April Firearms, Sporting & Coins
Listing ID#: 493868

Sale Location

Ellsworth, WI 54011
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Bidding Starts: Thursday Apr 14, 9:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Thursday Apr 28, 6:30 PM
Sale Type
Company Information
Hines Auction Service, Inc

Contact: Jeffrey Hines
Phone: 715-273-3377
Email: info@hinesauctionservice.com
Website: www.hinesauctionservice.com

EstateSale.com ID#: 9345
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm

Friday, April 29th from 10am-5pm

Hines Online Facility
107 County Road C
Ellsworth, WI 54011

Payment made in full day of pickup. Bidders will be charged a 10% buyers fee and WI 5.5% Sales Tax (additional 4% courtesy fee on card transactions). Wisconsin vehicles subject to sales tax.

FIREARMS RULES: Buyers of long guns will be subject to a background check and $15 registration fee. The registration fee is only charged once per buyer. Buyers of pistols will be subject to a background check and $25 registration fee. Non-Wisconsin buyers must arrange for the pistols to be shipped to an FFL dealer in their state. The $25 registration fee then would be applied to the shipping of the firearm. The fee is only charged once per buyer. If you buy both a pistol and a long gun your fee is only $25.

COIN/CURRENCY GRADING: All grades are subjective. Neither Hines Auction Service, Inc nor its sellers or affiliates guarantee any grades.
SHIPPING: All shipping will be at the expense of the buyer. There is a $5 minimum per lot handling in addition to any & all hauling charges (see items not picked up). In order to qualify for shipping, the entire lot (not each item) must fit inside a 12 X 12 X 18 box (including packing). Large lots will be subject to a handling fee of $5 minimum per shipping box. If unsure if your lot will fit, contact us. Your lots will only be insured at buyers request. Shipping for large items is up to the buyer to arrange. NO LIQUIDS CAN BE SHIPPED (examples: antique extinguishers, bottles, decanters etc)

ITEMS NOT PICKED UP: Any item not picked up on the day of pick-up, will automatically be charged to your credit card. If items are not picked, you must contact us before bidding (715-273-3377), otherwise the items will be held for only 7 days. If items are not picked up on pickup day, a $10 PER ITEM FOR A BOX LOT & A MINIMUM $25 PER ITEM FOR LARGER ITEMS removal charged will be added to all lots (NO EXCEPTIONS). After 7 days, all items left become the sole property of Hines Auction Service, Inc & no refund will be given. Any other arrangements for pickup or shipping must be made prior to the end of the sale.

DECLINED CREDIT CARDS: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined on reconciliation day will be charged a $30 processing fee to run another credit card- NO EXCEPTIONS!

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This auction features EXTENDED BIDDING! Any lot that gets a bid within THREE minutes of its Scheduled Closing Time will remain open for bids past its normal close; it will go into extended bidding. It will remain open until there are no bids on that lot. This only affects lots with bids in the last THREE minutes; other lots will continue to close at their normal times. If you have questions please call us 715-273-3377
Listing Information


