Sportsman, Firearms, Estate Auction
Listing ID#: 466741

Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and TimesSALE IS COMPLETED
Saturday Feb 19, 2022 Completed
Sale Type
 Live Auction 
Company Information

Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Website: ID#: 6482
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Listing Terms and Conditions
Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Information

Sportsman, Firearms, Kabota Tractor, Gas Golf Cart, Toys, Advertising



Sat. Feb. 19, 2022 10am Mio, MI. 48647

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Be Careful during your travels - Snow is blowing.

Signs & Advertising:

2 sided Standard Service porcelain sign; Polarine transmission lube can & tractor grease wooden crate; Mica Axle Grease tin bucket; Archer Oil full quart can; Rare The Chicago Oil & Gasoline 5 gallon can; Standard Oil & Ellisco 5 gallon Service Station measure cans; Duplex, Mobil & Valvoline outboard motor oil cans; Mammys Favorite Brand Coffee tin can; Fox Deluxe Beer can; Nichols Kola 5 cent tin sign; Original porcelain Lions International sign; 1904 The Lady of Quality tin litho sign; large B.F. Goodrich sign; Fairmont Ice Cream sign; School Drive Slowly cross walk guard sign; American Laundry Machinery sign; Maytag oil cans; Great Western Cream Separator shipping crate;


Rare and/or Unusual:

Rare early figural carved Ceremonial African Dance Stick/Staff;  1958 floor model 4654 Philco Predicta television; Grundig Niki Sk reel to reel tape player w/original box; Northwest Engineering cast iron 53”x16”x1” thick name plate, makers of tugboats, dragline shovels & cranes;



Custom made 8ft 1 ¾” top Black Walnut dining table w/4 leaves opens to 12ft; round oak dine table & chairs; ash buffet; modern dinette set; circa 1890 Golden Age of Oak High Back Bed & matching Dresser; oak commodes; oak 4 drawer file cabinet; Rittenhouse fan back rocking chair; assorted bedroom & livingroom furniture; boat showcase coffee table; TV & surround sound; DVDs & player; Flexsteel sofa; rocking recliner; small roll top desk; sweepers; portable room air conditioner; near new Kenmore 5 burner gas range; dish & cookware; Munising wooden bowls; Griswold #1 fruit lard press; 5 large canning jars, 1 marked 13; two Singer 221 model sewing machines; near new Singer Heritage 8748 sewing machine; bed linens; Franklin wood stove; costume jewelry; coins and More!



1913 & 14 Michigan porcelain & other old license plates; 1930s Wolverine Sunny Andy Kiddie Kampers tin windup toy; 1930s restored Buddy L D-X Oil tanker truck; 1930s Unique Art co. Kiddy Cyclist tin windup toy; 1930s cast iron Taxi; 1960 Buddy L Riding Academy truck; National Motor Museum Legends in Gold & other die cast cars; Griswold #3 mailbox; street road signs; Crosby, Syracuse & other steam/pressure gauges;  glass oilers & replacement sight glasses; 8” Kinsley 4 chime, 14” Buckeye Brass Works, & 8” Powel and steam whistles; Ron Fritz steam punk table lamp #219; 1908-11 Adlake Non Sweating RR switch lantern; Everlit kerosene & Badger Brass mfg carbide bicycle lights; 5 & 10 cent US Postal Stamp vendor; white gas & coal sad irons; smoking pipes & humidors; old telephones; 8 piece Jim Beam locomotive w/track; other Beam bottles; antique tricycle; assorted Michigan Chauffeur badges 1917 – 32;



Full mount Alaskan Brown bear; 5x5 Elk; Caribou; Dall Sheep; Wildebeest; Hartebeest & others; Bear Alaskan & Kodiak Magnum recurve bows; boxed Bear cedar arrow set; circa 1890 silver overlay “Load Up” amber Hunter’s pocket flask; amber glass cigar pocket flask; Adelphi silver plate and copper tankard w/stag handle; Marble Arms sheath knives; 1976 engraved NRA knife; Schrade Presto push button knife; snowshoes; tree stands; Cheboygan & Fairview MI small anchors;  Jim Foote & Rod Lawrence Limited Edition prints; old powder tins; Malloch’s Patent fishing reel; early hand forged bear trap;  Oneida Newhouse #14 double long spring trap; 6 Triumph Triple Clutch 115-X traps; 1928, 29 & 31 MI hunting badges; Tiny Tot ice shanty wood stove; 44” Gerald Finch Pike marked #1 year 2000; Casey Edwards two carved Partridges on branch table lamp; Complete MI Successful Hunters patch collections 1972 - 2021 Deer & 1985 Bear;

