Henry Yoder Public Auction (Amish)
Listing ID#: 638270

Sale Location

Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Nov 25, 2023 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

EstateSale.com ID#: 8448
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Listing Information

Public Auction (Amish)

9:00 A.M. * Saturday, November 25th * 9:00 A.M.     (2023)
 Location: 16327 Lawrence 4692, Mt. Vernon, Mo. 65712
  Directions: From Mt. Vernon take Hwy 39 south 4mi. then west on Lawrence 2160 2 mi. then left on Lawrence 4692 1/4 mi to Auction

Hit & Miss Motors - Buggy - Saddles - Wood Working Tools - (2) Anvils - Duetz Diesel Engine - Furniture & More


 Hit & Miss - Antique Engines - Buggy - Saddles
The Galloway 5hp. Hit & Miss (Runs very well) on Nice 2 Wheel Trailer;
John Deere type E, 1 ½ hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
International Harvester type LB, 3-5hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
International Harvester type LB, 1½-2 ½ hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
Economy model E, #86518, 5hp. Hit & Miss w/Cart;
Sattley by Montgomery Ward #73535 1 ½hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Stover type K, 2hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Fairbanks Morse Z, 2hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Fairbanks Morse style C self oiling 3hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Monitor type VJ 1 1/4hp. Hit & Miss Pump Jack Motor (Runs) with Water Pump on Cart;
New Way model D type F 4hp. Gas Engine, Air Cooled with Clutch on Cart;
Wisconsin mod AENLD 3x3 ¼, Gas Engine w/ Cart;
Antique Delco 32v Light Plant (needs Coil);
A.Y. Mcdonald series 600 Deep Well Pump;
Babson Bros. Surge RV2 Vacuum Pump;
Nice Horse Drawn Doctors Buggy (no top);
Nice Set Pony Harness;
(2) 15” Leather & Synthetic Trail Saddles by Courts;
15” & 13” All Leather (unmarked) Saddles;
Guns & Ammo
Henry Golden Big Boy model H006C .45LC in Box;
Winchester model 70 .300WSM, synthetic;
Springfield Armory 1898 30-40 Krag;
Winchester model 12 Defender 12ga. Shotgun;
Marlin model 1898 12ga. Pump Shotgun;
Henry model H001 .22 Lever Action (Like New);
Springfield Armory XD-9 9mm (N.I.B.);
Canik, TP9-SF 9mm (N.I.B.);
SAR, SAR-9T 9mm (N.I.B.);
(3) Heritage Rough Rider Barkeep .22 Revolvers;
(2) Heritage Rough Rider .22 Revolvers (N.I.B.);
1918 Military Rifle Scabbard;
(9) Boxes Winchester 170gr. 30-30 Ammo;
(14) Boxes Rem. 125,150 & 180gr. 30/06 Ammo;
(4) Boxes Remington 300WSM Ammo;
(1500+) Rounds Federal .22 Ammo;
(2) Boxes 38spl. Ammo;
(32) Boxes Misc. 12ga. Shotgun Shells;
1918 Military Rifle Scabbard;
Trailers - Portable Buildings - Propane Tank - Farm
14ft. Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer;
20ft. X 7ft. Heavy Built Flatbed Trailer, Single Axle;
Good 500 Gallon Propane Tank w/ Tag;
8ft. X 8ft. Barn Style Wood Portable Building;
11ft x 12ft. Galvanized Quonset Hut;
Round Bale Feeder;
(5) 16ft. Cattle Panels;
(10) Steel Posts;
(17) Square Bales Straw;
Pile Scrap Metal;
Anvil’s - Tools - Generator
 Good Cutting Torch Set with Cart & Bottles;
Elec. Start Honda 11hp. Air Compressor;
Duetz 2 cyl. 32hp Diesel Motor on Worthington BN size 6, 3 Stage Air Compressor (Runs Good);
500 & 300 Gallon Air Tanks;
250 Gallon Air Tank (leaks);
Woofer model 111 Wood Spindle Maker, Gas Motor;
Parks 12” Planer (Gas Motor);
Belsaw 12” Planer (Gas Motor);
American #1, 19” Table Saw (Gas Motor);
Craftsman 10” Table Saw (Air Motor);
Grizzly Floor model Drill Press (Air Motor);
Flapper Sander;
Shop Built Turning Lathe;;
Craftsman 12” Band Saw (electric);
1 Ton Air Hoist on Hercules Pallet Stacker;
3 ton & 1 ton Chain Hoists;
(2) Good Pallet Jacks;
Coleman 2500 PSI Power Washer (Honda Motor);
Poulan Push Mower (Honda Motor);
Stihl Gas Weedeater;
Armstrong Pipe Threader Set & Rigid Pipe Cutter;
Bohn Combi Strapmaster Punch;
Good Leg Vise;
Handy Man & Hi Lift Jacks;
Stove Pipe Crimper;
Log Chains & Step Ladders;
Misc. Hand Tools;
Misc. Lawn & Garden Tools;
(2) 4ft. Adjustable Height Tables;
Metal & Plastic 55 Gallon Barrels;
Misc. Tools & Shop Related Items Not Listed;
140 lb. Anvil

