors -  Antique Tools - Peter Wright Anvil - Primitives - Quilts - Farm Related -Furniture - Household & Lots Lots More

Vehicles - Trailer - Farm
2008 Kia Spectra EX, auto, (looks rough but runs & drives good);
1979 Chevy ½ ton Custom Deluxe Pickup, 2wd, 305 V8, Auto.,(been sitting but Runs & Drives);
1964 Ford F-100, 2wd. 6cyl, 3spd. (complete but not running);
1962 Studebaker Lark, 4door, V8, project (missing heads & intake);
Older 14ft. Flatbed Trailer (homemade);
Older 10ft. Flatbed Trailer (homemade);
(2) Poly Bunk Feed Troughs;
Windvane Mineral Feeder;
Covered Salt Trough;
Round Bale Feeder;
5ft Round Galvanized Stock Tank;
Oval Galvanized Stock Tank;
Rubbermaid 300 Gallon Stock Tank;
8ft. X 10ft. Portable Building;
8ft. X 16ft. Portable Building;
Hit & Miss - Stationary Engines  - Old Tractors
NOVO Bean Spray Pump 4hp. Upright Stationary Engine #79785;
Fuller & Johnson model NC 2hp. #171323;
Witte?? 8 hp.?? (no plate or markings);
Root & Van Dervoort 4hp.;
1 Unknown 1-2 hp.;
Hercules model E 1 ½ hp. #210483;
Lansing 2hp. #W68837;
I.H. 1hp. Tom Thumb Air Cooled;
Fairbanks Morse model Z 3hp;
John Deere type E 1 ½ hp. #280157;
Witte 3hp. # 54575;
Witte 1 ½ hp. #95588U;
International Harvester type LB  1 ½ -2 ½ hp. with Pump Jack;
I.H. type LB, 1 ½ -2 ½ hp.;
I.H. type LA 1 ½ -2 ½ hp.#LAA35206;

McCormick Deering model M, 1 ½ hp.;

McCormick Deering model M, 1 ½ hp.
Alpha DeLaval 1 ½ hp. #58033;
I.H. Hay Press/Baler Motor;
(4) Maytag Twin Cylinder Gas Motors;
(3) Maytag Single Cyl. Gas Motors;
Briggs & Stratton model Y Kick Start;
(Mr. Latham passed in 1981, All of the engines have been in the barn since then, all engines turn smoothly, These are some true Barn Finds that haven’t seen the sun in 40 years)
Myers Well Pump with Pump Jack;
International Harvester Corn Sheller, Hand Crank or Flat Belt;
Flat Belt Burr Mill/Feed Grinder;
Alpha DeLaval 2 ½ hp type F (parts);
Baker Moniter 1 ½ hp type VJ (parts);
1938 Case model RC Tractor (project or parts, motor stuck);
Old Farmall Wide Front Tractor (project or parts, motor stuck);
Keen Kutter Reel type Lawn Mower;
Push Plow;

Antique Tools - Primitives - Antiques - Collectibles
W.F. &J Barnes 1877 Hand Crank Rip/Table Saw;
Peter Wright Anvil, stamped II7 (147 lb);
Old Leg Vise;
Large 3 Legged Cast Iron Kettle with Stand marked XXXx (no cracks);
Grizwold #9 Self Basting Lid;
Few Cast Iron Skillets & Pots;
(2) Very Old Nellis Hay Harpoons;
Barn Loft Hay Lift Spear;
Mid Am Dairy Farm Sign & Holder;
10 Gallon Milk Can;
Milk Strainer;
License Plates;
Kerosene Lamps;
Old 5 Gallon Gas & Oil Cans;
10 Gallon Crock Jar (no chips or cracks);
Maytag model 32L Wringer Washer;
(3) Wringer Washing Machines;
Green Enamel Outside Barn Light;
Sunshine Coffee Jar;
Antique Wood 3 Door Ice Box;
(2) Enamel Wash Pans;
Old Watering Cans & Wash Tubs;
Old Wood Boxes;
Wood Whiskey Barrel;
1 Man Crosscut Saw;
Few Old Wood Planes;
Old Saw Box w/ Hand Saws;
Green Schwinn Stingray Bicycle with Banana Seat;
Metal Tricycle;
Nylint Colonial Bread Truck (M.I.B.);
Mid Am Dairy Tanker Truck;
Ertl McCormick Deering Toy Engine;
Misc. Metal Toy Trucks;
“The Double Deckers” Metal Lunch Box;
Old Rocking Wonder Horse;
(5) Paradise Toys Toy Horses;
Few Older Toy Items;
Old Donasco Coke Thermometer;
Coors Pool Table Light;
Treadle Sewing Machine;
Old McCoy Aunt Jemima Cookie Jar;
Captain Morgan Mirror Serving Trays;
Misc. Mid Century Household Items;
Misc. Older Kitchen Items;
Tubs full of mostly 70’s & 80’s Costume Jewelry Incl. Rings, Bracelets, Necklaces,

Tools - Scrap
15 Drawer Craftsman Toolbox;
Older Gardner Denve 60 gallon  Air Compressor;
11hp. 5500 watt Generator
(Like New never had fuel in it);
Predator 4000 watt Generator;
Husqvarna 455 Rancher Chainsaw;
Stihl FS40C Gas Weedeater;
Swisher 2 Wheel String Trimmer;
2 Wheel Lawn & Garden Cart;
Hi-Lift Jack Car Ramps;
Krause Multimatic Adjustable Ladder
Old Craftsman Welder;
Misc. Hand Tools of All Kinds;
Misc. Lawn & Garden Tools;
Lots Misc. Shop Related Items;
1989 Nissan Car (Scrap, has title);
Scrap Riding Mowers & Appliances;
Furniture - Household
Old Mission Mirror Back Buffet;
Antique Mission Rocker;
Jenny Lind Bed;
Lift Chair;
Old Wood Rockers;
Lots & Lots  of Furniture from the 80’s & Older including Beds, Dressers, Chests, Tables, Stands, Chairs, Stools, Shelves, etc...;
Red Kitchen Step Stool;
(4) Flatscreen TV’s
Ashley Wood Heating Stove;
Misc. Outside Furniture;
Lots of good Kitchen Items incl. Pots, Pans, Cookware, Dishes, etc...;
Lot Bed & Bath Linen;
Several Quilts (some handsewn);
Material & Sewing Items;
Boxes & Boxes & Boxes Misc, Household Items;
Auctioneers Note
Mr & Mrs Latham lived here over 60 years, So there is a lot of stuff.
Expect surprises, lots still in boxes. Bring a Friend as we will be selling 2 Rings part of the day.