Fish Decoys & Related:

Carl Christiansen - 1st of 3 made large carved Eagle mobile, only one with carved tail feathers and 49 decoys suspended below; Tad Pole evolution to Frog walking stick; 6ft C. Christiansen Newberry MI carved Pike sign; Apache Trout 4 hook coat rack; Song bird mirror; 5 Trout stringer plaque; 19” scale carved Buffalo Carp; 16” Pike eating a Perch; 13” Tiger Shark; Painted Turtle pin cushion; early tin tail & burnt branded CC decoys; Plus many more prized pieces of Carl’s work.

Other Decoys: Gerald Finch, Ken Brunning, Bud Stewart, Greg Wicki, Mariah Wingrove, A.J. Downey IV, Karl Johnson, George Aho, Kenny Hill, John Kalash, Floyd Bruce, Mike Irish, Clifford McNamara, Miles Smith and many more!!


Duck Decoys: Wragg & Burrell Mallards; Hayes Factory Mallard; Mason Black Detroit Grade; John Kalash Canvasbacks, Walter Snow Canvasback, John Sharon Mallards, Frank Cummings Bluebills, Ducks Unlimited Erie Pa, Miley Smith and others;


Firearms & Related: 


WWII German Luftschutz helmet; WWII German Service Equipment MG15 barrel vise; 2080 rds 7.62mm Nato blank cartridges; assorted other ammo; TC Black Diamond inline 50 cal & CVA Wolf 50 cal muzzleloaders;

1. Kel-Tec  PF9 semi auto 9mm pistol 7 shot 2.5” bar overall 6” sn/RVT59

 Guns 2 thru 6 come w/ Dearborn MI Dahlinger estate provenance

 2. Colt 1909 Officers Model 6 shot revolver 38cal 6” bar 11.25 overall sn/359596

 3. Colt 1918 Army Special 6 shot revolver 38/40cal 6” bar 11.25 overall sn/429732

 4. Colt 1882 Single Action Army  6 shot revolver 44/40 cal 4.5” barrel 10” overall   sn/83684 with Colt historian letter

 5. Colt 1909 Single Action Army 6 shot revolver 38/40 cal 7.5” barrel 13” overall sn/309661 with Colt historian letter

 6. Remington Model Elliot 4 barrel Derringer pistol 4 shot 32cal 3 3/8” barrel 5” overall sn/6878

 7. Browning High Power Renaissance pre 1954 completely engraved nickel plated 9mm Browning aka 380ACP 6 shot semi auto pistol 3.5” bar 6” overall sn/606740 

 8. Browning Model Baby Browning 6 shot semi auto pistol 6mm/25ACP 2” bar 4” overall sn/342104

 9. Stinger Pen Pistol single shot 22LR 2” barrel 5.75” overall made in Sault Ste Marie MI complete w/original box sn/SPP02325

 10. Ruger 10/22 semi auto rifle w/2 magazines sn/23588569

 11. Mossberg model 151K semi auto 22cal rifle sn/nsn

 12. Charter Arms model AR-7 knock down 22 cal rifle sn/A249367

 13. Remington 870 Express semi auto 12ga w/extra slug barrel sn/W790881M

 14. Savage model 720 Belgium Action semi auto engraved receiver sn/46618

 15. Winchester model 1200 slide action 12ga, 22” slug barrel sn/L729625

 16. Savage Arms model 72 falling block 22cal octagon barrel sn/B229288

 17. Iver Johnson Champion model single shot 16ga sn/33622XI

 18. Mossberg Patriot bolt action 30-06 w/scope new in box sn/MPRO146926

 19. Stevens model 301 single shot 410 shotgun new in box sn/218044L

 20. H&R Pardner model slide action 12ga sn/NY530764

 21. Winchester model 670 bolt action 30-06 sn/G160641

 22. Stevens model 77B slide action 12ga sn/nsn

 23. Marlin 336W lever action carbine checkered stock sn/MR84681D

 24. Marlin 336W lever action carbine checkered stock sn/MR11324E

 25. Savage Arms model 1903 22cal 24” octagon barrel box magazine sn/61368

 26. Browning X Bolt 223cal laminated thumb hole stock sn/17776ZT354

 27. Winchester model 12 slide action 12ga sn/1456228         



75lb Arm & Hammer Vulcan anvil; small table saw; small air compressor; assorted power and hand tools; boxes of tools and garage related; ladder; lawn/garden tools; 



