(Dick & Beverly Pfeiffer) Living Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 533792

Sale Location

Sedalia , MO 65301
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Sep 17, 2022 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9118
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Listing Information


Living Estate Auction

“Dick & Beverly Pfeiffer”

4250 Eagle Drive, Sedalia Mo. 65301

As we are selling our home & downsizing, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 17th 10:00am 2022

Directions:  From 65 hwy & 16th st. stop light go west on 16 st. thru roundabout to N Hedge Apple turn Right (North) on Hedge Apple to Eagle Dr. & Auction on Right, follow signs to Auction on sale day.

Household, Antiques & Misc.

Kenmore washer & dryer, oak 10 drawer file-card cabinet,

Antique settee, oval coffee table, misc. occ tables, tiger oak library table, possum belly kitchen hutch,

Misc. pressed-back rockers, pie safe w/glass front, pr “Pennsylvania Dutch” chairs, round oak table,

Lot misc. wooden chairs, lot misc. glass (green depression, cock bowls etc.), wooden bench,

Parlor stove, two-mile dinner bell, 2gal Ruckels crock jug, Vintage Dayton “Gold Metals” scale,

12’ church pew, privacy screen, High back bed, day bed, smoking stand, oak secretary,

hall tree w/mirror, upholstered recliner, Primitive cabinet, 2 – antique school desk, old secretary,

easel, childs rocker, misc. mirrors & wall art, misc. wooden dining room tables,

misc metal & wood shelves, poker table, lot books, four drawer file cabinets, Lot metal folding chairs,

Weight machine, treadmill, Homelite 4400-watt generator, alum. 6’ step ladder, lot misc. hand tools,   

Expanded metal patio set (Table w/4 chairs), round wooden picnic table, Char-Broil gas BBQ grill,    

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: We are proud to bring you this Auction of quality Antiques & household,  

Concessions provided by the Award Winning “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Dick & Beverly Pfeiffer) Living Estate Auction

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Sale Location
4250 Eagle Drive
Sedalia , MO 65301
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Sep 17, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions

Listing Details


Living Estate Auction

“Dick & Beverly Pfeiffer”

4250 Eagle Drive, Sedalia Mo. 65301

As we are selling our home & downsizing, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 17th 10:00am 2022

Directions:  From 65 hwy & 16th st. stop light go west on 16 st. thru roundabout to N Hedge Apple turn Right (North) on Hedge Apple to Eagle Dr. & Auction on Right, follow signs to Auction on sale day.

Household, Antiques & Misc.

Kenmore washer & dryer, oak 10 drawer file-card cabinet,

Antique settee, oval coffee table, misc. occ tables, tiger oak library table, possum belly kitchen hutch,

Misc. pressed-back rockers, pie safe w/glass front, pr “Pennsylvania Dutch” chairs, round oak table,

Lot misc. wooden chairs, lot misc. glass (green depression, cock bowls etc.), wooden bench,

Parlor stove, two-mile dinner bell, 2gal Ruckels crock jug, Vintage Dayton “Gold Metals” scale,

12’ church pew, privacy screen, High back bed, day bed, smoking stand, oak secretary,

hall tree w/mirror, upholstered recliner, Primitive cabinet, 2 – antique school desk, old secretary,

easel, childs rocker, misc. mirrors & wall art, misc. wooden dining room tables,

misc metal & wood shelves, poker table, lot books, four drawer file cabinets, Lot metal folding chairs,

Weight machine, treadmill, Homelite 4400-watt generator, alum. 6’ step ladder, lot misc. hand tools,   

Expanded metal patio set (Table w/4 chairs), round wooden picnic table, Char-Broil gas BBQ grill,    

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: We are proud to bring you this Auction of quality Antiques & household,  

Concessions provided by the Award Winning “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389

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(Dick & Beverly Pfeiffer) Living Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Sep 17, 2022 Completed
Sale Location

Sedalia , MO 65301
Johnson & Bay Auction Service

Contact: Russell Rusty Johnson, Phillip Yoder, Skip Bay
Phone: 660-221-4067
Email: rusty@cbmrc.com


Living Estate Auction

“Dick & Beverly Pfeiffer”

4250 Eagle Drive, Sedalia Mo. 65301

As we are selling our home & downsizing, we will sell the following at public Auction on:

Saturday September 17th 10:00am 2022

Directions:  From 65 hwy & 16th st. stop light go west on 16 st. thru roundabout to N Hedge Apple turn Right (North) on Hedge Apple to Eagle Dr. & Auction on Right, follow signs to Auction on sale day.

Household, Antiques & Misc.

Kenmore washer & dryer, oak 10 drawer file-card cabinet,

Antique settee, oval coffee table, misc. occ tables, tiger oak library table, possum belly kitchen hutch,

Misc. pressed-back rockers, pie safe w/glass front, pr “Pennsylvania Dutch” chairs, round oak table,

Lot misc. wooden chairs, lot misc. glass (green depression, cock bowls etc.), wooden bench,

Parlor stove, two-mile dinner bell, 2gal Ruckels crock jug, Vintage Dayton “Gold Metals” scale,

12’ church pew, privacy screen, High back bed, day bed, smoking stand, oak secretary,

hall tree w/mirror, upholstered recliner, Primitive cabinet, 2 – antique school desk, old secretary,

easel, childs rocker, misc. mirrors & wall art, misc. wooden dining room tables,

misc metal & wood shelves, poker table, lot books, four drawer file cabinets, Lot metal folding chairs,

Weight machine, treadmill, Homelite 4400-watt generator, alum. 6’ step ladder, lot misc. hand tools,   

Expanded metal patio set (Table w/4 chairs), round wooden picnic table, Char-Broil gas BBQ grill,    

Many More Items Too Numerous to Mention

*Statements made day of sale take precedence over printed material.


Auctioneer Note: We are proud to bring you this Auction of quality Antiques & household,  

Concessions provided by the Award Winning “Benton County Good Ole Gals”

Johnson Auction Service

“Third Generation Family Tradition since 1942”

Russell “Rusty” Johnson (660) 221-4067

Phillip Yoder (660) 723-3389