Located at The Hines Online Facility – 107 County Rd C Ellsworth, WI 54011


OPEN HOUSES: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

1 * Browning Lightning BLR .300 Win Mag lever action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
2 * 1992 US Silver eagle
3 * NEW Smith & Wesson M&P15 .22LR sport semi auto rifle (subject to transfer fee)
4 * 2002 US Silver eagle
5 * Heckler & Koch Super Black Eagle 12-gauge semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
6 * 2003 US Silver eagle
7 * NEW G-Force Arms GF3 Tactical 12-gauge pump shotgun
8 * 2008 US Silver eagle
9 * Savage model 99C .243 WIN lever action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
10 * 2013 US Silver eagle
11 * NEW Ruger Wrangler .22LR revolver (subject to transfer fee)
12 * 2013 US Silver eagle
13 * Winchester model 37A Youth .410-gauge single shot shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
14 * 1884 Morgan dollar
15 * Connecticut Valley Arms Express .50-caliber black powder side by side shotgun
16 * 1885-O Morgan dollar
17 * Remington model 700 In-Line .50-caliber black powder (subject to transfer fee)
18 * 1921 Morgan dollar BU
19 * NEW SCCY CPX-2 9mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
19A * Springfield Armory XD-9 9x19mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
20 * 1921-D Morgan dollar BU
21 * NEW Hi-Point model JHP .45 ACP semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
22 * 1921-D Morgan dollar BU
23 * Benelli R1 Big Game .300 Win Mag semi auto rifle (subject to transfer fee)
24 * 1921-D Morgan dollar
25 * Winchester model 37A 12-gauge single shot shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
26 * 1921-D Morgan dollar
27 * Ruger Old Army .45-caliber black powder revolver
28 * 1921-S Morgan dollar BU
29 * Smith & Wesson model 629 Classic Magnum .44-mag limited edition revolver (subject to transfer fee)
30 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
31 * Israel Military Industries Desert Eagle .357 Magnum semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
32 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
33 * New Hi-Point model JCP .40 S&W semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
34 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
35 * Mossberg model SS1-One single shot rifle with (2) barrels (subject to transfer fee)
36 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
37 * Remington model 788 .308 WIN bolt action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
38 * 1922 Peace dollar BU
39 * Browning Light Twelve 12-gauge semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
40 * 1922 Peace dollar BU
41 * NEW SCCY CPX-2 9mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
42 * 1923-D Peace dollar 
43 * Winchester Super X2 Magnum 12-gauge 2002 National Wild Turkey Federation semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
44 * 1926-D Peace dollar 
45 * Winchester X-150 .50 Caliber black powder rifle
45A * Adco Mirage scope
46 * 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar BU
46A * Trykon XL anniversary edition compound bow 
47 * Remington Arms 2-gauge barrel
47A * Mueller Extreme Sports optic in box
48 * 1943 Walking Liberty half dollar BU
48A * Nikon Laser 1200 long range precision range finder
49 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
50 * 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar 
51 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
52 * 1944 Walking Liberty half dollar 
53 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
54 * 1945 Walking Liberty half dollar 
55 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
56 * 1959 Franklin half dollar Proof
57 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
58 * 1961 Franklin half dollar Proof
59 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
60 * 1962 Franklin half dollar Proof
61 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
62 * 1963 Franklin half dollar Proof
63 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
64 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
65 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
66 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
67 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
68 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
69 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
70 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
71 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
72 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
73 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
74 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
75 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
76 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
77 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
78 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
79 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
80 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
81 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
82 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
83 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
84 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
85 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
86 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
87 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
88 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
89 * (38) Rounds of PMC.44 RM MAG ammunition
90 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
91 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
92 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
93 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
94 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
95 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
96 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
97 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
98 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
99 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
100 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
101 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
102 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
103 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
104 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
105 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
106 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
107 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
108 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
109 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
110 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
111 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
112 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
113 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
114 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
115 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
116 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
117 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
118 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
119 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
120 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
121 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
122 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
123 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
124 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
125 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
126 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
127 * (20) Rounds of PMC Bronze .308 WIN ammunition
128 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
129 * (20) Rounds of Ammo Incorporated 9mm ammunition
130 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
131 * (525) Rounds of Remington .22LR ammunition
132 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
133 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
134 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
135 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
136 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
137 * (19) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
138 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
139 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
140 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
141 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
142 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
143 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
144 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
145 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
146 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
147 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
148 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
149 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
150 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
151 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
152 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
153 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
154 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
155 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
156 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
157 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
158 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
159 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
160 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
161 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
162 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
163 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
164 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
165 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
166 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
167 * (20) Rounds of Wolf .300 WIN MAG ammunition
168 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof silver
169 * (20) Rounds of Wolf .300 WIN MAG ammunition
170 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof silver
171 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
172 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
173 * (13) Rounds of .300 WIN MAG ammunition
174 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
175 * (20) Rounds of Speer Nitrex .300 WIN MAG ammunition
176 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
177 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
178 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
179 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
180 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
181 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
182 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
183 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
184 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
185 * (49) Rounds of Remington .357 Magnum ammunition
186 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
187 * (50) Rounds of Blazer Brass .357 Magnum ammunition
188 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
189 * (50) Rounds of Sellier & Bellot .357 Magnum ammunition
190 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
191 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
192 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
193 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
194 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
195 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
196 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
197 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .357 Magnum ammunition
198 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
199 * (50) Rounds of Winchester .38 special ammunition
200 * 1999-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
201 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .38 Special ammunition
202 * 1999-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
203 * (50) Rounds of  ammunition
204 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
205 * (50) Rounds of American Eagle .38 special ammunition
206 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
207 * (50) Rounds of .38 special ammunition
208 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
209 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
210 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
211 * (15) Rounds of Remington .32 S&W ammunition
212 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
213 * (74) Rounds of Remington .32 Long S&W ammunition
214 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
215 * (71) Rounds of Remington .32 Auto ammunition
216 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
217 * (50) Rounds of Winchester .32 Auto ammunition
218 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
219 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
220 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
221 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
222 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
223 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
224 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
225 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
226 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
227 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
228 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
229 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
230 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
231 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
232 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
233 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
234 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
235 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
236 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
237 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
238 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
239 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
240 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
241 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
242 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
243 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
244 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
245 * (17) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
246 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
247 * (20) Rounds of Remington .30-30 WIN ammunition
248 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
249 * (13) Rounds of Remington .30-30 WIN ammunition
250 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
251 * (20) Rounds of Federal .30-30 WIN ammunition
252 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
253 * (20) Rounds of Federal .30-30 WIN ammunition
254 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
255 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .30-30 WIN ammunition
256 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
257 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .30-30 WIN ammunition
258 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
259 * (33) Rounds of American Eagle .44 REM MAG ammunition
260 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
261 * (19) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
262 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar BU
263 * (17) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
264 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar BU
265 * (20) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
266 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar BU
267 * (25) Rounds of Remington .44 REM MAG ammunition
268 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar BU
269 * (400) Rounds of Remington Mohawk .22LR ammunition
270 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
271 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
272 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
273 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
274 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
275 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
276 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
277 * (81) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
278 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
279 * (52) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
280 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
281 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
282 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
283 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
284 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
285 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
286 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
287 * (49) Aguila .22LR super colibri ammunition
288 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
289 * (20) Remington .50-caliber Sabot rounds
290 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
291 * (20) Remington .50-caliber Sabot rounds
292 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
293 * (25) Assorted 12-gauge shells
294 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
295 * (25) Remington 12-gauge MAG Nitro-Steel shells
296 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
297 * (25) Rounds of Federal 12-gauge Waterfowl Load shells
298 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
299 * (25) Rounds of Federal 12-gauge Waterfowl Load shells
300 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
301 * (5) Winchester 12-gauge magnum buckshot loads
302 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
303 * (5) Winchester 12-gauge magnum buckshot loads
304 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
305 * (5) Winchester Super X 12-gauge rifled slugs
306 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
307 * (50) Rounds of PMC 9mm Luger ammunition
308 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
309 * (50) Rounds of PMC 9mm Luger ammunition
310 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
311 * (100) Rounds of Remington .22LR ammunition
312 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
313 * (25) Remington 12-gauge shells
314 * 1992-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
315 * (25) Remington 12-gauge shells
316 * 1992-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
317 * (25) Winchester 12-gauge Upland Game Load shells
318 * 1995-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
319 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge magnum rifled slugs
320 * 1995-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
321 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge magnum rifled slugs
322 * 1997-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
323 * (8) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
324 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
325 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
326 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
327 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
328 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
329 * (5) Lightfield 12-gauge expanding nose Sabot slugs
330 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
331 * (5) Federal 12-gauge hollow point maximum rifled slugs
332 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
333 * (29) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
334 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
335 * (25) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
336 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
337 * (25) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
338 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
339 * (30) Rounds of 7.62x39mm ammunition
340 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
341 * (33) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
342 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
343 * (16) Assorted rounds of ammunition
344 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
345 * (22) Remington 12-gauge express long range shells
346 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
347 * (47) Assorted 12-gauge shells
348 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
349 * Group of primers
350 * 1969-D Kennedy half dollar AU
351 * (900) Winchester Western small pistol primers
352 * 1969-D Kennedy half dollar AU
353 * (50) Rounds of PPU .380 auto ammunition
354 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
355 * (50) Rounds of PPU .380 auto ammunition
356 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
357 * (25) Rounds of Corbon .40 S&W ammunition
358 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
359 * (50) Rounds of Wolf .40 S&W ammunition
360 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
361 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer Brass .40 S&W ammunition
362 * 1974-S Eisenhower dollar proof
363 * (25) Rounds of Corbon .357 MAG ammunition
364 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
365 * (14) Rounds of PMC Eldorado Starfire .357 MAG ammunition
366 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
367 * (50) Rounds of Remington .25 Auto ammunition
368 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
369 * (20) Rounds of Winchester .280 REM ammunition
370 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
371 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
372 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
373 * (20) Rounds of Peters .22-250 REM ammunition
374 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
375 * (20) Winchester .30-06 SPRG ammunition
376 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
377 * (20) Rounds of .30-06 ammunition
378 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
379 * (50) Rounds of Remington .45 Auto ammunition
380 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
381 * (19) Rounds of American Eagle .45 Auto ammunition
382 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
383 * (50) Rounds of 9mm Luger ammunition
384 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
385 * (50) Rounds of Blazer Brass 9mm Luger ammunition
386 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 1
387 * (20) Rounds of .44 REM MAG ammunition
388 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 1
389 * (25) Federal .410-gauge shells
390 * (10) 2000-S Sacajawea proof dollars
391 * (25) Winchester Super X .410-gauge shells
392 * (9) Susan B. Anthony BU dollars
393 * (25) Federal .410-gauge shells
394 * (16) 2000-P Sacajawea dollars BU
395 * (100) Rounds of Federal .22LR ammunition
396 * (10) 2007-D Thomas Jefferson BU dollars
397 * (50) CCI .22LR ammunition
398 * (10) 2007-D John Adams BU dollars
399 * (100) Rounds of CCI .22LR mini mag ammunition
400 * (8) 2008-D James Monroe BU dollars
401 * (73) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
402 * (4) 1971 & (6) 1971-D Eisenhower dollars BU
403 * (50) Rounds of CCI .22WMR ammunition
404 * (10) 1971 Eisenhower dollars BU
405 * (50) Rounds of CCI .22WMR ammunition
406 * (11) 1972 Eisenhower dollars BU
407 * (50) Rounds of Federal .22 WIN MAG ammunition
408 * (8) 1972-D Eisenhower dollars BU
409 * (50) Rounds of .308 WIN ammunition
410 * (10) 1973 Eisenhower dollars BU
411 * (200) Federal small rifle primers
412 * (12) 1974 Eisenhower dollars BU
413 * (171) Federal magnum rifle primers
414 * (13) 1974-D Eisenhower dollars BU
415 * (200) Winchester small pistol for standard pistol load primers
416 * (10) 1976 Type 2 Eisenhower dollars BU
417 * (47) CCI 5.56mm primers
418 * (10) 1976 Type 2 Eisenhower dollars BU
419 * (200) Winchester large pistol primers for Standard or magnum pistol loads
420 * Set of (4) sequential 2013 $2 Federal reserve notes
421 * (44) Nosler .30 caliber bullets
422 * 1963 $2 Red seal note
423 * (100) Green Bay Bullets .40-caliber bullets
424 * 1963 $2 Red seal note
425 * (500) .45-caliber bullets
426 * 1934-A $10 Federal reserve note
427 * (100) .38 Special bullets
428 * 1957-B $1 Silver certificate
429 * (80+) .30-Caliber bullets
430 * (2) 1976 $2 Federal Reserve notes
431 * Hunting group
432 * 1923 $1 Large Silver certificate
433 * Lee .45 ACP reloading die set
434 * 1958-P US Proof set
435 * Group of figurines
436 * 1976-S Silver uncirculated 3-coin set
437 * Ameristep full body safety harness
438 * 1966 US Special mint set
439 * Metal ammo can
440 * 1966 US Special mint set
441 * Metal ammo can
442 * (18) Washington quarters
443 * Metal ammo can
444 * (40) Washington quarters
445 * Metal ammo can
446 * (50) 2020-D Roosevelt dimes
447 * Metal ammo can
448 * (38) 1930-1985 Jefferson nickels
449 * Y&P Air soft pistol
450 * (4) Proof & BU Washington quarters
451 * James Killen signed and numbered "Great Retrievers - Yellow Labrador & Pintails" print in frame
452 * 1911 Barber dime
453 * W.R. Case & Sons XX Changer knife with (4) assorted blades
454 * 1919 Mercury dime
455 * Aluminum pistol case
456 * 1946 Roosevelt dime
457 * Summit Hot Dot bow sight
458 * 1946 Roosevelt dime
459 * Ram Cam 
460 * 1946-S Roosevelt dime
461 * Shakespeare "Catch More Fish" rod with reel
462 * 1947 Roosevelt dime
463 * Milwaukee drywall drill in case
464 * 1948 Roosevelt dime
465 * Plano Protector Series hard plastic bow case
466 * 1948-D Roosevelt dime
467 * Browning soft rifle case
468 * 1948-S Roosevelt dime
469 * Benelli HK soft rifle case
470 * 1950-D Roosevelt dime
471 * Boyt soft rifle case
472 * 1951 Roosevelt dime
473 * (4) Soft rifle cases
474 * 1951-D Roosevelt dime
475 * Metal ammo can with assorted ammo
476 * 1952 Roosevelt dime
477 * Estwing hatchet
478 * 1952-D Roosevelt dime
479 * (100) Remington Black powder percussion caps
480 * 1952-D Roosevelt dime
481 * (18) CCI .22LR shot shells
482 * 1953-D Roosevelt dime
483 * Nikon 4x40 scope
484 * 1954-D Roosevelt dime
485 * Bushnell standard bore sighter
486 * 1956-D Roosevelt dime
487 * (3) Tubes of Daisy Golden Bullseye BBS
488 * 1957 Roosevelt dime
489 * Box of sporting items
490 * 1959-D Roosevelt dime
491 * (3) Small travel cases
492 * 1960-D Roosevelt dime
493 * Group of .30-06 ammunition
494 * 1961 Roosevelt dime
495 * (12) Rounds of Winchester .300 WSM ammunition
496 * 1961-D Roosevelt dime
497 * (10) Rounds of Federal .30-06 SPRG ammunition
498 * 1961-D Roosevelt dime
499 * (5) Hornady 12-gauge SST slugs
500 * 1962-D Roosevelt dime
501 * (5) Hornady 20-gauge SST slugs
502 * 1963-D Roosevelt dime
503 * Group of shotgun shells
504 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
505 * (28) 12-gauge shells
506 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
507 * (6) Rounds of Federal .30-06 SPRG ammunition
508 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
509 * Quaker Boy SR Razor turkey call
510 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
511 * Quaker Boy SR Boomerang turkey call
512 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
513 * Quaker Boy SR Cutthroat turkey call
514 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
515 * True Fire bow release
516 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
517 * NRA branded wireless Bluetooth speaker
518 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
519 * Invector Plus 12-gauge choke tube
520 * 1964-D Roosevelt dime
521 * Invector Plus 12-gauge choke tube
522 * 1964-D Roosevelt dime
523 * Crossbow group
524 * 1910 Liberty Head V Nickel
525 * Glock Shooting Sports case
526 * 1911 Liberty Head V Nickel
527 * Brents Outdoors camo insulated jacket
528 * 1912 Liberty Head V Nickel
529 * The Original Field N' Forest camo/blaze orange reversible insulated bibs
530 * 1936 Buffalo nickel
531 * Group of auto repair books
532 * 1937 Buffalo nickel
533 * (18) Federal 12-gague magnum shells
534 * Roll of 1952-D Lincoln Wheat cents
535 * (25) Federal 12-gauge duck & pheasant shells
536 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
537 * (41) Assorted 12-gauge shells
538 * Roll of 1956-D Lincoln Wheat cents
539 * (20) Rounds of Federal .44 MAG ammunition
540 * Roll of 1940s Lincoln Wheat cents
541 * (26) Rounds of .30-30 WIN ammunition
542 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
543 * (300) Rounds of Wildcat .22LR ammunition
544 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
545 * Box of Western Super-X .22LR ammunition
546 * Roll of 1953-S Lincoln Wheat cents
547 * Box of Western Super-X .22 short ammunition
548 * Roll of 1940+ Lincoln Wheat cents
549 * (76) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
550 * Roll of 1955-D Lincoln Wheat cents