2017 B2650 Kubota tractor w/LA534 front loader w/quick release bucket, hydrostatic, 4 wheel drive, quick change 3 point system, industrial tires, garage kept super clean with only 219 hours; Land Pride DH1560 5ft disc harrow; King Kutter 60” bush hog; 2005 Club Car Precedent Model gas golf cart w/all terrain tires; JD lawn trailer; Craftsman chip/vac; push mower; front tine tiller; Stihl line trimmer; log chains; 7 iron implement wheels; telescope;


Auctioneer’s Note:

The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned to sell combined Estate households from Comins & Rose City MI., along with some quality consigned items.  Watch website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!

Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use.All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.

 ~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~

 Greg & Donna Tuttle

 Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.

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Sportsman, Firearms, Estate Auction



Contact: Greg & Donna Tuttle
Phone: 989-848-5158
Sale Location
1491 N. Perry Creek Rd POB 131
Mio, MI 48647
Sale Dates and Times
Saturday Feb 19, 2022 Completed
Sale Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
Listing Details

Sportsman, Firearms, Kabota Tractor, Gas Golf Cart, Toys, Advertising



Sat. Feb. 19, 2022 10am Mio, MI. 48647

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Be Careful during your travels - Snow is blowing.

Signs & Advertising:

2 sided Standard Service porcelain sign; Polarine transmission lube can & tractor grease wooden crate; Mica Axle Grease tin bucket; Archer Oil full quart can; Rare The Chicago Oil & Gasoline 5 gallon can; Standard Oil & Ellisco 5 gallon Service Station measure cans; Duplex, Mobil & Valvoline outboard motor oil cans; Mammys Favorite Brand Coffee tin can; Fox Deluxe Beer can; Nichols Kola 5 cent tin sign; Original porcelain Lions International sign; 1904 The Lady of Quality tin litho sign; large B.F. Goodrich sign; Fairmont Ice Cream sign; School Drive Slowly cross walk guard sign; American Laundry Machinery sign; Maytag oil cans; Great Western Cream Separator shipping crate;


Rare and/or Unusual:

Rare early figural carved Ceremonial African Dance Stick/Staff;  1958 floor model 4654 Philco Predicta television; Grundig Niki Sk reel to reel tape player w/original box; Northwest Engineering cast iron 53”x16”x1” thick name plate, makers of tugboats, dragline shovels & cranes;



Custom made 8ft 1 ¾” top Black Walnut dining table w/4 leaves opens to 12ft; round oak dine table & chairs; ash buffet; modern dinette set; circa 1890 Golden Age of Oak High Back Bed & matching Dresser; oak commodes; oak 4 drawer file cabinet; Rittenhouse fan back rocking chair; assorted bedroom & livingroom furniture; boat showcase coffee table; TV & surround sound; DVDs & player; Flexsteel sofa; rocking recliner; small roll top desk; sweepers; portable room air conditioner; near new Kenmore 5 burner gas range; dish & cookware; Munising wooden bowls; Griswold #1 fruit lard press; 5 large canning jars, 1 marked 13; two Singer 221 model sewing machines; near new Singer Heritage 8748 sewing machine; bed linens; Franklin wood stove; costume jewelry; coins and More!



