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Harpoon Therapeutics #2
Listing ID#: 598148
Sale Location |
South San Francisco, CA 94080 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Monday May 29 Bidding Ends: Wednesday May 31 |
Sale Type |
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Silicon Valley Disposition Contact: Manuel Padilla Phone: (650) 787-3384 Email: Website: ID#: 9310 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
Featuring Extremely High-End Biotech Instruments! Beckman Coulter Vi-Cell XR Cell Viability Analyzer, Carterra LSA Anybody Screening Device, Forte Bio Octet Red 96 Spectrometer Protein Analyzer System, BD Facscelesta Cytometer, and much more! 1 T/Cs, PAYMENT, LOCATION INFO T/Cs: All items sold as is, where is with no warranties/guarantees. All sales final. No refunds of any kind. Bidders shall examine or inspect items prior to the day of the auction. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NEITHER SE... 2 Try SAM, our Circular Economy Solution SAM offers small to large companies and individuals, a platform to help redirect surplus from landfills by maximizing an asset's lifespan. Our dedication to helping solve the current problems facing our planet proves to be effective and needed more n... 30 Celldiscoverer 7 Lot of (1) consisting of: Celldiscoverer 7 Manufacturer: Zeiss, ; See photos for details. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: cc57262d-fccf-49de-9366-b5972b08cc27 32 Water Purification System Lot of (1) consisting of: Water Purification System Manufacturer: MIllipore , Model: Elix Advantage 5, Serial Number: F7CA79409 E; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California,... 33 Protein Purification Lot of (1) consisting of: Protein Purification Manufacturer: PhyNexus , Model: MEA, Serial Number: 071914ME2;W/ Rainin 100-1200 UL Lts Pipette & Vac-assist suction Unit HES7000. (1) HP Laptop See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults.... 38 Harvard Trip Balance Lot of (1) consisting of: Trip Balance Manufacturer: Oahu's, Serial Number: 20786; See photos for details. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: b1784f1b-38a9-4e4b-96d2-a0836deb2133 44 Shaker Lot of (1) consisting of: Shaker Manufacturer: Southwest Science, Model: INCU-Shaker 10L, Serial Number: 1608N205LBC130; See photos for details. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080" SAM ID: f142f1e2-d361-... 50 BD FACScelesta Cytometer Lot of (1) consisting of: BD FACScelesta Cytometer Manufacturer: BD Facselesta, Model: 660344, Vintage: 2019, Serial Number: U65894660217;W/ BD FACSFlow supply system, Computer, Water Bath, various supplies. See photos for details. As is, where is, ... 53 Tecan Fluent 780 Automated Liquid Handle Lot of (1) consisting of: Tecan Fluent 780 Automated Liquid Handle Manufacturer: Tecan, Model: Fluent 780, Serial Number: 1905012793; See photos for details. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 2c... 54 Lab Rat Racks Lot of (1) consisting of: Lab Rat Racks Manufacturer: Innovive, Serial Number: 1110013; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 80c77b57-c400-... 55 Anesthesia Equipment Lot of (2) consisting of: Anesthesia Equipment Manufacturer: VetEquip, Serial Number: 01557; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: ae5dcf4f-... 103 Laboratory Supplies Lot of (5) consisting of: Laboratory ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: a07ed390-0c84-4362-bd03-cea6195001a9 104 Horizon Particle Analyzer Lot of (1) consisting of: Horizon Particle Analyzer Manufacturer: Halo Labs , Serial Number: 01-010025;w/ power supply, ThinkStation computer and monitor (keyboard and mouse included) See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located... 105 Pipettes Lot of (6) consisting of: Pipettes Manufacturer: Rainin, Model: XLS, ;Single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: eebdcd70... 106 Centrifuge Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifuge Manufacturer: Eppendorf, Model: 5420, Serial Number: 5420KP806267; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID... 107 Orbital Shaker Lot of (1) consisting of: Orbital Shaker Manufacturer: VWR Scientific , Model: 57018-754, Serial Number: 0380; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080... 108 Tube Revolver / Rotator Lot of (1) consisting of: Tube Revolver / Rotator Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, ; See photos for details. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: c3c3bf36-5328-4cf4-a46d-a095c25599c0 109 Mini Centrifuge/ Vortex Mixer Lot of (2) consisting of: Mini Centrifuge/ Vortex Mixer ;(1) Fischerbrand vortex mixer,S/N 180712030 (1)Thermo Scientific Myspin 6, S/N HSE53899. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Franc... 