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Full Cycle Bioplastics
Listing ID#: 596290
Sale Location |
San Jose, CA 95134 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Bidding Starts: Monday May 22 Bidding Ends: Wednesday May 24 |
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Silicon Valley Disposition Contact: Manuel Padilla Phone: (650) 787-3384 Email: Website: ID#: 9310 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
Featuring Shimadzu and Thermo Scientific HPLC Systems, Keyence BZ-X810 Fluorescent Microscope System, Large Scale Bioreactor System, TOC Analyzers, Kettles and Tanks, Facility Support, Office and Lounge Furniture, and much more! 1 T/Cs, PAYMENT, LOCATION INFO T/Cs: All items sold as is, where is with no warranties/guarantees. All sales final. No refunds of any kind. Bidders shall examine or inspect items prior to the day of the auction. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS, WHERE IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS. NEITHER SE... 2 Try SAM, our Circular Economy Solution SAM offers small to large companies and individuals, a platform to help redirect surplus from landfills by maximizing an asset's lifespan. Our dedication to helping solve the current problems facing our planet proves to be effective and needed more n... 4 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2)Uline model 22 riser desk (white), dimensions: 29.5(W) X 59(L) ; (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at ... 5 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2)Uline model 22 riser desk (white), dimensions: 29.5(W) X 59(L) ; (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at ... 6 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2)Uline model 22 riser desk (white), dimensions: 29.5(W) X 59(L) ; (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at ... 7 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(1) Ikea Bekant riser desks dimensions 63(L) X 31(W); (1) Uline riser desk 59(L) X 29(W); (2) chairs; (2) monitors, (2) filing cabinets; (1) office divider. See photos for details. As is, where is, with ... 8 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2) Ikea Bekant riser desks dimensions 63(L) X 31(W); (2) chairs; (2) monitors, (2) filing cabinets; (1) office divider. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson... 9 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2) Ikea Bekant riser desks dimensions 63(L) X 31(W); (2) chairs; (2) monitors, (2) filing cabinets; (1) office divider. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson... 10 Office Work Station Lot of (7) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2)Uline model 22 riser desk (white), dimensions: 29.5(W) X 59(L) ; (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs. No monitors with this unit. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all fault... 11 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2)Uline model 22 riser desk (white), dimensions: 29.5(W) X 59(L) ; (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at ... 12 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(2)Uline model 22 riser desk (white), dimensions: 29.5(W) X 59(L) ; (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at ... 13 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ;(1)Uline model 22 riser desk (white), dimensions: 29.5(W) X 59(L) ; (1) Ikea Bekant riser, dimensions 31.5 (W) X 63(L); (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for de... 14 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ; (2) Ikea Bekant riser, dimensions 31.5 (W) X 63(L); (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson L... 15 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ; (2) Ikea Bekant riser, dimensions 31.5 (W) X 63(L); (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson L... 16 Office Work Station Lot of (9) consisting of: Office Work Station ; (2) Ikea Bekant riser, dimensions 31.5 (W) X 63(L); (2) filing cabinet, (1) office divider; (2) chairs; (2) monitors. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson L... 17 Room w/Contents Lot of (7) consisting of: Room w/Contents ;(1)wood table (coffee table style), dimensions: 71(L) X 23(W) X 15(H); (4) chairs; (1) wood bookshelf; (1) whiteboard, dimensions: 72(L) X 48(W). See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Loc... 18 Room w/Contents Lot of (6) consisting of: Room w/Contents ;(3) Uline model AT22 riser tables dimensions: 47(L) X 23(W), (2) whiteboards (43 x 30 and 48 x 36); (1) TCL 55" TV. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San ... 19 Printers Lot of (2) consisting of: Printers Manufacturer: HP, ;(1) Color Laser Jet Pro MFP M477fnw; (2) model SNPRC-1901-01. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM I... 20 Chairs Lot of (11) consisting of: Chairs Manufacturer: Ikea, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: aa4a81af-fd74-44d7-ba12-2a9c3d63b408 21 Tables Lot of (3) consisting of: Tables ;(3) tables measuring 47(L) X 16(W) X 39(H). See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 9a344174-66e3-46f1-8c2b-3451c6bc792... 22 TV Lot of (1) consisting of: TV Manufacturer: LG, Model: LTCS20020S/00, Serial Number: 103MRBW58653;115V-60HZ; 2.7A; dimensions: 30(W) X 34(D) X 66(H). See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, Cali... 23 Kegerator Lot of (1) consisting of: Kegerator Manufacturer: Keg Master Series 4, Model: BC168, ;R600a refrigerant; amount- 40g; 110V-60Hz. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 4fd393b7-e833-4343-a660-e3848266ce81 24 Wine Cooler Lot of (1) consisting of: Wine Cooler Manufacturer: Newair, Model: NWC043SS00, ;R600 REFRIGERANT; 1.2A; 110-120V AC; 60HZ. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 926eccbe-7a2b-4f37-98e3-659e6188fbf9 29 Tables Lot of (3) consisting of: Tables ;(3) stainless steel with 3" wood tabletop; 2 shelf and 2 drawers; dimensions: 47(L) X 25(W) X 35(H). See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United... 25 Refrigerator Lot of (1) consisting of: Refrigerator Manufacturer: Samsung, Model: RS261MDPN, Vintage: 2012, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: bfb9dec7-a77a-4c... 28 Kitchen Appliances Lot of (3) consisting of: Kitchen Appliances ;(1) Comfee model CFO-BB101 toaster oven; (1)Hamilton Beach coffee maker ; (1) GE microwave, mod AS265582A . See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 N icholson Ln, San Jose... 30 Rack w/Contents Lot of (1) consisting of: Rack w/Contents ;rack dimension: 48(L) X (18) X 70(H). See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 115716ed-2a9e-44c1-8b6c-3c219b08... 26 Microwave Lot of (2) consisting of: Microwave Manufacturer: GE, Model: Profile PEB9159SJ2SS, Vintage: 2018, ;basic tools needed for disassembly. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United... 31 Bluetooth Outdoor Speaker Lot of (1) consisting of: Bluetooth Outdoor Speaker Manufacturer: Ion, Model: Block Rocker Plus, ;100W outdoor speaker with rechargeable battery, karaoke microphone; radio; wheels; telescopic handle. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all ... 26 Microwave Lot of (2) consisting of: Microwave Manufacturer: GE, Model: Profile PEB9159SJ2SS, Vintage: 2018, ;basic tools needed for disassembly. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United... 27 Dishwasher Lot of (1) consisting of: Dishwasher Manufacturer: GE, Model: GDT635HSM0SS, Serial Number: VL771690B;stainless steel in color; need basic tools for disconnect. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San... 37 Office Furniture Lot of (15) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) Adjustable office table 77in x 29in w/ rolling office chair. (1) large lounging couch 7ft. (1) mini fridge. (2) cabinets. (1) Dyson Fan. (1) glass whiteboard 35in x 29in. (2) (3) wall shelves 4 ft lon... 27 Dishwasher Lot of (1) consisting of: Dishwasher Manufacturer: GE, Model: GDT635HSM0SS, Serial Number: VL771690B;stainless steel in color; need basic tools for disconnect. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San... 38 Office Furniture Lot of (0) consisting of: Office Furniture ;Large L-shape faux wood office desk, 69in x 23.5in & 65in x 29.5in, 30 in tall (3) office chairs. (1) Acer monitor, model V246hl, s/n: MMLXXAA01194607DD18575 (2) Sceptre monitors. (1) 50" Insignia TV, model... 39 Office Furniture Lot of (5) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(4) Whiteboards. (2) cabinet. (1) cabinet w/ tabletop. (1) High-top table w/ rolling chair. (1) rolling chart w/ hand sanitizer stand and small recycling bin. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, Califor... 40 Conference Room Funiture Lot of (15) consisting of: Conference Room Funiture ;(1) Large faux wood table (10) rolling chairs (1) Sharp TV (1) small cabinet (1) whiteboard w/ trash bins (1) plant See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, Unite... 42 Office Furniture w/ Podcast Equipment Lot of (16) consisting of: Office Furniture w/ Podcast Equipment ;(3) Adjustable rising desk (3) rolling office chairs (3) computer monitors (1) paper shredder (4) cabinets (1) paper shredder (1) large area rug w/ decorations See photos for details.... 43 Lounging Furniture Lot of (4) consisting of: Lounging Furniture ;(2) plush chairs (1) round coffee table (1) wall picture See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 63697f09-4f23-4a5c-9a83-89fa86b9c47b 44 Office Furniture Lot of (1) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) adjustable table 47.5" x 23.5" (5) rolling office chairs. (1) divider 6' x 70" Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: b82f52b5-5bc3-49cf-8135-5c97b50da46b 45 Large Wood Table Lot of (1) consisting of: Large Wood Table ;approximately 92.5" x 39.5" w/ 2 bench seats See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 82af2224-84bf-4d8d-8560-81dae79f3856 46 Office Furniture Lot of (10) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) 55" TCL Roku TV (2) adjustable table 71" x 29.5" (4) rolling chairs (1) whiteboard (1) picture (1)27" HP monitor w/ accessories See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, Californ... 47 Office Furniture Lot of (1) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(2) adjustable table (4) rolling office chairs (2) office chairs (1) rolling cabinet (1) Acer monitor, model: B246HL. (1) Asus monitor, model: VS248. (1) divider 6' x 70" w/ wall art. See photos for details... 48 Office Furniture Lot of (6) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) adjustable table. (3) rolling office chairs. (1) stool (1) 24" HP computer monitor, model: HSTND-9751-V. (1) divider 6' x 70" w/ recycling bin. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United... 49 Karaoke Machine Lot of (2) consisting of: Karaoke Machine Manufacturer: Ankuka, ;(1) Venloic Bluetooth tower speaker See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 965c7ab7-fdda-43a6-9e5a-547355797b89 50 Office Furniture Lot of (13) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(1) round coffee table (4) blue chairs (1) brown chair (1) small round end table (1) High-top table (4) barstools (1) plant See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, Unite... 51 Cabinet w/ Contents Lot of (0) consisting of: Cabinet w/ Contents ;(1) Hot water dispenser (Contents include office supplies) See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 20bf9426-f8a9-4ec9-a652-0f866b2ead0c 52 Office Furniture Lot of (13) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(2) adjustable tables (5) rolling chairs (2) cabinets (2) Acer monitor, model: B246HL. (1) Asus model: VS248. (1) divider 6' x 70" See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California,... 