1913 & 14 Michigan porcelain & other old license plates; 1930s Wolverine Sunny Andy Kiddie Kampers tin windup toy; 1930s restored Buddy L D-X Oil tanker truck; 1930s Unique Art co. Kiddy Cyclist tin windup toy; 1930s cast iron Taxi; 1960 Buddy L Riding Academy truck; National Motor Museum Legends in Gold & other die cast cars; Griswold #3 mailbox; street road signs; Crosby, Syracuse & other steam/pressure gauges;  glass oilers & replacement sight glasses; 8” Kinsley 4 chime, 14” Buckeye Brass Works, & 8” Powel and steam whistles; Ron Fritz steam punk table lamp #219; 1908-11 Adlake Non Sweating RR switch lantern; Everlit kerosene & Badger Brass mfg carbide bicycle lights; 5 & 10 cent US Postal Stamp vendor; white gas & coal sad irons; smoking pipes & humidors; old telephones; 8 piece Jim Beam locomotive w/track; other Beam bottles; antique tricycle; assorted Michigan Chauffeur badges 1917 – 32;



Full mount Alaskan Brown bear; 5x5 Elk; Caribou; Dall Sheep; Wildebeest; Hartebeest & others; Bear Alaskan & Kodiak Magnum recurve bows; boxed Bear cedar arrow set; circa 1890 silver overlay “Load Up” amber Hunter’s pocket flask; amber glass cigar pocket flask; Adelphi silver plate and copper tankard w/stag handle; Marble Arms sheath knives; 1976 engraved NRA knife; Schrade Presto push button knife; snowshoes; tree stands; Cheboygan & Fairview MI small anchors;  Jim Foote & Rod Lawrence Limited Edition prints; old powder tins; Malloch’s Patent fishing reel; early hand forged bear trap;  Oneida Newhouse #14 double long spring trap; 6 Triumph Triple Clutch 115-X traps; 1928, 29 & 31 MI hunting badges; Tiny Tot ice shanty wood stove; 44” Gerald Finch Pike marked #1 year 2000; Casey Edwards two carved Partridges on branch table lamp; Complete MI Successful Hunters patch collections 1972 - 2021 Deer & 1985 Bear;

Fish Decoys & Related:

Carl Christiansen - 1st of 3 made large carved Eagle mobile, only one with carved tail feathers and 49 decoys suspended below; Tad Pole evolution to Frog walking stick; 6ft C. Christiansen Newberry MI carved Pike sign; Apache Trout 4 hook coat rack; Song bird mirror; 5 Trout stringer plaque; 19” scale carved Buffalo Carp; 16” Pike eating a Perch; 13” Tiger Shark; Painted Turtle pin cushion; early tin tail & burnt branded CC decoys; Plus many more prized pieces of Carl’s work.

Other Decoys: Gerald Finch, Ken Brunning, Bud Stewart, Greg Wicki, Mariah Wingrove, A.J. Downey IV, Karl Johnson, George Aho, Kenny Hill, John Kalash, Floyd Bruce, Mike Irish, Clifford McNamara, Miles Smith and many more!!


Duck Decoys: Wragg & Burrell Mallards; Hayes Factory Mallard; Mason Black Detroit Grade; John Kalash Canvasbacks, Walter Snow Canvasback, John Sharon Mallards, Frank Cummings Bluebills, Ducks Unlimited Erie Pa, Miley Smith and others;


Firearms & Related: 


WWII German Luftschutz helmet; WWII German Service Equipment MG15 barrel vise; 2080 rds 7.62mm Nato blank cartridges; assorted other ammo; TC Black Diamond inline 50 cal & CVA Wolf 50 cal muzzleloaders;

1. Kel-Tec  PF9 semi auto 9mm pistol 7 shot 2.5” bar overall 6” sn/RVT59

 Guns 2 thru 6 come w/ Dearborn MI Dahlinger estate provenance

 2. Colt 1909 Officers Model 6 shot revolver 38cal 6” bar 11.25 overall sn/359596

 3. Colt 1918 Army Special 6 shot revolver 38/40cal 6” bar 11.25 overall sn/429732

 4. Colt 1882 Single Action Army  6 shot revolver 44/40 cal 4.5” barrel 10” overall   sn/83684 with Colt historian letter

 5. Colt 1909 Single Action Army 6 shot revolver 38/40 cal 7.5” barrel 13” overall sn/309661 with Colt historian letter

 6. Remington Model Elliot 4 barrel Derringer pistol 4 shot 32cal 3 3/8” barrel 5” overall sn/6878

 7. Browning High Power Renaissance pre 1954 completely engraved nickel plated 9mm Browning aka 380ACP 6 shot semi auto pistol 3.5” bar 6” overall sn/606740 

 8. Browning Model Baby Browning 6 shot semi auto pistol 6mm/25ACP 2” bar 4” overall sn/342104

 9. Stinger Pen Pistol single shot 22LR 2” barrel 5.75” overall made in Sault Ste Marie MI complete w/original box sn/SPP02325

