Dennis & Pauline Klinedinst Auction
Listing ID#: 473406

Sale Location

Red Lion, PA 17356
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Friday Aug 5, 2022 Completed
Sale Type
   Live with Online Auction (local pick-up only)
Company Information
Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Website: ID#: 5844
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
Listing Information

Public Auction:


Dennis & Pauline Klinedinst Farm Reduction Auction

 210 Pleasant Grove Road, Red Lion, PA  17356

Fri, August 5, 2022 at 10:00 am, Online starts at 10:30am                                             

Preview items for this auction:  Wed 8/3/22 & Thurs. 8/4/22, 10:00am-3:00pm or by appt.



                 Very Clean line of Tractors and Equipment!  Well-kept and maintained!

TRACTORS: NH T6050 Cab 4WD, LHR, H/A 1702 hrs, NH T5060 Cab w/NH 825TL Ldr, 4WD, H/A, 1540 hrs, JD 2630 2WD, 4199 hrs, Farmall C,

SKID STEER: Case SR 175 Skid Loader, 382 hrs, McMillen X1975 QA Post Hole Digger, Tri-I Manufacturer QA Bale Spear

FARM EQUIPMENT: Great Plaines 1006NT Grain Drill w/Grass Seed & Foam Markers (875 acres), Gehl 125 Mix All Hammermill (no Scales, like new), NH 165 Manure Spreader with Top Beater, Westfield STX2/WRX0831 8”x31’ Auger, Woods Batwing BW180 Series 3 Mower, Huskee 3pt 27’ Boom Sprayer w/Crop Care 1500 Foam Markers, JD 509 Bushhog Mower,  Ford 509 3pt Sickle Bar, NH 36 Flail Chopper, Baltimatic 3pt Spreader, Bush Hog 3pt 8’ Scraper Blade w/ Hyd Angle, 3pt 6’ Blade, JD 3pt Post Hole Digger, Bush Hog 8’ Offset Pull Type Mower, 3pt Spring Harrow, NH 717 Chopper w/1R Corn Head, 3pt weeder, 3pt Cultivator, Mounted Farmall C 2R Corn Planter

HAY EQUIPMENT: NH BR740A Round Baler Sileage Special w/Monitor, Net Wrap & Twine, 4919 bales, Pequea TT4100 Turbo 4-Star Tedder, NH 1411 Discbine, Pequea 710 Tedder, Daros 2GL 2 Star Tedder, JD 660 Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheel, Pequea HR1140 Rake, Big Bale Wagon on Stoltzfus Gear, 16’ Metal Hay Wagon w/Slatted floor, 12’ Wooden Rack Hay Wagon, Homemade Bale Wagon,

WAGONS: Little Giant Gravity Bin Wagon, Gravity Bin Wagon w/extensions, Silage Wagon, Gravity Bin Wagon, Sears & Roebuck 16’ Flat Wagon w/sides, J&M Gravity Wagon w/Ext Sides, Gravity Bin Wagon,

TILLAGE: Ford 10’ Transport Disc, Pull Type Offset Disc, 7T Hi Clearance 3pt Chisel, 10’ Cultipacker w/Center Bearing, Dunham Cultipacker, JD 3B 3pt Plow, JD BWA 10’ Transport Disc, 8’ Cultipacker, Brillion 10’ Cultipacker

TRAILERS: 2015 Eby Maverick LS Cattle Trailer w/ Center Slide Gate, 16’, Dual Axle, 10,000 GVW, 2006 Appalachian Trailer, 20’ w/ Beaver Tail & Gooseneck, GVW 12,000

MISC ITEMS: Stockman Choice D90B Cattle Head Lock, Metal Cattle Feed Trough, PTO Clover Seeder, Hog Feeders, Farrowing Equipment, Potato Plows, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings (Feed Bins are removed by buyer by 8/26/22), Suitcase Weights, Log Chains, Chain Binders, Tractor Chains, and Wagon Lots of small items.


Terms:  No Buyer’s Premium unless buying online! Cash or check with proper ID or Credit card with 3% administration fee. Items sold as is where is! Announcements made the day of the auction precede printed material. Food Truck will be on Premises. Driver License needed for Registration on day of sale.

 WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) ph (717) 656-2947 (Auction held in conjunction with Nevin B. Rentzel Auctions)

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Dennis & Pauline Klinedinst Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Wolgemuth Auction

Contact: Dennis
Phone: 717-656-2947
Sale Location
210 Pleasant Grove Road
Red Lion, PA 17356
Sale Dates and Times
Friday Aug 5, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee
Listing Details

Public Auction:


Dennis & Pauline Klinedinst Farm Reduction Auction

 210 Pleasant Grove Road, Red Lion, PA  17356

Fri, August 5, 2022 at 10:00 am, Online starts at 10:30am                                             

Preview items for this auction:  Wed 8/3/22 & Thurs. 8/4/22, 10:00am-3:00pm or by appt.



                 Very Clean line of Tractors and Equipment!  Well-kept and maintained!

TRACTORS: NH T6050 Cab 4WD, LHR, H/A 1702 hrs, NH T5060 Cab w/NH 825TL Ldr, 4WD, H/A, 1540 hrs, JD 2630 2WD, 4199 hrs, Farmall C,

SKID STEER: Case SR 175 Skid Loader, 382 hrs, McMillen X1975 QA Post Hole Digger, Tri-I Manufacturer QA Bale Spear

FARM EQUIPMENT: Great Plaines 1006NT Grain Drill w/Grass Seed & Foam Markers (875 acres), Gehl 125 Mix All Hammermill (no Scales, like new), NH 165 Manure Spreader with Top Beater, Westfield STX2/WRX0831 8”x31’ Auger, Woods Batwing BW180 Series 3 Mower, Huskee 3pt 27’ Boom Sprayer w/Crop Care 1500 Foam Markers, JD 509 Bushhog Mower,  Ford 509 3pt Sickle Bar, NH 36 Flail Chopper, Baltimatic 3pt Spreader, Bush Hog 3pt 8’ Scraper Blade w/ Hyd Angle, 3pt 6’ Blade, JD 3pt Post Hole Digger, Bush Hog 8’ Offset Pull Type Mower, 3pt Spring Harrow, NH 717 Chopper w/1R Corn Head, 3pt weeder, 3pt Cultivator, Mounted Farmall C 2R Corn Planter

HAY EQUIPMENT: NH BR740A Round Baler Sileage Special w/Monitor, Net Wrap & Twine, 4919 bales, Pequea TT4100 Turbo 4-Star Tedder, NH 1411 Discbine, Pequea 710 Tedder, Daros 2GL 2 Star Tedder, JD 660 Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheel, Pequea HR1140 Rake, Big Bale Wagon on Stoltzfus Gear, 16’ Metal Hay Wagon w/Slatted floor, 12’ Wooden Rack Hay Wagon, Homemade Bale Wagon,

WAGONS: Little Giant Gravity Bin Wagon, Gravity Bin Wagon w/extensions, Silage Wagon, Gravity Bin Wagon, Sears & Roebuck 16’ Flat Wagon w/sides, J&M Gravity Wagon w/Ext Sides, Gravity Bin Wagon,

TILLAGE: Ford 10’ Transport Disc, Pull Type Offset Disc, 7T Hi Clearance 3pt Chisel, 10’ Cultipacker w/Center Bearing, Dunham Cultipacker, JD 3B 3pt Plow, JD BWA 10’ Transport Disc, 8’ Cultipacker, Brillion 10’ Cultipacker

TRAILERS: 2015 Eby Maverick LS Cattle Trailer w/ Center Slide Gate, 16’, Dual Axle, 10,000 GVW, 2006 Appalachian Trailer, 20’ w/ Beaver Tail & Gooseneck, GVW 12,000

MISC ITEMS: Stockman Choice D90B Cattle Head Lock, Metal Cattle Feed Trough, PTO Clover Seeder, Hog Feeders, Farrowing Equipment, Potato Plows, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings (Feed Bins are removed by buyer by 8/26/22), Suitcase Weights, Log Chains, Chain Binders, Tractor Chains, and Wagon Lots of small items.


Terms:  No Buyer’s Premium unless buying online! Cash or check with proper ID or Credit card with 3% administration fee. Items sold as is where is! Announcements made the day of the auction precede printed material. Food Truck will be on Premises. Driver License needed for Registration on day of sale.

 WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) ph (717) 656-2947 (Auction held in conjunction with Nevin B. Rentzel Auctions)

 Check Website for Details: 

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Dennis & Pauline Klinedinst Auction
 Live Auction w/Online Bidding
Sale Date(s)
Friday Aug 5, 2022 Completed
Sale Location

Red Lion, PA 17356
Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, check with proper ID, Credit Card with 3% fee

Public Auction:


Dennis & Pauline Klinedinst Farm Reduction Auction

 210 Pleasant Grove Road, Red Lion, PA  17356

Fri, August 5, 2022 at 10:00 am, Online starts at 10:30am                                             

Preview items for this auction:  Wed 8/3/22 & Thurs. 8/4/22, 10:00am-3:00pm or by appt.



                 Very Clean line of Tractors and Equipment!  Well-kept and maintained!

TRACTORS: NH T6050 Cab 4WD, LHR, H/A 1702 hrs, NH T5060 Cab w/NH 825TL Ldr, 4WD, H/A, 1540 hrs, JD 2630 2WD, 4199 hrs, Farmall C,

SKID STEER: Case SR 175 Skid Loader, 382 hrs, McMillen X1975 QA Post Hole Digger, Tri-I Manufacturer QA Bale Spear

FARM EQUIPMENT: Great Plaines 1006NT Grain Drill w/Grass Seed & Foam Markers (875 acres), Gehl 125 Mix All Hammermill (no Scales, like new), NH 165 Manure Spreader with Top Beater, Westfield STX2/WRX0831 8”x31’ Auger, Woods Batwing BW180 Series 3 Mower, Huskee 3pt 27’ Boom Sprayer w/Crop Care 1500 Foam Markers, JD 509 Bushhog Mower,  Ford 509 3pt Sickle Bar, NH 36 Flail Chopper, Baltimatic 3pt Spreader, Bush Hog 3pt 8’ Scraper Blade w/ Hyd Angle, 3pt 6’ Blade, JD 3pt Post Hole Digger, Bush Hog 8’ Offset Pull Type Mower, 3pt Spring Harrow, NH 717 Chopper w/1R Corn Head, 3pt weeder, 3pt Cultivator, Mounted Farmall C 2R Corn Planter

HAY EQUIPMENT: NH BR740A Round Baler Sileage Special w/Monitor, Net Wrap & Twine, 4919 bales, Pequea TT4100 Turbo 4-Star Tedder, NH 1411 Discbine, Pequea 710 Tedder, Daros 2GL 2 Star Tedder, JD 660 Hay Rake w/Dolly Wheel, Pequea HR1140 Rake, Big Bale Wagon on Stoltzfus Gear, 16’ Metal Hay Wagon w/Slatted floor, 12’ Wooden Rack Hay Wagon, Homemade Bale Wagon,

WAGONS: Little Giant Gravity Bin Wagon, Gravity Bin Wagon w/extensions, Silage Wagon, Gravity Bin Wagon, Sears & Roebuck 16’ Flat Wagon w/sides, J&M Gravity Wagon w/Ext Sides, Gravity Bin Wagon,

TILLAGE: Ford 10’ Transport Disc, Pull Type Offset Disc, 7T Hi Clearance 3pt Chisel, 10’ Cultipacker w/Center Bearing, Dunham Cultipacker, JD 3B 3pt Plow, JD BWA 10’ Transport Disc, 8’ Cultipacker, Brillion 10’ Cultipacker

TRAILERS: 2015 Eby Maverick LS Cattle Trailer w/ Center Slide Gate, 16’, Dual Axle, 10,000 GVW, 2006 Appalachian Trailer, 20’ w/ Beaver Tail & Gooseneck, GVW 12,000

MISC ITEMS: Stockman Choice D90B Cattle Head Lock, Metal Cattle Feed Trough, PTO Clover Seeder, Hog Feeders, Farrowing Equipment, Potato Plows, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings, Feed Bin; 4 rings (Feed Bins are removed by buyer by 8/26/22), Suitcase Weights, Log Chains, Chain Binders, Tractor Chains, and Wagon Lots of small items.


Terms:  No Buyer’s Premium unless buying online! Cash or check with proper ID or Credit card with 3% administration fee. Items sold as is where is! Announcements made the day of the auction precede printed material. Food Truck will be on Premises. Driver License needed for Registration on day of sale.

 WOLGEMUTH AUCTION LLC (#2357) ph (717) 656-2947 (Auction held in conjunction with Nevin B. Rentzel Auctions)

 Check Website for Details: