Farm Equipment Consignment Auction
Listing ID#: 597174

Sale Location

Leola, PA 17540
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Tuesday May 23, 2023 Completed
Sale Type
   Live with Online Auction 
Company Information
Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Website: ID#: 5844
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Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
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Equipment Consignment Auction

Tuesday, MAY 23, 2023, 8:30 AM


Currently accepting Consignments!  Selling from Two Auction Rings!

TRACTORS:  John Deere:  JD 5090EL ROPS, 4WD, LHR; JD 6320 Cab. 4WD.LHR, (only moves in reverse); JD 5300 ROPS, 4WD, w/Ldr; JD 5055E 4WD; JD 5103 w/JD Ldr; JD 5090 EL 4WD LHR ROPS; JD 4320 4WD; JD 7400 Tractor, Cab, 4WD, Pwr Quad Trans; JD 7430 4WD; JD 2840 (needs Transmission work); JD 5085M Cab w/Ldr 4WD Dsl; JD 7430 Premium Cab 4WD; JD 5103 w/Ldr 2WD; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage); JD 2040 2WD; JD 5075E w/Ldr, 4WD; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage); JD 3010 Dsl Row Crop; JD 2240 w/145 Ldr; JD 4630 (not running); JD 4210 w/Ldr 4WD ROPS Salvage; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage)  International: IH 354 Gas; IH 495 2WD Dsl; IH 444 w/Extra Bucket Dsl 2WD; IH 274 Dsl; IH 274 Dsl: Farmall M w/Ldr, Side Hill Hitch NH/Ford: NH Work Master 60 w/Ldr, 4WD, ROPS; Ford TC45D w/Ldr; Ford 6000 Commander; Ford 1500; Ford 9N; Ford 5600 Cab; Massey Ferguson: MF 2675 Cab, Dsl; MF 245 Dsl Kubota; Kubota M95S Cab 4WD; Other:  Zetor 5211 Cab w/GB330 Ldr 2WD; Zetor 5011; Belarus 530; Deutz D1040S Dsl; Farm Pro 2425 4WD Not Running; Mahindra MX25L w/Ldr; Farmtrac 60 W/ Canopy, Dsl; Montana T7074 4WD; Oliver Row Crop 77 Super (salvage) Compacts: JD 3720 Compact Cab w/ Ldr;

SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP: Lull Telehandler; JD 624 H Wheel Loader; Rayco 1800AWL Wheel Ldr w/Hyd Grapple; 60’ Genie Manlift; Snorkel T126J Manlift; Ford 4500 TLB Dsl; NHL781 Skid Loader w/Deutz Dsl; JD 328D Skid Loader EROPS & Joystick; AGROTK Mini Excavator QH-12 (NEW) w/thumb, gas; NH L555 (not running); Brute TRX Stand On Track Loader, Gas; Buffalo 5 Yard Pan; MAC 800G Heater on Trailer; Farm Maxx FFM 175 Flail Mower (new);Cosmeco CM75B Ditch trencher; OBD Leaf Vac w/JD 4045T Engine; 12’ Combo Plane; 8’ Combo Plane; SS Loegering Tracks; Wacker Heusen BS60-4 Jumping Jack; Dumpster; New: SS Reg & Grapple Buckets; Trencher; Sweepers; Angle Broom; Rototillers; Pallet Forks; Fork Extensions; Brush Cutters; Tillers; QA Plates; SS Post Hole Digger; Chippers; Cement Mixers; Screeners; Tool Chests; Mobile Bathroom Unit; Traffic Cones;  FARM EQUIPMENT: Balers/Wrappers:  NH BC 5070 ; NH 315 Baler w/Thrower; Gehl 2580 Round Baler; Hesston 745 Round Baler; Vermeer SW2500 Wrapper; Vermeer SW3500 Wrapper; NH 273: NH BR730 Round Baler;  Misc Hay Equip:  NI 279 Cutditioner; NH Tandem Rake Hitch; JD Bale Squeeze; Tedders: Pequea TT2000; NH GS520 Tedder; Pequea 710; Rakes:  NH 260 w/Dolly Wheel; NH 258 Doly Wheel Hyd drive; NH 256; NH 258 W/Dolly Wheel; Gehl 3pt 5 Wheel Rake; NH 256; NH 56; Deutz Allis Twin Rotary; JD 660; NH 255 Rake/Tedder; Haybines/Discbines: New, 1 Owner NH 312 Discbine; NH 210 Discbine cut only 100 acres; Kubota DM4032 Triple Deck Disc Mower; NH 489 Haybine; NH 210M Duradisc; AC 904 Haybine; JD 1470 Disc Mower Manure Spreaders: NI 17; NI 10; Better Built Tank Spreader; NH 155; Myer VMAX 3245; Houle Manure Pump; Mowers: Woods 3pt Finish Mower; NH Sickle Bar;  Grinders/Mixers: Trioliet 1-500 TMR Solo Mixer w/Scales; NH 355 Grinder Mixer; NH 352 Mixer Grinder; JD 700; Farmhand 822 Hyd Drive Grinder; Butler Mixer Wagon; Wagons: Danco Big Bale Wagon; Gehl 940 Forage Wagon on Tandem Gear; NH 181 Bin Wagon on Case Running Gear;  16’ Bale Wagon; NH 8 silage Wagon; Steel Tandem Axle Rack Wagon; Wooden Rack Wagon; DMI Gravity Wagon; Plows:  ID 3pt 3B; MF 3pt 4B; IH 140 3pt 3B Rollover; White 3pt 3B Spring Reset; MF 74 3B; Grain Drills/Seeders: IH 10 Grain Drill; JD 8300 Grain Drill; Brillion Seeder; IH Grain Drill; Corn Planters: Kinze 4R; JD 7000 6R; Deutz Allis 385 6R w/Liquid Fertilizer; JD 7200 6R Max Emerge Vacuum, JD 80 4R Harvesting: Ortheman Grain Cart; NH 782 Harvester w/Grass Head; JD 215 Combine Head; Kelly Ryan 2N-00 Bagger; NH 824 Corn Head; NI 324 2R Corn Picker; JD 972 Flail Chopper; Ag Bagger H190; Dump Table; Sprayers: Hardi 500 Gallon Sprayer w/45’ Booms; FMC Bean Sprayer: Garden Type Pull Sprayers; Tillage:; 3pt 6 Shank Chisel Plow; 9’ Cultipacker; 3pt 14’ Rotary Hoe; 3pt 5’ Rototiller; 8’ Offset Disc; Kewanee 2000 12’ Offset Disc; 7’ Offset Transport Disc; 8’ Cultipacker; JD 400 Rotary Hoe; JD 3pt 12’ Rotary Hoe; Brillion 12’ 4” Axle Cultipacker; Sprocket Packer; Lower Valley Welding 23’ Basket Packer Generators/Welders/Engines: Mega-Arc Pipeliner Welder; Shirbura 4cyl Dsl; Hobart Welder on Cart; Kodiak Light Generator; Lincoln Commander 400 Welder; Miller Big 40 Dsl Welder; Generac Gas Generator; 20HP 3phase Electric Motor Misc: Apache Pull Type Creep Feeder (like new); Rain Flow 3pt Waterwheel Transplanter; Market Farm 5500 WD 3pt Transplanter; Case 600 Blower; Vicon Fertilizer Spreader; Grain Cleaner; Row Cleaners;  JD 1R Potato Planter; Tobacco Lath; JD Lime Drill; Nolts P150 Transplanter; Checchi Transplanter; JD 3pt Flail Mower; 3pt Post Hole Digger;7’ Blade;3pt 8’5” Scraper; Disc Hiller; 3pt Potato Plow; Potato Rake; 3pt Mott Hammer Knife Mower; 3pt 5’ Aerator; 3pt Seeder Spreader; Automatic Ear Corn Mill; Roscamp Roller Mill; Corn Binder; Kelly B70 Backhoe; Wenger Systems Tandem Axle Running Gear; Irrigation Reel; Cosmo 3pt Fertilizer Spreader; Ford Ldr w/Spear; Hog Panels; Brady Crimper; Mahindra 7095 QA Ldr; Sauder High Lift Ldr; 3pt Kewanee 167 7’ Blade; Storage Shelters; 40’ Shipping Container; Kverneland GS120 Tiller;  MB 60” QA Sweeper; Case 600 Blower; King Kutter 3pt Dirt Scoop; Niagara Buffalo 3’ Metal Shear; JD 66 Blower; Steel Shipping Cages; Misc Fuel Tanks; Misc Suitcase Weights; Misc Wheel Weights; Misc Farm Gates MISC TRUCKS & TRAILERS: Kountry Kustom Auction Topper; 2021 Carry On Trailer, 2000GVW; 2010 Car Mate Trailer 3500 GVW; 2006 Pequea SS Trailer GVW 12,000; 2005 Bri-Mar Trailer 12,000GVW; 1974 IH Stake Body GVW 27500; 1989 Special Construction Trailer GVW 12,000;  1992 Ford F350 Flat Bed GVW 11000; 1993 Eager Beaver Flatbed Trailer; 2006 Forester Pop Up Camper; Auction Topper; 7’x14 Alum Trailer;  RTV’S & GATORS: Club Car Carryall 1700 Utility 4WD w/Canopy; JD 2020 Pro Gator Gas, Hyd Dump; JD XUV550 Utility Vehicle 4x4; JD XUV 550 Utility Vehicle 4x4; JD AMT626 Gator; JD 6x4 Gator; RTV 400 Gator for Parts; Toro Workman; Polaris UTV

RIDING MOWERS & LAWN & GARDEN: JD Z925A Zero Turn Gas w/54” Cut; Ransome M48-12 WB; Cub Cadet Trimming Mower; Exmark Laser ZT 60” Cut; JD GX75 Riding Mower; Simplicity WB Rototiller:  JD 48 Commercial WB; Exmark WB; JD GX75; Simplicity WB Rototiller; Walker MD Zero Turn w/ Kubota Dsl, 48” Deck & Power Dump; JD 925 Zero Turn; Toro Grounds Master 325D; Kubota 330 Propane Mower; Tarter 6’ 3pt Snowblower;



  Announcements made by Auctioneer on sale day take precedence over all advertisements.

                            Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS! 

                   Online bidding available through OR

TERMS: No buyer’s Premium buying in person, buyer’s premium for online bidding,

CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID! CC w/3% Administration Fee

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) Call (717) 656-2947, Email:



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Farm Equipment Consignment Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Sale Location
109 N Maple Ave 109 N Maple Ave
Leola, PA 17540
Sale Dates and Times
Tuesday May 23, 2023 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
Listing Details



Equipment Consignment Auction

Tuesday, MAY 23, 2023, 8:30 AM


Currently accepting Consignments!  Selling from Two Auction Rings!

TRACTORS:  John Deere:  JD 5090EL ROPS, 4WD, LHR; JD 6320 Cab. 4WD.LHR, (only moves in reverse); JD 5300 ROPS, 4WD, w/Ldr; JD 5055E 4WD; JD 5103 w/JD Ldr; JD 5090 EL 4WD LHR ROPS; JD 4320 4WD; JD 7400 Tractor, Cab, 4WD, Pwr Quad Trans; JD 7430 4WD; JD 2840 (needs Transmission work); JD 5085M Cab w/Ldr 4WD Dsl; JD 7430 Premium Cab 4WD; JD 5103 w/Ldr 2WD; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage); JD 2040 2WD; JD 5075E w/Ldr, 4WD; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage); JD 3010 Dsl Row Crop; JD 2240 w/145 Ldr; JD 4630 (not running); JD 4210 w/Ldr 4WD ROPS Salvage; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage)  International: IH 354 Gas; IH 495 2WD Dsl; IH 444 w/Extra Bucket Dsl 2WD; IH 274 Dsl; IH 274 Dsl: Farmall M w/Ldr, Side Hill Hitch NH/Ford: NH Work Master 60 w/Ldr, 4WD, ROPS; Ford TC45D w/Ldr; Ford 6000 Commander; Ford 1500; Ford 9N; Ford 5600 Cab; Massey Ferguson: MF 2675 Cab, Dsl; MF 245 Dsl Kubota; Kubota M95S Cab 4WD; Other:  Zetor 5211 Cab w/GB330 Ldr 2WD; Zetor 5011; Belarus 530; Deutz D1040S Dsl; Farm Pro 2425 4WD Not Running; Mahindra MX25L w/Ldr; Farmtrac 60 W/ Canopy, Dsl; Montana T7074 4WD; Oliver Row Crop 77 Super (salvage) Compacts: JD 3720 Compact Cab w/ Ldr;

SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP: Lull Telehandler; JD 624 H Wheel Loader; Rayco 1800AWL Wheel Ldr w/Hyd Grapple; 60’ Genie Manlift; Snorkel T126J Manlift; Ford 4500 TLB Dsl; NHL781 Skid Loader w/Deutz Dsl; JD 328D Skid Loader EROPS & Joystick; AGROTK Mini Excavator QH-12 (NEW) w/thumb, gas; NH L555 (not running); Brute TRX Stand On Track Loader, Gas; Buffalo 5 Yard Pan; MAC 800G Heater on Trailer; Farm Maxx FFM 175 Flail Mower (new);Cosmeco CM75B Ditch trencher; OBD Leaf Vac w/JD 4045T Engine; 12’ Combo Plane; 8’ Combo Plane; SS Loegering Tracks; Wacker Heusen BS60-4 Jumping Jack; Dumpster; New: SS Reg & Grapple Buckets; Trencher; Sweepers; Angle Broom; Rototillers; Pallet Forks; Fork Extensions; Brush Cutters; Tillers; QA Plates; SS Post Hole Digger; Chippers; Cement Mixers; Screeners; Tool Chests; Mobile Bathroom Unit; Traffic Cones;  FARM EQUIPMENT: Balers/Wrappers:  NH BC 5070 ; NH 315 Baler w/Thrower; Gehl 2580 Round Baler; Hesston 745 Round Baler; Vermeer SW2500 Wrapper; Vermeer SW3500 Wrapper; NH 273: NH BR730 Round Baler;  Misc Hay Equip:  NI 279 Cutditioner; NH Tandem Rake Hitch; JD Bale Squeeze; Tedders: Pequea TT2000; NH GS520 Tedder; Pequea 710; Rakes:  NH 260 w/Dolly Wheel; NH 258 Doly Wheel Hyd drive; NH 256; NH 258 W/Dolly Wheel; Gehl 3pt 5 Wheel Rake; NH 256; NH 56; Deutz Allis Twin Rotary; JD 660; NH 255 Rake/Tedder; Haybines/Discbines: New, 1 Owner NH 312 Discbine; NH 210 Discbine cut only 100 acres; Kubota DM4032 Triple Deck Disc Mower; NH 489 Haybine; NH 210M Duradisc; AC 904 Haybine; JD 1470 Disc Mower Manure Spreaders: NI 17; NI 10; Better Built Tank Spreader; NH 155; Myer VMAX 3245; Houle Manure Pump; Mowers: Woods 3pt Finish Mower; NH Sickle Bar;  Grinders/Mixers: Trioliet 1-500 TMR Solo Mixer w/Scales; NH 355 Grinder Mixer; NH 352 Mixer Grinder; JD 700; Farmhand 822 Hyd Drive Grinder; Butler Mixer Wagon; Wagons: Danco Big Bale Wagon; Gehl 940 Forage Wagon on Tandem Gear; NH 181 Bin Wagon on Case Running Gear;  16’ Bale Wagon; NH 8 silage Wagon; Steel Tandem Axle Rack Wagon; Wooden Rack Wagon; DMI Gravity Wagon; Plows:  ID 3pt 3B; MF 3pt 4B; IH 140 3pt 3B Rollover; White 3pt 3B Spring Reset; MF 74 3B; Grain Drills/Seeders: IH 10 Grain Drill; JD 8300 Grain Drill; Brillion Seeder; IH Grain Drill; Corn Planters: Kinze 4R; JD 7000 6R; Deutz Allis 385 6R w/Liquid Fertilizer; JD 7200 6R Max Emerge Vacuum, JD 80 4R Harvesting: Ortheman Grain Cart; NH 782 Harvester