53 Office Furniture Lot of (4) consisting of: Office Furniture ;(2) adjustable table (1) rolling office chair (1) 27" Dell model SE2722H See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: af7853c3-2268-4fca-9554-50828b... 54 Lockers w/ Handsanitizer Lot of (5) consisting of: Lockers w/ Handsanitizer ;(4) lockers (1) hand sanitizer dispenser See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: fb282a13-686e-476e-b022-b941f8a9f514 55 Meditation Room Lot of (5) consisting of: Meditation Room ;(1) lounging couch w/ end table (1) shelves w/ contents which includes: Himalayan salt lamp, water fountain, yoga mats, candles. (1) large floor lamp w/ wall decorations. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San J... 56 Office Supplies Lot of (1) consisting of: Office Supplies ;Contents of supply room. (shelves not included) See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 698fafad-1952-47c7-ba90-77a832704de4 57 Computer Monitors Lot of (5) consisting of: Computer Monitors ;(4) Sceptre, (1)Dell See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 5fc1a227-7c2d-43b8-a5e1-a97f1bca5249 58 Projector & Video Conference Lot of (2) consisting of: Projector & Video Conference ;(1) Video confrence Poly Studio X30, P/N: 2201-85930-001. (1) Projector See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United Stat... 59 Video Camera Lot of (2) consisting of: Video Camera ;(1) IR 2.7K high definition 36.0 mega pixels still image video w/ microphone. (1) Verizon hotspot See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, Un... 60 Brother Printer Lot of (1) consisting of: Brother Printer Manufacturer: Brother, Model: HL-L3290CDW, Serial Number: U65177B1N397428;w/ printer ink, shelf. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, U... 61 Cabinet Lot of (1) consisting of: Cabinet ;w/ contents on top and recycling bin. (cabinet is empty inside) Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 74f58403-11b1-4640-a959-442224a0e190 62 Vacuum Lot of (1) consisting of: Vacuum Manufacturer: Dyson, ;Box of vacuum parts See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: cfac9908-01aa-4c14-a450-0cb9df86f89b 63 AT&T Arris U-Verse Lot of (1) consisting of: AT&T Arris U-Verse ;BGW210, S/N: R91VJINN205725, w/ box of cords. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 1a11cd6f-063a-465e-949b-e0e813885c5e 100 Water Purification System Lot of (1) consisting of: Water Purification System Manufacturer: Thermoscientific, Model: Barnstead Pretreatment, Serial Number: 300389656;converts tap water into ASTM Type 1. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 ... 101 Centrifuge Lot of (1) consisting of: Centrifuge Manufacturer: Hermle, Model: Benchmark Z206A, ;Max Capacity-6 x 50 ml; Max. RPM/RCF- 6,000 | 4,427 x g; Running Time-59 min 50s / 10s increments See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at... 102 Scale Lot of (1) consisting of: Scale Manufacturer: Sartorius, Model: 1601 A MP8-1, ;Weight range: 100 g; Readability: 0, 1 mg; Pan Diameter: 90 mm; Clearance above pan: 240 mm; Weight chamber (W x H x D): 186 x 248 x 170 mm; Balance housing (W x H x D): 2... 103 Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine Lot of (1) consisting of: Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine Manufacturer: Digital Pro, ;time control: digital control LCD (1-30 minutes); Ultrasonic frequency- 40KHZ; capacity- 6L; ultrasonic power-180W. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all fa... 104 High Speed Centrifuge Lot of (1) consisting of: High Speed Centrifuge Manufacturer: Thermo Fisher, Model: accuSpin Micro 17, ;1.9 kNm; 120V; 60 Hz; 180W See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United Sta... 105 Magnetic Stirrer Lot of (1) consisting of: Magnetic Stirrer Manufacturer: Barnstead, Model: S46725, ;magnetic stirrer. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 7576873a-a0... 106 Benchtop ph/Conductivity Meter Lot of (1) consisting of: Benchtop ph/Conductivity Meter Manufacturer: Accumet, Model: XL200, ;-5C to +105C. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: fcb8... 107 Sartorius Scale Lot of (0) consisting of: Sartorius Scale Manufacturer: Sartorius, Model: EA6DCE-10UR, ;DIGITAL SCALE. See photos for details. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 9970f4c6-7e99-49a3-be65-350f7515c23e 108 IKA Viscometer Lot of (1) consisting of: IKA Viscometer Manufacturer: IKA, Model: Rotavisc lo-vi S000, ;4.3? TFT display; level of measurement accuracy is +/- 1 % of the measuring range. The reproducibility is +/- 0.2 %. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, Ca... 109 Recirculating Chiller Lot of (1) consisting of: Recirculating Chiller Manufacturer: Across International, Model: C30-10-5L, Vintage: 2020, Serial Number: 20110324;220V, 1 phase; 6.4A; 1390 watts. Temperature ambient to -30C; refrigerant- R410A, 680g. See photos for detail... 110 Oil Pump Lot of (1) consisting of: Oil Pump Manufacturer: Roughneck, ;flow rate-50LPM/13GPM; 115V/60Hz; 1.5KW; 1' inlet. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 7... 111 Lab Glassware Lot of (45) consisting of: Lab Glassware ;assorted size lab glassware See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 0c40cf0d-ad40-4cdd-988f-93f90f4863c9 112 High Pressure Chemical Batch Reactor Lot of (1) consisting of: High Pressure Chemical Batch Reactor ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 00d57b0f-3172-4518-9cfa-8f166539e8d1 113 Digital Reactor Block Water Analyzer Lot of (1) consisting of: Digital Reactor Block Water Analyzer ;heats from 20 to 150°C in less than 10 minutes; Control temperatures in the reactor from 37 to 165°C in 1°C increments. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Loca... 114 Oscilloscope Lot of (1) consisting of: Oscilloscope Manufacturer: Hantek, Model: DS05102P, ;200/100/70MHz bandwidths 1GSa/s Real Time sample rate Large (7.0-inch) color display, WVGA(800x480) Record length up to 40K Trigger mode: edge/pulse width/line selectable ... 115 Power Supply Lot of (1) consisting of: Power Supply Manufacturer: TekPower, Model: TP300ST, ;Output DC Voltage: 0.0 - 30.0V Output DC Current: 0.00 - 5.00 A Input Voltage: 110V/AC, 60Hz Voltage and Current adjustment Ripple and noises: CV < 1 mV rms, CC < 3 m... 116 Batch Reactors Lot of (3) consisting of: Batch Reactors ;(1) brewtech; (2) Stout. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: fbb8f497-2578-4dc4-aa8a-568cc37e410c 117 Batch Reactors Lot of (4) consisting of: Batch Reactors ;(1)Stout; (1) Benner-Newman; (2) Applikon See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 24171b91-065a-418d-991f-49f2d... 118 Telescoping Gantry Crane w/Trolley Hoist Lot of (1) consisting of: Telescoping Gantry Crane w/Trolley Hoist Manufacturer: Bannon, Model: 57023, ;I beam that adjusts from 99.5" to 147.5; distance between posts is 93.5"; I beam height 86"; 2000lbs capacity. See photos for details. As is, whe... 119 Incubator Lot of (1) consisting of: Incubator Manufacturer: Lab Companion, Model: ISS-4075, Serial Number: 1D017520;Up to 80°C, 500rpm enables setting of various experimental conditions; Utilized as an incubator using the shelves. Three operating modes: Tempe... 120 Hand Trucks Lot of (2) consisting of: Hand Trucks Manufacturer: Global, ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 51d94f65-7b31-4faa-83ab-a6260000b1d7 121 Mechanical Convection Oven Lot of (1) consisting of: Mechanical Convection Oven Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Heratherm OMH750, Serial Number: 42631925;25.8-cu ft | 731L; Broad temperature rangeup to 330°C; Programmable controller for temperature ramps and dwells; U... 122 Mechanical Convection Oven Lot of (1) consisting of: Mechanical Convection Oven Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific, Model: Heratherm OMH750, Serial Number: 42693909;25.8-cu ft | 731L; Broad temperature rangeup to 330°C; Programmable controller for temperature ramps and dwells; U... 123 Fume Hood Lot of (1) consisting of: Fume Hood Manufacturer: Hansen, Model: 3SA94A, Serial Number: 1433;approximate dimensions: 94(L) X 54(H) X 41(D); 120V; 1.92 K/A; 16A; 60Hz. Included is a hazardous materials cabinet dimensions: 94(L) X 34(H) X 39(D). Buyer ... 124 Digital Reactor Block Water Analyzer Lot of (0) consisting of: Digital Reactor Block Water Analyzer Manufacturer: Hach, Model: DRB200, Serial Number: 21060C0062;heats from 20 to 150°C in less than 10 minutes; Control temperatures in the reactor from 37 to 165°C in 1°C increments. See... 125 Centrifuge Tubes Lot of (100) consisting of: Centrifuge Tubes Manufacturer: Falcon, ;approximately 100; 50ml. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: f1ee76a2-5f31-4f4c-8... 126 Miscellaneous Plastic Lids Lot of (35) consisting of: Miscellaneous Plastic Lids ;assorted plastic lab lids; approximately 35. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 9d81fe9a-492e... 127 Glass Stoppers Lot of (30) consisting of: Glass Stoppers ;approximately 30. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 05d4dbab-a80c-4e05-a116-78ce1a9e4549 128 Plastic Bottles/Test Tube Racks Lot of (16) consisting of: Plastic Bottles/Test Tube Racks ;(8) lab bottles; (8) test tube racks. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: a65c29a2-9b2d-4... 129 Glass Cylinders and Glass Pipets Lot of (10) consisting of: Glass Cylinders and Glass Pipets ;approximately (9) glass graduating cylinders and (1) case of disposable glass pipets (new in box). See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San... 130 Volumetric Pipet Thermometer Lot of (15) consisting of: Volumetric Pipet Thermometer ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 94393f8b-956f-4170-b99b-05fa0df918f9 131 Glass Petri Dish and Funnels Lot of (15) consisting of: Glass Petri Dish and Funnels ;approximately (12) Petri dishes and (3) funnels. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: db75e40... 132 Pipet Tips/Test Tubes/Vials Lot of (1) consisting of: Pipet Tips/Test Tubes/Vials ; See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: 81eb8b3a-b06b-44bc-ba87-fba60a349490 134 Serological Pipets Lot of (33) consisting of: Serological Pipets Manufacturer: Lab Depot, ;(10) 2ml; (8) 10ml; (15) 25ml. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States 95134 SAM ID: a12a659a-c... 135 Digital Pump Lot of (1) consisting of: Digital Pump Manufacturer: Masterflex, Model: 77410-10, ;I/P digital pump w/easy load head Masterfles model 77601-60 head. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, Cali... 136 Magnetic Stirrer Lot of (1) consisting of: Magnetic Stirrer Manufacturer: Ohaus, Model: STMP4AL, Serial Number: 201001003;Multi-Postion Analog Stirrer, 4 x 1L Capacity; 318 x 279 mm top plate accommodates up to 9 x 250 mL or 4 x 1 L flasks. See photos for details. As... 137 Magnetic Stirrer Lot of (1) consisting of: Magnetic Stirrer Manufacturer: Ohaus, Model: STMP4AL, Serial Number: 201001002;Multi-Postion Analog Stirrer, 4 x 1L Capacity; 318 x 279 mm top plate accommodates up to 9 x 250 mL or 4 x 1 L flasks. See photos for details. As... 138 Spill Kit Lot of (1) consisting of: Spill Kit Manufacturer: Pig, Model: KIT363, ;Hazmat spill kit in 65 gallon high visibility container. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, United States... 139 3D Printer Lot of (1) consisting of: 3D Printer Manufacturer: Formlabs, Model: Form 3, ;low-force stereolithography; 145 x 145 x 185 mm; resin/SLA. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, Uni... 140 Form Wash Lot of (1) consisting of: Form Wash Manufacturer: Formlabs, Model: Form Cure, ;automates the print washing process for consistent cleaning. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, San Jose, California, U... 141 1 HP Pump Lot of (1) consisting of: 1 HP Pump Manufacturer: Baldor, Model: CE3WDM3546, ;230/460V; 2.9/1.45A; 1745 RPM; 60Hz including ABB outdoor variable frequency drive. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, S... 142 1 HP Pump Lot of (1) consisting of: 1 HP Pump Manufacturer: Baldor, Model: CE3WDM3546, ;230/460V; 2.9/1.45A; 1745 RPM; 60Hz including ABB outdoor variable frequency drive. See photos for details. As is, where is, with all faults. Located at 115 Nicholson Ln, S... |
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