110 Pipettes Lot of (6) consisting of: Pipettes Manufacturer: Sartorius, ;single channel w/ carousel See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 2395d081-61c0... 111 Brother Label Printer Lot of (1) consisting of: Brother Label Printer Model: PT-P950NW, ;w/ See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 49d57dfc-5c66-4d76-accf-eaf0d6e... 112 Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Lot of (1) consisting of: Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Manufacturer: Molecular Devices, Model: SpectraMax M2, ; Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 0f80735a-5d75-484b-a627-8a27673ddf94 113 Endosafe Nexgen-PTS Portable Test System Lot of (0) consisting of: Endosafe Nexgen-PTS Portable Test System Model: PTS150, Serial Number: 16180033; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SA... 114 Endosafe Nexgen-PTS Portable Test System Lot of (1) consisting of: Endosafe Nexgen-PTS Portable Test System ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: f063a1a3-41bb-4c76-902a-93d04841d... 115 Vortex Mixer/ Mini Centrifuge Lot of (2) consisting of: Vortex Mixer/ Mini Centrifuge ;(1)Scientific Industries Mini centrifuge, model:G-560, S/N: 2-296367. (1) Southwest Science mini centrifuge. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Po... 116 Pipettes Lot of (6) consisting of: Pipettes ;single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 79be1fbf-c56f-43f4-981c-f32c4b324663 117 Pipettes Lot of (6) consisting of: Pipettes ;single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 2c299865-2d65-4d4c-8a5f-2948734e8d80 118 Pipettes w/ Smartstand Lot of (4) consisting of: Pipettes w/ Smartstand ;(1)multi channel (2) single channel (1) Rainin Smartstand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 S... 119 Pipettes Lot of (6) consisting of: Pipettes ;single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 1f04385f-e9c4-48b0-b429-c2f97bb8147f 120 BioStirrer Lot of (1) consisting of: BioStirrer Manufacturer: Wheaton Scientific , Model: W900703-A, Serial Number: J10-170; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94... 121 Benchtop pH Meter Kit Lot of (1) consisting of: Benchtop pH Meter Kit Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Orion Star A Series, Serial Number: X 68752; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, Californi... 122 Analytical Balance Lot of (1) consisting of: Analytical Balance Manufacturer: Fischer Science , ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 28462319-ba18-43bf-a57d... 123 Toploading Balance Lot of (1) consisting of: Toploading Balance Manufacturer: Mettler Toledo, Model: MS12001L, Serial Number: B035064541; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United Stat... 124 High Current Power Supply Lot of (2) consisting of: High Current Power Supply Manufacturer: Bio-Rad, Model: PowerPac HC, ;S/N:043BR67099 & 043BR65501 w/ accessories. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, C... 125 Gel Transfer Device Lot of (1) consisting of: Gel Transfer Device Manufacturer: Invitrogen, Model: iBlot 2, Serial Number: 1031061777; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States ... 126 Pipettes Lot of (3) consisting of: Pipettes ;single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 270ea01b-4f0e-4a35-82cd-7ab1b2e310c7 127 Centrifuge Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifuge Manufacturer: Eppendorf, Model: 5424, Serial Number: 5424GK075907; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID... 128 Precision Waterbath Lot of (1) consisting of: Precision Waterbath Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific , Model: TSGP20, Serial Number: 300129348; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United St... 129 Precision Waterbath Lot of (1) consisting of: Precision Waterbath Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific , Model: TSGP20, Serial Number: 300129348; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United St... 130 Microplate Shaker/ Digital Heatblock Lot of (2) consisting of: Microplate Shaker/ Digital Heatblock Manufacturer: VWR, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 83f60b65-6743-4fee... 131 Analog Vortex Mixer Lot of (1) consisting of: Analog Vortex Mixer Manufacturer: VWR, Model: 945300, Serial Number: 110105069; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ... 132 Spectrophotometer/ Variable Pathlength Extension Lot of (2) consisting of: Spectrophotometer/ Variable Pathlength Extension Manufacturer: C Technologies , Serial Number: CTS1901232 & MY20029228;w/ Dell monitor See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, S... 133 Platform Shaker Lot of (1) consisting of: Platform Shaker Manufacturer: New Brunswick Scientific , Model: Innova 2000, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ... 134 BioSafety Hood Lot of (0) consisting of: BioSafety Hood Manufacturer: Esco, Model: LA2-4A2-E-PORT, Serial Number: 2019-136855; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 9408... 135 Viscometer Control Unit Lot of (1) consisting of: Viscometer Control Unit Manufacturer: RheoScense, Model: Micro Temp Visc, Serial Number: H2111 - 0042;w/ black hard carrying box. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South S... 136 Vortex Mixer/ Mini Centrifuge Lot of (3) consisting of: Vortex Mixer/ Mini Centrifuge ;(1) VWR analog vortex mixer. (1) Fischer Brand (1) Fisher Analog Vortex. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California,... 137 Centrifuge Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifuge Manufacturer: Eppendorf, Model: 5417R, Serial Number: 5407-15592; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID:... 138 Pipettes Lot of (6) consisting of: Pipettes ;single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 10b8289b-e73a-4fdf-8d74-079f1b611d83 139 Pipettes Lot of (6) consisting of: Pipettes ;single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 8dbe22a3-9570-4e15-8295-87f1f2a90287 140 Automated Cell Culture Analyzer Lot of (1) consisting of: Automated Cell Culture Analyzer Manufacturer: Nova Biomedical, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: cd01cda7-2b... 141 BioSafety Hood Lot of (1) consisting of: BioSafety Hood Manufacturer: Esco, Model: LA2-4A2-E-PORT, Serial Number: 2019-138060; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 9408... 142 Precision Waterbath Lot of (1) consisting of: Precision Waterbath Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific , Model: TSGP20, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 56cda... 143 Pipettes Lot of (3) consisting of: Pipettes Manufacturer: Drummond Scientific, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 44c33ac9-683d-470d-a360-4f6471... 144 Pipettes Lot of (4) consisting of: Pipettes ;multi channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 416ff16a-5a08-486c-916c-1b9b1aa1ae90 145 Pipettes Lot of (4) consisting of: Pipettes ;multi channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 5f49d5a6-1292-4191-a95a-76e99a221534 147 Pipettes Lot of (8) consisting of: Pipettes ;(3)multi channel (5)single channel w/ stand As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 21bcf0a2-a6c9-49e7-ad06-f6d5cfa03311 148 Thermal Cycler Lot of (1) consisting of: Thermal Cycler Manufacturer: Bio-Rad, Model: T100, Serial Number: 621 BR35228; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM I... 150 Pipettes Lot of (7) consisting of: Pipettes ;(1)multi channel (6)single channel w/ stand See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 79808abb-a7bd-475b-98f... 151 Easy-load II Lot of (1) consisting of: Easy-load II Manufacturer: Masterflex LS, Model: 77201-62, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 461c83d6-b97e-4... 152 Spectrometer Protein Analyzer System Lot of (1) consisting of: Spectrometer Protein Analyzer System Manufacturer: Forte Bio, Model: Octet Red 96, Serial Number: FB-50462;w/ power supply, computer and monitor See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyste... 153 Carterra Antibody Screening Device Lot of (0) consisting of: Carterra Antibody Screening Device Model: LSA, Serial Number: 1021109609;w/ Samsung LS32D85K See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United Sta... 154 Laboratory Consumables Lot of (5) consisting of: Lab Consumables ;(5+) Contents of shelves (shelving not included) See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: 15ca1c75-... 155 Flow Cytometer Lot of (1) consisting of: Flow Cytometer Manufacturer: BD FacsCelesta, Model: 660344, Serial Number: R66034400438;w/ power supply See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California,... 156 Centrifuge Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifuge Manufacturer: Beckman Coulter, Model: Avanti J-E, Serial Number: JSE17C06; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 9408... 157 Minishaker/ Portable Balance Lot of (2) consisting of: Minishaker/ ;(1)IKA MS1 minishaker (1)Oahu's balance, model:SPX6201, S/N: C120782321 See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 9408... 158 Standard Heatblock II Lot of (1) consisting of: Standard Heatblock II Manufacturer: VWR, Serial Number: 3557; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San Francisco, California, United States 94080 SAM ID: d1574bfa-a821-... 159 Cell Viability Analyzer Lot of (1) consisting of: Cell Viability Analyzer Manufacturer: Beckman Coulter, Model: Vi-Cell XR, ;w/ power supply, Think Station computer and monitor See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 131 Oyster Point, South San... |
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