FOR FULL LISTING & TO BID ONLINE, GO TO: www.hinesauctionservice.com

TERMS:  Cash, good check or credit card     EVERYTHING SOLD AS IS

10% BUYERS FEE & WI 5.5% Sales Tax (4% Courtesy Fee on Credit Cards)

Sale conducted by:  HINES AUCTION SERVICE, 218 N Broadway, Ellsworth, WI

715-273-3377 (O) or 715-307-1275 (C)


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April Firearms, Sporting & Coins

Hines Auction Service, Inc

Hines Auction Service, Inc

Contact: Jeffrey Hines
Phone: 715-273-3377
Sale Location
107 County Rd C
Ellsworth, WI 54011
Sale Dates and Times
Sale Terms and Conditions
OPEN HOUSES: Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm PICK UP: Friday, April 29th from 10am-5pm LOCATION: Hines Online Facility 107 County Road C Ellsworth, WI 54011 Terms: Payment made in full day of pickup. Bidders will be charged a 10% buyers fee and WI 5.5% Sales Tax (additional 4% courtesy fee on card transactions). Wisconsin vehicles subject to sales tax. FIREARMS RULES: Buyers of long guns will be subject to a background check and $15 registration fee. The registration fee is only charged once per buyer. Buyers of pistols will be subject to a background check and $25 registration fee. Non-Wisconsin buyers must arrange for the pistols to be shipped to an FFL dealer in their state. The $25 registration fee then would be applied to the shipping of the firearm. The fee is only charged once per buyer. If you buy both a pistol and a long gun your fee is only $25. COIN/CURRENCY GRADING: All grades are subjective. Neither Hines Auction Service, Inc nor its sellers or affiliates guarantee any grades. SHIPPING: All shipping will be at the expense of the buyer. There is a $5 minimum per lot handling in addition to any & all hauling charges (see items not picked up). In order to qualify for shipping, the entire lot (not each item) must fit inside a 12 X 12 X 18 box (including packing). Large lots will be subject to a handling fee of $5 minimum per shipping box. If unsure if your lot will fit, contact us. Your lots will only be insured at buyers request. Shipping for large items is up to the buyer to arrange. NO LIQUIDS CAN BE SHIPPED (examples: antique extinguishers, bottles, decanters etc) ITEMS NOT PICKED UP: Any item not picked up on the day of pick-up, will automatically be charged to your credit card. If items are not picked, you must contact us before bidding (715-273-3377), otherwise the items will be held for only 7 days. If items are not picked up on pickup day, a $10 PER ITEM FOR A BOX LOT & A MINIMUM $25 PER ITEM FOR LARGER ITEMS removal charged will be added to all lots (NO EXCEPTIONS). After 7 days, all items left become the sole property of Hines Auction Service, Inc & no refund will be given. Any other arrangements for pickup or shipping must be made prior to the end of the sale. DECLINED CREDIT CARDS: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined on reconciliation day will be charged a $30 processing fee to run another credit card- NO EXCEPTIONS! BAD CHECKS: If Hines Auction Service, Inc receives a returned check; the buyer agrees to pay a $30 returned check fee. Buyer will either agree to pay via certified funds for the entirety of the returned check plus $30 or return the merchandise. If buyer returns the merchandise, they will be responsible for paying commissions for selling the merchandise, paying the difference in the amount owed after it sells & any other expenses incurred from the resale of the items. If buyer does not pick up items or make payments up to date on merchandise, the buyer will be flagged for all Hines Auction Service auctions. This includes all auction companies under the Hines Auction Service service. This means, you will not be able to bid on any auctions under Hines Auction Service Alliance membership. Please note these assets are sold one time with non-retractable bids. When you bid on any item, you are entering into a binding contract. All property is sold &”AS IS”, and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Hines Auction Service, Inc may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising & on the internet but makes no representations. In no event shall Hines Auction Service, Inc be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Hines Auction Service, Inc will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise. Bidder agrees that everything is sold as is and that they may not return any item they purchase. Hines Auction Service, Inc is providing internet bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the ending day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Hines Auction Service, Inc or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the ending of the auction. Hines Auction Service, Inc will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the internet bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction ends. This auction features a staggered closing. Hines Auction Service, Inc reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Auction company employees, sellers and or Auction Company may bid on auction items. When you bid your max, the current bid price does not automatically go to your max bid. Someone else has to bid to increase the current price and the computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. Information gathered is for the sole purpose & use of Hines Auction service, inc. Hines Auction gathers all emails & adds them to an email listing available only to Hines Auction Service, Inc. You have the right to unsubscribe at any time. The successful purchaser agrees to pay any & all reasonable attorney fees & costs incurred by Hines Auction Service Inc, the seller &or their servants, agents or employees in the commencement or defense of any actions hereunder as well as in the collection of any obligations hereunder. Venue & jurisdiction of any & all disputes which may arise by virtue of this auction sale or stemming from this auction sales shall be in the court of Pierce County, Wisconsin. CHOICE OF LAW: The law of the state of Wisconsin shall govern the interpretation of any & all disputes or other matters relating to the subject sale & or stemming from this auction sale. EXTENDED BIDDING This auction features EXTENDED BIDDING! Any lot that gets a bid within THREE minutes of its Scheduled Closing Time will remain open for bids past its normal close; it will go into extended bidding. It will remain open until there are no bids on that lot. This only affects lots with bids in the last THREE minutes; other lots will continue to close at their normal times. If you have questions please call us 715-273-3377
Listing Details