w/Grass Head; JD 215 Combine Head; Kelly Ryan 2N-00 Bagger; NH 824 Corn Head; NI 324 2R Corn Picker; JD 972 Flail Chopper; Ag Bagger H190; Dump Table; Sprayers: Hardi 500 Gallon Sprayer w/45’ Booms; FMC Bean Sprayer: Garden Type Pull Sprayers; Tillage:; 3pt 6 Shank Chisel Plow; 9’ Cultipacker; 3pt 14’ Rotary Hoe; 3pt 5’ Rototiller; 8’ Offset Disc; Kewanee 2000 12’ Offset Disc; 7’ Offset Transport Disc; 8’ Cultipacker; JD 400 Rotary Hoe; JD 3pt 12’ Rotary Hoe; Brillion 12’ 4” Axle Cultipacker; Sprocket Packer; Lower Valley Welding 23’ Basket Packer Generators/Welders/Engines: Mega-Arc Pipeliner Welder; Shirbura 4cyl Dsl; Hobart Welder on Cart; Kodiak Light Generator; Lincoln Commander 400 Welder; Miller Big 40 Dsl Welder; Generac Gas Generator; 20HP 3phase Electric Motor Misc: Apache Pull Type Creep Feeder (like new); Rain Flow 3pt Waterwheel Transplanter; Market Farm 5500 WD 3pt Transplanter; Case 600 Blower; Vicon Fertilizer Spreader; Grain Cleaner; Row Cleaners;  JD 1R Potato Planter; Tobacco Lath; JD Lime Drill; Nolts P150 Transplanter; Checchi Transplanter; JD 3pt Flail Mower; 3pt Post Hole Digger;7’ Blade;3pt 8’5” Scraper; Disc Hiller; 3pt Potato Plow; Potato Rake; 3pt Mott Hammer Knife Mower; 3pt 5’ Aerator; 3pt Seeder Spreader; Automatic Ear Corn Mill; Roscamp Roller Mill; Corn Binder; Kelly B70 Backhoe; Wenger Systems Tandem Axle Running Gear; Irrigation Reel; Cosmo 3pt Fertilizer Spreader; Ford Ldr w/Spear; Hog Panels; Brady Crimper; Mahindra 7095 QA Ldr; Sauder High Lift Ldr; 3pt Kewanee 167 7’ Blade; Storage Shelters; 40’ Shipping Container; Kverneland GS120 Tiller;  MB 60” QA Sweeper; Case 600 Blower; King Kutter 3pt Dirt Scoop; Niagara Buffalo 3’ Metal Shear; JD 66 Blower; Steel Shipping Cages; Misc Fuel Tanks; Misc Suitcase Weights; Misc Wheel Weights; Misc Farm Gates MISC TRUCKS & TRAILERS: Kountry Kustom Auction Topper; 2021 Carry On Trailer, 2000GVW; 2010 Car Mate Trailer 3500 GVW; 2006 Pequea SS Trailer GVW 12,000; 2005 Bri-Mar Trailer 12,000GVW; 1974 IH Stake Body GVW 27500; 1989 Special Construction Trailer GVW 12,000;  1992 Ford F350 Flat Bed GVW 11000; 1993 Eager Beaver Flatbed Trailer; 2006 Forester Pop Up Camper; Auction Topper; 7’x14 Alum Trailer;  RTV’S & GATORS: Club Car Carryall 1700 Utility 4WD w/Canopy; JD 2020 Pro Gator Gas, Hyd Dump; JD XUV550 Utility Vehicle 4x4; JD XUV 550 Utility Vehicle 4x4; JD AMT626 Gator; JD 6x4 Gator; RTV 400 Gator for Parts; Toro Workman; Polaris UTV