20 lb #2 Fisher Anvil;

Lumber - Wood
700 Bd. Ft. Cedar Lumber;
60 Bd. Ft. Cherry Lumber;
(200+) 3&4” x 8ft. Pine Poles & (60+) 5&6” Pine Poles x 9ft. for Making Rustic Log Furniture;
Lots & Lots of Peeled Cedar Poles;
Misc. Cedars Logs
Approx. 8 Rick Seasoned Firewood;
Antique - Collectible - Primitives
(2) Coleman Red Gas Lanterns;
 Antique Kerosene Lamps;
 Antique Kerosene Wall Lamp w/ Cast Iron Hanger;
(2) Coleman Gas Irons;
(2) Old Mountain Dew Bottles Filled by Stan & Claire and Filled by Ed & Gene;
Toy Cast Iron Sad Iron, Anvil & Skillet;
Singer 28K Hand Crank Sewing Machine (beautiful)
Singer Treadle Sewing Machine;
Gotham Sewing Machine (elec, convertible to belt);
(2) Old Metal Lawn Chairs (Good);
Very Old Heavy 16 Drawer Wood Work Bench;
Old Metal Mail Sorting Workstation;
3 Wheel Wood Toy Riding Horse;
Wood Toy Box;

Smaller Scale John Deere Die Cast Toys;
Old Valor Kerosene Heater;
Few Old Iron Implement Wheels;
Nice all Metal Push Plow;
Iron Buggy Steps & Seat Brackets;
Red Carnival Glass Cream Pitcher;
Flour Sacks & Quilt Books;
Harold Bell Wright Books;
Amish Made Cedar Decor including Childs Picnic Tables, Doll Cradles, Spring Seat, Buggy Jack, Night Stand, Half Log Bench, Towel Holders & More;
Unique Coffee Table;
(2) Singer Sewing Machine Stands w/ Cedar Tops;
Stainless Milk Bucket;
Old Leather Harness;
Furniture - Appliances - Misc.
Beautiful Corner China Cabinet;
Very Old 3 Drawer Cabinet/Night Stand;
Roll Top Desk;
Lazy Boy Recliner;
Glass Top Patio Table & 2 Chairs;
Cunningham # 203 Wood Heating Stove with Jacket;
King Wood Heating Stove from Shop;
1 Burner New Perfection Oil Heater;
Americana 4 Burner Gas Cookstove;
E-Z Freeze 18 cu.ft. Propane Refrigerator;
E-Z Freeze 22 cu.ft. Propane Upright Freezer;
Wood & Metal Outside Bench;
96”. X 27” Stainless Triple Sink with Faucet;
72” x 30” & 72” x 24” Stainless Prep Tables;
Noodle Cutter & Small Pressure Cooker;
Lots Lots more not Listed

Owner: Henry & Ruby Yoder

Auctioneers Note:
The Yoder’s have sold their Home & are moving out of state.