Located at The Hines Online Facility – 107 County Rd C Ellsworth, WI 54011


OPEN HOUSES: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

1 * Browning Lightning BLR .300 Win Mag lever action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
2 * 1992 US Silver eagle
3 * NEW Smith & Wesson M&P15 .22LR sport semi auto rifle (subject to transfer fee)
4 * 2002 US Silver eagle
5 * Heckler & Koch Super Black Eagle 12-gauge semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
6 * 2003 US Silver eagle
7 * NEW G-Force Arms GF3 Tactical 12-gauge pump shotgun
8 * 2008 US Silver eagle
9 * Savage model 99C .243 WIN lever action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
10 * 2013 US Silver eagle
11 * NEW Ruger Wrangler .22LR revolver (subject to transfer fee)
12 * 2013 US Silver eagle
13 * Winchester model 37A Youth .410-gauge single shot shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
14 * 1884 Morgan dollar
15 * Connecticut Valley Arms Express .50-caliber black powder side by side shotgun
16 * 1885-O Morgan dollar
17 * Remington model 700 In-Line .50-caliber black powder (subject to transfer fee)
18 * 1921 Morgan dollar BU
19 * NEW SCCY CPX-2 9mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
19A * Springfield Armory XD-9 9x19mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
20 * 1921-D Morgan dollar BU
21 * NEW Hi-Point model JHP .45 ACP semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
22 * 1921-D Morgan dollar BU
23 * Benelli R1 Big Game .300 Win Mag semi auto rifle (subject to transfer fee)
24 * 1921-D Morgan dollar
25 * Winchester model 37A 12-gauge single shot shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
26 * 1921-D Morgan dollar
27 * Ruger Old Army .45-caliber black powder revolver
28 * 1921-S Morgan dollar BU
29 * Smith & Wesson model 629 Classic Magnum .44-mag limited edition revolver (subject to transfer fee)
30 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
31 * Israel Military Industries Desert Eagle .357 Magnum semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
32 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
33 * New Hi-Point model JCP .40 S&W semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
34 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
35 * Mossberg model SS1-One single shot rifle with (2) barrels (subject to transfer fee)
36 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
37 * Remington model 788 .308 WIN bolt action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
38 * 1922 Peace dollar BU
39 * Browning Light Twelve 12-gauge semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
40 * 1922 Peace dollar BU
41 * NEW SCCY CPX-2 9mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
42 * 1923-D Peace dollar 
43 * Winchester Super X2 Magnum 12-gauge 2002 National Wild Turkey Federation semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
44 * 1926-D Peace dollar 
45 * Winchester X-150 .50 Caliber black powder rifle
45A * Adco Mirage scope
46 * 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar BU
46A * Trykon XL anniversary edition compound bow 
47 * Remington Arms 2-gauge barrel
47A * Mueller Extreme Sports optic in box
48 * 1943 Walking Liberty half dollar BU
48A * Nikon Laser 1200 long range precision range finder
49 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
50 * 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar 
51 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
52 * 1944 Walking Liberty half dollar 
53 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
54 * 1945 Walking Liberty half dollar 
55 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
56 * 1959 Franklin half dollar Proof
57 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
58 * 1961 Franklin half dollar Proof
59 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
60 * 1962 Franklin half dollar Proof
61 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
62 * 1963 Franklin half dollar Proof
63 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
64 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
65 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
66 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
67 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
68 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
69 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
70 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
71 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
72 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
73 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
74 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
75 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
76 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
77 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
78 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
79 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
80 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
81 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
82 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
83 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
84 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
85 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
86 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
87 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
88 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
89 * (38) Rounds of PMC.44 RM MAG ammunition
90 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
91 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
92 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
93 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
94 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
95 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
96 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
97 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
98 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
99 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
100 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
101 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
102 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
103 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
104 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
105 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
106 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
107 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
108 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
109 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
110 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
111 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
112 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
113 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
114 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
115 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
116 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
117 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
118 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
119 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
120 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
121 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
122 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
123 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
124 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
125 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
126 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
127 * (20) Rounds of PMC Bronze .308 WIN ammunition
128 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
129 * (20) Rounds of Ammo Incorporated 9mm ammunition
130 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
131 * (525) Rounds of Remington .22LR ammunition
132 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
133 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
134 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
135 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
136 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
137 * (19) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
138 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
139 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
140 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
141 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
142 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
143 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
144 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
145 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
146 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
147 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
148 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
149 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
150 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
151 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
152 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
153 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
154 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
155 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
156 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
157 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
158 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
159 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
160 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
161 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
162 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
163 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
164 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
165 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
166 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
167 * (20) Rounds of Wolf .300 WIN MAG ammunition
168 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof silver
169 * (20) Rounds of Wolf .300 WIN MAG ammunition
170 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof silver
171 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
172 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
173 * (13) Rounds of .300 WIN MAG ammunition
174 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
175 * (20) Rounds of Speer Nitrex .300 WIN MAG ammunition
176 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
177 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
178 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
179 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
180 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
181 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
182 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
183 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
184 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
185 * (49) Rounds of Remington .357 Magnum ammunition
186 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
187 * (50) Rounds of Blazer Brass .357 Magnum ammunition
188 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
189 * (50) Rounds of Sellier & Bellot .357 Magnum ammunition
190 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
191 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
192 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
193 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
194 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
195 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
196 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
197 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .357 Magnum ammunition
198 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
199 * (50) Rounds of Winchester .38 special ammunition
200 * 1999-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
201 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .38 Special ammunition
202 * 1999-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
203 * (50) Rounds of  ammunition
204 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
205 * (50) Rounds of American Eagle .38 special ammunition
206 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
207 * (50) Rounds of .38 special ammunition
208 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
209 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
210 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
211 * (15) Rounds of Remington .32 S&W ammunition
212 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
213 * (74) Rounds of Remington .32 Long S&W ammunition
214 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
215 * (71) Rounds of Remington .32 Auto ammunition
216 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
217 * (50) Rounds of Winchester .32 Auto ammunition
218 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
219 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
220 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
221 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
222 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
223 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
224 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
225 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
226 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
227 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
228 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
229 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
230 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
231 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
232 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
233 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
234 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
235 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
236 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
237 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
238 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
239 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
240 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
241 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
242 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
243 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
244 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
245 * (17) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
246 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
247 * (20) Rounds of Remington .30-30 WIN ammunition
248 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
249 * (13) Rounds of Remington .30-30 WIN ammunition
250 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
251 * (20) Rounds of Federal .30-30 WIN ammunition
252 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
253 * (20) Rounds of Federal .30-30 WIN ammunition
254 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
255 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .30-30 WIN ammunition
256 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
257 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .30-30 WIN ammunition
258 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
259 * (33) Rounds of American Eagle .44 REM MAG ammunition
260 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
261 * (19) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
262 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar BU
263 * (17) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
264 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar BU
265 * (20) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
266 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar BU
267 * (25) Rounds of Remington .44 REM MAG ammunition
268 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar BU
269 * (400) Rounds of Remington Mohawk .22LR ammunition
270 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
271 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
272 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
273 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
274 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
275 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
276 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
277 * (81) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
278 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
279 * (52) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
280 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
281 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
282 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
283 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
284 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
285 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
286 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
287 * (49) Aguila .22LR super colibri ammunition
288 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
289 * (20) Remington .50-caliber Sabot rounds
290 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
291 * (20) Remington .50-caliber Sabot rounds
292 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
293 * (25) Assorted 12-gauge shells
294 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
295 * (25) Remington 12-gauge MAG Nitro-Steel shells
296 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
297 * (25) Rounds of Federal 12-gauge Waterfowl Load shells
298 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
299 * (25) Rounds of Federal 12-gauge Waterfowl Load shells
300 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
301 * (5) Winchester 12-gauge magnum buckshot loads
302 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
303 * (5) Winchester 12-gauge magnum buckshot loads
304 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
305 * (5) Winchester Super X 12-gauge rifled slugs
306 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
307 * (50) Rounds of PMC 9mm Luger ammunition
308 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
309 * (50) Rounds of PMC 9mm Luger ammunition
310 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
311 * (100) Rounds of Remington .22LR ammunition
312 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
313 * (25) Remington 12-gauge shells
314 * 1992-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
315 * (25) Remington 12-gauge shells
316 * 1992-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
317 * (25) Winchester 12-gauge Upland Game Load shells
318 * 1995-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
319 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge magnum rifled slugs
320 * 1995-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
321 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge magnum rifled slugs
322 * 1997-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
323 * (8) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
324 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
325 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
326 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
327 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
328 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
329 * (5) Lightfield 12-gauge expanding nose Sabot slugs
330 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
331 * (5) Federal 12-gauge hollow point maximum rifled slugs
332 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
333 * (29) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
334 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
335 * (25) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
336 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
337 * (25) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
338 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
339 * (30) Rounds of 7.62x39mm ammunition
340 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
341 * (33) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
342 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
343 * (16) Assorted rounds of ammunition
344 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
345 * (22) Remington 12-gauge express long range shells
346 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
347 * (47) Assorted 12-gauge shells
348 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
349 * Group of primers
350 * 1969-D Kennedy half dollar AU
351 * (900) Winchester Western small pistol primers
352 * 1969-D Kennedy half dollar AU
353 * (50) Rounds of PPU .380 auto ammunition
354 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
355 * (50) Rounds of PPU .380 auto ammunition
356 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
357 * (25) Rounds of Corbon .40 S&W ammunition
358 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
359 * (50) Rounds of Wolf .40 S&W ammunition
360 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
361 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer Brass .40 S&W ammunition
362 * 1974-S Eisenhower dollar proof
363 * (25) Rounds of Corbon .357 MAG ammunition
364 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
365 * (14) Rounds of PMC Eldorado Starfire .357 MAG ammunition
366 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
367 * (50) Rounds of Remington .25 Auto ammunition
368 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
369 * (20) Rounds of Winchester .280 REM ammunition
370 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
371 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
372 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
373 * (20) Rounds of Peters .22-250 REM ammunition
374 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
375 * (20) Winchester .30-06 SPRG ammunition
376 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
377 * (20) Rounds of .30-06 ammunition
378 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
379 * (50) Rounds of Remington .45 Auto ammunition
380 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
381 * (19) Rounds of American Eagle .45 Auto ammunition
382 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
383 * (50) Rounds of 9mm Luger ammunition
384 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
385 * (50) Rounds of Blazer Brass 9mm Luger ammunition
386 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 1
387 * (20) Rounds of .44 REM MAG ammunition
388 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 1
389 * (25) Federal .410-gauge shells
390 * (10) 2000-S Sacajawea proof dollars
391 * (25) Winchester Super X .410-gauge shells
392 * (9) Susan B. Anthony BU dollars
393 * (25) Federal .410-gauge shells
394 * (16) 2000-P Sacajawea dollars BU
395 * (100) Rounds of Federal .22LR ammunition
396 * (10) 2007-D Thomas Jefferson BU dollars
397 * (50) CCI .22LR ammunition
398 * (10) 2007-D John Adams BU dollars
399 * (100) Rounds of CCI .22LR mini mag ammunition
400 * (8) 2008-D James Monroe BU dollars
401 * (73) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
402 * (4) 1971 & (6) 1971-D Eisenhower dollars BU
403 * (50) Rounds of CCI .22WMR ammunition
404 * (10) 1971 Eisenhower dollars BU
405 * (50) Rounds of CCI .22WMR ammunition
406 * (11) 1972 Eisenhower dollars BU
407 * (50) Rounds of Federal .22 WIN MAG ammunition
408 * (8) 1972-D Eisenhower dollars BU
409 * (50) Rounds of .308 WIN ammunition
410 * (10) 1973 Eisenhower dollars BU
411 * (200) Federal small rifle primers
412 * (12) 1974 Eisenhower dollars BU
413 * (171) Federal magnum rifle primers
414 * (13) 1974-D Eisenhower dollars BU
415 * (200) Winchester small pistol for standard pistol load primers
416 * (10) 1976 Type 2 Eisenhower dollars BU
417 * (47) CCI 5.56mm primers
418 * (10) 1976 Type 2 Eisenhower dollars BU
419 * (200) Winchester large pistol primers for Standard or magnum pistol loads
420 * Set of (4) sequential 2013 $2 Federal reserve notes
421 * (44) Nosler .30 caliber bullets
422 * 1963 $2 Red seal note
423 * (100) Green Bay Bullets .40-caliber bullets
424 * 1963 $2 Red seal note
425 * (500) .45-caliber bullets
426 * 1934-A $10 Federal reserve note
427 * (100) .38 Special bullets
428 * 1957-B $1 Silver certificate
429 * (80+) .30-Caliber bullets
430 * (2) 1976 $2 Federal Reserve notes
431 * Hunting group
432 * 1923 $1 Large Silver certificate
433 * Lee .45 ACP reloading die set
434 * 1958-P US Proof set
435 * Group of figurines
436 * 1976-S Silver uncirculated 3-coin set
437 * Ameristep full body safety harness
438 * 1966 US Special mint set
439 * Metal ammo can
440 * 1966 US Special mint set
441 * Metal ammo can
442 * (18) Washington quarters
443 * Metal ammo can
444 * (40) Washington quarters
445 * Metal ammo can
446 * (50) 2020-D Roosevelt dimes
447 * Metal ammo can
448 * (38) 1930-1985 Jefferson nickels
449 * Y&P Air soft pistol
450 * (4) Proof & BU Washington quarters
451 * James Killen signed and numbered "Great Retrievers - Yellow Labrador & Pintails" print in frame
452 * 1911 Barber dime
453 * W.R. Case & Sons XX Changer knife with (4) assorted blades
454 * 1919 Mercury dime
455 * Aluminum pistol case
456 * 1946 Roosevelt dime
457 * Summit Hot Dot bow sight
458 * 1946 Roosevelt dime
459 * Ram Cam 
460 * 1946-S Roosevelt dime
461 * Shakespeare "Catch More Fish" rod with reel
462 * 1947 Roosevelt dime
463 * Milwaukee drywall drill in case
464 * 1948 Roosevelt dime
465 * Plano Protector Series hard plastic bow case
466 * 1948-D Roosevelt dime
467 * Browning soft rifle case
468 * 1948-S Roosevelt dime
469 * Benelli HK soft rifle case
470 * 1950-D Roosevelt dime
471 * Boyt soft rifle case
472 * 1951 Roosevelt dime
473 * (4) Soft rifle cases
474 * 1951-D Roosevelt dime
475 * Metal ammo can with assorted ammo
476 * 1952 Roosevelt dime
477 * Estwing hatchet
478 * 1952-D Roosevelt dime
479 * (100) Remington Black powder percussion caps
480 * 1952-D Roosevelt dime
481 * (18) CCI .22LR shot shells
482 * 1953-D Roosevelt dime
483 * Nikon 4x40 scope
484 * 1954-D Roosevelt dime
485 * Bushnell standard bore sighter
486 * 1956-D Roosevelt dime
487 * (3) Tubes of Daisy Golden Bullseye BBS
488 * 1957 Roosevelt dime
489 * Box of sporting items
490 * 1959-D Roosevelt dime
491 * (3) Small travel cases
492 * 1960-D Roosevelt dime
493 * Group of .30-06 ammunition
494 * 1961 Roosevelt dime
495 * (12) Rounds of Winchester .300 WSM ammunition
496 * 1961-D Roosevelt dime
497 * (10) Rounds of Federal .30-06 SPRG ammunition
498 * 1961-D Roosevelt dime
499 * (5) Hornady 12-gauge SST slugs
500 * 1962-D Roosevelt dime
501 * (5) Hornady 20-gauge SST slugs
502 * 1963-D Roosevelt dime
503 * Group of shotgun shells
504 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
505 * (28) 12-gauge shells
506 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
507 * (6) Rounds of Federal .30-06 SPRG ammunition
508 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
509 * Quaker Boy SR Razor turkey call
510 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
511 * Quaker Boy SR Boomerang turkey call
512 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
513 * Quaker Boy SR Cutthroat turkey call
514 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
515 * True Fire bow release
516 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
517 * NRA branded wireless Bluetooth speaker
518 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
519 * Invector Plus 12-gauge choke tube
520 * 1964-D Roosevelt dime
521 * Invector Plus 12-gauge choke tube
522 * 1964-D Roosevelt dime
523 * Crossbow group
524 * 1910 Liberty Head V Nickel
525 * Glock Shooting Sports case
526 * 1911 Liberty Head V Nickel
527 * Brents Outdoors camo insulated jacket
528 * 1912 Liberty Head V Nickel
529 * The Original Field N' Forest camo/blaze orange reversible insulated bibs
530 * 1936 Buffalo nickel
531 * Group of auto repair books
532 * 1937 Buffalo nickel
533 * (18) Federal 12-gague magnum shells
534 * Roll of 1952-D Lincoln Wheat cents
535 * (25) Federal 12-gauge duck & pheasant shells
536 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
537 * (41) Assorted 12-gauge shells
538 * Roll of 1956-D Lincoln Wheat cents
539 * (20) Rounds of Federal .44 MAG ammunition
540 * Roll of 1940s Lincoln Wheat cents
541 * (26) Rounds of .30-30 WIN ammunition
542 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
543 * (300) Rounds of Wildcat .22LR ammunition
544 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
545 * Box of Western Super-X .22LR ammunition
546 * Roll of 1953-S Lincoln Wheat cents
547 * Box of Western Super-X .22 short ammunition
548 * Roll of 1940+ Lincoln Wheat cents
549 * (76) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
550 * Roll of 1955-D Lincoln Wheat cents