RIDING MOWERS & LAWN & GARDEN: JD Z925A Zero Turn Gas w/54” Cut; Ransome M48-12 WB; Cub Cadet Trimming Mower; Exmark Laser ZT 60” Cut; JD GX75 Riding Mower; Simplicity WB Rototiller:  JD 48 Commercial WB; Exmark WB; JD GX75; Simplicity WB Rototiller; Walker MD Zero Turn w/ Kubota Dsl, 48” Deck & Power Dump; JD 925 Zero Turn; Toro Grounds Master 325D; Kubota 330 Propane Mower; Tarter 6’ 3pt Snowblower;



  Announcements made by Auctioneer on sale day take precedence over all advertisements.

                            Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS! 

                   Online bidding available through OR

TERMS: No buyer’s Premium buying in person, buyer’s premium for online bidding,

CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID! CC w/3% Administration Fee

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) Call (717) 656-2947, Email:



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Farm Equipment Consignment Auction
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Sale Date(s)
Tuesday May 23, 2023 Completed
Sale Location

Leola, PA 17540
Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee



Equipment Consignment Auction

Tuesday, MAY 23, 2023, 8:30 AM


Currently accepting Consignments!  Selling from Two Auction Rings!

TRACTORS:  John Deere:  JD 5090EL ROPS, 4WD, LHR; JD 6320 Cab. 4WD.LHR, (only moves in reverse); JD 5300 ROPS, 4WD, w/Ldr; JD 5055E 4WD; JD 5103 w/JD Ldr; JD 5090 EL 4WD LHR ROPS; JD 4320 4WD; JD 7400 Tractor, Cab, 4WD, Pwr Quad Trans; JD 7430 4WD; JD 2840 (needs Transmission work); JD 5085M Cab w/Ldr 4WD Dsl; JD 7430 Premium Cab 4WD; JD 5103 w/Ldr 2WD; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage); JD 2040 2WD; JD 5075E w/Ldr, 4WD; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage); JD 3010 Dsl Row Crop; JD 2240 w/145 Ldr; JD 4630 (not running); JD 4210 w/Ldr 4WD ROPS Salvage; JD 4120 4WD HST w/Ldr (Salvage)  International: IH 354 Gas; IH 495 2WD Dsl; IH 444 w/Extra Bucket Dsl 2WD; IH 274 Dsl; IH 274 Dsl: Farmall M w/Ldr, Side Hill Hitch NH/Ford: NH Work Master 60 w/Ldr, 4WD, ROPS; Ford TC45D w/Ldr; Ford 6000 Commander; Ford 1500; Ford 9N; Ford 5600 Cab; Massey Ferguson: MF 2675 Cab, Dsl; MF 245 Dsl Kubota; Kubota M95S Cab 4WD; Other:  Zetor 5211 Cab w/GB330 Ldr 2WD; Zetor 5011; Belarus 530; Deutz D1040S Dsl; Farm Pro 2425 4WD Not Running; Mahindra MX25L w/Ldr; Farmtrac 60 W/ Canopy, Dsl; Montana T7074 4WD; Oliver Row Crop 77 Super (salvage) Compacts: JD 3720 Compact Cab w/ Ldr;

SKIDLOADERS & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP: Lull Telehandler; JD 624 H Wheel Loader; Rayco 1800AWL Wheel Ldr w/Hyd Grapple; 60’ Genie Manlift; Snorkel T126J Manlift; Ford 4500 TLB Dsl; NHL781 Skid Loader w/Deutz Dsl; JD 328D Skid Loader EROPS & Joystick; AGROTK Mini Excavator QH-12 (NEW) w/thumb, gas; NH L555 (not running); Brute TRX Stand On Track Loader, Gas; Buffalo 5 Yard Pan; MAC 800G Heater on Trailer; Farm Maxx FFM 175 Flail Mower (new);Cosmeco CM75B Ditch trencher; OBD Leaf Vac w/JD 4045T Engine; 12’ Combo Plane; 8’ Combo Plane; SS Loegering Tracks; Wacker Heusen BS60-4 Jumping Jack; Dumpster; New: SS Reg & Grapple Buckets; Trencher; Sweepers; Angle Broom; Rototillers; Pallet Forks; Fork Extensions; Brush Cutters; Tillers; QA Plates; SS Post Hole Digger; Chippers; Cement Mixers; Screeners; Tool Chests; Mobile Bathroom Unit; Traffic Cones;  FARM EQUIPMENT: Balers/Wrappers:  NH BC 5070 ; NH 315 Baler w/Thrower; Gehl 2580 Round Baler; Hesston 745 Round Baler; Vermeer SW2500 Wrapper; Vermeer SW3500 Wrapper; NH 273: NH BR730 Round Baler;  Misc Hay Equip:  NI 279 Cutditioner; NH Tandem Rake Hitch; JD Bale Squeeze; Tedders: Pequea TT2000; NH GS520 Tedder; Pequea 710; Rakes:  NH 260 w/Dolly Wheel; NH 258 Doly Wheel Hyd drive; NH 256; NH 258 W/Dolly Wheel; Gehl 3pt 5 Wheel Rake; NH 256; NH 56; Deutz Allis Twin Rotary; JD 660; NH 255 Rake/Tedder; Haybines/Discbines: New, 1 Owner NH 312 Discbine; NH 210 Discbine cut only 100 acres; Kubota DM4032 Triple Deck Disc Mower; NH 489 Haybine; NH 210M Duradisc; AC 904 Haybine; JD 1470 Disc Mower Manure Spreaders: NI 17; NI 10; Better Built Tank Spreader; NH 155; Myer VMAX 3245; Houle Manure Pump; Mowers: Woods 3pt Finish Mower; NH Sickle Bar;  Grinders/Mixers: Trioliet 1-500 TMR Solo Mixer w/Scales; NH 355 Grinder Mixer; NH 352 Mixer Grinder; JD 700; Farmhand 822 Hyd Drive Grinder; Butler Mixer Wagon; Wagons: Danco Big Bale Wagon; Gehl 940 Forage Wagon on Tandem Gear; NH 181 Bin Wagon on Case Running Gear;  16’ Bale Wagon; NH 8 silage Wagon; Steel Tandem Axle Rack Wagon; Wooden Rack Wagon; DMI Gravity Wagon; Plows:  ID 3pt 3B; MF 3pt 4B; IH 140 3pt 3B Rollover; White 3pt 3B Spring Reset; MF 74 3B; Grain Drills/Seeders: IH 10 Grain Drill; JD 8300 Grain Drill; Brillion Seeder; IH Grain Drill; Corn Planters: Kinze 4R; JD 7000 6R; Deutz Allis 385 6R w/Liquid Fertilizer; JD 7200 6R Max Emerge Vacuum, JD 80 4R Harvesting: Ortheman Grain Cart; NH 782 Harvester w/Grass Head; JD 215 Combine Head; Kelly Ryan 2N-00 Bagger; NH 824 Corn Head; NI 324 2R Corn Picker; JD 972 Flail Chopper; Ag Bagger H190; Dump Table; Sprayers: Hardi 500 Gallon Sprayer w/45’ Booms; FMC Bean Sprayer: Garden Type Pull Sprayers; Tillage:; 3pt 6 Shank Chisel Plow; 9’ Cultipacker; 3pt 14’ Rotary Hoe; 3pt 5’ Rototiller; 8’ Offset Disc; Kewanee 2000 12’ Offset Disc; 7’ Offset Transport Disc; 8’ Cultipacker; JD 400 