Living Estate Auction - Leslie Reed
Listing ID#: 639344

Sale Location

Deepwater, MO 64740
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 11, 2023 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: ID#: 9118
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Living Estate Auction

“Leslie Reed”

784 SE 1231 Road Deepwater Mo. 64740

As I am selling my lake home & moving closer to family, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 11th 10:00am 2023

Directions: From Warsaw take 7 hwy West (across mile long bridge) 5 miles to Z hwy. turn Left (West) on Z hwy go 5 miles to 1231 Road turn Right (North) on 1231 Road go 1 mile to Auction on Right, watch for signs on sale day. 



Mauser .22cal Original model 1909 w/scope

Winchester model 1200 semi auto 12ga shotgun,

Browning “Ranger” 12ga. pump shotgun,

Browning 12ga. semi auto shotgun,

Mossberg .22cal bolt action rifle,

Marlin 12ga. pump shotgun,

Remington “Speedmaster” .22cal model 241 rifle,

Ruger model 1022 .22cal rifle,

British 303 rifle,

12 gun heavy gauge security cabinet,



John Deere 4x6 gator w/hydraulic lift bed,

John Deere Z425 zero-turn mower w/54” cut & 23hp. 525hrs.

5’x9’ utility trailer w/title, Craftsman Lawn-Vac w/new engine, Generac 7550watt generator,

Troy-Bilt “Junior” rear tine tiller, Yard Machines 25ton wood splitter, 


Household & Misc.

Tempus Fugit Grandfather clock, 2 – Bent glass chine hutches, three cushion sofa, electric lift chair,

Whirlpool cross top refrigerator, Maple dinette set w/4 chairs & leaf, microwave, wooden cabinet,

2 - mirrored dresser, chest of drawers, Cedar trunk, Queen size bed, coffee end tables,

Misc. table & floor lamps, glass front display cabinet, Three drawer chest, vintage GE mixer,

wooden plant stand, corner cabinet,

Lot “Jewel Tea” autumn glass, set of 4 pink Pyrex “Gooseberry / Cinderella” mixing bowls,

2 – Pyrex blue Butterprint Amish mixing bowls, lot kitchenware & glass, lot oil lamps,

Lot misc. fishing poles & tackle, autographed foot balls (Len Dawson & Larry Johnson),

Go-go Pride mobility scooter, 2+ cord split & seasoned firewood, lot logs for firewood, SS gas BBQ grill,

Antique horse drawn plow, minnow trap,

MAC tools “Tech 1000” roll around toolbox, LOT MAC & Snap-On tools,

Craftsman upright air compressor, 6” pedestal grinder, Stihl MS-250 & 038 AV chain saws,

4gal portable air compressor, Craftsman 36” wood lathe, Makita LS1011 sliding power miter saw, 

lot bar & wood clamps, lot misc hand tools, Craftsman bench top drill press, Craftsman router & table,

Porter Cable pocket cutter, Lot organizers & hardware, Mr Heater propane space heater,

floor jack, pull type ATV sprayer, Echo, Stihl & Craftsman gas string trimmers,

lot rough cut lumber - some cedar, lot life jackets, 2 – hunting blinds, Gantry w/adjustable height,

1 ton chain hoist, yard aerator, 275gal poly tank,   


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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Living Estate Auction - Leslie Reed

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
784 SE 1231 Road 784 SE 1231 Road
Deepwater, MO 64740
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 11, 2023 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details


Living Estate Auction

“Leslie Reed”

784 SE 1231 Road Deepwater Mo. 64740

As I am selling my lake home & moving closer to family, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 11th 10:00am 2023

Directions: From Warsaw take 7 hwy West (across mile long bridge) 5 miles to Z hwy. turn Left (West) on Z hwy go 5 miles to 1231 Road turn Right (North) on 1231 Road go 1 mile to Auction on Right, watch for signs on sale day. 



Mauser .22cal Original model 1909 w/scope

Winchester model 1200 semi auto 12ga shotgun,

Browning “Ranger” 12ga. pump shotgun,

Browning 12ga. semi auto shotgun,

Mossberg .22cal bolt action rifle,

Marlin 12ga. pump shotgun,

Remington “Speedmaster” .22cal model 241 rifle,

Ruger model 1022 .22cal rifle,

British 303 rifle,

12 gun heavy gauge security cabinet,



John Deere 4x6 gator w/hydraulic lift bed,

John Deere Z425 zero-turn mower w/54” cut & 23hp. 525hrs.

5’x9’ utility trailer w/title, Craftsman Lawn-Vac w/new engine, Generac 7550watt generator,

Troy-Bilt “Junior” rear tine tiller, Yard Machines 25ton wood splitter, 


Household & Misc.

