Mary Pratt Estate & Others Auction
Listing ID#: 643504

Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 11, 2023 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Website: ID#: 10444
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Information
Mary Pratt Estate & Others Auction
Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953

(Between Marion and Jonesboro on SR 15)

Room full of really nice furniture! Life size Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus! Lots of Longaberger baskets & accessories! Dining room suites including beautiful tables with leaves, chairs, hutches, servers; bedroom suites including chest of drawers, dressers, night stands, box springs & mattresses; living room suites, recliners, sofas; power rocker recliner; sofas; love seats; occasional chairs; lots of small tables & unusual furniture items; antique furniture; mid century furniture; treadle sewing machine; large selection of wall hangings; matched Frigidaire front load washers & dryer; matched Hotpoint washer & dryer; refrigerators; freezer; great selection of clean quality small appliances and kitchen utensils; costume jewelry; collectibles; primitives; Ertl MM G1000 tractor w/box; lots of CDs & DVDs; large flat screen TVs; quilts; several DVD, CD & other players and recorders; Bakelite radios; Hohner accordion; large boy & girl Hummel; fishing poles & supplies; Hallicrafters model S 118 short band radio; lots of new concentrate antifreeze coolant in gallon jugs; tools; scores of new Bic lighters; hundreds of other items! Running two rings as always so bring a friend to help cover bidding on items of interest.

Terms: Cash, Good Check w/photo ID, MasterCard, Visa, Discover. A 3% convenience service fee will be added to buyer total for credit cards. No fee for debit cards. Not responsible for accidents. Food available.
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Mary Pratt Estate & Others Auction

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Sale Location
5243 S Adams Street
Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 11, 2023 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Details
Mary Pratt Estate & Others Auction
Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953

(Between Marion and Jonesboro on SR 15)

Room full of really nice furniture! Life size Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus! Lots of Longaberger baskets & accessories! Dining room suites including beautiful tables with leaves, chairs, hutches, servers; bedroom suites including chest of drawers, dressers, night stands, box springs & mattresses; living room suites, recliners, sofas; power rocker recliner; sofas; love seats; occasional chairs; lots of small tables & unusual furniture items; antique furniture; mid century furniture; treadle sewing machine; large selection of wall hangings; matched Frigidaire front load washers & dryer; matched Hotpoint washer & dryer; refrigerators; freezer; great selection of clean quality small appliances and kitchen utensils; costume jewelry; collectibles; primitives; Ertl MM G1000 tractor w/box; lots of CDs & DVDs; large flat screen TVs; quilts; several DVD, CD & other players and recorders; Bakelite radios; Hohner accordion; large boy & girl Hummel; fishing poles & supplies; Hallicrafters model S 118 short band radio; lots of new concentrate antifreeze coolant in gallon jugs; tools; scores of new Bic lighters; hundreds of other items! Running two rings as always so bring a friend to help cover bidding on items of interest.

Terms: Cash, Good Check w/photo ID, MasterCard, Visa, Discover. A 3% convenience service fee will be added to buyer total for credit cards. No fee for debit cards. Not responsible for accidents. Food available.
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Mary Pratt Estate & Others Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 11, 2023 Completed
Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818

Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Mary Pratt Estate & Others Auction
Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 10 AM
5243 S Adams Street, Marion, IN 46953

(Between Marion and Jonesboro on SR 15)

Room full of really nice furniture! Life size Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus! Lots of Longaberger baskets & accessories! Dining room suites including beautiful tables with leaves, chairs, hutches, servers; bedroom suites including chest of drawers, dressers, night stands, box springs & mattresses; living room suites, recliners, sofas; power rocker recliner; sofas; love seats; occasional chairs; lots of small tables & unusual furniture items; antique furniture; mid century furniture; treadle sewing machine; large selection of wall hangings; matched Frigidaire front load washers & dryer; matched Hotpoint washer & dryer; refrigerators; freezer; great selection of clean quality small appliances and kitchen utensils; costume jewelry; collectibles; primitives; Ertl MM G1000 tractor w/box; lots of CDs & DVDs; large flat screen TVs; quilts; several DVD, CD & other players and recorders; Bakelite radios; Hohner accordion; large boy & girl Hummel; fishing poles & supplies; Hallicrafters model S 118 short band radio; lots of new concentrate antifreeze coolant in gallon jugs; tools; scores of new Bic lighters; hundreds of other items! Running two rings as always so bring a friend to help cover bidding on items of interest.

Terms: Cash, Good Check w/photo ID, MasterCard, Visa, Discover. A 3% convenience service fee will be added to buyer total for credit cards. No fee for debit cards. Not responsible for accidents. Food available.