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Estate Auction Ruth A. Mather
Listing ID#: 639367
Sale Location |
Warsaw , MO 65301 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Oct 21, 2023 Completed |
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Johnson & Bay Auction Service Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay Phone: 660-221-4067 Email: ID#: 9118 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
Estate Auction “Ruth A Mather” 1408 West 9th St. Sedalia Mo. 65301
Saturday October 21st10:00am 2023 Directions: From 50 & 65 hwyintersection in Sedalia, go East on 50 hwy (Broadway) ½ mile to South Carr Ave.turn Right (South) on Carr to Auction on Right. Watch for signs on sale day.
Household & Misc. 6pc. Queen sizebedroom set w/accents (Must See), Grandfatherclock made by the Black Forest Clock Factory in Germany with the Neuschwansteincastle on the face & pendulum (Many more features too numerous tolist), “LumberjackChalet” cuckoo clock (matching 3pc set - must see), pr oak cabinets, Three cushion sofa, over stuffed upholstered recliner, 40” round gametable, pr matching oak shelves, Hand painted wardrobe, large china hutch w/matching side cabinet,corner curio, roll top desk, oak horizontal file cabinet, German oak corner booth (2-chairs &bench), 19” & 50” flat screen TVs, cedar chest, kitchen cart w/butcher block top, bench w/storage, lotwalking sticks, lg 6gal. wine jar w/rattan jacket, microwave oven, 4pc. Tiffany stylestained glass lamps (2-table, hanging & floor lamps), lot wall art, lg lot framed oil prints, threesided oak dropleaf end table, lg storage chest / coffee table, entry table, ornate German sideboard, oldwater pump, wire utility racks, Farberware air fryer, board gamecollection (Monopoly, Clue & others), Naxa boom box, lg lot nut crackers, Lg Beer stein collection, HUGEcollection DVDs movies & TV shows, lot monster magazines, Huge set Seltmann Weiden W Germany Bavarian china, Sarregyemines France, lot cookie jars, green beehive stemware wine glasses, lg lotpressed glass, lot pots pans & kitchen ware, lot misc. plates, bowls, glasses& flatware, lot misc. small appliances, German spice rack, lot ladies hats many in boxes, Singer “Merritt” & “Sew Mate” portable sewing machines, foldingpatio chairs, HUGE lot Holliday decor, lg lot Blow Molds, lot garden gnomes, huge lot LED Christmas lights, lotChristmas trees all sizes, lot cookbooks, lg lot puzzles, lg animated singing Santa, lg Santa inhand stitched quilted coat, cream cans, lot globes, glass top patio set, lot long handled tools, Craftsman10” table saw,
Huge Lot “Dark Shadows” collectibles Vintage Barnabas Collins board game, 3 – “Dark Shadows” board games NEWunopened, lot “Dark Shadows” action figures & bobble heads, lunch boxes, postcards, snow globes, 2 – complete sets “Dark Shadows” paperback books, Lg lot “Dark Shadows” oil portraits on canvas
Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention *Statements made day of sale take precedenceover printed material.
Auctioneer Note: To say this is a LARGE auction is an UNDERSTATEMENT,so many items yet to be discovered & unpacked it is crazy. Come prepared tospend a fun & relaxing day with us.
Concessionsprovided by “BentonCounty Good Ole Gal”
Johnson Auction Service “ThirdGeneration Family Tradition since 1942” Russell“Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067 Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389 |
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