Tempus Fugit Grandfather clock, 2 – Bent glass chine hutches, three cushion sofa, electric lift chair,

Whirlpool cross top refrigerator, Maple dinette set w/4 chairs & leaf, microwave, wooden cabinet,

2 - mirrored dresser, chest of drawers, Cedar trunk, Queen size bed, coffee end tables,

Misc. table & floor lamps, glass front display cabinet, Three drawer chest, vintage GE mixer,

wooden plant stand, corner cabinet,

Lot “Jewel Tea” autumn glass, set of 4 pink Pyrex “Gooseberry / Cinderella” mixing bowls,

2 – Pyrex blue Butterprint Amish mixing bowls, lot kitchenware & glass, lot oil lamps,

Lot misc. fishing poles & tackle, autographed foot balls (Len Dawson & Larry Johnson),

Go-go Pride mobility scooter, 2+ cord split & seasoned firewood, lot logs for firewood, SS gas BBQ grill,

Antique horse drawn plow, minnow trap,

MAC tools “Tech 1000” roll around toolbox, LOT MAC & Snap-On tools,

Craftsman upright air compressor, 6” pedestal grinder, Stihl MS-250 & 038 AV chain saws,

4gal portable air compressor, Craftsman 36” wood lathe, Makita LS1011 sliding power miter saw, 

lot bar & wood clamps, lot misc hand tools, Craftsman bench top drill press, Craftsman router & table,

Porter Cable pocket cutter, Lot organizers & hardware, Mr Heater propane space heater,

floor jack, pull type ATV sprayer, Echo, Stihl & Craftsman gas string trimmers,

lot rough cut lumber - some cedar, lot life jackets, 2 – hunting blinds, Gantry w/adjustable height,

1 ton chain hoist, yard aerator, 275gal poly tank,   


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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Living Estate Auction - Leslie Reed
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 11, 2023 Completed
Sale Location

Deepwater, MO 64740
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067


Living Estate Auction

“Leslie Reed”

784 SE 1231 Road Deepwater Mo. 64740

As I am selling my lake home & moving closer to family, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday November 11th 10:00am 2023

Directions: From Warsaw take 7 hwy West (across mile long bridge) 5 miles to Z hwy. turn Left (West) on Z hwy go 5 miles to 1231 Road turn Right (North) on 1231 Road go 1 mile to Auction on Right, watch for signs on sale day. 



Mauser .22cal Original model 1909 w/scope

Winchester model 1200 semi auto 12ga shotgun,

Browning “Ranger” 12ga. pump shotgun,

Browning 12ga. semi auto shotgun,

Mossberg .22cal bolt action rifle,

Marlin 12ga. pump shotgun,

Remington “Speedmaster” .22cal model 241 rifle,

Ruger model 1022 .22cal rifle,

British 303 rifle,

12 gun heavy gauge security cabinet,



John Deere 4x6 gator w/hydraulic lift bed,

John Deere Z425 zero-turn mower w/54” cut & 23hp. 525hrs.

5’x9’ utility trailer w/title, Craftsman Lawn-Vac w/new engine, Generac 7550watt generator,

Troy-Bilt “Junior” rear tine tiller, Yard Machines 25ton wood splitter, 


Household & Misc.

Tempus Fugit Grandfather clock, 2 – Bent glass chine hutches, three cushion sofa, electric lift chair,

Whirlpool cross top refrigerator, Maple dinette set w/4 chairs & leaf, microwave, wooden cabinet,

2 - mirrored dresser, chest of drawers, Cedar trunk, Queen size bed, coffee end tables,

Misc. table & floor lamps, glass front display cabinet, Three drawer chest, vintage GE mixer,

wooden plant stand, corner cabinet,

Lot “Jewel Tea” autumn glass, set of 4 pink Pyrex “Gooseberry / Cinderella” mixing bowls,

2 – Pyrex blue Butterprint Amish mixing bowls, lot kitchenware & glass, lot oil lamps,

Lot misc. fishing poles & tackle, autographed foot balls (Len Dawson & Larry Johnson),

Go-go Pride mobility scooter, 2+ cord split & seasoned firewood, lot logs for firewood, SS gas BBQ grill,

Antique horse drawn plow, minnow trap,

MAC tools “Tech 1000” roll around toolbox, LOT MAC & Snap-On tools,

Craftsman upright air compressor, 6” pedestal grinder, Stihl MS-250 & 038 AV chain saws,

4gal portable air compressor, Craftsman 36” wood lathe, Makita LS1011 sliding power miter saw, 

lot bar & wood clamps, lot misc hand tools, Craftsman bench top drill press, Craftsman router & table,

Porter Cable pocket cutter, Lot organizers & hardware, Mr Heater propane space heater,

floor jack, pull type ATV sprayer, Echo, Stihl & Craftsman gas string trimmers,

lot rough cut lumber - some cedar, lot life jackets, 2 – hunting blinds, Gantry w/adjustable height,

1 ton chain hoist, yard aerator, 275gal poly tank,   


Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Concessions provided by “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389