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Henry Yoder Public Auction (Amish)

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Sale Location
16327 Lawrence 4692
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Nov 25, 2023 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Public Auction (Amish)

9:00 A.M. * Saturday, November 25th * 9:00 A.M.     (2023)
 Location: 16327 Lawrence 4692, Mt. Vernon, Mo. 65712
  Directions: From Mt. Vernon take Hwy 39 south 4mi. then west on Lawrence 2160 2 mi. then left on Lawrence 4692 1/4 mi to Auction

Hit & Miss Motors - Buggy - Saddles - Wood Working Tools - (2) Anvils - Duetz Diesel Engine - Furniture & More


 Hit & Miss - Antique Engines - Buggy - Saddles
The Galloway 5hp. Hit & Miss (Runs very well) on Nice 2 Wheel Trailer;
John Deere type E, 1 ½ hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
International Harvester type LB, 3-5hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
International Harvester type LB, 1½-2 ½ hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
Economy model E, #86518, 5hp. Hit & Miss w/Cart;
Sattley by Montgomery Ward #73535 1 ½hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Stover type K, 2hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Fairbanks Morse Z, 2hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Fairbanks Morse style C self oiling 3hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Monitor type VJ 1 1/4hp. Hit & Miss Pump Jack Motor (Runs) with Water Pump on Cart;
New Way model D type F 4hp. Gas Engine, Air Cooled with Clutch on Cart;
Wisconsin mod AENLD 3x3 ¼, Gas Engine w/ Cart;
Antique Delco 32v Light Plant (needs Coil);
A.Y. Mcdonald series 600 Deep Well Pump;
Babson Bros. Surge RV2 Vacuum Pump;
Nice Horse Drawn Doctors Buggy (no top);
Nice Set Pony Harness;
(2) 15” Leather & Synthetic Trail Saddles by Courts;
15” & 13” All Leather (unmarked) Saddles;
Guns & Ammo
Henry Golden Big Boy model H006C .45LC in Box;
Winchester model 70 .300WSM, synthetic;
Springfield Armory 1898 30-40 Krag;
Winchester model 12 Defender 12ga. Shotgun;
Marlin model 1898 12ga. Pump Shotgun;
Henry model H001 .22 Lever Action (Like New);
Springfield Armory XD-9 9mm (N.I.B.);
Canik, TP9-SF 9mm (N.I.B.);
SAR, SAR-9T 9mm (N.I.B.);
(3) Heritage Rough Rider Barkeep .22 Revolvers;
(2) Heritage Rough Rider .22 Revolvers (N.I.B.);
1918 Military Rifle Scabbard;
(9) Boxes Winchester 170gr. 30-30 Ammo;
(14) Boxes Rem. 125,150 & 180gr. 30/06 Ammo;
(4) Boxes Remington 300WSM Ammo;
(1500+) Rounds Federal .22 Ammo;
(2) Boxes 38spl. Ammo;
(32) Boxes Misc. 12ga. Shotgun Shells;
1918 Military Rifle Scabbard;
Trailers - Portable Buildings - Propane Tank - Farm
14ft. Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer;
20ft. X 7ft. Heavy Built Flatbed Trailer, Single Axle;
Good 500 Gallon Propane Tank w/ Tag;
8ft. X 8ft. Barn Style Wood Portable Building;
11ft x 12ft. Galvanized Quonset Hut;
Round Bale Feeder;
(5) 16ft. Cattle Panels;
(10) Steel Posts;
(17) Square Bales Straw;
Pile Scrap Metal;
Anvil’s - Tools - Generator
 Good Cutting Torch Set with Cart & Bottles;
Elec. Start Honda 11hp. Air Compressor;
Duetz 2 cyl. 32hp Diesel Motor on Worthington BN size 6, 3 Stage Air Compressor (Runs Good);
500 & 300 Gallon Air Tanks;
250 Gallon Air Tank (leaks);
Woofer model 111 Wood Spindle Maker, Gas Motor;
Parks 12” Planer (Gas Motor);
Belsaw 12” Planer (Gas Motor);
American #1, 19” Table Saw (Gas Motor);
Craftsman 10” Table Saw (Air Motor);
Grizzly Floor model Drill Press (Air Motor);
Flapper Sander;
Shop Built Turning Lathe;;
Craftsman 12” Band Saw (electric);
1 Ton Air Hoist on Hercules Pallet Stacker;
3 ton & 1 ton Chain Hoists;
(2) Good Pallet Jacks;
Coleman 2500 PSI Power Washer (Honda Motor);
Poulan Push Mower (Honda Motor);
Stihl Gas Weedeater;
Armstrong Pipe Threader Set & Rigid Pipe Cutter;
Bohn Combi Strapmaster Punch;
Good Leg Vise;
Handy Man & Hi Lift Jacks;
Stove Pipe Crimper;
Log Chains & Step Ladders;
Misc. Hand Tools;
Misc. Lawn & Garden Tools;
(2) 4ft. Adjustable Height Tables;
Metal & Plastic 55 Gallon Barrels;
Misc. Tools & Shop Related Items Not Listed;
140 lb. Anvil