Rotary Hoe; JD 3pt 12’ Rotary Hoe; Brillion 12’ 4” Axle Cultipacker; Sprocket Packer; Lower Valley Welding 23’ Basket Packer Generators/Welders/Engines: Mega-Arc Pipeliner Welder; Shirbura 4cyl Dsl; Hobart Welder on Cart; Kodiak Light Generator; Lincoln Commander 400 Welder; Miller Big 40 Dsl Welder; Generac Gas Generator; 20HP 3phase Electric Motor Misc: Apache Pull Type Creep Feeder (like new); Rain Flow 3pt Waterwheel Transplanter; Market Farm 5500 WD 3pt Transplanter; Case 600 Blower; Vicon Fertilizer Spreader; Grain Cleaner; Row Cleaners;  JD 1R Potato Planter; Tobacco Lath; JD Lime Drill; Nolts P150 Transplanter; Checchi Transplanter; JD 3pt Flail Mower; 3pt Post Hole Digger;7’ Blade;3pt 8’5” Scraper; Disc Hiller; 3pt Potato Plow; Potato Rake; 3pt Mott Hammer Knife Mower; 3pt 5’ Aerator; 3pt Seeder Spreader; Automatic Ear Corn Mill; Roscamp Roller Mill; Corn Binder; Kelly B70 Backhoe; Wenger Systems Tandem Axle Running Gear; Irrigation Reel; Cosmo 3pt Fertilizer Spreader; Ford Ldr w/Spear; Hog Panels; Brady Crimper; Mahindra 7095 QA Ldr; Sauder High Lift Ldr; 3pt Kewanee 167 7’ Blade; Storage Shelters; 40’ Shipping Container; Kverneland GS120 Tiller;  MB 60” QA Sweeper; Case 600 Blower; King Kutter 3pt Dirt Scoop; Niagara Buffalo 3’ Metal Shear; JD 66 Blower; Steel Shipping Cages; Misc Fuel Tanks; Misc Suitcase Weights; Misc Wheel Weights; Misc Farm Gates MISC TRUCKS & TRAILERS: Kountry Kustom Auction Topper; 2021 Carry On Trailer, 2000GVW; 2010 Car Mate Trailer 3500 GVW; 2006 Pequea SS Trailer GVW 12,000; 2005 Bri-Mar Trailer 12,000GVW; 1974 IH Stake Body GVW 27500; 1989 Special Construction Trailer GVW 12,000;  1992 Ford F350 Flat Bed GVW 11000; 1993 Eager Beaver Flatbed Trailer; 2006 Forester Pop Up Camper; Auction Topper; 7’x14 Alum Trailer;  RTV’S & GATORS: Club Car Carryall 1700 Utility 4WD w/Canopy; JD 2020 Pro Gator Gas, Hyd Dump; JD XUV550 Utility Vehicle 4x4; JD XUV 550 Utility Vehicle 4x4; JD AMT626 Gator; JD 6x4 Gator; RTV 400 Gator for Parts; Toro Workman; Polaris UTV

RIDING MOWERS & LAWN & GARDEN: JD Z925A Zero Turn Gas w/54” Cut; Ransome M48-12 WB; Cub Cadet Trimming Mower; Exmark Laser ZT 60” Cut; JD GX75 Riding Mower; Simplicity WB Rototiller:  JD 48 Commercial WB; Exmark WB; JD GX75; Simplicity WB Rototiller; Walker MD Zero Turn w/ Kubota Dsl, 48” Deck & Power Dump; JD 925 Zero Turn; Toro Grounds Master 325D; Kubota 330 Propane Mower; Tarter 6’ 3pt Snowblower;



  Announcements made by Auctioneer on sale day take precedence over all advertisements.

                            Not responsible for no shows!  SELLING WITH TWO AUCTION TRUCKS! 

                   Online bidding available through OR

TERMS: No buyer’s Premium buying in person, buyer’s premium for online bidding,

CASH/CHECK WITH PROPER ID! CC w/3% Administration Fee

WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) Call (717) 656-2947, Email: