(John & Carol Houston) Living Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 550119

Sale Location

Smithton, MO 65350
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Dec 10, 2022 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information

Living Estate Auction

“John & Carol Houston”

30672 Overstreet Rd. Smithton Mo. 65350

As we have sold our home & downsizing, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 10th 10:00am 2022

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection in Sedalia go East on 50 hwy 7 Miles to Overstreet Rd. turn Right onto Overstreet rd. to Auction on Right watch for signs on sale day.


2011 Chevrolet Silverado ½ ton pickup V8 auto 2x4 46k (garage kept),   

New Holland TC30 tractor 4x4, w/weights & roll bar 1,341hrs.  

1963 Ford 4000 gas tractor,

Gravely ZTX 52” zero turn lawn mower 23hp Kawasaki 92hrs.

3 – Stihl chain saws 026, MS180c,  

Stihl string trimmer FS45, Mitsubishi T170 string trimmer,

Stihl BG65 gas leaf blower, Craftsman gas leaf blower,

Poulan-Pro (w/Honda motor) push mower w/bagger,      

5’ 3pt rotary mower,

3pt tumble bug,

3pt blade 6’,

HD 3pt carry-all,

3pt two bottom plow,

Gas powered wood splitter, Poulan HD front-tine tiller,  

Pickup bed trailer, 2 – truck toppers (alum. & fiberglass)

19 – 12’ pipe livestock panels,

8’ feed trough, 3 – bale rings, 9 – NEW rolls 42” woven wire, 80+/- New 6 ½’ red T-post,  

(Lumber) 50+/- 2x6, 50+/- 2x4, lot sheeting & chip board, 10 sheets ½” plywood,  

lot log chains, headache rack for pickup, 25+/- straw bales, hog hut, metal slide-in stock racks,     

LARGE lot hedge post 8’ – 10’, lg spool heavy aluminum 200amp tri-plex cable wire,

lot scrap iron, yard cart, 2 – 12’ wooden gates, lot PVC conduit, lot vinyl siding,

wheel barrow, Warner 20’ aluminum extension, ladder, hardware organizer bins,

6” grinder on pedestal, NAPA 10amp battery charger, Craftsman 10” table saw,

Vintage Craftsman Keyway machine, portable air compressor, 2 – metal storage cabinets,

lot misc. hand tools, ¾” socket set, lot drill bits, taps & dies, lot misc. hardware,

“Jungle Jack” commercial lawnmower jack, DeWalt cordless drill, 10gal shop-vac,    

lot long handled tools, 2 – roll around tool boxes, four-wheel lawn wagon, misc. plastic shelving,


Household & Misc.

Lg lot 35+ quilts & quilt tops, Bernina Deco 650 top stitch Embroidery machine,

antique harvest table 5 leaves & 6 chairs, upholstered sofa, 3 – upholstered recliners,

early American rocking chair, oil lamps, 2 – 4’ church pews, old dock cart,

slate drop pocket pool table w/cues & balls, glider rocker w/ottoman, antique entry door w/etched glass,    

cook books, angel figurines, 2 – square wash tubs, 2 – antique school desk, cast iron waffle iron,

lg enamel farm sink on metal cabinet, crocket set, table w/enamel Hoosier top, 8’ windmill NIB,

new electric smoker, old sausage grinder, Singer sewing machine in cabinet,

7 - 4x6x2 heavy metal & wood shelves,


        Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Wow this is going to be a NICE sale something for everyone, EVERYTHING is in great shape & very clean, all equipment running & well maintained, hope to see you there.

Concessions provided by the Award Winning “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(John & Carol Houston) Living Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
30672 Overstreet Rd.
Smithton, MO 65350
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Dec 10, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details

Living Estate Auction

“John & Carol Houston”

30672 Overstreet Rd. Smithton Mo. 65350

As we have sold our home & downsizing, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 10th 10:00am 2022

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection in Sedalia go East on 50 hwy 7 Miles to Overstreet Rd. turn Right onto Overstreet rd. to Auction on Right watch for signs on sale day.


2011 Chevrolet Silverado ½ ton pickup V8 auto 2x4 46k (garage kept),   

New Holland TC30 tractor 4x4, w/weights & roll bar 1,341hrs.  

1963 Ford 4000 gas tractor,

Gravely ZTX 52” zero turn lawn mower 23hp Kawasaki 92hrs.

3 – Stihl chain saws 026, MS180c,  

Stihl string trimmer FS45, Mitsubishi T170 string trimmer,

Stihl BG65 gas leaf blower, Craftsman gas leaf blower,

Poulan-Pro (w/Honda motor) push mower w/bagger,      

5’ 3pt rotary mower,

3pt tumble bug,

3pt blade 6’,

HD 3pt carry-all,

3pt two bottom plow,

Gas powered wood splitter, Poulan HD front-tine tiller,  

Pickup bed trailer, 2 – truck toppers (alum. & fiberglass)

19 – 12’ pipe livestock panels,

8’ feed trough, 3 – bale rings, 9 – NEW rolls 42” woven wire, 80+/- New 6 ½’ red T-post,  

(Lumber) 50+/- 2x6, 50+/- 2x4, lot sheeting & chip board, 10 sheets ½” plywood,  

lot log chains, headache rack for pickup, 25+/- straw bales, hog hut, metal slide-in stock racks,     

