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Combined Estates AUCTION! Sat. April 9th Mio
Listing ID#: 489530
Sale Location |
Mio, MI 48647 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Apr 9, 2022 Completed |
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LETS TALK AUCTION COMPANY Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle Phone: 989-848-5158 Email: Website: ID#: 6482 View company information and listings |
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Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material |
Listing Information |
Combined EstatesAUCTION!
Sat. April 9, 2022 Mio, MI.Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale To Include:
Turkish Sparta 10.8 x 11.3 area rug w/Hagopian appraisal; 1920’s Art Deco 4 panel ptd. Dressing screen; 4 Chippendale dining armchairs; Cherry dropleaf dining table w/4 chairs; 2) dinette sets; living room chairs, tables & lamps; 58” UHD 4K Smart TV & others; Visio surround sound; maple bedroom furniture; oak bookcase; child roll top desk; bar stools; cedar porch glider; air conditioner; Ohm Walsh 4 speaker set; Yamaha home theater & Energy C-3 speakers; Peavey Zodiac EX 4string base, amp & case; Seismic Audio loud speakers; Radio Shack loud speaker & amp; Mid 19c portrait eng. Geo. Washington on horseback during Field of Trenton; Ernest Rost etching Fisherman’s Home; 4’x3’ ballroom sized oil painting S. Lynn; framed art & prints; sm. chest freezer;
Fred Press African busts; 4’ model sailboat; 3’ ship’s wheel; Hobart model 970 counter top scale; Chop Rite sausage press; Blankner knife sharpener; Panasonic Pro P2 DVC camcorder; Pro Line Baby Lock sewing machine; Jamone My Lock 134D serger; sewing notions & related; costume jewelry; linens; cookbooks; luggage; wheel chair, walker & related; JD mod 520 diecast pedal tractor w/wagon; Mercedes, VW Bug, Prowler & Vette pedal cars; Power Wheels race car; Tonka, Hot Wheels & other toys; elec. dartboard; Bachmann North Pole Special lg. scale train set; Seabee uniforms; Fred Press African bust; Catholic sick call box; Cranberry hobnail student lamp; elegant to every day glassware; 4pl. Damask Rose heirloom sterling flatware; silver plate flatware; pressure cookers; Kitchen Aid Proline mixer; sm. kitchen appliances; boxlots!;
Conibear 330, 110 & other leg hold traps; pelt stretchers; live trap; Bear & Browning compound bows; tree stand; CVA Optima Magnum 50cal muzzleloader; Traditions New Model Army 44 cal black powder revolver; bb guns; Eskimo power ice auger; fishing related; South Bend 290 bamboo fly rod & other; DU ducks; swordfish; Charles Frace pronghorn print; Dall big horn sheep head mount;
Firearms & Related:
1. J.C. Higgins model 31 semi auto 22cal rifle sn/nsn 2. Winchester model 12 slide action 16ga shotgun, 28” barrel mfgr date 1939 3. Rossi model S41 break open 22cal w/two 410ga barrels sn/SP224703 4. Crescent Arms Victor Ejector break open 16ga sn/647095 5. Henry Repeating Arms model H001 lever action 22cal sn/1146284H Misc. ammo; mod. 1860 US Staff Officer sword;
Shopsmith woodworking system; Craftsman arc welder; multi position, extension & step ladders; Coleman 5k generator; Dewalt battery op. tool set; Ridgid miter; Campbell air compressor; floor jack; shop vacs; pressure washers; utility shelves; pneumatic tools; rolling tool chest; hand tools;
1969 John Deere 2020 type 53TR diesel 2x4 tractor, 60hp, rebuilt engine in 2020 w/papers, runs great, hour meter not correct, sn/093294T; McKee Sno-Lander 620 3pt snow blower; 3pt Howard Rotavator; John Deere Killefer 15-12 subsoiler w/mole on steel wheels; Superior Double American Seed Company grain drill; 6’ back blade; slip scoop; log chains; Cub Cadet RT 75 reartine tiller; elec. mini tiller & line trimmer; Stihl FS55R line trimmer; Husq. Backpack blower; wheel barrow; jogger’s stroller; Mongoose alum bike; alum. hitch cargo platform; patio bar w/stools; patio table & chairs; bbq; bbq crock pot; picnic table; lawn chairs; lawn & garden tools; lawn spreader;
Estate Coins & more.
Auctioneer's Note:
The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned to sell combined Estate households from Oscoda & West Branch, MI. along with some quality consigned items. Check website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material. LETS TALK AUCTION COMPANY
www.LetsTalkAuction.comLocation: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
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