 10. Ruger 10/22 semi auto rifle w/2 magazines sn/23588569

 11. Mossberg model 151K semi auto 22cal rifle sn/nsn

 12. Charter Arms model AR-7 knock down 22 cal rifle sn/A249367

 13. Remington 870 Express semi auto 12ga w/extra slug barrel sn/W790881M

 14. Savage model 720 Belgium Action semi auto engraved receiver sn/46618

 15. Winchester model 1200 slide action 12ga, 22” slug barrel sn/L729625

 16. Savage Arms model 72 falling block 22cal octagon barrel sn/B229288

 17. Iver Johnson Champion model single shot 16ga sn/33622XI

 18. Mossberg Patriot bolt action 30-06 w/scope new in box sn/MPRO146926

 19. Stevens model 301 single shot 410 shotgun new in box sn/218044L

 20. H&R Pardner model slide action 12ga sn/NY530764

 21. Winchester model 670 bolt action 30-06 sn/G160641

 22. Stevens model 77B slide action 12ga sn/nsn

 23. Marlin 336W lever action carbine checkered stock sn/MR84681D

 24. Marlin 336W lever action carbine checkered stock sn/MR11324E

 25. Savage Arms model 1903 22cal 24” octagon barrel box magazine sn/61368

 26. Browning X Bolt 223cal laminated thumb hole stock sn/17776ZT354

 27. Winchester model 12 slide action 12ga sn/1456228         



75lb Arm & Hammer Vulcan anvil; small table saw; small air compressor; assorted power and hand tools; boxes of tools and garage related; ladder; lawn/garden tools; 



2017 B2650 Kubota tractor w/LA534 front loader w/quick release bucket, hydrostatic, 4 wheel drive, quick change 3 point system, industrial tires, garage kept super clean with only 219 hours; Land Pride DH1560 5ft disc harrow; King Kutter 60” bush hog; 2005 Club Car Precedent Model gas golf cart w/all terrain tires; JD lawn trailer; Craftsman chip/vac; push mower; front tine tiller; Stihl line trimmer; log chains; 7 iron implement wheels; telescope;


Auctioneer’s Note:

The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned to sell combined Estate households from Comins & Rose City MI., along with some quality consigned items.  Watch website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!

Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use.All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.

 ~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~

 Greg & Donna Tuttle

 Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.

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Sportsman, Firearms, Estate Auction
 Live Auction
Sale Date(s)
Saturday Feb 19, 2022 Completed
Sale Location

Mio, MI 48647
Listing Terms and Conditions
Terms: Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for credit/debit card use. All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material
File Attachments

Sportsman, Firearms, Kabota Tractor, Gas Golf Cart, Toys, Advertising



Sat. Feb. 19, 2022 10am Mio, MI. 48647

Preview 8:30AM Day of Sale

Be Careful during your travels - Snow is blowing.

Signs & Advertising:

2 sided Standard Service porcelain sign; Polarine transmission lube can & tractor grease wooden crate; Mica Axle Grease tin bucket; Archer Oil full quart can; Rare The Chicago Oil & Gasoline 5 gallon can; Standard Oil & Ellisco 5 gallon Service Station measure cans; Duplex, Mobil & Valvoline outboard motor oil cans; Mammys Favorite Brand Coffee tin can; Fox Deluxe Beer can; Nichols Kola 5 cent tin sign; Original porcelain Lions International sign; 1904 The Lady of Quality tin litho sign; large B.F. Goodrich sign; Fairmont Ice Cream sign; School Drive Slowly cross walk guard sign; American Laundry Machinery sign; Maytag oil cans; Great Western Cream Separator shipping crate;


Rare and/or Unusual:

Rare early figural carved Ceremonial African Dance Stick/Staff;  1958 floor model 4654 Philco Predicta television; Grundig Niki Sk reel to reel tape player w/original box; Northwest Engineering cast iron 53”x16”x1” thick name plate, makers of tugboats, dragline shovels & cranes;



Custom made 8ft 1 ¾” top Black Walnut dining table w/4 leaves opens to 12ft; round oak dine table & chairs; ash buffet; modern dinette set; circa 1890 Golden Age of Oak High Back Bed & matching Dresser; oak commodes; oak 4 drawer file cabinet; Rittenhouse fan back rocking chair; assorted bedroom & livingroom furniture; boat showcase coffee table; TV & surround sound; DVDs & player; Flexsteel sofa; rocking recliner; small roll top desk; sweepers; portable room air conditioner; near new Kenmore 5 burner gas range; dish & cookware; Munising wooden bowls; Griswold #1 fruit lard press; 5 large canning jars, 1 marked 13; two Singer 221 model sewing machines; near new Singer Heritage 8748 sewing machine; bed linens; Franklin wood stove; costume jewelry; coins and More!