20 lb #2 Fisher Anvil;

Lumber - Wood
700 Bd. Ft. Cedar Lumber;
60 Bd. Ft. Cherry Lumber;
(200+) 3&4” x 8ft. Pine Poles & (60+) 5&6” Pine Poles x 9ft. for Making Rustic Log Furniture;
Lots & Lots of Peeled Cedar Poles;
Misc. Cedars Logs
Approx. 8 Rick Seasoned Firewood;
Antique - Collectible - Primitives
(2) Coleman Red Gas Lanterns;
 Antique Kerosene Lamps;
 Antique Kerosene Wall Lamp w/ Cast Iron Hanger;
(2) Coleman Gas Irons;
(2) Old Mountain Dew Bottles Filled by Stan & Claire and Filled by Ed & Gene;
Toy Cast Iron Sad Iron, Anvil & Skillet;
Singer 28K Hand Crank Sewing Machine (beautiful)
Singer Treadle Sewing Machine;
Gotham Sewing Machine (elec, convertible to belt);
(2) Old Metal Lawn Chairs (Good);
Very Old Heavy 16 Drawer Wood Work Bench;
Old Metal Mail Sorting Workstation;
3 Wheel Wood Toy Riding Horse;
Wood Toy Box;

Smaller Scale John Deere Die Cast Toys;
Old Valor Kerosene Heater;
Few Old Iron Implement Wheels;
Nice all Metal Push Plow;
Iron Buggy Steps & Seat Brackets;
Red Carnival Glass Cream Pitcher;
Flour Sacks & Quilt Books;
Harold Bell Wright Books;
Amish Made Cedar Decor including Childs Picnic Tables, Doll Cradles, Spring Seat, Buggy Jack, Night Stand, Half Log Bench, Towel Holders & More;
Unique Coffee Table;
(2) Singer Sewing Machine Stands w/ Cedar Tops;
Stainless Milk Bucket;
Old Leather Harness;
Furniture - Appliances - Misc.
Beautiful Corner China Cabinet;
Very Old 3 Drawer Cabinet/Night Stand;
Roll Top Desk;
Lazy Boy Recliner;
Glass Top Patio Table & 2 Chairs;
Cunningham # 203 Wood Heating Stove with Jacket;
King Wood Heating Stove from Shop;
1 Burner New Perfection Oil Heater;
Americana 4 Burner Gas Cookstove;
E-Z Freeze 18 cu.ft. Propane Refrigerator;
E-Z Freeze 22 cu.ft. Propane Upright Freezer;
Wood & Metal Outside Bench;
96”. X 27” Stainless Triple Sink with Faucet;
72” x 30” & 72” x 24” Stainless Prep Tables;
Noodle Cutter & Small Pressure Cooker;
Lots Lots more not Listed

Owner: Henry & Ruby Yoder

Auctioneers Note:
The Yoder’s have sold their Home & are moving out of state.