FOR FULL LISTING & TO BID ONLINE, GO TO: www.hinesauctionservice.com

TERMS:  Cash, good check or credit card     EVERYTHING SOLD AS IS

10% BUYERS FEE & WI 5.5% Sales Tax (4% Courtesy Fee on Credit Cards)

Sale conducted by:  HINES AUCTION SERVICE, 218 N Broadway, Ellsworth, WI

715-273-3377 (O) or 715-307-1275 (C)


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April Firearms, Sporting & Coins
 Online Only Auction
Sale Date(s)
Bidding Starts: Thursday Apr 14 , 9:00 AM
Bidding Ends: Thursday Apr 28 , 6:30 PM
Sale Location

Ellsworth, WI 54011
Listing Terms and Conditions
OPEN HOUSES: Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm PICK UP: Friday, April 29th from 10am-5pm LOCATION: Hines Online Facility 107 County Road C Ellsworth, WI 54011 Terms: Payment made in full day of pickup. Bidders will be charged a 10% buyers fee and WI 5.5% Sales Tax (additional 4% courtesy fee on card transactions). Wisconsin vehicles subject to sales tax. FIREARMS RULES: Buyers of long guns will be subject to a background check and $15 registration fee. The registration fee is only charged once per buyer. Buyers of pistols will be subject to a background check and $25 registration fee. Non-Wisconsin buyers must arrange for the pistols to be shipped to an FFL dealer in their state. The $25 registration fee then would be applied to the shipping of the firearm. The fee is only charged once per buyer. If you buy both a pistol and a long gun your fee is only $25. COIN/CURRENCY GRADING: All grades are subjective. Neither Hines Auction Service, Inc nor its sellers or affiliates guarantee any grades. SHIPPING: All shipping will be at the expense of the buyer. There is a $5 minimum per lot handling in addition to any & all hauling charges (see items not picked up). In order to qualify for shipping, the entire lot (not each item) must fit inside a 12 X 12 X 18 box (including packing). Large lots will be subject to a handling fee of $5 minimum per shipping box. If unsure if your lot will fit, contact us. Your lots will only be insured at buyers request. Shipping for large items is up to the buyer to arrange. NO LIQUIDS CAN BE SHIPPED (examples: antique extinguishers, bottles, decanters etc) ITEMS NOT PICKED UP: Any item not picked up on the day of pick-up, will automatically be charged to your credit card. If items are not picked, you must contact us before bidding (715-273-3377), otherwise the items will be held for only 7 days. If items are not picked up on pickup day, a $10 PER ITEM FOR A BOX LOT & A MINIMUM $25 PER ITEM FOR LARGER ITEMS removal charged will be added to all lots (NO EXCEPTIONS). After 7 days, all items left become the sole property of Hines Auction Service, Inc & no refund will be given. Any other arrangements for pickup or shipping must be made prior to the end of the sale. DECLINED CREDIT CARDS: Any bidders with credit cards that are declined on reconciliation day will be charged a $30 processing fee to run another credit card- NO EXCEPTIONS! BAD CHECKS: If Hines Auction Service, Inc receives a returned check; the buyer agrees to pay a $30 returned check fee. Buyer will either agree to pay via certified funds for the entirety of the returned check plus $30 or return the merchandise. If buyer returns the merchandise, they will be responsible for paying commissions for selling the merchandise, paying the difference in the amount owed after it sells & any other expenses incurred from the resale of the items. If buyer does not pick up items or make payments up to date on merchandise, the buyer will be flagged for all Hines Auction Service auctions. This includes all auction companies under the Hines Auction Service service. This means, you will not be able to bid on any auctions under Hines Auction Service Alliance membership. Please note these assets are sold one time with non-retractable bids. When you bid on any item, you are entering into a binding contract. All property is sold &”AS IS”, and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Hines Auction Service, Inc may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising & on the internet but makes no representations. In no event shall Hines Auction Service, Inc be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the Bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Hines Auction Service, Inc will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise. Bidder agrees that everything is sold as is and that they may not return any item they purchase. Hines Auction Service, Inc is providing internet bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the ending day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Hines Auction Service, Inc or anyone else if the internet service fails to work correctly before or during the ending of the auction. Hines Auction Service, Inc will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the internet bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction ends. This auction features a staggered closing. Hines Auction Service, Inc reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Auction company employees, sellers and or Auction Company may bid on auction items. When you bid your max, the current bid price does not automatically go to your max bid. Someone else has to bid to increase the current price and the computer will automatically bid up to your max in the increments specified. Information gathered is for the sole purpose & use of Hines Auction service, inc. Hines Auction gathers all emails & adds them to an email listing available only to Hines Auction Service, Inc. You have the right to unsubscribe at any time. The successful purchaser agrees to pay any & all reasonable attorney fees & costs incurred by Hines Auction Service Inc, the seller &or their servants, agents or employees in the commencement or defense of any actions hereunder as well as in the collection of any obligations hereunder. Venue & jurisdiction of any & all disputes which may arise by virtue of this auction sale or stemming from this auction sales shall be in the court of Pierce County, Wisconsin. CHOICE OF LAW: The law of the state of Wisconsin shall govern the interpretation of any & all disputes or other matters relating to the subject sale & or stemming from this auction sale. EXTENDED BIDDING This auction features EXTENDED BIDDING! Any lot that gets a bid within THREE minutes of its Scheduled Closing Time will remain open for bids past its normal close; it will go into extended bidding. It will remain open until there are no bids on that lot. This only affects lots with bids in the last THREE minutes; other lots will continue to close at their normal times. If you have questions please call us 715-273-3377