1913 & 14 Michigan porcelain & other old license plates; 1930s Wolverine Sunny Andy Kiddie Kampers tin windup toy; 1930s restored Buddy L D-X Oil tanker truck; 1930s Unique Art co. Kiddy Cyclist tin windup toy; 1930s cast iron Taxi; 1960 Buddy L Riding Academy truck; National Motor Museum Legends in Gold & other die cast cars; Griswold #3 mailbox; street road signs; Crosby, Syracuse & other steam/pressure gauges;  glass oilers & replacement sight glasses; 8” Kinsley 4 chime, 14” Buckeye Brass Works, & 8” Powel and steam whistles; Ron Fritz steam punk table lamp #219; 1908-11 Adlake Non Sweating RR switch lantern; Everlit kerosene & Badger Brass mfg carbide bicycle lights; 5 & 10 cent US Postal Stamp vendor; white gas & coal sad irons; smoking pipes & humidors; old telephones; 8 piece Jim Beam locomotive w/track; other Beam bottles; antique tricycle; assorted Michigan Chauffeur badges 1917 – 32;



Full mount Alaskan Brown bear; 5x5 Elk; Caribou; Dall Sheep; Wildebeest; Hartebeest & others; Bear Alaskan & Kodiak Magnum recurve bows; boxed Bear cedar arrow set; circa 1890 silver overlay “Load Up” amber Hunter’s pocket flask; amber glass cigar pocket flask; Adelphi silver plate and copper tankard w/stag handle; Marble Arms sheath knives; 1976 engraved NRA knife; Schrade Presto push button knife; snowshoes; tree stands; Cheboygan & Fairview MI small anchors;  Jim Foote & Rod Lawrence Limited Edition prints; old powder tins; Malloch’s Patent fishing reel; early hand forged bear trap;  Oneida Newhouse #14 double long spring trap; 6 Triumph Triple Clutch 115-X traps; 1928, 29 & 31 MI hunting badges; Tiny Tot ice shanty wood stove; 44” Gerald Finch Pike marked #1 year 2000; Casey Edwards two carved Partridges on branch table lamp; Complete MI Successful Hunters patch collections 1972 - 2021 Deer & 1985 Bear;

Fish Decoys & Related:

Carl Christiansen - 1st of 3 made large carved Eagle mobile, only one with carved tail feathers and 49 decoys suspended below; Tad Pole evolution to Frog walking stick; 6ft C. Christiansen Newberry MI carved Pike sign; Apache Trout 4 hook coat rack; Song bird mirror; 5 Trout stringer plaque; 19” scale carved Buffalo Carp; 16” Pike eating a Perch; 13” Tiger Shark; Painted Turtle pin cushion; early tin tail & burnt branded CC decoys; Plus many more prized pieces of Carl’s work.

Other Decoys: Gerald Finch, Ken Brunning, Bud Stewart, Greg Wicki, Mariah Wingrove, A.J. Downey IV, Karl Johnson, George Aho, Kenny Hill, John Kalash, Floyd Bruce, Mike Irish, Clifford McNamara, Miles Smith and many more!!


Duck Decoys: Wragg & Burrell Mallards; Hayes Factory Mallard; Mason Black Detroit Grade; John Kalash Canvasbacks, Walter Snow Canvasback, John Sharon Mallards, Frank Cummings Bluebills, Ducks Unlimited Erie Pa, Miley Smith and others;


Firearms & Related: 


WWII German Luftschutz helmet; WWII German Service Equipment MG15 barrel vise; 2080 rds 7.62mm Nato blank cartridges; assorted other ammo; TC Black Diamond inline 50 cal & CVA Wolf 50 cal muzzleloaders;