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Henry Yoder Public Auction (Amish)
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Nov 25, 2023 Completed
Sale Location

Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
Foster Auction & Appraisal Service

Contact: Larry Foster
Phone: 417-723-8329
Email: bidnowsold@aol.com
Website: www.fosterauctionservice.com/

Public Auction (Amish)

9:00 A.M. * Saturday, November 25th * 9:00 A.M.     (2023)
 Location: 16327 Lawrence 4692, Mt. Vernon, Mo. 65712
  Directions: From Mt. Vernon take Hwy 39 south 4mi. then west on Lawrence 2160 2 mi. then left on Lawrence 4692 1/4 mi to Auction

Hit & Miss Motors - Buggy - Saddles - Wood Working Tools - (2) Anvils - Duetz Diesel Engine - Furniture & More


 Hit & Miss - Antique Engines - Buggy - Saddles
The Galloway 5hp. Hit & Miss (Runs very well) on Nice 2 Wheel Trailer;
John Deere type E, 1 ½ hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
International Harvester type LB, 3-5hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
International Harvester type LB, 1½-2 ½ hp. Hit & Miss, on Cart;
Economy model E, #86518, 5hp. Hit & Miss w/Cart;
Sattley by Montgomery Ward #73535 1 ½hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Stover type K, 2hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Fairbanks Morse Z, 2hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Fairbanks Morse style C self oiling 3hp. Hit & Miss on Cart;
Monitor type VJ 1 1/4hp. Hit & Miss Pump Jack Motor (Runs) with Water Pump on Cart;
New Way model D type F 4hp. Gas Engine, Air Cooled with Clutch on Cart;
Wisconsin mod AENLD 3x3 ¼, Gas Engine w/ Cart;
Antique Delco 32v Light Plant (needs Coil);
A.Y. Mcdonald series 600 Deep Well Pump;
Babson Bros. Surge RV2 Vacuum Pump;
Nice Horse Drawn Doctors Buggy (no top);
Nice Set Pony Harness;
(2) 15” Leather & Synthetic Trail Saddles by Courts;
15” & 13” All Leather (unmarked) Saddles;
Guns & Ammo
Henry Golden Big Boy model H006C .45LC in Box;
Winchester model 70 .300WSM, synthetic;
Springfield Armory 1898 30-40 Krag;
Winchester model 12 Defender 12ga. Shotgun;
Marlin model 1898 12ga. Pump Shotgun;
Henry model H001 .22 Lever Action (Like New);
Springfield Armory XD-9 9mm (N.I.B.);
Canik, TP9-SF 9mm (N.I.B.);
SAR, SAR-9T 9mm (N.I.B.);
(3) Heritage Rough Rider Barkeep .22 Revolvers;
(2) Heritage Rough Rider .22 Revolvers (N.I.B.);
1918 Military Rifle Scabbard;
(9) Boxes Winchester 170gr. 30-30 Ammo;
(14) Boxes Rem. 125,150 & 180gr. 30/06 Ammo;
(4) Boxes Remington 300WSM Ammo;
(1500+) Rounds Federal .22 Ammo;
(2) Boxes 38spl. Ammo;
(32) Boxes Misc. 12ga. Shotgun Shells;
1918 Military Rifle Scabbard;
Trailers - Portable Buildings - Propane Tank - Farm
14ft. Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer;
20ft. X 7ft. Heavy Built Flatbed Trailer, Single Axle;
Good 500 Gallon Propane Tank w/ Tag;
8ft. X 8ft. Barn Style Wood Portable Building;
11ft x 12ft. Galvanized Quonset Hut;
Round Bale Feeder;
(5) 16ft. Cattle Panels;
(10) Steel Posts;
(17) Square Bales Straw;
Pile Scrap Metal;
Anvil’s - Tools - Generator
 Good Cutting Torch Set with Cart & Bottles;
Elec. Start Honda 11hp. Air Compressor;
Duetz 2 cyl. 32hp Diesel Motor on Worthington BN size 6, 3 Stage Air Compressor (Runs Good);
500 & 300 Gallon Air Tanks;
250 Gallon Air Tank (leaks);
Woofer model 111 Wood Spindle Maker, Gas Motor;
Parks 12” Planer (Gas Motor);
Belsaw 12” Planer (Gas Motor);
American #1, 19” Table Saw (Gas Motor);
Craftsman 10” Table Saw (Air Motor);
Grizzly Floor model Drill Press (Air Motor);
Flapper Sander;
Shop Built Turning Lathe;;
Craftsman 12” Band Saw (electric);
1 Ton Air Hoist on Hercules Pallet Stacker;
3 ton & 1 ton Chain Hoists;
(2) Good Pallet Jacks;
Coleman 2500 PSI Power Washer (Honda Motor);
Poulan Push Mower (Honda Motor);
Stihl Gas Weedeater;
Armstrong Pipe Threader Set & Rigid Pipe Cutter;
Bohn Combi Strapmaster Punch;
Good Leg Vise;
Handy Man & Hi Lift Jacks;
Stove Pipe Crimper;
Log Chains & Step Ladders;
Misc. Hand Tools;
Misc. Lawn & Garden Tools;
(2) 4ft. Adjustable Height Tables;
Metal & Plastic 55 Gallon Barrels;
Misc. Tools & Shop Related Items Not Listed;
140 lb. Anvil

20 lb #2 Fisher Anvil;

Lumber - Wood
700 Bd. Ft. Cedar Lumber;
60 Bd. Ft. Cherry Lumber;
(200+) 3&4” x 8ft. Pine Poles & (60+) 5&6” Pine Poles x 9ft. for Making Rustic Log Furniture;
Lots & Lots of Peeled Cedar Poles;
Misc. Cedars Logs
Approx. 8 Rick Seasoned Firewood;
Antique - Collectible - Primitives
(2) Coleman Red Gas Lanterns;
 Antique Kerosene Lamps;
 Antique Kerosene Wall Lamp w/ Cast Iron Hanger;
(2) Coleman Gas Irons;
(2) Old Mountain Dew Bottles Filled by Stan & Claire and Filled by Ed & Gene;
Toy Cast Iron Sad Iron, Anvil & Skillet;
Singer 28K Hand Crank Sewing Machine (beautiful)
Singer Treadle Sewing Machine;
Gotham Sewing Machine (elec, convertible to belt);
(2) Old Metal Lawn Chairs (Good);
Very Old Heavy 16 Drawer Wood Work Bench;
Old Metal Mail Sorting Workstation;
3 Wheel Wood Toy Riding Horse;
Wood Toy Box;

Smaller Scale John Deere Die Cast Toys;
Old Valor Kerosene Heater;
Few Old Iron Implement Wheels;
Nice all Metal Push Plow;
Iron Buggy Steps & Seat Brackets;
Red Carnival Glass Cream Pitcher;
Flour Sacks & Quilt Books;
Harold Bell Wright Books;
Amish Made Cedar Decor including Childs Picnic Tables, Doll Cradles, Spring Seat, Buggy Jack, Night Stand, Half Log Bench, Towel Holders & More;
Unique Coffee Table;
(2) Singer Sewing Machine Stands w/ Cedar Tops;
Stainless Milk Bucket;
Old Leather Harness;
Furniture - Appliances - Misc.
Beautiful Corner China Cabinet;
Very Old 3 Drawer Cabinet/Night Stand;
Roll Top Desk;
Lazy Boy Recliner;
Glass Top Patio Table & 2 Chairs;
Cunningham # 203 Wood Heating Stove with Jacket;
King Wood Heating Stove from Shop;
1 Burner New Perfection Oil Heater;
Americana 4 Burner Gas Cookstove;
E-Z Freeze 18 cu.ft. Propane Refrigerator;
E-Z Freeze 22 cu.ft. Propane Upright Freezer;
Wood & Metal Outside Bench;
96”. X 27” Stainless Triple Sink with Faucet;
72” x 30” & 72” x 24” Stainless Prep Tables;
Noodle Cutter & Small Pressure Cooker;
Lots Lots more not Listed

Owner: Henry & Ruby Yoder

Auctioneers Note:
The Yoder’s have sold their Home & are moving out of state.