Located at The Hines Online Facility – 107 County Rd C Ellsworth, WI 54011


OPEN HOUSES: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

1 * Browning Lightning BLR .300 Win Mag lever action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
2 * 1992 US Silver eagle
3 * NEW Smith & Wesson M&P15 .22LR sport semi auto rifle (subject to transfer fee)
4 * 2002 US Silver eagle
5 * Heckler & Koch Super Black Eagle 12-gauge semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
6 * 2003 US Silver eagle
7 * NEW G-Force Arms GF3 Tactical 12-gauge pump shotgun
8 * 2008 US Silver eagle
9 * Savage model 99C .243 WIN lever action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
10 * 2013 US Silver eagle
11 * NEW Ruger Wrangler .22LR revolver (subject to transfer fee)
12 * 2013 US Silver eagle
13 * Winchester model 37A Youth .410-gauge single shot shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
14 * 1884 Morgan dollar
15 * Connecticut Valley Arms Express .50-caliber black powder side by side shotgun
16 * 1885-O Morgan dollar
17 * Remington model 700 In-Line .50-caliber black powder (subject to transfer fee)
18 * 1921 Morgan dollar BU
19 * NEW SCCY CPX-2 9mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
19A * Springfield Armory XD-9 9x19mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
20 * 1921-D Morgan dollar BU
21 * NEW Hi-Point model JHP .45 ACP semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
22 * 1921-D Morgan dollar BU
23 * Benelli R1 Big Game .300 Win Mag semi auto rifle (subject to transfer fee)
24 * 1921-D Morgan dollar
25 * Winchester model 37A 12-gauge single shot shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
26 * 1921-D Morgan dollar
27 * Ruger Old Army .45-caliber black powder revolver
28 * 1921-S Morgan dollar BU
29 * Smith & Wesson model 629 Classic Magnum .44-mag limited edition revolver (subject to transfer fee)
30 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
31 * Israel Military Industries Desert Eagle .357 Magnum semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
32 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
33 * New Hi-Point model JCP .40 S&W semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
34 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
35 * Mossberg model SS1-One single shot rifle with (2) barrels (subject to transfer fee)
36 * 1921-S Morgan dollar
37 * Remington model 788 .308 WIN bolt action rifle (subject to transfer fee)
38 * 1922 Peace dollar BU
39 * Browning Light Twelve 12-gauge semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
40 * 1922 Peace dollar BU
41 * NEW SCCY CPX-2 9mm semi auto pistol (subject to transfer fee)
42 * 1923-D Peace dollar 
43 * Winchester Super X2 Magnum 12-gauge 2002 National Wild Turkey Federation semi auto shotgun (subject to transfer fee)
44 * 1926-D Peace dollar 
45 * Winchester X-150 .50 Caliber black powder rifle
45A * Adco Mirage scope
46 * 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar BU
46A * Trykon XL anniversary edition compound bow 
47 * Remington Arms 2-gauge barrel
47A * Mueller Extreme Sports optic in box
48 * 1943 Walking Liberty half dollar BU
48A * Nikon Laser 1200 long range precision range finder
49 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
50 * 1942 Walking Liberty half dollar 
51 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
52 * 1944 Walking Liberty half dollar 
53 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
54 * 1945 Walking Liberty half dollar 
55 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
56 * 1959 Franklin half dollar Proof
57 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
58 * 1961 Franklin half dollar Proof
59 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
60 * 1962 Franklin half dollar Proof
61 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
62 * 1963 Franklin half dollar Proof
63 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
64 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
65 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
66 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
67 * (15) Rounds of Fetter 12-gauge buckshot
68 * 1958-D Franklin half dollar BU
69 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
70 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
71 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
72 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
73 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
74 * 1960 Franklin half dollar BU
75 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
76 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
77 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
78 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
79 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
80 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
81 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
82 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
83 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
84 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
85 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
86 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
87 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze .40 Smith & Wesson ammunition
88 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
89 * (38) Rounds of PMC.44 RM MAG ammunition
90 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
91 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
92 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
93 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
94 * 1963-D Franklin half dollar BU
95 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
96 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
97 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
98 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
99 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
100 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
101 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
102 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
103 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
104 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
105 * (50) Rounds of PMC Bronze 9mm Luger ammunition
106 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
107 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
108 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
109 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
110 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
111 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
112 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
113 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
114 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
115 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
116 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
117 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
118 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
119 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
120 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
121 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
122 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
123 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
124 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
125 * (20) Rounds of Remington .223 REM ammunition
126 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
127 * (20) Rounds of PMC Bronze .308 WIN ammunition
128 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
129 * (20) Rounds of Ammo Incorporated 9mm ammunition
130 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
131 * (525) Rounds of Remington .22LR ammunition
132 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
133 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
134 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar proofs
135 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
136 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
137 * (19) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
138 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
139 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
140 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
141 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
142 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
143 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
144 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
145 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
146 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
147 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
148 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
149 * (20) Remington .300 WIN MAG ammunition
150 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
151 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
152 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
153 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
154 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
155 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
156 * 1968-S Kennedy half dollar proof
157 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
158 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
159 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
160 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
161 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
162 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
163 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
164 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
165 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
166 * 1969-S Kennedy half dollar proof
167 * (20) Rounds of Wolf .300 WIN MAG ammunition
168 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof silver
169 * (20) Rounds of Wolf .300 WIN MAG ammunition
170 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof silver
171 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .300 WIN MAG ammunition
172 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
173 * (13) Rounds of .300 WIN MAG ammunition
174 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
175 * (20) Rounds of Speer Nitrex .300 WIN MAG ammunition
176 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
177 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
178 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
179 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
180 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
181 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
182 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
183 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
184 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
185 * (49) Rounds of Remington .357 Magnum ammunition
186 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
187 * (50) Rounds of Blazer Brass .357 Magnum ammunition
188 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
189 * (50) Rounds of Sellier & Bellot .357 Magnum ammunition
190 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
191 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
192 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
193 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
194 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
195 * (50) Rounds of Remington .38 Special ammunition
196 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
197 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .357 Magnum ammunition
198 * 1981-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
199 * (50) Rounds of Winchester .38 special ammunition
200 * 1999-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
201 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .38 Special ammunition
202 * 1999-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
203 * (50) Rounds of  ammunition
204 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
205 * (50) Rounds of American Eagle .38 special ammunition
206 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
207 * (50) Rounds of .38 special ammunition
208 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
209 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer .357 Magnum ammunition
210 * 2000-S Kennedy half dollar proof clad
211 * (15) Rounds of Remington .32 S&W ammunition
212 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
213 * (74) Rounds of Remington .32 Long S&W ammunition
214 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
215 * (71) Rounds of Remington .32 Auto ammunition
216 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
217 * (50) Rounds of Winchester .32 Auto ammunition
218 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
219 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
220 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
221 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
222 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
223 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
224 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
225 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
226 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
227 * (20) Rounds of Federal .308 WIN ammunition
228 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
229 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
230 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
231 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
232 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
233 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
234 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
235 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
236 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
237 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .308 WIN ammunition
238 * 1964 Kennedy half dollar BU
239 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
240 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
241 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
242 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
243 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
244 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
