Smelser Estate & Others Auction
Listing ID#: 499886

Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday May 21, 2022 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Website: ID#: 10444
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Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Information
Smelser Estate & Others Auction

2006 Hummer H3 211K - 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport 137K - 1987 Jeep Comanche Truck - 2018 Quicksilver Fold Out Camper - 2012 Open Trailer w/Ramp - Great Offering of New & Like New Tools - Generators - Compressors - Wood Lathe - Welder - Lots of DeWalt and other brands of Cordless Tools - Lots of New Wood Routers - Drill Press - Scroll Saws - Chop Saws - Hundreds of Power & Hand Tools - Visit Web for Photos!
Furniture - Appliances - Flat Screen TV - Primitives - Collectibles - Large Record Collection including hundreds of LPs, 45s, CDs, Table Top Victrola, Columbia Records - Coins & Silver Coins - Scores of Box Lots!!

Hundreds of '70s, '80s, '90s New In Box Star Wars & Star Trek
Return of the Jedi Jawa Tri-Logo; '77 to '83 original Star Wars action figures in Darth Vader case all 33; original Rancor Monster '83 IB; Chewbacca Bandoiler strap IB; (2) Escape from the Death Star Board Game by Kenner; '77 Star Wars Jig Saw Puzzle; Return of The Jedi Battle at Sarlacc's Pit Game '83; '83 Returns of the Jedi carrying case Blaster; (23) '77 to '83 original action figures, selling choice; (17) Power of the Force players, new old stock; (35) Power of the Force play sets, new old stock; Power of the Force Imperial Speeder Bike, new old stock; Power of the Force Tie Fighter NIB; (31) Power of the Force action figure '94 & '95, new old stock; (15) Episode One action figures, old new stock;(4) Shadows of the Empire '95 & '96'; (7) Micro Machine Sets; Collector Series - Darth Vader - Luke Skywalker - Han Solo; (6) Vintage Collection action figures 2018; Limited Edition Classic Star Trek set N0054715 or 150,000; Stargate action figures complete set of 8, '94 new old stock; Stargate Winged Glider, new old stock; (7) Dick Tracy figurines by Applause, '70 Dick Tracy Flying Disc; Mega Heroes action figures 5 of 6, '95; Spiderman action figures '94; lots of other toys; over 100 PS2 games; (17) XBox 360 games; hundreds of DVD's including Blue Ray; hundreds of CD's. Huge Auction Running Two Rings As Usual!
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Smelser Estate & Others Auction

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818
Sale Location
5243 S Adams Street
Marion, IN 46953
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday May 21, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
Listing Details
Smelser Estate & Others Auction

2006 Hummer H3 211K - 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport 137K - 1987 Jeep Comanche Truck - 2018 Quicksilver Fold Out Camper - 2012 Open Trailer w/Ramp - Great Offering of New & Like New Tools - Generators - Compressors - Wood Lathe - Welder - Lots of DeWalt and other brands of Cordless Tools - Lots of New Wood Routers - Drill Press - Scroll Saws - Chop Saws - Hundreds of Power & Hand Tools - Visit Web for Photos!
Furniture - Appliances - Flat Screen TV - Primitives - Collectibles - Large Record Collection including hundreds of LPs, 45s, CDs, Table Top Victrola, Columbia Records - Coins & Silver Coins - Scores of Box Lots!!

Hundreds of '70s, '80s, '90s New In Box Star Wars & Star Trek
Return of the Jedi Jawa Tri-Logo; '77 to '83 original Star Wars action figures in Darth Vader case all 33; original Rancor Monster '83 IB; Chewbacca Bandoiler strap IB; (2) Escape from the Death Star Board Game by Kenner; '77 Star Wars Jig Saw Puzzle; Return of The Jedi Battle at Sarlacc's Pit Game '83; '83 Returns of the Jedi carrying case Blaster; (23) '77 to '83 original action figures, selling choice; (17) Power of the Force players, new old stock; (35) Power of the Force play sets, new old stock; Power of the Force Imperial Speeder Bike, new old stock; Power of the Force Tie Fighter NIB; (31) Power of the Force action figure '94 & '95, new old stock; (15) Episode One action figures, old new stock;(4) Shadows of the Empire '95 & '96'; (7) Micro Machine Sets; Collector Series - Darth Vader - Luke Skywalker - Han Solo; (6) Vintage Collection action figures 2018; Limited Edition Classic Star Trek set N0054715 or 150,000; Stargate action figures complete set of 8, '94 new old stock; Stargate Winged Glider, new old stock; (7) Dick Tracy figurines by Applause, '70 Dick Tracy Flying Disc; Mega Heroes action figures 5 of 6, '95; Spiderman action figures '94; lots of other toys; over 100 PS2 games; (17) XBox 360 games; hundreds of DVD's including Blue Ray; hundreds of CD's. Huge Auction Running Two Rings As Usual!
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Smelser Estate & Others Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday May 21, 2022 Completed
Sale Location

Marion, IN 46953
Price-Leffler Auction Company

Contact: Merv Leffler
Phone: 765-674-4818

Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, Check w/Photo ID, (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Amex all 3% added), Debit Card
File Attachments
Smelser Estate & Others Auction

2006 Hummer H3 211K - 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport 137K - 1987 Jeep Comanche Truck - 2018 Quicksilver Fold Out Camper - 2012 Open Trailer w/Ramp - Great Offering of New & Like New Tools - Generators - Compressors - Wood Lathe - Welder - Lots of DeWalt and other brands of Cordless Tools - Lots of New Wood Routers - Drill Press - Scroll Saws - Chop Saws - Hundreds of Power & Hand Tools - Visit Web for Photos!
Furniture - Appliances - Flat Screen TV - Primitives - Collectibles - Large Record Collection including hundreds of LPs, 45s, CDs, Table Top Victrola, Columbia Records - Coins & Silver Coins - Scores of Box Lots!!

Hundreds of '70s, '80s, '90s New In Box Star Wars & Star Trek
Return of the Jedi Jawa Tri-Logo; '77 to '83 original Star Wars action figures in Darth Vader case all 33; original Rancor Monster '83 IB; Chewbacca Bandoiler strap IB; (2) Escape from the Death Star Board Game by Kenner; '77 Star Wars Jig Saw Puzzle; Return of The Jedi Battle at Sarlacc's Pit Game '83; '83 Returns of the Jedi carrying case Blaster; (23) '77 to '83 original action figures, selling choice; (17) Power of the Force players, new old stock; (35) Power of the Force play sets, new old stock; Power of the Force Imperial Speeder Bike, new old stock; Power of the Force Tie Fighter NIB; (31) Power of the Force action figure '94 & '95, new old stock; (15) Episode One action figures, old new stock;(4) Shadows of the Empire '95 & '96'; (7) Micro Machine Sets; Collector Series - Darth Vader - Luke Skywalker - Han Solo; (6) Vintage Collection action figures 2018; Limited Edition Classic Star Trek set N0054715 or 150,000; Stargate action figures complete set of 8, '94 new old stock; Stargate Winged Glider, new old stock; (7) Dick Tracy figurines by Applause, '70 Dick Tracy Flying Disc; Mega Heroes action figures 5 of 6, '95; Spiderman action figures '94; lots of other toys; over 100 PS2 games; (17) XBox 360 games; hundreds of DVD's including Blue Ray; hundreds of CD's. Huge Auction Running Two Rings As Usual!