LARGE lot hedge post 8’ – 10’, lg spool heavy aluminum 200amp tri-plex cable wire,

lot scrap iron, yard cart, 2 – 12’ wooden gates, lot PVC conduit, lot vinyl siding,

wheel barrow, Warner 20’ aluminum extension, ladder, hardware organizer bins,

6” grinder on pedestal, NAPA 10amp battery charger, Craftsman 10” table saw,

Vintage Craftsman Keyway machine, portable air compressor, 2 – metal storage cabinets,

lot misc. hand tools, ¾” socket set, lot drill bits, taps & dies, lot misc. hardware,

“Jungle Jack” commercial lawnmower jack, DeWalt cordless drill, 10gal shop-vac,    

lot long handled tools, 2 – roll around tool boxes, four-wheel lawn wagon, misc. plastic shelving,


Household & Misc.

Lg lot 35+ quilts & quilt tops, Bernina Deco 650 top stitch Embroidery machine,

antique harvest table 5 leaves & 6 chairs, upholstered sofa, 3 – upholstered recliners,

early American rocking chair, oil lamps, 2 – 4’ church pews, old dock cart,

slate drop pocket pool table w/cues & balls, glider rocker w/ottoman, antique entry door w/etched glass,    

cook books, angel figurines, 2 – square wash tubs, 2 – antique school desk, cast iron waffle iron,

lg enamel farm sink on metal cabinet, crocket set, table w/enamel Hoosier top, 8’ windmill NIB,

new electric smoker, old sausage grinder, Singer sewing machine in cabinet,

7 - 4x6x2 heavy metal & wood shelves,


        Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Wow this is going to be a NICE sale something for everyone, EVERYTHING is in great shape & very clean, all equipment running & well maintained, hope to see you there.

Concessions provided by the Award Winning “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(John & Carol Houston) Living Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Dec 10, 2022 Completed
Sale Location

Smithton, MO 65350
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

Living Estate Auction

“John & Carol Houston”

30672 Overstreet Rd. Smithton Mo. 65350

As we have sold our home & downsizing, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday December 10th 10:00am 2022

Directions: From 50 & 65 hwy intersection in Sedalia go East on 50 hwy 7 Miles to Overstreet Rd. turn Right onto Overstreet rd. to Auction on Right watch for signs on sale day.


2011 Chevrolet Silverado ½ ton pickup V8 auto 2x4 46k (garage kept),   

New Holland TC30 tractor 4x4, w/weights & roll bar 1,341hrs.  

1963 Ford 4000 gas tractor,

Gravely ZTX 52” zero turn lawn mower 23hp Kawasaki 92hrs.

3 – Stihl chain saws 026, MS180c,  

Stihl string trimmer FS45, Mitsubishi T170 string trimmer,

Stihl BG65 gas leaf blower, Craftsman gas leaf blower,

Poulan-Pro (w/Honda motor) push mower w/bagger,      

5’ 3pt rotary mower,

3pt tumble bug,

3pt blade 6’,

HD 3pt carry-all,

3pt two bottom plow,

Gas powered wood splitter, Poulan HD front-tine tiller,  

Pickup bed trailer, 2 – truck toppers (alum. & fiberglass)

19 – 12’ pipe livestock panels,

8’ feed trough, 3 – bale rings, 9 – NEW rolls 42” woven wire, 80+/- New 6 ½’ red T-post,  

(Lumber) 50+/- 2x6, 50+/- 2x4, lot sheeting & chip board, 10 sheets ½” plywood,  

lot log chains, headache rack for pickup, 25+/- straw bales, hog hut, metal slide-in stock racks,     

LARGE lot hedge post 8’ – 10’, lg spool heavy aluminum 200amp tri-plex cable wire,

lot scrap iron, yard cart, 2 – 12’ wooden gates, lot PVC conduit, lot vinyl siding,

wheel barrow, Warner 20’ aluminum extension, ladder, hardware organizer bins,

6” grinder on pedestal, NAPA 10amp battery charger, Craftsman 10” table saw,

Vintage Craftsman Keyway machine, portable air compressor, 2 – metal storage cabinets,

lot misc. hand tools, ¾” socket set, lot drill bits, taps & dies, lot misc. hardware,

“Jungle Jack” commercial lawnmower jack, DeWalt cordless drill, 10gal shop-vac,    

lot long handled tools, 2 – roll around tool boxes, four-wheel lawn wagon, misc. plastic shelving,


Household & Misc.

Lg lot 35+ quilts & quilt tops, Bernina Deco 650 top stitch Embroidery machine,

antique harvest table 5 leaves & 6 chairs, upholstered sofa, 3 – upholstered recliners,

early American rocking chair, oil lamps, 2 – 4’ church pews, old dock cart,

slate drop pocket pool table w/cues & balls, glider rocker w/ottoman, antique entry door w/etched glass,    

cook books, angel figurines, 2 – square wash tubs, 2 – antique school desk, cast iron waffle iron,

lg enamel farm sink on metal cabinet, crocket set, table w/enamel Hoosier top, 8’ windmill NIB,

new electric smoker, old sausage grinder, Singer sewing machine in cabinet,

7 - 4x6x2 heavy metal & wood shelves,


        Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: Wow this is going to be a NICE sale something for everyone, EVERYTHING is in great shape & very clean, all equipment running & well maintained, hope to see you there.

Concessions provided by the Award Winning “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389