245 * (17) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
246 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
247 * (20) Rounds of Remington .30-30 WIN ammunition
248 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
249 * (13) Rounds of Remington .30-30 WIN ammunition
250 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
251 * (20) Rounds of Federal .30-30 WIN ammunition
252 * 1964-D Kennedy half dollar BU
253 * (20) Rounds of Federal .30-30 WIN ammunition
254 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
255 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .30-30 WIN ammunition
256 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
257 * (20) Rounds of Winchester Super X .30-30 WIN ammunition
258 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
259 * (33) Rounds of American Eagle .44 REM MAG ammunition
260 * 1966 Kennedy half dollar BU
261 * (19) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
262 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar BU
263 * (17) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
264 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar BU
265 * (20) Rounds of Black Hills .44 MAG ammunition
266 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar BU
267 * (25) Rounds of Remington .44 REM MAG ammunition
268 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar BU
269 * (400) Rounds of Remington Mohawk .22LR ammunition
270 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
271 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
272 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
273 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
274 * 1972 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
275 * (100) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
276 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
277 * (81) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
278 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
279 * (52) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
280 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
281 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
282 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
283 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
284 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
285 * (50) Rounds of Winchester Super X .22 Short ammunition
286 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
287 * (49) Aguila .22LR super colibri ammunition
288 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
289 * (20) Remington .50-caliber Sabot rounds
290 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
291 * (20) Remington .50-caliber Sabot rounds
292 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
293 * (25) Assorted 12-gauge shells
294 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
295 * (25) Remington 12-gauge MAG Nitro-Steel shells
296 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
297 * (25) Rounds of Federal 12-gauge Waterfowl Load shells
298 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
299 * (25) Rounds of Federal 12-gauge Waterfowl Load shells
300 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
301 * (5) Winchester 12-gauge magnum buckshot loads
302 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
303 * (5) Winchester 12-gauge magnum buckshot loads
304 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
305 * (5) Winchester Super X 12-gauge rifled slugs
306 * 1976-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
307 * (50) Rounds of PMC 9mm Luger ammunition
308 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
309 * (50) Rounds of PMC 9mm Luger ammunition
310 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
311 * (100) Rounds of Remington .22LR ammunition
312 * 1979-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
313 * (25) Remington 12-gauge shells
314 * 1992-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
315 * (25) Remington 12-gauge shells
316 * 1992-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
317 * (25) Winchester 12-gauge Upland Game Load shells
318 * 1995-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
319 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge magnum rifled slugs
320 * 1995-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
321 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge magnum rifled slugs
322 * 1997-D Kennedy half dollar clad BU
323 * (8) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
324 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
325 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
326 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
327 * (5) Remington Slugger 12-gauge rifled slugs
328 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
329 * (5) Lightfield 12-gauge expanding nose Sabot slugs
330 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
331 * (5) Federal 12-gauge hollow point maximum rifled slugs
332 * 2000 Kennedy half dollar clad BU
333 * (29) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
334 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
335 * (25) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
336 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
337 * (25) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
338 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
339 * (30) Rounds of 7.62x39mm ammunition
340 * 1967 Kennedy half dollar AU
341 * (33) Rounds of W-W Super .357 MAG ammunition
342 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
343 * (16) Assorted rounds of ammunition
344 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
345 * (22) Remington 12-gauge express long range shells
346 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
347 * (47) Assorted 12-gauge shells
348 * 1968-D Kennedy half dollar AU
349 * Group of primers
350 * 1969-D Kennedy half dollar AU
351 * (900) Winchester Western small pistol primers
352 * 1969-D Kennedy half dollar AU
353 * (50) Rounds of PPU .380 auto ammunition
354 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
355 * (50) Rounds of PPU .380 auto ammunition
356 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
357 * (25) Rounds of Corbon .40 S&W ammunition
358 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
359 * (50) Rounds of Wolf .40 S&W ammunition
360 * 1976-S Kennedy half dollar silver AU
361 * (50) Rounds of CCI Blazer Brass .40 S&W ammunition
362 * 1974-S Eisenhower dollar proof
363 * (25) Rounds of Corbon .357 MAG ammunition
364 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
365 * (14) Rounds of PMC Eldorado Starfire .357 MAG ammunition
366 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
367 * (50) Rounds of Remington .25 Auto ammunition
368 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
369 * (20) Rounds of Winchester .280 REM ammunition
370 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
371 * (20) Rounds of Remington .308 WIN ammunition
372 * 1976-S Eisenhower dollar proof Type 2
373 * (20) Rounds of Peters .22-250 REM ammunition
374 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
375 * (20) Winchester .30-06 SPRG ammunition
376 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
377 * (20) Rounds of .30-06 ammunition
378 * 1978-S Eisenhower dollar proof
379 * (50) Rounds of Remington .45 Auto ammunition
380 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
381 * (19) Rounds of American Eagle .45 Auto ammunition
382 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
383 * (50) Rounds of 9mm Luger ammunition
384 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 2
385 * (50) Rounds of Blazer Brass 9mm Luger ammunition
386 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 1
387 * (20) Rounds of .44 REM MAG ammunition
388 * 1976 Eisenhower dollar BU Type 1
389 * (25) Federal .410-gauge shells
390 * (10) 2000-S Sacajawea proof dollars
391 * (25) Winchester Super X .410-gauge shells
392 * (9) Susan B. Anthony BU dollars
393 * (25) Federal .410-gauge shells
394 * (16) 2000-P Sacajawea dollars BU
395 * (100) Rounds of Federal .22LR ammunition
396 * (10) 2007-D Thomas Jefferson BU dollars
397 * (50) CCI .22LR ammunition
398 * (10) 2007-D John Adams BU dollars
399 * (100) Rounds of CCI .22LR mini mag ammunition
400 * (8) 2008-D James Monroe BU dollars
401 * (73) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
402 * (4) 1971 & (6) 1971-D Eisenhower dollars BU
403 * (50) Rounds of CCI .22WMR ammunition
404 * (10) 1971 Eisenhower dollars BU
405 * (50) Rounds of CCI .22WMR ammunition
406 * (11) 1972 Eisenhower dollars BU
407 * (50) Rounds of Federal .22 WIN MAG ammunition
408 * (8) 1972-D Eisenhower dollars BU
409 * (50) Rounds of .308 WIN ammunition
410 * (10) 1973 Eisenhower dollars BU
411 * (200) Federal small rifle primers
412 * (12) 1974 Eisenhower dollars BU
413 * (171) Federal magnum rifle primers
414 * (13) 1974-D Eisenhower dollars BU
415 * (200) Winchester small pistol for standard pistol load primers
416 * (10) 1976 Type 2 Eisenhower dollars BU
417 * (47) CCI 5.56mm primers
418 * (10) 1976 Type 2 Eisenhower dollars BU
419 * (200) Winchester large pistol primers for Standard or magnum pistol loads
420 * Set of (4) sequential 2013 $2 Federal reserve notes
421 * (44) Nosler .30 caliber bullets
422 * 1963 $2 Red seal note
423 * (100) Green Bay Bullets .40-caliber bullets
424 * 1963 $2 Red seal note
425 * (500) .45-caliber bullets
426 * 1934-A $10 Federal reserve note
427 * (100) .38 Special bullets
428 * 1957-B $1 Silver certificate
429 * (80+) .30-Caliber bullets
430 * (2) 1976 $2 Federal Reserve notes
431 * Hunting group
432 * 1923 $1 Large Silver certificate
433 * Lee .45 ACP reloading die set
434 * 1958-P US Proof set
435 * Group of figurines
436 * 1976-S Silver uncirculated 3-coin set
437 * Ameristep full body safety harness
438 * 1966 US Special mint set
439 * Metal ammo can
440 * 1966 US Special mint set
441 * Metal ammo can
442 * (18) Washington quarters
443 * Metal ammo can
444 * (40) Washington quarters
445 * Metal ammo can
446 * (50) 2020-D Roosevelt dimes
447 * Metal ammo can
448 * (38) 1930-1985 Jefferson nickels
449 * Y&P Air soft pistol
450 * (4) Proof & BU Washington quarters
451 * James Killen signed and numbered "Great Retrievers - Yellow Labrador & Pintails" print in frame
452 * 1911 Barber dime
453 * W.R. Case & Sons XX Changer knife with (4) assorted blades
454 * 1919 Mercury dime
455 * Aluminum pistol case
456 * 1946 Roosevelt dime
457 * Summit Hot Dot bow sight
458 * 1946 Roosevelt dime
459 * Ram Cam 
460 * 1946-S Roosevelt dime
461 * Shakespeare "Catch More Fish" rod with reel
462 * 1947 Roosevelt dime
463 * Milwaukee drywall drill in case
464 * 1948 Roosevelt dime
465 * Plano Protector Series hard plastic bow case
466 * 1948-D Roosevelt dime
467 * Browning soft rifle case
468 * 1948-S Roosevelt dime
469 * Benelli HK soft rifle case
470 * 1950-D Roosevelt dime
471 * Boyt soft rifle case
472 * 1951 Roosevelt dime
473 * (4) Soft rifle cases
474 * 1951-D Roosevelt dime
475 * Metal ammo can with assorted ammo
476 * 1952 Roosevelt dime
477 * Estwing hatchet
478 * 1952-D Roosevelt dime
479 * (100) Remington Black powder percussion caps
480 * 1952-D Roosevelt dime
481 * (18) CCI .22LR shot shells
482 * 1953-D Roosevelt dime
483 * Nikon 4x40 scope
484 * 1954-D Roosevelt dime
485 * Bushnell standard bore sighter
486 * 1956-D Roosevelt dime
487 * (3) Tubes of Daisy Golden Bullseye BBS
488 * 1957 Roosevelt dime
489 * Box of sporting items
490 * 1959-D Roosevelt dime
491 * (3) Small travel cases
492 * 1960-D Roosevelt dime
493 * Group of .30-06 ammunition
494 * 1961 Roosevelt dime
495 * (12) Rounds of Winchester .300 WSM ammunition
496 * 1961-D Roosevelt dime
497 * (10) Rounds of Federal .30-06 SPRG ammunition
498 * 1961-D Roosevelt dime
499 * (5) Hornady 12-gauge SST slugs
500 * 1962-D Roosevelt dime
501 * (5) Hornady 20-gauge SST slugs
502 * 1963-D Roosevelt dime
503 * Group of shotgun shells
504 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
505 * (28) 12-gauge shells
506 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
507 * (6) Rounds of Federal .30-06 SPRG ammunition
508 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
509 * Quaker Boy SR Razor turkey call
510 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
511 * Quaker Boy SR Boomerang turkey call
512 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
513 * Quaker Boy SR Cutthroat turkey call
514 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
515 * True Fire bow release
516 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
517 * NRA branded wireless Bluetooth speaker
518 * 1964 Roosevelt dime
519 * Invector Plus 12-gauge choke tube
520 * 1964-D Roosevelt dime
521 * Invector Plus 12-gauge choke tube
522 * 1964-D Roosevelt dime
523 * Crossbow group
524 * 1910 Liberty Head V Nickel
525 * Glock Shooting Sports case
526 * 1911 Liberty Head V Nickel
527 * Brents Outdoors camo insulated jacket
528 * 1912 Liberty Head V Nickel
529 * The Original Field N' Forest camo/blaze orange reversible insulated bibs
530 * 1936 Buffalo nickel
531 * Group of auto repair books
532 * 1937 Buffalo nickel
533 * (18) Federal 12-gague magnum shells
534 * Roll of 1952-D Lincoln Wheat cents
535 * (25) Federal 12-gauge duck & pheasant shells
536 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
537 * (41) Assorted 12-gauge shells
538 * Roll of 1956-D Lincoln Wheat cents
539 * (20) Rounds of Federal .44 MAG ammunition
540 * Roll of 1940s Lincoln Wheat cents
541 * (26) Rounds of .30-30 WIN ammunition
542 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
543 * (300) Rounds of Wildcat .22LR ammunition
544 * Roll of 1950s Lincoln Wheat cents
545 * Box of Western Super-X .22LR ammunition
546 * Roll of 1953-S Lincoln Wheat cents
547 * Box of Western Super-X .22 short ammunition
548 * Roll of 1940+ Lincoln Wheat cents
549 * (76) Rounds of .22LR ammunition
550 * Roll of 1955-D Lincoln Wheat cents


FOR FULL LISTING & TO BID ONLINE, GO TO: www.hinesauctionservice.com

TERMS:  Cash, good check or credit card     EVERYTHING SOLD AS IS

10% BUYERS FEE & WI 5.5% Sales Tax (4% Courtesy Fee on Credit Cards)

Sale conducted by:  HINES AUCTION SERVICE, 218 N Broadway, Ellsworth, WI

715-273-3377 (O) or 715-307-1275 (C)