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Tractors - Truck - Equipment - Car - Primitives - Antiques
Listing ID#: 482622
Sale Location |
Monett, MO 65708 |
Sale Dates and Times |
Saturday Apr 9, 2022 Completed |
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Foster Auction & Appraisal Service Contact: Larry Foster Phone: 417-723-8329 Email: Website: ID#: 8448 View company information and listings |
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Listing Information |
Tractors * Truck * Equipment * Car * UTV * Primitives * Antiques * Furniture Estate Auction 9:00 AM * Saturday, April 9th * 9:00 AM Location: 14 N. Main, Monett, Mo. 65708 (H Hwy. in Freistatt) Directions: From: Monett High School take H Hwy. north 7 miles to Sale *Watch for Signs* Lunch & Restrooms Available Classic Truck & Car 1949 Chevy 4100 Truck with Grain Bed, always shedded (1 owner, all original); 1977 Chevy Malibu Classic, (1 owner, 121,xxx mi.); Tractors - Equipment - Combine - UTV Allis-Chalmers D14 Tractor with Loader; Allis-Chalmers WD45 Tractor narrow front; Allis- Chalmers 1937 model WF narrow front with Cultivator; John Deere 4400 Combine, Diesel Engine, with John Deere 213 Grain Head (always shedded); Great Plains Solid Stand 10 No Till Drill (extra nice); DMI E280 Gravity Wagon (extra nice); Small Quality Line Auger Wagon; New Holland 353 Grinder/Mixer; Kuhn GF5001 THA 4 Head Hay Tedder (nice); Kuhn GMD700 Disc Mower; John Deere 1209 Haybine (good rollers); Gehl 1870 Round Baler (extra clean); John Deere 24T Square Baler; John Deere #8 Sickle Mower; John Deere #34 Manure Spreader; John Deere L&M Ground Driven Manure Spreader; John Deere 100 12ft. Chisel Plow; Allis-Chalmers 12ft. & 8ft Finish Disc’s; Allis-Chalmers 4 Bottom Plow; Brillion 12ft. Cultimulcher; Allis Chalmers 3 bottom Pull Type Plow; Allis Chalmers Snap Coupler Swivel Blade; Allis Chalmers Tractor Mount Cultivator; John Deere FB-8 Grain Drill; 4 Wheel Flatbed Farm Wagon; 4 Wheel Farm Wagon with Grain Sides; John Deere 4 Wheel Farm Wagon Chassis; 3 pt. Bale Spike; 3 pt. 5 Star Post Hole Digger; 3pt. Seeder; 3 pt. Great Bend 6 ft. Bush Hog; 3 pt. 5 ft. Bush Hog; 5ft. Bush Hog (pull type); Older 6 Bale Round Bale Wagon; 55 Gallon Sprayer (gas powered); 24 ft. Feed / Grain Elevator; 32 ft. G&T Grain Auger, PTO; (2) 12 ft. Grain Augers, Electric; (2) David Bradley Side Delivery Rakes; Old Allis-Chalmers #60 Pull Type Combine; Misc. Antique Farm Implements; 100 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tank w/ 12v Pump; 100 Gallon Aluminum Fuel Tank on Caddy; Pincor 30,000 watt PTO Generator; Small C.H. Air Compressor (Like New); Concrete Mixer; Heavy Made USA Craftsman Vise; (2) 12ft. X 8 ft. Grain Bins; (2) 6 ft. X 11 ft. Calf / Sheep / Hog Huts; (2) Twin Creeper Calf Creep Feeders; Stainless Double Barn Sink & Bucket Milker; Surge Dairy Vacuum Pump; 2006 John Deere Gator CS 2WD UTV, 547 hrs.; John Deere LX172 Riding Mower; Old John Deere S82 Riding Mower; 2 Wheel Lawn Cart; Antique - Primitive - Furniture - Misc. Large Copper Apple Butter Kettle; Old Galvanized Bathub with Claw Feet; Antique Clipper Seed Cleaner w/ all Screens; Several 10 Gallon Milk Cans; Several metal 5 Gallon Oil Cans; Lightning Rods; Lots Old Screen Doors, Wood Doors & Barn Doors; Old Hay Knife, Old Sled, Metal Chicken Feeder; Lots & Lots of Old Goodies in the Barns & Sheds; (2) Double Wash Tubs on Stands; (2) Wringer Washing Machines; Copper Boiler; Lot Enamel Cookers & Pans; Enterprise Sausage Press / Juicer; Strawberry Carrier’s & Crates; Apple Peelers & Cherry Pitter; Old Fruit Jars & Insulators; 1928 Biermann Bros. Store Calendar (Freistatt); Candy Tins & Lard Stands; Old Ruff Stuff Sandpaper Store Display; Teneo Snap Fastener Store Display; Few pcs. Freistatt & Hoberg Items; Antique Photo Albums; Old Tube Radio’s & Crank Wall Phones; Cigarette Lighters, Ink Pens, Small Collectibles; Few Old Marbles; Davy Crockett Knife; Covered Wagon & Brass Horse Clock; Kerosene Lamps; Brass Elephant Telephone; Lg. Set Fire King Peach Luster Dinnerware; Lg. Set 1960’s Prolon Melmac Dinnerware; Old Mixing Bowls & Casseroles; Lots of Older Kitchenware; Lot Figural Salt & Pepper Shakers; Metal Structo Power Wrecker & Dump Truck; Pair Hop A Long Cassidy Cap Guns; 1948 Ingersoll Mickey Mouse Watch in Box (Mint); Wood Tinker Toys & Lincoln Logs; Misc. Older Toys & Dolls; Misc. Chalkware & Older Deco. Items; Toledo Scale 220v. #5220 Sausage / Meat Grinder; Jazzy model 1115 Power Chair (Nice & Clean, Needs Battery); Old Quilts & Lot Good Linen & Sewing Supplies; (2) Good Treadle Sewing Machines; (2) Chrome Dining Tables; Formal Waterfall Table & 6 Chairs, Buffet & Hutch; Several Vintage Pattern Back Dining Chairs (nice); (3) Antique Oak Glass Ball & Claw Foot Tables; 1940’s Sofa & Chair (original & nice); (2) Antique Oak Wash Stands; 1950’s Wagon Wheel Sofa, Chair & Tables; Lot Misc. Coffee, End, Side & Occasional Tables; Old Wood Rockers & Strait Chairs; Mid Century Bedroom Suite; (2) Very Nice Waterfall Bedroom Suites incl. Beds, Dressers, Chests, Vanity Dressers, Wardrobe; ROOS Sweetheart Waterfall Cedar Chest; Lots & Lots of Vintage Furniture not Listed; 1950’s Pole Lamp; Sputnik Hanging Lamp; Misc. Floor & Table Lamps; Ornate Boss Oak Coal /Wood Stove; (2) Sears Cold Spot 22 cu. ft. Chest Freezers (Clean); Antique Oak Child’s Rolling High Chair; (2) Small Granite Top Metal Kitchen Cabinets; Stevens model 15A .22 Rifle; (2) Traditions 54 cal. Inline Muzzleloaders; Auctioneers Note
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