1. Kel-Tec  PF9 semi auto 9mm pistol 7 shot 2.5” bar overall 6” sn/RVT59

 Guns 2 thru 6 come w/ Dearborn MI Dahlinger estate provenance

 2. Colt 1909 Officers Model 6 shot revolver 38cal 6” bar 11.25 overall sn/359596

 3. Colt 1918 Army Special 6 shot revolver 38/40cal 6” bar 11.25 overall sn/429732

 4. Colt 1882 Single Action Army  6 shot revolver 44/40 cal 4.5” barrel 10” overall   sn/83684 with Colt historian letter

 5. Colt 1909 Single Action Army 6 shot revolver 38/40 cal 7.5” barrel 13” overall sn/309661 with Colt historian letter

 6. Remington Model Elliot 4 barrel Derringer pistol 4 shot 32cal 3 3/8” barrel 5” overall sn/6878

 7. Browning High Power Renaissance pre 1954 completely engraved nickel plated 9mm Browning aka 380ACP 6 shot semi auto pistol 3.5” bar 6” overall sn/606740 

 8. Browning Model Baby Browning 6 shot semi auto pistol 6mm/25ACP 2” bar 4” overall sn/342104

 9. Stinger Pen Pistol single shot 22LR 2” barrel 5.75” overall made in Sault Ste Marie MI complete w/original box sn/SPP02325

 10. Ruger 10/22 semi auto rifle w/2 magazines sn/23588569

 11. Mossberg model 151K semi auto 22cal rifle sn/nsn

 12. Charter Arms model AR-7 knock down 22 cal rifle sn/A249367

 13. Remington 870 Express semi auto 12ga w/extra slug barrel sn/W790881M

 14. Savage model 720 Belgium Action semi auto engraved receiver sn/46618

 15. Winchester model 1200 slide action 12ga, 22” slug barrel sn/L729625

 16. Savage Arms model 72 falling block 22cal octagon barrel sn/B229288

 17. Iver Johnson Champion model single shot 16ga sn/33622XI

 18. Mossberg Patriot bolt action 30-06 w/scope new in box sn/MPRO146926

 19. Stevens model 301 single shot 410 shotgun new in box sn/218044L

 20. H&R Pardner model slide action 12ga sn/NY530764

 21. Winchester model 670 bolt action 30-06 sn/G160641

 22. Stevens model 77B slide action 12ga sn/nsn

 23. Marlin 336W lever action carbine checkered stock sn/MR84681D

 24. Marlin 336W lever action carbine checkered stock sn/MR11324E

 25. Savage Arms model 1903 22cal 24” octagon barrel box magazine sn/61368

 26. Browning X Bolt 223cal laminated thumb hole stock sn/17776ZT354

 27. Winchester model 12 slide action 12ga sn/1456228         



75lb Arm & Hammer Vulcan anvil; small table saw; small air compressor; assorted power and hand tools; boxes of tools and garage related; ladder; lawn/garden tools; 



2017 B2650 Kubota tractor w/LA534 front loader w/quick release bucket, hydrostatic, 4 wheel drive, quick change 3 point system, industrial tires, garage kept super clean with only 219 hours; Land Pride DH1560 5ft disc harrow; King Kutter 60” bush hog; 2005 Club Car Precedent Model gas golf cart w/all terrain tires; JD lawn trailer; Craftsman chip/vac; push mower; front tine tiller; Stihl line trimmer; log chains; 7 iron implement wheels; telescope;


Auctioneer’s Note:

The Lets Talk Auction Company has been commissioned to sell combined Estate households from Comins & Rose City MI., along with some quality consigned items.  Watch website for updates & 100’s pictures. See you at the Auction!

Cash, MI. check w/valid I.D., Visa, MC, Discover, register with valid driver's license. A 3% buyer’s premium in effect for Credit/Debit Card use.All items sell "As Is Where Is". Auctioneer is not responsible for items after Sold. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material.

 ~ Your Full Service Auction Company ~

 Greg & Donna Tuttle

 Auction Acres: (989) 848-5158

Location: Auction Acres 1491 Perry Creek Rd. & M-33 Mio, MI. Auction Barn is located between the towns of Mio & Fairview. Just 7 miles north of traffic light (M-33/M-72) in Mio or 2 miles west of blinking light (M-33/M-72) in Fairview.
Absentee Bids Accepted, Call Auction Acres for full details.